Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
I would like to ask everyone on this website to be absolutely honest and objective>>
THE BNP exist with NO UNION DONATIONS unlike the Labour party who make policies in accordance with
donations from UNions.
THE BNP PARTY has no affiliation with any banks newspapers or other corporate GIANTS and do not get
any funding from any corporate orgs.
THE BNP PARTY have existed purely on the hard earned
small donations that people like me and others make
and yet we have succeeded in gaining 2 MEP’s
elected. We have managed to do this against the literally millions of taxpayers money that Labour has spent in trying to squash and kill off the BNP and this includes the Legal cases that were brought by the LABOUR GOVT taxpayers funded Equality and Human Rights Commission which has an anual expenditure of 70million pounds that are almost all un audited run by Trevor Phillips who is himself under investigation right now for suspect practices
and conflict of interest accusations.
He has made a living out of being black and demonising white people who pay his fat cat salary and expenses.
The CONSERVATIVES are totally funded by wealthy elitist non doms who live overseas but do not pay tax in the UK even tho they should. The CONS are backed also by THE CITY this means the movers and shakers who benefit from IMMIGRATIION by virtue of all the cheap labour they get inckuding nannies and cleaners. THE CITY are the mainstay of the Cameron bigrade.They dont give a shit about the British people and most ofthem dont even live in the UK but they makes tons of money out of it.
I dont mention the LIBDEMS or UKIP because they
have not got any chance of ever being inpower.
The Greens are too hug upo on >>> well being Green>>
that’s great but you still need jobs and homes and a decent salary before you can worry about being an eco warrier.
THE BNP party have made it so far on sheer guts and
determination and despite the false jibes of racism
despite almost being shut down by Trevor Phillips
who is the UK;s answer to Jesse Jackson.
Despite the serious onslaught of the BBC who cant take a poop with out asking permission of NO 10
Despite Cameron’s big banker pals and Rupert Murdoch
who is a dangerous man BTW totally ruthless.
We are still here and growing every day with ordinary decent people who are simply fed up being used. The BNP cant fix everything are are realists
We at least want to be in Opposition as a foil
WE want out if the EU we pay the EU 10billion a year
and US INtersts not the UK’s
Please read our website there are so many educational articles and nothing about racism.
Brilliant. Sums things up nicely :-)
Absolutely spot on, i dont think i have read a better way of stating the case of the BNP. Well done.
I am a BNP voter and now even more proud of it.
you say you do not agree with aims of the BNP, do you know them all? Most people don’t have a clue, they have just accepted what the “media” say about them. Branding supporters as nazi’s, racist’s, thugs, thick etc.
However the BNP is the ONLY party willing to stand up for the British working man & his way of life. If you talk the most British people you will hear them expressing the same concerns about immigration, crime, the unelected & unwanted power of the EU & the corruption in Westminster! Many people feel that voting is a waste of time as all the mainstream political parties are composed of the same self seeking professional politicians who are only out to enhance their own interests & totally ignore what the bulk of the BRITISH electorate want!
The Media supress or ignore much of the racial crime committed in Britain by immigrants, the murder of Kriss Donald in Scotland is a prime example. If this had happened to an Asian or Black 15 year old perpetrated by 3 white men, we would still be hearing about it as in the Stephen Lawrence case ( which whilst being bad , does not compare for sheer horrific cruelty).
Most people are scared to comment publicly on these things for fear of being branded racist, however it is the Nu Labour type thinking that is racist by deliberately & secretly, we now discover, flooding the country with immigrants to diffuse the power of the indigenous British people.
Vote BNP to stop this!
I’m FAR from an expert on the British National Party, but I had to do a fair amount of research for this website, I’ve posted all the BNP’s policies, so I read them and understood them.
It’s not the policies per se I have a big issue with, it’s the founders and current leaders/potential future MP’s of the BNP that’s the problem.
I could never vote for a party that in recent history had racist ideals (and still have, but hidden). The BNP’s current policies may not be overtly racist, but the leader admitted not 10 years ago that his goal when talking to racists (not even in this country, so who cares what they think on the BNP) was to trick his way into power by using more saleable words of identity, freedom, democracy etc… while his long term goals are the same as the racists he was talking to!
It’s still a young political party (27 years old I believe), so many of those who started the BNP with racist ideals (no one can deny it started with racist ideals) are still part of the BNP party. Even if Nick Griffin has changed his mind on race issues, (which I don’t believe) that’s not going to be true of all members of the BNP who have been their since the beginning.
Maybe 50+ years from now the BNP will be a non racist political party with members from all walks of British society, but right now they are too close to their original racist roots.
So I don’t understand why non racist people would take the risk of voting for them?
David, You seem to believe that Nick Griffin and the other BNP leaders are saying one thing (anything and everything that’s popular) to get voted into power and then, when in, go ahead to do exactly as they please, breaking promises along the way.
Politicians don’t do things like that, do they? Like the EU referendum?
Seriously though, I moved to the BNP a year ago, having been a Labour supporter (as my parents) all my adult 63 year life. Like you and very many others, I believed all the nasty lies, smears, MSM/ government/NUJ propaganda, name tagging etc, and had a very negative view of the BNP.
Eventually, on closer examination, I believe I saw the BNP in its true light and realised there is a war going on in this country for the survival of its indigenous peoples which, without BNP success, will be lost forever. For the sake of my 2 children/3 grandchildren I joined the Resistance.
The BNP, its members and supporters are motivated by one thing – The Love of this Country- unlike the greed and power motivation by others. The enemy uses unlimited taxpayers money, we give as we can.
I also believe that even in the event of the BNP having some `racist/extremists’ at the top, because it is a democratic political party who votes the chairman, etc, into position, such views will be negated by the large numbers joining up who are not so.
Lastly, I also believe it is the other main party (3 in 1), UAF, Searchlight, EHRC, etc, who are the true anti-democratic, racist fascists here who are happy the see this destruction continue.
David, you say the BNP is racist, depends what you call racist, if you are using the pc nulabour version, then probably yes! But if you are a white working or middle class person who has seen Britain falling ever more quickly into a third world ghetto, where the original British person is becoming a 2nd class citizen in his own country, where he is more & more discriminated AGAINST in new pc/liberal anti discrimination laws, which NEVER acknowledge the rights of the British working man to get fair treatment from councils in allocating housing, companies when recruiting new staff, govt when allocating benefits & finally the law when dealing with race hate crimes!
You say wait 50 years, by that time it will be far too late, get the BNP in now the STOP the rot & hopefully reverse the trend, the lib/lab/con will not!!
THE BNP ARE NOT RACIST SIMPLE AS THAT! I CANNOT UNDERSTAND PEOPLE WANTING TO VOTE FOR MASS MURDERERS AND STALINIST, the last several gov have taken out of Britain- jobs and wealth they have decided we go into the E/U they have decided to flood our country with mass invasion they have decided to give our jobs(we believe they are our jobs) to poles and other foreign nationals Brown talks of a slow recovery next year all other nations are supposed to be out of rescission not the British??how can we we have nothing to sell!! WHO CAN VOTE FOR MORE! enough is enough VOTE BNP while you can! i read in a news paper that the gov was asking for soldiers who would fire on their own nationals wonder why?? vote BNP for you grandchildren worry for them not other’s
Having just read some of the political parties statements it appears to me that it is only the BNP that is clearly stating its commitment to our people and our country, surely this is all we ask in a party. For our educational needs to be readdressed, our NHS to be invested in and it cant be denied that both Tory & Labour have had their chances and the state this country is in is a clear indication that they are only concerned with feathering their own nests, so it is about time a party is elected that is determined and with clear, realistic policies to put the Great back into Britain.
if you plan to vote BNP you are either a racist or a fool or both. read this newspaper and explain why youd vote for scum bags
Bigots, racists and worthless buffoons – so why do they keep getting elected?
Everyone in Britain has had ample opportunity to learn that the BNP is a neo-Nazi party and a pretty useless neo-Nazi party at that. Journalists have exposed its links to the Ku Klux Klan and European far right, while the anti-fascist magazine, Searchlight, has detailed the Hitler worship and criminal records of some of its candidates.
Whenever the BNP gets into power, its councillors make the Home Office appear a model of administrative efficiency.
We need better government.
We will not get better government by voting for a repetition of the same tedious policies that got Britain into this mess in the first place.
We are now a vassal state, subject to the dominion of an undemocratic EU with an unelected president.
We send our young men to fight and die just to bring ‘democracy’ to places like Iraq and Aphganistan, yet here at home we accept a totally undemocratic president of Europe without complaint?
How can we accept that?
There is no democratic mandate for Europe, and none at all for its new ‘president’.
In voting for the BNP we will be declaring, amongst other things, our distaste for a European superstate with an unelected president, and our distaste for being governed from Brussels by foreigners.
We will also be declaring our distaste for the way in which our country has been flooded with immigrants, again, done without democratic mandate.
We must use our democratic powers to stop the progressive destruction of Britain and the British heritage by Politicians who treat elections as just a meaningless formality. They ‘know’ one of them will win, Labour or Tory, and see it just as a change of crew, not a change of direction.
To vote BNP is by no means stupid, as it will achieve the aim of securing better government, even if the BNP do not win outright, it will be a ‘wake-up call’ to the old guard, who should be watching out for us, but have fallen asleep on duty.
Your introductory insults simply reflect on your own intellect, it would be wiser not to insult people you know nothing about.
Support Britain, support the British.
Support the BNP.
Rosie G do you know the poster G Curtis?
Curious as you both use the same static IP address, which usually means you are the same person posting under different names.
My husband, he has stopped commenting, so I thought I would have a go.
It would be nice if I could tell all the people of this fair land why my husband has stopped commenting in these pages.
He says it is pointless.
He says that we have had 100 years of Tory/Labour turn and turn about, and that millions of people have become psychologically conditioned into thinking that they must vote for one or the other.
On election day, these mesmerised millions will shuffle like so many zombies to the polling stations, with hooded eyes and arms reaching out, mumbling their salvation, “Tory, Labour, Tory, Labour” .
In droves millions will mark an X, blissfully ignorant of the future, blind to the consequences of their action, and caring not one bit.
They vote the way they do because they trust the monotonous droning of party political promises that are rarely if ever fulfilled.
They do not know or care that their trust has been betrayed.
My husband says that the people of this country richly deserve the fate that lies ahead of them – if they refuse to activate their minds, and continue like zombies to vote in total disregard for the perilous consequences, then they must blame themselves for the demise of all that was once good in this fair country.
My husband intends to vote BNP, but he knows that the BNP cannot save this country on their own, only the voters can do that.
As my miserable husband says, “They will get what they deserve, and they deserve what they vote for!”
So, what I would like to say to the British voters is this ——-
YOU are responsible for the future of Britain.
If you vote like a zombie, or do not vote at all, then you must hold yourselves responsible for the consequences of Britain continuing down your chosen road.
G.Curtis is my husband, there are two of us and we share the same computer and the same IP.
If you wish, I will stop commenting as well.
That will stop you worrying about a false name, but would deny me the right to be an individual (Like the Islamics, because I am a woman!)
My husband is fed up with the whole situation, proper depressed he is.
Very well said. dont believe the mass media calling the BNP racists, take a look at their site and policies.
Vote for Britain Vote for British
Vote BNP
To poster “vote BNP if your racist”
Maybe I should post under the name “Vote BNP if your british”
From your ramblings it is clear you are in need of mental health intervention.
What a confused and turbulent place your mind must be.
You make no sense at all.
Just repeating media lies and spin.
Your main quoted source of these lies is under investigation by the Metropolitan police.
The truth will out, come the GE
Vote BNP
What a pile of unmitigated uneducated uninformed bullshit.
Yeah, like I’m really going to go to the Family Marxist’s favourite newspaper. Of course, Searchlight has such impeccable credentials…a bunch of sad and sorry Stalinists…
Life’s too short to engage with trolls…and they’re ugly little things…I’m going back to the Truth site –
You can blow kisses to your posters of Lenin, Che and dirty old scrounger Karl Marx.
you idiot!! your only going on what newspapers say!! you do know that the majority of stories written in newspapers are a lie!! look at katie price for example.. they make up so much shit about her that aint true.
the BNP is the only party doing what the british want. call us racist but oh well what do you expect when they are racist to us and labour care more about other race’s and religions.
Here you read another blinded fools write up about the BNP another blinded fool that as read from a newspaper that obviously hates the BNP and is probaly paid by the liblabcons to write crap ,,how sad you read thier article and you have notyhing to back you up…the BNP have a website that is full of the truths about the BNP and its good honest policies for all..but you cant be bothered to go to the site of the BNP to read and discover the truths…because you want the simple way out reading media sad you have lowered yourself to thier way of thinking and and thier lies…the BNP is the only political party worth voting for lies , just truthful racism just love for all that are legally in this hate for the illegal immigrants ..but sorry you av to go elsewere because our small country is overpopulated..n ot being racist not being hateful..just down right sensible
A vote for the BNP is the safest vote you can make the only party that will get britian out of the hell hole the liblabcons av put us in ..GodBless the BNP and all who vote for them
God help us if the BNP gets in – despite their public statement they are a racist and full intend to move us from a democratic society to a dictatorship. Read one of their leading lights views here:
He’s the BNP legal officer by the way – so I think you can rely upon his views as being representative of the BNP!
What a load of bollony read such crap ..obviously another blinded by media hype and liblabcon trash…you tell me one truth that they the liblabcons av done ..only steal yur taxes for there own fat way of life in the exspenses..sold us out to europe put our boys at risk in wars that we dont need to be in..europe why are the rest of europe not there fighting…a prime minister we didnt get a vote in..cons the lot of em….open your eyes
A response to “Ruth”, who seems to think we live in a democracy.
We have a Prime minister who is unelected by the population, who dug us such a huge financial hole as Chancellor of the Exchequer, that our Grandchildren will be trying to pay off the debts.
We have a Govt. who were so scared of the indiginous population voting against them that they covertly opened the door to mass immigration for the last 10 years whilst blatantly lying to the public by continually stating they were controlling it!!
They refuse to allow a referendum on the EU treaty of Lisbon knowing full well that the public would vote NO! This treaty is giving yet more power to UNELECTED bureaucrats in Europe. Please note that the other idiot Cameron has done a u turn & also will not allow a referendum should he be elected.
The Govt are trying to bring in yet more anti British & Christian legislation in the guise of the new, so called, “EQUALITY” bill, which will force companies to actively discriminate AGAINST White applicants in favour of Black or Asians. It will also ban Christian symbols such as crucifix’s and Christmas celebrations as they might offend other religions!!
This is your so called “DEMOCRACY”, unless you are totally blind to what is REALLY happening in Britain, I can only assume you sup from the same spoon as the lying, corrupt, self serving, professional politicians who currently inhabit Westminster and believe the torrents of lies spouted by the media!
Try looking around you, especially in most of our former industrial towns & cities, see the new 3rd world ghettos, try applying for a job if you are white, see if you can get a council house, watch the Muslim demonstrations where racial hatred and incitements to violence, including suicide bombing are openly displayed, watch our politicised police “service” do nothing in response! Mind you that is difficult because the BBC & the rest of the lying media would not report it for fear of offending the corrupt political masters & of course the Muslims who can do no wrong in westminster’s eyes. Of course if it was a white group marching & demanding immigrants be returned, the political police force would steam in & arrest everybody, the politicised judges would hand out stiff prison sentences whilst pontificating about the “disgracefull behaviour” !
This is our democracy in real life, not as the lying media would have you believe!!
I read and hear and see alot of trash thrown at the BNP by people who only listen to media and corriupt goverment lies….if you took time to read the BNP policies and visit the BNP website i think you wud start to open your eyes to the reality of the situation that this country is goin to the dogs..only the policies of the BNP have and make sense..all this talk about racists is nonsense ..i`m not racist never av been never will be…your the racist dont call me one….i`m not goin to try and convert you but please there are two side the media and goverment lies and crap or the BNP truths go to the site and look and read but dont come to me wirh stupid statements that youy have picked up from hearsay of the media etc..the BNP is the one true party the only party that can be trusted with sincere honest politics for all people of Britian that are legally in this country..