Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
Who Will You Vote For In The 2010 General Election?
I wil be voting for the BNP. Thankyou
Ill be voting Labour
The Labour party are the only choice to keep the tories out another 5yrs
Anyone who votes Labour after what they have done to Britain under Blair and Brown must be mad or on drugs.
Labour have knackered the place.
Britain is on the brink of economic and social collapse, people must act before it is too late to turn back.
Unfortunately for you “Simon”, we only have Mr Khan’s & your word for the veracity of who is right or wrong, oh I was forgetting the employee of Mr Khan, who wouldn’t be biased if she wanted to keep her job would she!
As with most things that are reported in the “Media” these days, you cannot be sure of the truth, just look at the labour lies on immigration where it appears since 1997 they have been covertly encouraging immigration despite publically claiming to be “controlling” it!
With the attitude of MANY of your Muslim brothers to our British troops, eg. attacks & abuse of returning wounded, demonstrations against parading troops in Luton, conspiracies to kidnap & behead British troops in Birmingham, openly parading abusive & inflamatory placards which incite violence & murder against British troops on marches, the general lack of condemnation from the Muslim commnity when this happens, shown up in many polls which show the majority of muslims support suicide bombers etc, etc, is it any wonder this story is taken at face value? The vast majority of these things are not reported in the mainstream media for fear of alienating the Muslims. People like you come along and bluster & threaten using the race card again, typical of the spineless creatures we have polluting Westminster these days, just interested in looking after their OWN interests, not caring a jot for the wishes & interest of the British people, and dont come up with the old chestnut, “these people are British too”, just because your useless govt have given these people passports doesnt make them British. They came here willingly , took all we had to offer, opportunities, education, healthcare, benefits etc ALL FOR FREE, (a damn sight more than they would get back wherever they came from) and now are not happy with things here and want US to change for fear of offending them, they have an easy option, GO BACK!!!
Mr Khan collected for British Troops though. We have the word of his lawyers , his MP and MS Thomas who is Welsh and not a muslim and the support of the local Welsh community in Cardiff.
I would be very careful what libelous and racist comments you make as the Welsh Ministerial Office is monitoring this site ;)
“I would be very careful what libelous and racist comments you make as the Welsh Ministerial Office is monitoring this site ;) ”
Cool, welcome to my site Welsh Ministerial Office people/person :-)
My god “Simon”, the Welsh Ministerial office watching me, I’m shaking in my boots, NOT!! Another total waste of the good British publics money, a talking shop with as much use as a chocolate teapot, just there as a sop to let some marxist fellow travelers get on the gravy train & dip their snouts in at OUR, the BRITISH TAXPAYER’S expense!!!
Really ? What is with the BNP ? Everything is a conspiracy against them and their Ilk.
The reason the Welsh Ministerial office is looking into this is because people like you have libelled an innocent man who works hard in his community, has community support and COLLECTS FOR BRITISH TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN and makes a valid contribution to society.
If you want to believe all the bollocks propoganda that Griffin spouts whilst lining his own pocket at your expense then thats your look out. Sharia will never be a reality in this country and that has nothing to do with the BNP.
Im sick of reading your waffle.
Please say something concerning politics or the GE or just FCUK OFF!
Im sure Mr Kahn is a big boy and can defend himself if he sees fit.
Remember this debate when your children are judged by sharia and paying infidel tax.
Vote bnp
Save Britain
Andrew Phillips
FREE SPEECH. (Thought Id turn that around on the BNP for a change seeing as they always decry it)
Aww whats wrong ? Cant lock me up or throw me in a gas chamber for voicing my DEMOCRATIC views ? Tough crap mister, suck it up, its how democracy works.
Sharia will never be a reality in this country because we will always have English and Scottish Law.
I’ll say something about the General Election. The BNP have got no chance of anything above 4% of the vote in any of the places they stand a candidate.
Thats if they still exist after January 2010. I see another of your members has been arrested this time for making Nail Bombs and Incendary devices :
I’ll be voting against the BNP and saving this Country of mine from the likes of Terrorists in the BNP.
Mr Terence Gavan was a Gold Membership bearing member of the BNP and his membership number for all you doubters and BNP sympathisers out there is 130757.
Hear Hear,
This waffle prone fool is very boring.
Yes, you always seem to get upset at facts. The BNP has a strong aversion to reality and truth.
It has been proven time and time again that the BNP has no answers when the facts belie their propaganda.
Typical BNP policy try and silence those that speak against them.
I received the following in my inbox, apparently it is circulating amongst some of the Christian community. I have not changed it except to delete personal details and names.
It speaks for itself.
(Before the detractors start screaming, I will say, as God is my witness, it is genuine, and not a fabrication of the BNP)
Dear Friend in Christ,
At various times in the recent past I have shared my concern with you
about the dilemma facing Christians in whom to vote for at the next
General Election. Apart from the very small Christian People’s Alliance,
there appeared to be none that would satisfy the Christian’s conscience.
However Christians still need to be politically aware of how the system
works, distasteful as it may seem, therefore I make no apology if this
sounds a bit like a political broadcast.
As a result of this admission I was sent an e-mail from a Christian
brother asking me to consider what I and many others would deem to be
impossible – The British National Party. Initially the idea horrified me
but as I read his very sensitively written e-mail I realised that the
only information I had about this ‘infamous’ political party was what I
read and heard in the media. I remembered well how they were treated in
the scandalous ‘Question Time’ TV programme. Even the anti-BNP press
noticed the blatant organised bias against them. The e-mail urged me to
keep an open mind and look at their policies on their website. With all
the open mindedness I could muster I went onto their website to check
out their policies. I was so shocked to read that none of their policies
were as the media made out. In fact having read all their policies I
found nothing that would compromise my Christian faith. They have, most
unjustly, been branded as racist by the media. They acknowledge that
uncontrolled immigration from any country cannot be sustained and has to
be controlled. This can be checked by looking at their policies.
I am not personally involved with the BNP and have no axe to grind other
than to want to bring back a Christian based democracy and, of course,
with God’s help.
Below are listed a few of their policies taken directly from their website.
– The reversal of the programme to close special needs schools which
penalises the most vulnerable;
– The reintroduction of competitive sports and daily Christian assemblies;
– The abolition of fees and the restoration of full grants to university
students studying proper subjects (as opposed to fake “social sciences”)
– Replace 100,000 NHS bureaucrats with doctors, nurses and dentists;
– End the scandal of foreign health tourism;
– Train and pay to retain British doctors, nurses and dentists instead
of looting the Third World of staff who are desperately needed in their
home countries;
– Put police back on the streets and remove their current political
correctness shackles;
– Allow victims of crime full freedom to defend themselves and their
– Make joint custody of children the norm in divorce cases;
– Grant anonymity to those accused of crimes until they are convicted;
Other areas covered are: Immigration, the Economy, the Environment,
Housing and Welfare, N. Ireland, Defence, Foreign Affairs and Democracy.
May I urge you to at the very least to check and see if I am wrong in my
assessment of the BNP. Please feel free to respond to me on any aspect
of this e-mail good or bad.
May God bless you
You should write fiction for Penguin.
This is the same Christian Alliance who continue to say they want nothing to do with the BNP.
The BNP is full of racially motivated criminals the latest of whom is Terence Gavan of Batley arrested, detained and charged under the prevention of terrorism act 2000 with making nail bombs and Incendary devices.
BNP criminals and terrorists.
People are angry, really angry. Do you understand why?
Our open border policies have left this country in a shambles. Positive discrimination has left the indigenous people worse off through wage deflation, unable to qualify for social housing and being unable to stand up for themselves through Race laws that allow ethnic minorities to conquer any kind of confrontation.
People cannot walk the streets without fear of being abused and the rights of the perpetrators being upheld through distortions of the Human Rights Act from the EU.
Schools, hospitals and infrastructure services are creaking.
The traditional parties are not listening to the populous which is why many people are driven to desperation in supporting a party that at least proposes to deal with some of their problems.
Aren’t you angry at what the UK is turning into?
You might be angry but you let your anger get in the way of facts .
My disappointment in the failure of the swing to the right of New Labour is not reflected by turning to Neo-Nazi politics of the BNP though.
It just means that I have to work harder in the workplace and in my community to get things done properly.
I do that rather than scape goat Mr and mrs Kumar of number 42 though.
What makes you think that the overwhelming majority of voters in this country are going to turn from a disatifaction with New Labour to listening to Neo-Nazi politics ? Look at recent by election results, Labour actually UP in real votes by as much as 67% in some cases. The real (non manipulated polls) reflect that Tories lead is pegged back to 6% [Hariss Poll November 2009] and the BNPs remain at 2-2.5% at best.
You might try to manipulate opinion on the internet but out there in the real world the British Public are a lot more savvy than you give them credit for.
Response to “Simon (UAF?)” About Terence Gavan.
1) He was a member of the BNP for one year over two years ago
2) He was not a member of the BNP when he was arrested
3) He is obviously a nutcase.
4) The BNP have had nothing to do with this mans actions in any way and condemn totally such people.
If he’s not a current member, why is he on the current membership list?
Nice attempt at stereotyping there.
Mr Govan has a CURRENT Gold Membership. (latest list) as verified by independent electoral services (democracy is great it means we have access to the full facts)as is actually publically specified by the electoral commission as are all political donations to political parties in the UK.
Griffin, Collett and Darby all wrote letters of support for Mr Govan as recently as May of 2009. Nice try though.
Along with your Farmer member in the Home Counties also charged under the prevention of terrorism act.
How many more are waiting to be arrested ? BNP high proportion of racially motivated criminals and terrorist suspects.
Well I will just add the name David Lucas here who is still a BNP member and was also their candidate for MEP in Suffolk.
He was arrested on Explosives charges and illegal weapons and ammunition chrges just this year. The BNP claimed well actually SCREAMED fit up Labour conspiracy pmsl like they normally do.
They demonstrated outside Bury St Edmunds police station, and made a big deal of Mr Lucas on their website claiming that he wouldn;t be charged as he was innocent and arrested to make the BNP look bad.
The BNP even started an appeal to help him on their website ……. but guess what happened ….. ooohhhh
Mr Lucas was formerly charged just a few weeks ago and the BNP dumped his arse, they removed any reference to him from their website, so no links with dodgy people in the BNP then?
Nah course not just a prominant BNP Candidate, who by the way is well known in Suffolk (and the wider press) for building and selling gallows to third world countries, something the BNP also knew about.
ALL FACT, go Google it and see for yourselv.
So here’s some info for you people;
Whilst the people of the Northwest were suffering the worst floods for 1000 years the “Hard Working” “Caring” BNP Leader Nick Griffin was off attending a far-right extremist rally in Spain.
He cares so much for the under 1 million people that voted him in as an MEP that he felt attending a far-right rally was far more important than showing “He Cares” about the people that voted for him.
David Cameron and Gordon Brown both visted the area to which neither of them are actually elected, but Nick Griffin hasn’t bothered with them, he took the votes gained the job with the nice salary and now can’t be botherd to show his concern, he thinks he should attend far-right extremist rallies whilst people of this country “British People” suffer.
He’ll make a great PM won’t he, a disaster happens when he has an invite to leave the country and he’ll choose leaving the country because he cares so much for the British People.
Yeah Yeah, pull the other one it does the Nazi Salute
So I take it the thumbs downs here are going to be because you all agree that the BNP Leader Nick Griffin MEP shouldn’t have deserted his much loved “British People” when they were in need of support?
Because if you are doing it for any other reason then belive it shows you don’t much care for the “British People” either.
If you are doing it because you don’t like what I have written about the BNP simply because of my user name then you really need to take a look at yourself.
The fearless, loving and careing leader of the BNP left the country to attend a far-right extremist rally FACT.
If you think that’s a good thing then the BNP is the party for you.
No, you are getting thumbs down because you talk tripe, not because you are paranoid about the BNP…..
I think it’s the BNP and it’s supporters that are paranoid
How paranoid is that one pmsl.
Climate change has been made up by the New World Order to start the move towards a single world government HOW PARANOID IS THAT.
Damn I love a good laugh
Another chain email arrived indicating that many Christians are intending to vote BNP…
It came with an invitation to copy and send on.
Thanks to all who have responded to my comments about the BNP. It will be a lot easier for me to answer you all in this one posting. May I start by asking if you have read the BNP policies on their website? If not then the following comments will be meaningless.
I have sent,uk a copy of the email quoting them so I’m sure they’ll be happy about it :)
Must you keep spamming the forum with the same old rubbish ? I dont know any christians that are voting BNP or would campaign for them.
I think the pages are too big dave
I agree, but not much I can do about it. Already changed the number of comment threads from 50, to 25 and now 20 per page to try to make the pages smaller.
What I do to keep track is use the Recent Comments links on the right menu, they jump right to the latest comments. I’ve made that list even longer (again) so visitors can find the last 30 comments now: started at 10, then 20 and now 30 which covers ~6 hours worth of today’s comments!
These conditioned/brainwashed anti BNP-ers are infested everywere.
Whenever the “BNP” is mentioned to a liberal they scream “racist” to close down debate LOL, If the liberals of 2009 are the future of Britain then God help us.
If you want to talk about people being conditione or brainwashed you really should look at the BNP first.
They are all fixated on some conspiracy theory of the New World Order or New World Government.
Now if that isn’t dilusion I don’t know what it, and if you need proof of it well just want any speech by Nick Griffin in the EU where he rants about the New World order plot to take over the world.
I mean PRATT or what