Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
I can feel a change in the air..
Ive been a bnp voter all my life, but that all changed when Nick Griffin said his party was no longer racist. I’m going to give my vote to a party that doesn’t sell out to those anti-racist facists.
Go and READ the best politcal policies for our country the lies of the liblabcons and lot of other truthful and valuable info from the BNP ..the only party that will put you the people of Britian first because the BNP is the most caring political party ever .. VOTE BNP …..
My god ;P I can’t stop feeling all gooey and excited inside knowing that the BNP have a REAL chance of at least being the major opposition in the commons.If the BNP win i don’t think i will stop cheering.This country badly needs another VE-Day and the BNP are the only party to deliver the goods.
Stand firm,stand strong,unite and defend our land and victory will be that much sweeter.
Roll on the elections ;D
Realistically with the BNP currently not having one MP, they’ll be breaking new ground if they get one MP next year.
There is a tendency for the British public not to vote for the smaller parties in general elections, so they might not even gain a single MP.
All depends on where the BNP’s EU election support came from, was it real BNP supporters looking for the BNP to take power or voters giving the political establishment a kick in the teeth (protest vote) during what is perceived by many a not very important election. If the latter, the BNP support may crumble during a ‘real’ election.
Can ask a similar question for UKIP which like the BNP is perceived by the general public as a one policy party, with the BNP it’s immigration and with UKIP it’s Europe. Neither party is helped by the news coverage it gets, it almost always covers those two areas for the BNP and UKIP.
It’s happened here as well in the comments, I’ve not guided these comments at all and they are all about immigration, which is a very important subject, but not the be all and end all of politics for most British people. There are many things more important to me than immigration/Europe.
The economy comes top of the list for me as a business owner and sole earner in my household.
Being self employed job security isn’t really a big issue, (I’m making more money since the recession).
Mortgage rates are important, I bought a house 3 1/2 years ago pretty much at the peak of house prices, but I’ve already paid off well over half the mortgage and low interest rates are great right now. We won’t be moving so what we lost in property prices falls will recover (it’s only an issue if you plan to sell).
How to deal with unemployment is very important to me, because high unemployment means either higher taxes or a reduction in services (or both).
The NHS is close to my heart, had a serious operation on my back 8 months ago (had two discs fused) and I saw first hand how most NHS staff work hard for their patients.
I would hate to see the conservatives run down the NHS again in the name of saving money and cutting taxes!
It would concerns me if the BNP got in power what they’d do about all the foreign workers in the NHS? We don’t have enough British born doctors and nurses, so if the BNP start offering financial incentives to leave the UK, which is a very negative attitude to multiculturalism, I could see a lot of highly skilled workers leaving the NHS and that would be a disaster!
There’s more to Britain than immigration, but the BNP don’t get that.
With respect, your attitude is the traditional one of putting your own personal situation to the fore when deciding what to vote.
Some of us prefer to put the country first.
It may be a strange notion to you, but some of us actually love our country and believe that national elections are about the whole nation.
“Multiculturalism” is an artificial word, a concept invented by those who wish to see Britain destroyed as a nation.
I noticed that you yourself, and many prominent politicians, are in the habit of remarking that the BNP have not got a ghost of a chance of winning.
If that be true, why make any comment at all? Why not simply ignore us?
Why was QT rigged, if we are doomed to fail?
Why does the UAF exist if we are doomed to fail?
Why are there so many lies and false allegations promoted in the media if we are doomed to fail?
I repeat, all negative comments are superfluous, if the BNP is doomed to fail. Our opponents can just sit back, relax, and ignore us, if we are doomed to fail.
But you only have to look at the stats, and do a few sums, to realise that we do actually have a chance,(that’s a secret, by the way).
Do your gloating AFTER the election David.
Meanwhile, thanks for the kind thoughts and the forum.
Vote BNP.
David, I would be happy to trust the NHS in the hands of the BNP and I do not think for one minute they would jeopardise it.
They would first seek to remove the massive strain on it by chucking out all those people who should not be here (that includes all those who now claim to be British but do not accept the British way of life as well as all the bogus asylum seekers and `students’ who are still flocking in)and then ensure more indigenous people are trained to work in the NHS.
More money could be invested in the NHS by stopping all the £billions sent abroad in `aid’ to non-deserving countries like Pakistan (can afford nuclear weapons) and India (can afford a space programme).
There is also a moral issue here. Is it right to poach doctors and nurses from Third World countries where their skills are so greatly needed.
I am against the public/private financing of hospitals, for which we taxpayers will be paying out for decades for someone else’s profits, and I would hope a BNP government would somehow bring this to a stop.
Here is a point to prove the corruption from liblabcons and this is just one reason you should vote on sky news sun 22 nov 2009…at the begining of the iraq war Tony blair told the country the media and the army general we wer not goin to invade iraq..but 5 months before this was said he ad infact already decided we wer goin to invade iraq..this is from the top generals od the british armed forces ..whom told blair about a lack of equipment but blair still sent our troops ..knowing the lack of eqipment and ill prepared plans etc…some of our soldiers when they went into battle ad know life jacket armour and only 4 rounds of ammo for bad is that ,,we dint need to go to iraq and lose soldiers brave they were too…all those innocent children killed and injured..iraqy women and men innocentin this killed and injured…Does Blair and his cronies care ..not one bit…another little thing is the Cumbria floods ..Brown offers £1million the same week foriegn charity get £243 million+ this point just shows we are rated second class as always by the liblabcons..just two points here ..there are hundreds more to say no we av ad enough of you lairs , murderes, thieves, cheats…that is why you shud now vote BNP they will bring our troops home ,bring these lairs to justice…for more true policies visit,uk FOR A BETTER AND FAIRER AND SAFER BRITIAN VOTE BNP
This is why im voting BNP.I makes me very angry seeing this.
Moderator: as requested by the poster of this comment I’ve removed the BNPTV video that includes false allegations of discrimination against a Muslim post master in Cardiff, Wales.
You should put that vid on the new video page as well, or it will get lost as it drops down the stack.
Made me very angry as well, the post office should be held accountable for that.
Trying to think how to lol i rumage for a while.
Just go to the political video page and do exactly the same as you did here on this page.
The political video page link is on the top of left hand column of links.
<—— That way.
ok m8y thx;D
If that’s true it’s an absolutely awful thing to do, but without better evidence it could also be viewed as a publicity stunt for the BNP. I’d like to have seen indisputable evidence, for example the mother trying to post the parcel to her son on camera: I’m surprised the BNP didn’t think of this?
Although each Post Office is a private business the Post Office does have a responsibility to deal with discrimination like this. There’s an online complaints form at if the mother in the video hasn’t already made a complaint, she certainly should.
If this happened the person responsible should have their Post Office contract canceled as it brings the Post Office into disrepute! It shouldn’t be too difficult to get the witnesses to support the complaint.
I don’t see how voting for the BNP would stop something like this happening in the future? The video subtly suggested the person who runs the Post Office is Indian, this could also have been a British born white person with strong feelings about the Afghanistan war.
I assume you wouldn’t have the same sort of issue if this was say someone refusing to post legal animal furs because they disagree with the fur trade?
Playing Devils advocate here as if what is said in the video is true it’s WRONG and should be dealt with!
If is may, I’d like to make a couple of points about the BNP.
1) Because the media and the establishment dislike the BNP so much, the BNP dare not make a mistake, or get caught out in a lie or a deception. The mainstream lie and decieve all the time, but if the BNP were caught-out in a lie they would be hung out to dry. If the video was a ‘publicity stunt’ as you imply, then the BNP are taking an awful risk, especially in the run-up to the election.
The BNP are under close scrutiny by those who hate them.
2) I know that in the past certain BNP members have excercised their right to free speech, and what they have said has been heavily criticised, but what have the modern BNP actually done that earns them so much hatred?
They do not behave like fascists should, they do not behave like the UAF, so what have they actually done that is deserving of such animosity?
I would like to someone to tell me.
Spot on ;)
Hiya Rosie.G
To explain this negative approach the media and politicians have been telling everyone about the BNP can be explained by this:(A very shortened version ;P)
Infiltration of the education system back in the 1960’s by marxist/communist teachers has produced 2 generations of people who’s core values and pride in their heritage and identity have been erroded bit by bit.
A good example:
You remeber at school we were all taught about how bad hitler was?Well,can anyone tell me who was taught about stalin?No? Well,you were taught by far left communist teachers,who wouldn’t dare tell you of the horrors of far left stalin.
Now you know ;D
Hush, don’t tell anyone, but I had already left school by the ’60’s, but I take your point.
Vote BNP
It’s a tad unfair to say “If the video was a ‘publicity stunt’ as you imply”, when my point was others could see it as a publicity stunt, I wasn’t implying it was (I have no idea either way because the evidence wasn’t clear cut).
I try to be a fair person and though I disagree with the BNP ideologies I’m not closed minded to think everything they say is total BS. But, with any political group (I include all political parties here) with an agenda there will be a tendency to portray the truth in a way that forwards that agenda.
The BNP aren’t going to put up videos of white skinheads chasing Muslims down the street shouting “sand niggers get out” because it doesn’t help their agenda, but that sort of thing has happened.
Likewise the UAF aren’t going to put up videos of their activists committing criminal acts in the name of anti-fascism, or Muslims burning the Union Jack! because again it doesn’t help their agenda, but those sorts of things has also happened.
The BNP does it, the UAF does it, everyone does it including me and you and so we’d be very naive to take anything any political group said on face value without looking at how they benefit from the message and look for supporting evidence.
Which is why the BNP would have done better had they got better evidence, which from the sound of things wouldn’t have been too hard if this happened. The mother could have created a video (with the help ofthe BNP) of a refusal to serve her for example, right now it’s a BNP promotional video with no supporting evidence.
I know the BNP think the BBC are run by the government (or something like that), but I’m more inclined to believe a source like BBC News, SKY News etc.. (who obviously also have an agenda** as well, but with constraints) than a video from the BNP, UAF, Labour Party, Conservative Party etc… The BBC etc… have to maintain their credibility far more than the political parties which are expected to bend the truth to their needs.
** I would say the main agenda of the news reporters is finding bad/negative news to report.
The incident reported in my posted video seems to have stirred up suspicion that the BNP have set it up or,have told it how it is.
What i am getting at is this should have NEVER occured in the first place.Our laws are there to protect us and to have a foreigner who’s sole purpose is to inflict harm and humiliation on behalf of labour and their communist agenda.
Just think for a second here..If it was a white christian owner who banned a muslim would it have been justified if the owner had said im banning you because your islamic brothers are killing our father’s and sons.It would have been all over the news and the white man would have lost his job and possibly fined and jailed.
You see where im going here?
I will vote BNP because i believe in my country and no other party gives a damn.
We now have a third generation of people who don’t know what the hell it’s all about,no thanks to the teachings of marxism at school.
Jim – Strangely enough I don’t believe I’ve seen this video before – although I recall the story.
Good on this lass for airing her views on camera – bless her. As always I commend the BNP for providing her with a fair uncensored interview.
I hope the locals boycott this ‘mans’ post office as much as possible. I say that because in some remote areas the use of a particular post office is essential.
Wake up second class British citizens in the UK.
After seeing the video of Mrs Davis in speckled jim’s post, I am appalled but not surprised! This Mr Khan & his ilk are just the reason why we BRITISH want our land back & traitorous scum like him deported! It reminds me of the Muslim policeman who refused to guard the Israeli Embassy in London. Any WHITE individual who tried to do the same thing to an ethnic would have the full weight of the law on his back & the media screaming “racist”!
It is just the type of Muslim we do not want here!
The action he is taking aqgainst Mrs Davis is totally illegal but I doubt that any action will be taken against him by the gutless establishment!
I hope that ALL of the blind fools who still think that lib/lab/con are the way forward see this & finally realise the state our country is in & the way the average Brit is being treated in his/her own country, very much as a second class citizen!
Vote BNP to regain OUR country!
I agree if this happened as described in the video it’s clearly discrimination and so wrong and probably illegal, but is it racial or even religious discrimination or discrimination against a British soldiers Mum, because her son is participating in a war the postmaster disagrees with on moral grounds and refuses to support through his business?
From the video we don’t know, but to make the jump to the conclusion it’s because she is white (race discrimination) doesn’t add up as clearly the postmaster used to serve the white lady (and still serves other white people) and now has a problem because she is posting something to a soldier in a war zone. That’s not racism, it’s discrimination, but not based on race. I’m not even sure there’s a name for this type of discrimination?
It’s still wrong, but I don’t see race as being the reason for this postmasters discrimination, otherwise he wouldn’t serve any white people and his business would fail quite quickly and the Post Office would certainly remove his contract to act on their behalf.
David, I think you have done a great job in creating this website poll where, by and large, people seem allowed to post their (mostly polite) comments for and against the various political parties.
However, I must say that I believe you are a little naive in thinking the disgraceful post office episode is anything other than racist.
On its own, according to your reasoning, I would concur but you must look such actions overall.
This is just one of many indicators of how the allegiance of the Muslim population is, first and foremost, to Islam and everything else, including Britain, comes after. That is why I do not agree with or recognise the term `British (Muslim) Asian’.
That is why their community usually close up when, for example, one of their own has committed a crime and is sought by the police, often shipping them back to Pakistan – a country foreign to them.
Little comes from them in condemnation of atrocities/crimes perpetrated against the West or white Christian British in general.
Their apparent peacefulness, which is evident only as long as they continue to get all their demands met (well out of proportion to that which their numbers here should command), exists only until the tipping point is reached, i.e., 20-30% population.
After that, total Islamic/Sharia control is demanded, violence used to achieve it, and the slaughter of the indigenous begins. We are then powerless to prevent it.
Not much research is needed to confirm this.
Vote BNP to save your country folks!
Just an additional on this video about the Postmaster. As expats, we did a short spell in India. Indians, we found, are the most racist people on the planet, they don’t like ANYBODY!.
They refer to white people as “coloured eyes” (this is not a nice term in Indian society) and the very existence of their “Caste” system and treatment of their own highlights this, as each Caste is a race in their terms. They treat each other appallingly as well as everyone else.
We took our Filipino maid with us for our duration there, and they treated her like dirt at every opportunity, because they thought she was Indian!!
We left after around 6 months of being ground down on a day to day basis. They made us change how we wanted to treat people because if you wanted something done and you were nice, it didn’t get done. If you shouted and ranted and raved – it got done!
The last time I flew home from the UK, I stood in Birmingham Airport and hoards of Indians and Pakistanis just barged their way through, pushing and shoving everyone else out of their way glaring at everyone and daring someone to say something.
Most Britains are not racist but a lot of immigrants are. One of the reasons we don’t live in the UK is that we understand the differences in cultures yet we would probably be accused of and arrested for some spurious Race law if we ever challenged their behaviour.
When the race laws are changed or removed among other things then we would consider relocating back to the UK and happy to pay our taxes but I don’t think it will ever happen whilst the UK Government always gives precedent to the immigrants.