Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society” – Aristotle
“A people separated from their history are easily persuaded.” – Karl Marx
Need i say more
BNP not manipulating Polls ? Excuse me whilst I hold back the ironic laughter. Glad to see The Monster Raving Loooney party would be ahead of the BNP judging by this poll.
The story concerning a Sub-Postmaster refusing to serve a mother sending a parcel to Afghanistan in Ely in Cardiff is a FAKE. I am informing lawyers for the sub-postmaster of the continuation of harrassment by BNP members manipulating a media “story” for their own ends when it was taken down from their official site at the request of the sub-postmasters lawyers. The BNP have been warned that if this story persisted they faced legal action on this. So now I am going to personally make sure this page is screen capped and the evidence sent.
There is no truth in the story and the BNP are making it up. Just like Richard Barnbrook invented murders in his constituency to the GLA it got him a suspension. Hope the post master in Ely Cardiff sues you idiots.
Please I would like more details.
Has there been a court case? was a verdict reached?
If so, please tell me the name of the court and the case number?
I would like to read the transcript for myself.
Provide this information please.
I just did. Suck it up Hitler boy
You didnt mention the court and the court case number,what are they plz.I want to check this out.
There is no court case number as the story that appeared on the BNP Website was NOT TRUE. I cannot produce things that dont exist. Another area in which Me and the BNP differ it would seem.
Suffice to say the MP for Cardiff West and Mr Khan’s Lawyers will persue legal means for defemation should these false allegations by the BNP persist.
I thought the BNP were all about honesty and integrity ?
This video came from youtube.Maybe you should have a word.You certainly don’t want to goto court against youtube ;))
The Video came from BNPTV which in turn comes from the BNP Official website. perhaps you dont understand that defemation involves anyone reproducing the allegation on any website or publication ? :)
If you do a little research in Google (like search for “Muslim Post Office Manager Bans Woman from Sending Parcel Because Her”) you’ll find the story that was on the BNP website at has been deleted.
So it was posted in August this year.
If it were true why would the BNP delete such a pot of gold that helps prove their point that there’s racism towards white people in Britain today?
The BNP are not known for backing down when they believe they are right, look at the legal costs of trying to keep the BNP white only membership!
Looks like this video is a fake and made by the BNP for political point scoring or they did very poor research in checking the validity of this woman’s claims. Explains why no one has indicated the woman in the video had pursued a complaint with the Post Office etc…
BTW not saying there’s no racism towards white people, of course there is, all races have their racist low life element, but this appears to be a vindictive woman claiming discrimination when it’s about money!
This is a big negative against the credibility of videos produced by the BNP and should be taken as a lesson to verify a story from the BNP before taking it as gospel.
Did the BNP post a retraction of their news story or just delete it?
As far as I know – like many important stories that should make national news, this one only hit a local rag, hence why the party reported it itself. I will find out more.
david above you made a strong point when he asks why would the BNP official site drop this bomb shell story if true?
It was made up by the BNP. That is why it never appeared anywhere but the BNP website. Admit it the BNP made it up. That party that is supposed to behave with integrity and honesty and supposedly different from the main three parties, fabricated a story in order to gain support.
Very poor
Evidence STRONGLY points to the BNP fabricating the story. The only other option is they are completely incompetent.
You might not like to hear this about the BNP if you are one of the people who trust the BNP as honest Brit’s and think they have changed from their early roots, (derived from the racist National Front) but you can’t deny the evidence, the video, produced by and for the BNP is a lie to stir up racial and religious hatred towards Muslims for political reasons!
If anyone posts a comment about the video suggesting it is factual I’ll be pointing out the truth which strongly discredits the BNP.
Your best bet is to accept the BNP did what they did and move on: can I suggest voting for a more respectable party :-)
If anyone has a concern about legal action (defamation of character) and wants their comment(s) relating to this video deleting, let me know.
If this is true i wholly appologise to all concerned.I found this vid on youtube and with having so many hits it looks genuine and hasn’t been taken off’Therefore i assume and many others that it is a legit video.To implicate users like myself into intimidation and threats are a serious offence.Firstly you(simon) have called people on here a ‘nazi boy’.If you are a politician you have just lost your job.If you are a muslim you have just proved that non of you are moderate.
One of the british people’s greatest strengths is their tolerance and decency.I suggest both sides learn restraint and put it down to a bad day,end of.;
Thank you for having the guts to apologise.
I would have thought that the BNP logo on the video would have put its authenticity into question.
You rightly raise the issue of intimidation. Well im Sure Mr Khan and Ms Thomas whose names have been dragged through the mud would share that concern, as clearly they have suffered being intimidated by false stories circulated by a party built on racial hatred.
I am not ashamed to raise this issue. I am ashamed though that many of my so called “fellow Brits” would make such disparaging remarks against Mr Khan and Ms Thomas and claim that there is any hint of “anti-white racism”.
I am disappointed to see so many quick to launch an attack on my person for trying to inform people of the facts.
But thank you to one person for having the back bone to apologise
I and many others are searching for the truth which will determine where we put our X.
I will not tolerate any party to manipulate the truth.I seem to have scored an own goal with my posted vid ;( believing that this was true.I am very dissapointed.
To try and balance this up though,there has to be equivalents out there from the other parties manipulative tactics caught on video.I want to see people on here post them.
People must understand that the reason i would vote BNP is ONLY to stop the uncontrolled HUGE number of people coming here knowing fine well that they don’t really care for our country and it’s culture.Integration has serious problems when the people who come here REFUSE to integrate.
Segregation only creates tension and end’s in conflict.
If only the conservatives took a REAL FIRM STAND on illegals and immigration and got a grip on our boarders then i would vote for them.I was always a conservative until the EU seems to have bought their soul’s.
My opinion on voting BNP is in question so i say to the other parties (especially conservatives),GET A GRIP!!!!
Convince me conservatives plz convince me ffs ;D
No-one is refusing to integrate though. I find it very strange that BNP supporters complain about non integration and then try and make it as impossible and uncomfortable for anyone settling into the UK to adapt by refusing to have anything to do with them.
Any segregation is a result of the of a refusal to even live near people whose culture differs from that of one’s own.
Im glad you agree that segregation is bad and encourage the living in harmony aspect. Though I doubt Mr Griffin sees it that way
I have to commend you for apologising.
I was beginning to think all the BNP supporters here was so entrenched in their support for the BNP they couldn’t see what the BNP had done here!
I find it highly disturbing the person who posted the video to YouTube: called WalesBNP (and if you look at their channel page “Unofficial Wales BNP Site”) has left the video online! He/she must know it’s a fake BNP video by now with the BNP removing reference to it from their main website. Does anyone know if WalesBNP is an official part of the BNP? The YouTube channel does say “Unofficial Wales BNP Site” which would suggest they aren’t part of the BNP per se (a BNP member maybe or supporter, but not an official of the party).
It is SO difficult getting to the truth on the Internet, so many sources where the truth is treated as an inconvenience!
You said, “It is SO difficult getting to the truth on the Internet, so many sources where the truth is treated as an inconvenience!”
Good point, you can even replace the word “internet” and put “government”
Wales BNP is a person called Roger Phillips he is an organiser for the BNP in Wales and he knows the video is false.
Hi David
Thanks for your backing.It’s just i’m after the truth and if that video was true i would have voted BNP.It was the most potent video i had ever seen,and to find it is false makes me very angry.I hate being decieved in anyway shape or form,especially by your own supposed kind.Im NOT impressed!!!
Someone from other parties should read this and try to convince me they are the one’s to vote for.PLZ NO LABOUR sry ;D had enough,im not a communist.I fought communism.
Good luck out there peeps
Simon, by the tone of your letter you are obviously one of the marxist spouting lib/lab/con traitors who would surrender our country to an unelected European bureaucracy without any reference to the British public whilst trying covertly to submerge our country, its people, culture and religion, with unwanted immigrants!
Remember that treason was a capital offence and could become so again!
I suppose you approve of the way our wounded troops are treated by the muslim activists on return to this country & support their efforts to glorify suicide Bombings, or are you going to sue Britain & America for falsifying the events of 9/11 & 7/7, oh & possibly the family of Kriss Donald for falsifying the RACIST murder of their child, using, no doubt, legal aid & a lawyer called Mohammed!
Look around you , the BNP dont have to make things up & despite the efforts of all the marxist media to lie & smear, the British public is beginning to wake up to your despicable acts, that is why you are worried & blustering! YOU MAY HAVE FOOLED A LOT OF THE PEOPLE FOR A LONG TIME, BUT THE GAME IS UP!! The BNP WILL stand up for the British people and there will be a day of reckonjng for people like you!
Oh please for five minutes give the NWO Conspiracy a rest will you and admit that you are participating in a fit up.
Wow talk about assumptious and hypocritical. The BNP have been told by Kriss Donald’s Family to stop using their sons Murder for political gain. Shall I show their lawyers too that the BNP are disrespectful to their wishes ?
You make it sound like Extremist Muslims and the BNP are the only two choices in your version of democracy. Well sorry I have news for you, those arent the only two choices. So whilst the other 60 million people in the UK ignore your alarmism and extremism please tell someone who cares as I and 59 million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine people dont care for either of you :)
59 million nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety EIGHT!!!! xD
Please try not to be like all the other anti-bnp people on this site, putting the bnp down rather than promoting ideas from your own party’s policies.
Ohh sorry I’ve just realised who your party are. lol I understand now.
Well as you are one of the manipulators of polls its a bit rich of you to comment on me isnt it.
Ive just published the whole story on the story and suggest that if you dont want to be named in litigation you apologise or admit your mistake
You are rather hot under the collar.
The woman was in fact banned – you are simply disputing the reason for the ban – there is nothing to say the man didn’t change his statements about the reason, when he realised he was in the wrong.
She was never taken to court for her supposedly ‘false’ allegations.
The case is “Hear-say” without a court appearance.
I suspect the BNP withdrew the vid because they couldn’t be bothered with the trouble involved in defending it – court cases cost a lot of money, and they don’t get paid from the public purse, like some we know.
I suggest you let people make up their own minds, istead of trying to dictate what we should think and believe. You sound like a menber of the Labour party.
Your paranoia about the BNP is plain to see.
Any sane person would just let the matter drop.
You cannot “name in litigation” without knowing who the person is, and it just means “put in a letter” – you silly person.
She was banned because she was abusive to staff at the Nisa Store where she lost money , money that was refunded to her and some.
She was also informed that if someone wanted to send the parcel on her behalf they could.
Mr Khan has collected money for serving British Troops.
All these facts are undeniable and have local support in the Ely area of cardiff.
Why are you ignoring facts ?
If you read the whole story then you would know that the allegations against Mr Khan are untrue.
Organisations can be sued as well as individuals. Mr Griffin (a Lawyer of sorts) understood this well enough when he personally requested that the story be taken down or face the legal consequences.
Oh and im perfectly calm and rational despite some people’s “attempts” to paint me to the contrary.
“Well as you are one of the manipulators of polls”
I came here from a google search, voted once for the bnp and suddenly im a “manipulators of polls”.
You still haven’t answered my original question, to promoting ideas from your own party’s policies. All you said was,
“Ive just published the whole story on the story” whatever that means?
“and suggest that if you dont want to be named in litigation you apologise or admit your mistake”
Simon please get your facts straight, look through the comments Iv’e posted, not once have I commented on this story!
“named in litigation”?
You are talking total crap now, like you have from the start!
So, going to my original question AGAIN, (remember this website is titled “Who Will You Vote For In The 2010 General Election Poll”)
What party are you voting for and why?
You seem to resemble the Liblabcon parties as, instead of promoting your own partys good points, you choose to spend all of your time and energy running down the other party.
I have published the story regarding the false allegation against Mr Khan of Ely, Cardiff. That is what I meant (its up the page).
We’ll see who is talking “bollocks” shall we ?
Questions for you. Why are you participating in falsehoods ? Why would I have any reason to prove the allegations against the postmaster are unfounded ?
I have nothing personal to gain from this.
Please do your worst in trying to demonise me. It wont work, I am above such dirty tricks.
And so you go on and on with the same story about this postmaster and how people will be sued.
Then you answer my question by asking me a question. (this is starting to sound familiar)
“Why are you participating in falsehoods ?”
Ive not read a single comment of yours promoting your partys policy yet, maybe you have no veiws on your partys policies.
Maybe you are here just to refute the “allegation” made about your Mr Khan?
Yes.Where is video evidence of Mr khan’s allegations or are we just to believe any ol shit that comes from you.
Where is his written statement plz publish.
Although this might sound as though Mrs Davis and Mr khan didn’t see eye to eye before this incident ,There is absolutely no way that she should be banned because of a little tiff.
That is a perfect example of manipulating the laws that now protect the minorities more than the majority.
Hiding behind a solicitor is cowardice and inflamatory he should have been on the news telling it how it is.Why didn’t he,is it because there was something not quite right in his defence.Time will tell.
If you bothered to read the earlier article you would see that Mr Khans written statement is contained within it or are you wrapped up in your inability to recognise the unexciting facts that it slipped past you ?
Sorry I dont debate with Neo-Nazis as I dont believe they have any interest in the workings of democracy or rational debate.
As Mr Griffin himself said :
“..To Vote for a party that will defend the slogan ‘Rights For Whites’ with well directed boots and fists.Power is the product of force of will and not reasoned debate” – Nick Griffin
So it begs the questions. Why is that BNP video on here ? Why is on Youtube ? Why is it on the Green Arrow website alongside the story ? Why are BNPers promoting it here as “the truth” and “the reason I want to vote BNP” ?
The allegations made against Mr Khan and Mrs Thomas of the Wilson Road Post Office are false and why should I not point this out ?
The BNP go to great lengths to try and convince people they are different from the main three parties yet they seem adept at doing worse than the LIB/Lab/Con brigade. This concocted story by the BNP follows swiftly on from Richard Barnbrooks one about Murders in his constituency , which he admitted he made up due to him being “Dsylexic”.
Go on tell me its all a conspiracy against the squeaky clean, butter wouldnt melt in their mouths, BNP.
Ice wouldn’t melt in their mouths.
Now i know.
“There is no truth in the story and the BNP are making it up.”
Mind telling us all how you know that?
No problem. The BNP removed the story from their site on insistence from the Sub Postmasters lawyers :
The story is not true, Its another BNP LIE.
Muslim Post Office Manager Bans Woman from Sending Parcel Because Her Son Serves in Afghanistan headlined an article from Welsh regional organiser Brian Mahoney on the BNP’s interminably slow website, we could be fairly certain that a Muslim Post Office Manager Did Not Ban Woman from Sending Parcel Because Her Son Serves in Afghanistan.
Now had the headline appeared in the Daily Mail there might just have been a kernel of truth to the story, twisted and sensationalised out of all proportion to be sure, but distantly predicated on a fact nevertheless. But this story originated with the BNP, a party which considers facts to be an optional extra.
The gist of the story is quickly told: the mother of a soldier serving in Afghanistan took a parcel addressed to the said son to a Muslim-owned Post Office, and was told in no uncertain terms that she could not send it due to the fact of her son serving in Afghanistan.
As Mahoney puts it: “A Muslim post office manager in Cardiff has refused to serve a British soldier’s mother — because her son serves in Afghanistan.”
You would have thought that something like that would – rightly – create something of a stir. Wouldn’t the local press have got on the case? Wouldn’t the Daily Mail have stopped the presses? Wouldn’t local councillors and MPs have got involved?
But none of that happened.
The first, and only news of this putative cause celebre appeared on the BNP website – the BNP had scooped the world!
To quote from the BNP’s version of events:
“Mrs [Maria] Davies’ 21-year-old son is a soldier in a Welsh regiment who recently began an eight month tour of duty in Afghanistan,” Mr Brian Mahoney, BNP leader in Wales, said.
“Imagine, then, Mrs Davies’ shock when the owner of her local post office in Wilson Road, Ely, Cardiff, a certain Mr Khan, asked her where her son was serving.
“When she told him Afghanistan, he informed her that she was not welcome to send him anything from her post office, either packages or money,” Mr Mahoney said. He also instructed his staff not to serve her.
“All this took place publicly in the shop in front of witnesses,” he continued. “It left Mrs Davies astonished, frustrated and upset.”
Even a neighbour who later offered to post her parcel was refused service because they had identified from whom the parcel was being sent.
Accompanying the article was a video interview with Mrs Davies, in which Mrs Davies confirmed to Mahoney that Mr Khan had told her she was banned from the Post Office “because my son was in Afghan” (sic).
The video left a number of us unconvinced that this was the whole truth, mostly because of Mrs Davies’ uncomfortable demeanour throughout, but more tellingly her assertion that “I know he [Mr Khan] can do bad things”, which suggests that Mrs Davies and Mr Khan have a history.
And so, it turns out, they do.
Mr Anjum Alam Khan owns or manages a number of shops in the same road as his Post Office in Wilson Road, one of them being a Nisa convenience store, at which Mrs Davies was a customer. Earlier this year a technical fault with the store’s electronic payment system led to several Nisa customers being repeatedly debited for items they had previously purchased, and among their number was Maria Davies, who lost £200.
Mrs Davies, who is unemployed and lives on benefits, was rightly aggrieved, particularly when her bank charged her for going overdrawn. “I can’t buy any food or anything,” she told her local paper. “This has taken my child support money, my tax credit, my child benefit, my income support and a portion of my next child support payment.”
Nisa promised to repay its serially charged customers, and to refund any bank charges incurred. There was no suggestion of impropreity on the part of Mr Khan.
We cannot help but to believe that the bad blood between Mr Khan and Mrs Davies might have something to do with this, and is the fount of Mrs Davies’ statement that “I know he can do bad things”, and that whatever passed between them is perhaps the reason Mrs Davies is banned from all of Mr Khan’s premises.
Whatever did pass between them we’ll probably never know, but we do know that Mr Khan felt provoked enough to impose a ban, and that the ban has nothing to do with Mrs Davies’s son serving in Afghanistan.
In fact Mr Khan supports the British operation in Afghanistan, and his Post Office has collected on behalf of British troops. He is considered a hard-working member of the community.
But, as an Asian Muslim, he is everything the BNP hates, and naturally the party has maliciously published his contact details, which can be for one purpose only.
For their part, Mr Khan, and Post Office Manageress Mrs Thomas, have issued the following statement:
“There is absolutely no truth in the allegation made to the British National Party that the Post Office in Wilson Road, Ely, Cardiff will not accept parcels for British troops in Afghanistan.
It should not be repeated and we reserve the right to pursue legal action against any person or body repeating the allegation and call for its removal from any website or other publication.
The Wilson Road Post Office has always accepted and continues to accept such parcels. Indeed the Wilson Road shops including the Post Office recently held a ‘Heroes Collection’ for British troops.
The allegation is false and malicious and related to a separate dispute with a customer.
As a result that customer is not welcome at these premises but our services can be accessed by someone else on their behalf if they so wish.”
See , There is the whole story :) Now please would you all withdraw the comments ? You have until 9am when i phone Mr Khans Lawyers
your story is very well told, but where is the evidence? you are just making it up.
Shame on you.
There was no court case, no verdict.
End of story – is inconclusive on both sides, but I prefer the statement made on video by the woman concerned. Where is YOUR video evidence refuting the allegations?
I think youre a bit hard of understanding. There is no court case (yet) because the BNP made up a story which you all are repeating now which originated on the BNP website. The story was taken down from the BNP website after legal representation was made to the BNP with a view to litigation should it continue. Article taken down. Litigation withdrawn.
The BNP fabricated this not me.
Now I have noticed its being repeated on here and Green Arrow’s site. So being concerned for truth and integrity in UK Democracy I decided to do my patriotic duty and inform the person being defamed.
That’s a very closed minded attitude. When the BNPTV video was first posted here I was open to it being factual to some degree, the white racism implications didn’t make sense, but maybe a post master not wanting to support a war they disagree with, well maybe.
The evidence clearly disproves both scenarios, this is a vindictive woman trying to harm a legitimate business owner and all involved in perpetuating these lies should be ashamed.
I’m glad this has happened here, I suspected the BNP had not changed their colour’s and this is a big negative against the BNP to potential non-racist BNP supporters.
Like I said before this sites going to get a lot of visitors before the next general election (this site could see half a million visitors by then) and what the BNP supporters are doing here will put of a lot of people who have fallen for the idea the BNP are no longer racist liars.
Feel free to keep posting like this, it damages the BNP’s chances of doing well in the general election next year which IMO is good for democracy.
The BNP party and Nick Griffin say they are not a fascist party, yet he was a guest at a far-right rally commemorating the anniversary of the death of Fascist dictator General Francisco Franco.
Why was Griffin there if he is not a fascist himself?
Spain’s fascists traditionally gather at the vast basilica, which took 19 years to build using forced labor by Republican prisoners, to pay homage to the late dictator on the Saturday following the date of his death.
But political demonstrations at the monument have been banned under the 2007 Law of Historical Memory, brought in by the socialist government of Jose Luis Rodriquez Zapatero in an attempt to recognise the Republican victims of the civil war and dictatorship.
A spokesman for the BNP confirmed that Mr Nick Griffin MEP had attended the fascist political rally in Madrid.
“He may also have made a private visit to Franco’s tomb on his trip to Spain,” a spokesman said.
OK David, you are more rational than Simon, let us look at the cold hard facts.
a) Money was lost, reported as fact.
b) A ban was imposed, reported as fact.
c) The woman put her story and her face on the internet, seen by many.
d) The postmaster defends himself via a solicitor, reported as fact.
Statements made that are at variance —-.
“The allegation is false and malicious and related to a separate dispute with a customer.”
Note, it is not stated what this other dispute was about.
“As a result that customer is not welcome at these premises but our services can be accessed by someone else on their behalf if they so wish.”
Here we have a post-master who presides over the loss of customers money, (There was a promise to repay, but was it paid back? Nobody said!)
He bans a woman, but so far his reasons have not been clearly stated.
The customer complains on Video, which takes courage, that the ban was because of her son.
1)The woman gave her belief that the reason was due to her son fighting etc.
The postmaster claims it was for ‘some other dispute’ but doesn’t say what.
2)The woman shows courage and determination by putting her face and her name and her story on the line and on the internet.
3)The postmaster is ambiguous about his reasons for the ban, stays in the shadows, and hides his face behind a solicitor.
So, nothing can be proved either way, because it is a matter of the postmaster’s motivation, and short of obtaining a confession we will never know his true reasons.
However, because the BNP are involved, trying to help the woman, PARANOIA and prejudice sets in.
Simon foams at the lips, keyboard on fire, threatens all sorts of dire consequences.
What has it got to do with Simon? Nothing at all, he just hates the BNP.
What has it got to do with David? Nothing, apart from the fact that he is moderator for this site, and is therefore responsible in some way for its content, but he also hates the BNP.
Rather than accept the story as he himself tells it, Simon claims it is ‘fabricated’, made up by the BNP.
The BNP should take HIM to court for defamation.
If you bothered to read the WHOLE Story it states that :
Some Customers at the Nisa store were overcharged due to an error with the debit/credit card machines and the woman was amongst them.
The woman in question received her money plus any bank charges were also refunded to her as was the case with other customers.
She was banned due to ABUSE that she put to MR Khan and his English Assistant Store Manager.
She was told that someone could send the parcel on her behalf.
Mr Khan HAS RAISED FUNDS FOR SERVING BRITISH TROOPS and is well respected in the Community.
The allegation against Mr Khan and his assistant is false.
I would love the BNP to attempt to sue Me, please go ahead.
oh and one more thing.
Contacting Mr Khans Lawyers is dire for the BNP. Its not my threat its Lawyers acting for Mr Khans store’s threat and they indicated this morning they are serious about legal action against anybody continuing the defemation.
If you want to believe lies and supposition then that is up to you. But the BNP furthering support through Lies when they claim to be squeaky clean and the only alternative to Labour, Tory and Lib Dem ? That’s everyone’s business. That is how democracy works.
The BNP and the woman in the video has used half truths to discredit the post master, this is wrong, the BNP/woman are at fault here, not the post master.
If the BNP did not print a retraction of the story I consider them low life’s, they have and continue to damage an innocent businessman’s reputation and business and should be ashamed!
The most important points are.
1. The reason for the ban?
Was it because she is white?
Highly unlikely since there’s no other reports of white people banned, so this is not racism. There’s evidence (see below link) that the post master has been serving the woman for at least a few months, if he was racist, why now and not the first time she used his businesses?
Was it because her son was in a war the post master disagreed with?
From the evidence it would appear not, the post master has a history with this woman regarding a newspaper complaint about money.
It goes on to say
Mistakes happen in business, I should know I run one, but the important thing is they did the right thing and she got her money back and bank charges paid for. Assuming the newspaper report is accurate of course.
In conclusion the ban was not as the woman/BNP say on the video because she was posting parcels to a soldier in Afghanistan. It was because she was abusive to the staff (including an English woman) of his businesses.
Business owners ban people all the time from their places of work, that’s their right. If she felt the ban was unfair she should have gone to the Post Office and complained, if the complaint was upheld maybe the post master would have lost his contract with the Post Office.
Did she make such a complaint? It would appear not.
Those on this site supporting the BNP and arguing the video is factual even when the BNP themselves have removed the original article from their website are perpetuating the believe both the BNP and their supporters are low life scum bags who make up claims of racial abuse on white people to stir up racial hatred for political gains.
If you had any sense you’d accept the facts and move on, you are not helping your cause.
This is bordering on religious dogma, the BNP says “X” so “X” must be true! At best the BNP have screwed up royally, at worst they are fabricating stories for political gains!
That includes youtube see xD
No it doesnt. If you actually bothered to read the youtube users agreement it is the responsibility of the individual account holder when uploading videos to youtube’s sites.
But we will leave such matters to the Welsh ministerial office and mr Khan’s Lawyers shall we
Still no news of anyone promoting their own party yet.
Just looking for manipulated party video clips from all parties,i may be some time;D