Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
Matt I would like to know what ‘Freedom’ you have to sacrifice due to what you refer to as ‘Political correctness gone mad’?
As David has already stated our forefathers were fighting to stop a fascist movement (Nazi’s). They were fighting against the Nazi’s whom demonised Jewish people through propaganda to gain power….can you not see the similarities with the BNP Parties views on Muslims?
I am a little tired of the immigration issue’s being ignored so I will be forced to vote BNP, the other parties spend their time bad mouthing each other!. I also find it a little narrow minded where everyone finds it appropriate to comment on other peoples message grammer and spelling. Im not a racist I just want England back.
The only reason I have commented on grammar and spelling is that it reflects the competence of the devoted BNP voter.
So called multiculturalism is a term created by the current government to cover the fact that they have been unable or unwilling to confront the issue of immigration. It is far easier for them to bury their heads in the sand and pretend there is no problem. No one in this country was asked if they wanted multiculturalism, they simply had it forced on them. The time to start reversing the tide is now, by voting BNP.
As someone has said that no arguments have been given against what the BNP says here you have a few clear and short points on each of their policies.
Welfare Policy:
They want to give benefits only to those who work, basically those who don’t really need benefits. They say they will train people so that they can get a job. They forget that many trained people are also unemployed and that training schemes already exist. They also conveniently forget about those who can’t work because of some disability. Maybe their Christian faith will train blind people to see, and possibly a wider range of miracles, we will see…
Immigration Policy:
This is basically racist, there is nothing more to it, and it is just based around the idea that white British people deserve more rights than immigrants, because of course they are not human and all claim benefits without working. Ok there are immigrants that might not work; do you seriously think that all British are the same? Where do you draw the line between British and not? Are you seriously assuming that all ‘British’ people are hard-working and immigrants aren’t? And beyond the immoral comes the impractical idea of deporting over 2 million people and offering GENEROUS grants to those of foreign descent who wish to leave permanently. Oh, so it is bad to pay for the health of people who require treatment, but it’s great to kick people out with incentives that will probably cost a lot to the country. These people would sell their mothers if they were to live in a country with no immigrants, think about this, they don’t seek reasonable policies they base them on a hate that easily fuels costly, unnecessary and ridiculous decisions without mentioning the whole lack of humanity, that goes without said.
Defence policy:
Don’t let them kid you, they aren’t pacific, it is good that they want to withdraw from unfair wars, but they also want to leave peace missions, because again, they help those that aren’t British. One would think that this would ease the stupid economic burden that the army has on the country, but far from that they seek to strengthen the military forces. After violating common sense so thoroughly they plan to violate British rights for a while. They plan on restoring military service, yes please, we have freedom but we don’t really like it, please make all of us to waste years of youth on such a wasteful, freedom-blowing imposition. VOTE BNP
Foreign Aid policy:
They propose nothing, as people born outside the British Isles are less human of course. This economically is really preoccupying as this together with producing all weapons in Britain, shows that they believe that Britain can work separately from the rest of the world. They have a tendency for fascist ideas of autarchy which for the relief of some of you have worked even worse than communist Russia, and fascist dictators over Europe that once followed this economic model as a central doctrine of patriotism had to leave it aside during their dictatorships because even they realised they were impossible to achieve. Hitler and Franco chose Autarchy to start with, and even these considered role models for the BNP had to move away from this stupid idea. BNP supporters; open a book and learn to read, and then search for autarchy in an encyclopaedia.
Transport policy:
Basically they want to ban hidden cameras so that they are less effective and rise speed limits for stronger crashes.
Health policy:
They want to reduce these costs, they will save to billion on health tourists, which should fairly be allowed to die in the streets, as British tourists are never attended in hospitals when they go abroad, I’m being sarcastic of course but the BNP have a high chance of making this statement true if they come to power. Countries would start to hate Britain if their tourists are treated like waste.
Education policy:
I love this, I really love this, they want corporal punishment back in schools, and i’m pretty sure who they will like to beat more, sadly the equal social status that people of British and non British origin enjoy now would vanish. Their tolerance and freedom-fighting also goes as far as forcing Christianity on children. This would certainly mean the end of freedom, as Christianity, as well as any religion can only be positive if one chooses to follow it.
I will continue later lol, there is too much to say and they haven’t even published a Manifesto.
It would be nice for all mankind to be at peace. But there will always be wars, and rumours of wars.
This is why a lot of people will vote BNP, a protest against the govt! How can you ensure a harmonic multicultural England when there are endless tales of people being told to tone down patriotism!?
Why do ‘respectable citizens’ throw eggs at Griffin, they could put it towards buying a homeless person a cup of tea with the money instead.
How come the BNP do not get fair press…. They are surpressed by the media, we all saw question time, they might aswell have hanged him and cut off his genitals.
Even this websites description portrays them negativley…
He does have some stupid and intolerent policies that I don’t agree with, but hopefully this will push which ever party gets in into amending some of theirs!
Does anybody remeber the promised referndum on the euro….. Cumon Gordon, you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.
I don’t have a problem with British people having more rights than immigrants. After all, they have earned those rights over many generations. As far as welfare is concerned what is wrong with expecting someone to work in order to recieve money. Welfare dependency has eroded our once great work ethic and if useful training is included, so much the better. There will always be a safety net to catch those who genuinely cannot work. On the subject of foreign aid, how can we complain about deficiencies in our own country ie healthcare education etc when we give vast sums of money to other countries. That money could be used more wisely here. The government currently sends large sums in foreign aid to India and China. Both those countries have nuclear weapons, space programmes and thriving industries and economies, this sounds like madness to me. No one can agree with all the policies of any political party but a lot of the BNP’s just seem to be based on common sense.