Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
Lol, do you know where Coffee comes from?
If you want to keep Britain British, shouldn’t you stick to British Foods and beverages?
I mean what country in their right mind would want to trade with a Vile Racist Country. Because that’s what will happen if Wonky Eyed Griffin ever get’s his lard arse into Parliament as our Prime Minister.
Fairplay you all want to vote BNP, why can’t you just vote. Why all the bloody spamming?
“Fairplay you all want to vote BNP, why can’t you just vote. Why all the bloody spamming?”
The comments are open for discussion, would have been nice for them to say why they voted BNP rather than just BNP.
I’ve been participating in anti-BNP groups on Facebook, so there is going to be quite a lot of BNP supporters seeing a link to this poll which is why such a high percentage relatively speaking (it was as high as 50% voting BNP :))
Despite the URL to this poll was within days of going live posted on a BNP Facebook group with over 3,000 members with a call to action to vote BNP, only 100 voted the first day or so. They don’t have serious support, (they’ll be celebrating if they get one BNP MP) but it is enough to be worrying.
The poll is slowly self correcting the initial big input from BNP supporters.
Would be good to have this link posted on other sites since if you look in Google this poll is number 5 for the search “General Election Poll” and number 1 for “2010 General Election Poll”. At this early stage of general election campaigning the page is already set to get over 1,000 votes a month.
I expect as we get to the election (which is going to be May 2010) we’ll see tens of thousands of votes overall. Would be cool if it was over 50,000 votes!!
Are you a member of the UAF?
I’ve been following the posts and have made a few posts myself. I’m unsure why some people seem to think that if you vote BNP you are racist.
Racism isn’t tied to a political party, I am sure that there are many (racist) people who support the other parties (but I guess the main difference is – they keep it to themselves. There is a major issue at the moment, with immigration,which
is why all the parties have put it on the agenda.
People talk about multicultural society, but in the cities I have lived in, is it working well? or is it not? (that’s an open question.) I guess the answers will depend on where you live in the UK and your experiences. All experiences are valid.
Something is not working? And I don’t think the BNP can be held responsible for creating the tension or as the lib dem leader put it “chaos”.
Having looked at the lib dem policy. They have said that ‘illegal immigrants’ who have been here for 10 years and can speak English can stay? So what about the ones who cannot speak English? Is this racist?
The policy is flawed.
What happens if you have a family of ‘illegal’ immigrants, where the son can speak English, but the parents cannot? Are the lib dems going to send the parents back but keep the son?
Like a lot of people, my question would be: Why are they still here after 10 years? Who is paying for their upkeep?
Other things to ponder. A lot has been made of off-shoring jobs abroad. A example: Average programmer in the uk 25K average salary in India 3K. A lot of insurance companies have done this. Call Centre roles, average UK salary £16K, salary in india £2K.
Now everyone knows, that there has been a backlash about using foreign call centres. Customers complained, IFA’s complained and in some cases there have been adverts on the TV saying UK Call Centres only. Does that mean these companies are racist and if you use a particular company because you want to deal with a English callcentre you are racist?
What protection do any of the main parties offer British workers? I’m all ok for a free market, but the British programmer does not have a chance in hell, competing with abroad? This just doesn’t apply to IT staff.
A friend of mine is a plumber and he has advised that he is in competition with ‘foreign’ plumbers who undercut him, so he cannot complete. He’s not racist, but what do you suggest he does? He could lower his charges, but he has a mortgage to pay for? Meanwhile, his competitors, save their money and send it back home, where it goes a lot further. I am sure if we were in their position, we would do the same. But to my friend this is unfair.
There have been some posts regarding taxes. Here is something to have a think about. I know lots of eastern Europeans, who drive their cars over here without UK insurance. They don’t pay road tax, and to avoid this every 6 months drive back across the boarder and then come back to England again. I’d like to see a policy brought in, which resolves this.
What are the Lib dems going to do about this? We can talk about uninsured British drivers, but there will be a change coming up very soon, where all UK cars are recorded. Of course this will not apply to foreign vehicles.
David has made some comments about skilled workers being needed.
Why aren’t we training our own people (when I say own – I don’t just mean white people, I mean British people – after all lots of them have paid their taxes, is it not least they deserve)
Granted there are some lazy people in this country. But what have any of the main parties done in the last 15 years to resolve this?
At the moment as things stand:
The car industry is knackered
The NHS is in a right state
The financial industry is in a poor state with more job losses (none of the political parties – did anything to stop the mass redundancies)
Crime is a joke.
The parties have had years to sort this out (they blame each other but at the end of the day – they are all in parliament and vote), I don’t think all can be blamed on immigration or the recession and neither can they be blamed on the BNP.
So people are putting off the BNP’s support on this site as a BNP campaign right?
Whats up, the left finally realised its lost its public support? Can’t admit the BNP’s starting to win seats?
The BNP is all this country has left to save it. Within the next few decades we will see an end to Britain and its culture due to mass immigration and EU devolution if something drastic isnt done soon. The Queen is likely to be our last monarch. I wish the British people would wake up to all these facts and stop reading and believing The Sun and the BBC.
As I said in another comment I’ve been participating in some anti-BNP Facebook groups and multiple BNP supporters have posted links to this poll on pro-BNP Facebook groups etc… with thousands of members.
Not a big surprise if you ask 3,000+ BNP supporters to go to a poll and vote BNP 100+ actually do so and vote BNP. Personally I’m not impressed that only 100 odd voted BNP when a “call to arms” was put out :)
Despite this as more organic traffic has hit this page the percentage of votes to the BNP is dwindling and I expect this to continue as we get closer to the election.
Like others have said the BNP are not going to get a serious foothold in British politics next general election, now I would be worried if we ever move away from a first past the post system and had proportional representation. 6% of MP’s being BNP is a very scary thought!!!
Its fairly disgusting that your hosting a website such as this and yet you’re politically bias and state your opinion relating to comments; if you’re going to host this website I imagine you’re under the same rules as the BBC or any other public department that’s used by the public, you are not allowed to be politically bias.
Also the calculations of the poll are incorrect (for example ‘none of the above’ has four votes and yet received 4% of the overall vote. That is not correct and I suggest you sort out this unreliable and inaccurate website.)
And just so you know I’m BNP. But atleast I know 4 votes isn’t 4%. =)
ROFLOL, I don’t HAVE to follow any rules, whatever rules I choose to follow are based on what I consider morally right.
Yes I’m politically biased and I believe in free speech and democracy and so have no problem with anyone posting their views on this site. If you check deep enough you’ll find I encourage others to participate
Regarding the poll percentages, yes they are wrong, the WordPress Poll Plugin used for the poll isn’t accurate when it comes to percentages. You didn’t think I was working them out and typing them in, did you? It’s all automated, presumably there’s a bug in the software.
…..Then correct the bug or find a new method?
The fact your bias makes the website laughable, especially since its based on statistics, statistics which aren’t accurate and you yourself have admitted are wrong.
How reliable or professional is this website out of 10? My vote would be 1 or 2…
I don’t have a major problem with the bug at this point, the numbers voted are accurate the percentages are not. I expect the author of the plugin will fix this bug given time, other than that bug the plugin does exactly what I wanted for ONE poll.
This site is not based on statistics, it’s mostly based on political parties policies as found on their websites and whatever else I decide to upload. You want a site created exactly how you want it, go to a domain registration company, buy a domain and create one yourself. You can then make up whatever you like about how great the BNP are and how they are like puppies to ethnic minorities!
Found a fix for the poll plugin bug, also changed from rounded to whole number percentages to accurate to 2 decimal places.
So the percentages are now accurate ;-)
what utter nonsense you wrote ere,,the BNP are growing at an alarming rate and speed and the other parties are shaking in their shoes..BNP the one true caring party with the best policies for all british white yellow no matter what race if your British we care for you..BNP FOREVER
As your are such anti-BNP. It must really cheese you off to see the support they are getting?
To vote BNP is because you take an interest in politics.
Not like LAB.,CON.,LIB., and UKIP., voters.
They vote for these as (X) is the only letter they know in the alphabet
Sorry but the BNP haven’t on anything recently,
In FACT all By-Elections since the EU elections the BNP have LOST everyone no new seats NOTHING, bugger all.
And in every case but one a local council seat) they polled less that 5% of the vote and therefore not even getting the deposit back.
Ooops no massive surge in support then, pmsl less than 5% of the voter support, 5% isnt going to win any seats, 5% isn;t going to get any MP’s.
5% gets the BNP sod all
In the EU election you seem to forget that the BNP won over 10% of the national vote. The Conservatives who won by a land slide had 4 million; the BNP had one million. Say what you like but we’re catching up.
Jaymie where did you get the 10% figure from?
The BNP gained 6.2% of the vote or about 2% of those eligible to vote since only a third of eligible voters bothered to vote!
72 MEPs elected, TURNOUT: 15,136,932, ELECTORATE: 44,173,690
Conservative Party : 4,198,394 votes 27.7% (+1.0%) 25 seats +1 seats
UK Independence Party : 2,498,226 votes 16.5% (+0.3%) 13 seats +1 seats
Labour Party : 2,381,760 votes 15.7% (-6.9%) 13 seats -5 seats
Liberal Democrats Party : 2,080,613 votes 13.7% (-1.2%) 11 seats +1 seats
Green Party : 1,303,745 votes 8.6% (+2.4%) 2 seats 0 seats
British National Party : 943,598 votes 6.2% (+1.3%) 2 seats +2 seats
BTW I wouldn’t call the Tories gaining 27.7% of the vote a landslide victory. 25 out 72 seats is also not a landslide, so however you look at it no party dominated the EU elections.
But they didn;t really as only 15 million of the 45 million eligable to vote turned out, and not to forget a few things:
1. Lots of people used the EU Vote as a protest vote
2. the Greens got 1.2million votes (more than the BNP)
3. The BNP got two mep’s UKIP 13, and Tories 27 not exactly that much of a famous victory then in the grand scheme of things.
And 10% won;t win a general election will it now….. get real the BNP has no chance.
It says quite a lot that the people who can be bothered making a comment are BNP; I see no Labour, no Conservatives, no UKIP or any other party supporters making comments. Just BNP.
Ironic how people say the BNP are fascists and yet we’re the party that seems to practise freedom of speech the most is the BNP, according to the comments above.
This just seems like a set up for the moderator to try and smear the party using ‘evidence’ (also known as fairy tales and lies) from the media, such as the councillor story above; which the moderator was wrong about, quite frankly.
You clearly can’t read then since SOME comments are NOT from BNP supporters, so to say “I see no Labour, no Conservatives, no UKIP or any other party supporters making comments.” is a lie. Yes most comments are pro BNP, but not all are, please be completely accurate and not distort the truth.
Also please don’t misquote me, I said:
If this is true should be your clue I don’t know if it’s true. I would love to see some neutral stats on the BNP, do you know any?
How about quotes from the Arch bishop of Nigeria? Quotes are quotes, therefore neutral.
How about statistics, such as the fact Mohammed is the second most popular name for new born children in the UK? its a statistic, it can’t be bias either way; the way its presented can be though.
What you said wasn’t a fact or true so it doesn’t have the above privilege and it’s instantly bias towards who the ‘trust’ relates to; in this case the BNP. If you’re not sure whether its true or not why spread it and make that comment? Why on earth a moderator seems to be a gossiping lady I have no idea; most professional sites remain neutral about whatever topic they are related to.
The site was made for neutral statistics so we can make assumptions; you’re going against yourself by being bias, since your ‘truths’ are bias and can effect peoples vote.
My advice? Don’t speak rumours.
The BNP supporters may well be the most vocal on this site, but they’ve also got a large amount of ‘unlike’ next to each comment which is not the case for the non-BNP remarks.
I only added the comment rating option a few days ago and already pro BNP comments are being voted down. I was concerned it might have gone the other way, so very glad to see it’s not just pro BNP visitors reading the comments (hint now comment a little more as well).
I have it currently set to semi-hide comments when the overall comments score is -10. If too many comments get hidden too quickly I might tweak the number to make it harder to hide a comment (default was -3 which was too low).
Oh and before Jaymie Cain Steele notices and complains :-) there’s a small ‘bug’ in this plugin as well, you sometimes have to double click the “Click here to see” links when you want to see a hidden comment.
David, from what you just said, it seems that many visitors to this site are down-rating BNP comments,
but are not actually posting comments!
This would seem to indicate they cannot fault the BNP comments with any rational arguments, does it not?
e.g. none of the pro-immigration lobby ever say whether they enjoy the prospect of an ever-increasing population – the single most life-threatening problem this country has ever faced.
You are so very observant my friend and this is because we have had to fight to struggle to work at every single step of progress we make because of a left backed and controlled media think Rupert Murdoch
and the BBC who are all in the position of relying on LABOUR TO KEEP their jobs with Murdoch well Cameron has already allied himself to the Aussie billionare
who only wants a bigger piece of action in the media
world it’s all about GLOBILISATION and the NEW WORLD ORDER> They rule and we are the serfs.
One thing you cant accuse the BNP of is they cant be bought they do not have any alliance with THE TRADE UNIONS and they have ZERO alliance with the CORPORATE WORLD like Brown and Cameron do.
There is an enlightening article written by David MOrris on the BNP website that everyone should read
if they wish to know the truth about modern politics
and the lie of a Democratic existance in the UK.
We gave that up years ago and have been governed by a combination of bankers media barons and the Russians and the Saudis. They dicate POLICY not NO 10
The accusations about racism have been promoted by the corporates and the globalist.They finance the United Against facism and Searchlight etc groups.They do not want the real truth to emerge.
The BNP are not racists but we are realists.
Nonsense, of course the BNP can be bought. They are as corruptible as any other politicians. Here’s the clue, they’re politicians. All politicians are untrustworthy, full stop. The BNP have the added disadvantage that they are also authoritarian racists as well as being corrupt.
Also if you’re not bias about this why has there been an article on all significant political parties, apart from the BNP, discussing their policies?
Include the BNP upon the recent articles list, fix the statistics and become neutral and perhaps I’ll have faith in you and the site.
I am bias, I don’t want the BNP to gain any power (though I’m more concerned at the Tories gaining power again).
Still I did post all the BNP policies I could find, one per day starting on September 2nd until I ran out, I can’t help it that I ran out of BNP policies to post about, check the archives and if I missed one feel free to let me know where to find it.
I used the same posting format for all parties, with parties with a lot of policies having multiple policies posted per day to try to intersperse the policies evenly, but there’s only so much I can do with so few BNP policies.
Now the Green Party have so many policies I’ve barely scratched the surface! Some of the Green Parties ideas are crazy IMO, would never work in practice.
Why do you care so much about my site?
I guess you will delete this comment – as it isn’t relovent.
But please everyone: the word is BIASED, not bias.
i.e. “I am (am not) biased”.
Bias is the noun, biased is the past participle.
Thanks for the lesson in grammar, now please get back on to the subject – no doubt, you are probably a leftie teacher, a guardian angel of the education of our children
David, – I cut and paste from one of your comments –
“I am bias, I don’t want the BNP to gain any power (though I’m more concerned at the Tories gaining power again).”
Surely you don’t mean that?
You are more concerned about the Tory than you are about the BNP?
Surely that is like saying you prefer the BNP over the Tory?
I think you might like to re-phrase your comment, somehow I doubt that you meant it.
I do mean it, but not in the way you’ve interpreted my words.
The BNP don’t have a cat in hells chance of gaining enough seats in the 2010 general election to take government at best (worst) they’ll get a few MP’s which will hold little power.
The Conservative party looks set to take power next year and that worries me far more than the possibility of a few BNP MP’s (if they get any seats).
I’ll vote Labour because I mistrust the Labour party less (far less) than the Conservative party. I know not a great way to cast a vote, but in an imperfect world what can you do?
And please don’t say vote BNP :) they are not the answer.
I’m voting BNP as a protest against the multicultural experiment that nobody asked me about, and I didn’t want to be a part of, plus the most important referendum we never had.
I can to a degree understand voting BNP as a protest vote, kick the political establishment in the teeth sort of thing for not providing an alternative.
I plead with you to vote for another party as your protest vote (Monster Raving Loony Party for example) that isn’t run by those with a racist agenda. The BNP will take your vote as a vote for their ideals, not a protest vote against the main parties policies.
I’m assuming though you aren’t happy with the current situation (which I understand) you don’t want the BNP in power?
i vote for conservative party david cameron’s team from daniel clapham
So you vote for the continued destruction of the UK?
That’s what it means – including civil war.
People need to wake wake up from their complacency before it is too late – if it is not already so.
Vote BNP!
if the other parties dont want us to vote for BNP then they should offer us better policies!!! we want the doors to england closed until its sorted out!!
Goodness me another chicken like Jack straws grandad ending up in prison as a conciencous objector refusind to defend Britain and the British.
Please go and work in Tower Hamlets or Hackney and be sujected to either the race card or religeous card by blacks and asians.
Then you might know what you are talking about.
I’m BNP thanks. I’m not afraid to say what needs to be said. The truth hurst and its not racist
I’m NOT a racist and I AM voting BNP. End of story.
You must be very stupid to think anything good of all the traitors in LIB/LAB/CON/UKIP etc they are a bunch of crooks the only trust worthy Christian party is the BNP and they want to look after us the British people they want to save our Churches they want to save our traditions WHY don’t you look up the policies and take a good hard look and see if they make sense, if your grandparents lived or served in the wars 1st and 2nd they would be turning in their graves if they thought you were giving it all away so we can be ruled by sharia law or the EU, you cant be a Christian because they all want to do away with Christianity only the BNP will save everything COME ON GET A LIFE.
Me too! I’m sick to the back teeth of everything wrong with Britain so far, schools (discipline), immigration, Europe, lack of justice, rights for the criminals, etc. Having read the manifesto’s of all the parties, I found with horror that the only one who voiced anything about how I’m feeling was the BNP. Bring back corporal punishment and discipline and respect; get out of Europe and back to the EEC, stop immigration and get rid of all those who shouldn’t be there. I did notice the comment that it is recognised that there will always be a minority in the UK, that’s fine, keep it a minority.
Due to some of the comments here, I thought I would add a little to my earlier post. I am an expat (but still entitled to vote), I live in the Middle East in a muslim country which I love and most muslims are lovely people. I left the UK because I felt that the rights of minorities came over mine, too many freeloaders living on my hard earned taxes and the Government were getting too involved in telling me how to bring up my children (and getting it wrong – Broken Britain?).
We are here at the invitation of the government to provide skills that are in short supply locally. It is very clear to us that to come and work here we are most welcome and we pay for every single service we use. One of our children was born here, he is not entitled to a passport, we are not entitled to a single benefit or permanent residency. The government strictly looks after its own indigenous population. If we don’t work we have to leave, period.
I think it would do the UK good to have a shock of the BNP in power just for one term.
I don’t consider myself racist at all, however I do think that the meaning of the word has changed over the last 12 years so it may be that if you recognise the differences between cultures this may well make you racist. If wanting to keep Britain “British” is racist, then I suppose I must be.
Racism for the pig ignorant of society is a term which relates to the 2nd world war. It was termed racist that blacks and asians did not get the same pension and monetry compensation as whites.
It’s a renumeration policy, its got nothing to do with liking or disliking backs or asians.