Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
I am disgusted with what has happened to Britain over the past 20 years, we have been betrayed by a mob of corrupt mobsters and well-meaning lunatics.
Enough is enough, my vote will go to the BNP.
If these idiotic parties actually want my vote then they are not trying hard enough!! I have not had one person canversing for my vote except for one… yep the BNP. they actually botherd to come to my door unlike the rest!) the only party that cares about the british people. ok so the leader may be a racist but right now this country needs some one that isnt scared of saying NO to these freeloaders and scroungers that dont show any respect for britain!! unless ppl like dave and gords want a vote from me they are gunn have to do a hell of a lot more!!
I note that the only video shown in these comments is a anti BNP one, It will be interesting to see if any other videos are allowed to be posted or are they being moderated by a biased Admin/Moderator?
I have embedded some video, lets see if its shown to prove impartiality.
Moderator: they didn’t come through at all, if you post another post below (click reply on this comment) this with direct links to the videos, I’ll fix it. Please see on how to add YouTube videos (found a solution).
Thank you for your reply David,
Here are some videos that may redress the balance.
Many things do not make it to mainstream media in this political climate.
I realise it may be shocking to you that the BNP have popular support but many people who are not racist or oddballs, just normal british people, have chosen the party as the only party willing to speak up against the destruction of the British way of life.
Come the GE expect some suprises.
The Muslim March The BBC Didnt Let You See
Geert Wilders Warning to America Part 1 of 2
Geert Wilders Warning to America Part 2 of 2
Lord Pearson warns on islamic colonisation of UK
Best Regards,
Those vids just about say it all.
I wonder if our moderator has watched them?
Vote BNP
Yes I’ve watched the videos, I found the last one the most interesting.
I have to admit to not having enough information to fully understand the issue of the “Islamification of Britain”, wasn’t the sort of argument used about Muslim birth rates used when black people entered this country in higher numbers (we’d be over run by them)?
And yet on the whole black people integrate into British society no different to the “indigenous population” and do not “breed like rabbits”.
I’ve started a new post at including a poll with the question Is Islamic Culture a Serious Threat to the British way of Life?, since this is clearly a contentious issue.
Your comments on the Blacks not breeding like rabbits is now probably true about the 2nd or 3rd generations here. Also remember that in the main they were Christian and wished to integrate into our society. However the fact cannot be ignored that unfortunately they are responsible for a disproportionately high crime rate especially in “mugging”!
The other main fact is that the Muslim population have a religion which virtually forbids any sort of meaningful integration! It was 2nd & 3rd generation immigrant Muslims who perpetrated the 7/7 bombings. The Muslims continually push for more & more concessions to their religion here, whilst making no attempt to tolerate any criticism (real or imaginary) of theirs, see Mohammed cartoons & murder of dutch film maker, fatwah on Salman Rushdie etc! Continually, extremist groups threaten our way of life, with little or no condemnation from the so called “moderates” & what is more shameful, no response by our so called Police “service”. See how easy it was for some of the failed bombers to dissapear into their own community, how the 3 murderers of Kriss Donald were helped by their community to escape to Pakistan.
They insist on their children being fed ritually slaughtered meat in schools, not to be exposed to any form of Christian worship and yet OUR children are more or less forced to respect theirs by threats of prosecution or worse. Teachers afraid of disciplining Muslim pupils in a Swindon school for the same reason, Talk about the tail wagging the dog. These facts are deliberately supressed or ignored by the “media”, why? The public should know what is happening but it is all part of the covert scheme of “nulabour” & co, to flood our country with immigrants in the desperate hope that they will vote for the self serving cowards in “nulabour”. The conservatives are no better with Cameron already caught in lies about the EU referendum! That is why it is essential that people vote BNP NOW!
You really should learn a little more about the Islamic religion. It is very cohesive and introverted and will never tolerate integration.
As a religion its foundation values are alien to the Christian world.
Its objective is often stated, ‘world domination’ but moderate Christian politicians are so smug and complacent that they can do no other than to ascribe their own Christian values to this alien culture that simply does not share, or care about, anything anyone else says.
Sharia law is utterly contemptuous of human rights and equality – and that IS the law that Muslims live by, both moderate and extremist – it is the law of Islam, the law of the Holy Koran.
The culture/religion is now growing in our midst and spreading throughout the nations of Europe.
Nothing will stop it until it grows out of our ability to do anything about it. When they have sufficient numbers and power they will take over.
You dislike and fear the BNP?
I fear Islam a lot more than I fear the BNP.
Our complacent politicians will do nothing more than they have always done. They will lie and deceive and trot out platitudes and hope the problem goes away, while they line their bank accounts with our money.
We are in a dangerous position, as we were before the last war, when none of our leaders wanted to believe the intentions of the NAZI party.
They did not listen then, and they are not listening now.
Who will take notice? Only the BNP.
You have the complacency of the Labour and Tory parties to thank for the rise of the BNP.
Video 1 “The Muslim March The BBC Didnt Let You See”
They are marching about Palestine and the conflict in the Gaza strip, very emotive issues.
Yes it got violent, which is unacceptable and those responsible for the violence should be punished through the courts.
I read the BNP’s version of this march, according to Nick Griffin it was organised to convert young Muslims to Marxism :)
Its very scary all this going on and why cant there be an answer to all of this. I get butterflys in my stomach when i see muslims the way they act and what they get away with.. Its scary
If after watching these 3 videos, people vote for the 3 mainstream parties, all will be lost in as far as our country remaining ours. I was horrified that geert can see what is happening and no one wants to listin. We are doomed if we don’t oust our weak politicians and vote in BNP. There is no other answer.
I’ll be voting BNP.
For all those living in white suburbia, have a ganders at Peckham and Hackney. Is this what you wish to live in?
I live in Peckham and am sick and tired of having to suffer African culture (or Black as it is known).
Either we act now in a peaceful manner or we can wait until the violence starts. Which it will.
If,Like me you are British by birth, and you care about the British people, and the Britain you grew up in, a predominantly white Christian country, and you prefer the company of your own kind REGARDLESS of your own colour, then say so, none of the above is racist, it is perfectly natural, only those with hidden agendas will call you racist,
I will be voting BNP as I feel they are the only realistic party that can clearly see the problems here and that have thought about how to redress them.People talk about minority groups, well we have become the minority group within our own country. Its about time people remember we are English living in England, we are Christian, we have our own laws, our own traditions, yet everything is rapidly being eroded and is being encouraged by the main parties, its about time they just looked closer to home to see what has happened.
I will only vote BNP I do not trust any other party.
I am not racist I have friends of other
nationalities and they understand why I vote BNP
they know that this Country is too soft and they
call it soft Britain paved with gold, they do not
understand why we give people everything when they
arrive and they have told me it is so easy to get
into Britain. So does anyone else think we are
stupid or is it just me ?????