Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
It’s true, of course the BNP cannot win the coming election. It is also a fact that a large proportion of their support comes from areas where immigration has had the greatest impact. As a future Lab/Con government have no intentions what so ever of doing anything about this problem, support for the BNP will steadily continue to grow. All parties suffer fluctuations in various opinion polls but if you doubt their popularity is growing, look at the simple fact that ten years ago they could not possibly have won a parliamentary seat, today it is a real possibility. British politics is in a new era where small parties can have an impact in parliament. People living in areas such as Barking who are opposed to immigration at last have a golden opportunity to send this message right to the heart of government by voting BNP!
I don’t believe that all people voting for the BNP are racist. But that still does not make what you are doing right. You have genuine greivances, but voting for the BNP is not the answer. Immigration is a natural human phenomenon and will continue to happen. Not even all “British” people are of the same ethnicity. The majoirty of those in Scotland and Wales are of Celtic ethnicity compared to the majority of English being Anglo-Saxon.
If you believe that immigration is a major problem then you should look at the policies of UKIP. They offer restrictions on immigration and limiting it to 50,000 p.a. Or possibly the Liberal Democrats who will implement a policy where immigrants will only be allowed to reside in the UK in an area where there is a job for them that is pre arranged.
Consider this, if you do not want to live in a multi-cultural society then look around you. You have probably eaten Chinese or India food this week and made outside of the UK. The movies you watch and music you listen to is probably American. You are probably going to Spain this summer. Look at the world around you and look at what it has offered you.
i totally agree that britain is a bastard race, we have been conquered by the celts ,romans,saxons ,normans and so on ,but that doesnt mean that every nation in the world has the right to just walk in and get all the benefits that any other british taxpayer has paid into all their live .the problem is britain is an island and can only sustain so much imigration.gordon brown was so happy to anounce that he has created 1.7 million jobs ,but was not so happy to answer the reply that it was created for 90% foreign workers.also the accusation of the youth of britain do not want to work is partially right .we have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in europe,so a girl of 16 can leave school and get bebefits straight away,(not available till 18).and so many 16 to 18 year olds in college because it is the only way to get benefits,this is right but the problem is only a fraction of these people can get a job at the end of it.and automatically go on benefits anyway.foreign workers like polls,rumanians,bulgarians and so dont do skilled work so much they are barwarkers,factory line workers and low end skilled workers,surely this work should go to citizens that where born in this country,regardless of colour or creed.also manufacturing in this country has gone abroad,british steel(indian) ,cadburys (american)british gas (french)electicity (german),even the thompson holiday group are german.please regardless of colour or creed, britain is going down the pan.the thing the government dont realise is that bringing in these rules they are creating racism and great grandson is of mixed race arrabic african and i have no problem with people who live in this country but we have to close the doors and think of british born people ,black white yellow green or blue
More BNP supporter rubbish and lies.
The majority of unemployed people in Britain are NOT young people, most young people are either gainfully employed or in education/training.
The biggest section of the unemployed are the over 50 years olds for very obvious reasons. They’ve had one job all their life, many are highly skilled, but when they loose their job that job no longer exists in the right numbers to rehire them all. For example where in our 21st century economy do dock workers go when shipyard jobs are lost?
They need retraining in the new industries, but what employer is going to spend a lot of money on training a 50+ year old when they can train an 18 year old for less money!
This results in a relatively large number of over 50s long term unemployed and attacking young people isn’t going to help 50+ year olds find a job.
16-18 year olds in college do not get benefits per se (they can’t claim JSA for example). Many are entitled to the EMA grant (£30 a week) as long as they study enough hours per week.
What is wrong with that? Or do you believe only 16-18 year olds with wealthy parents should be able to afford to study A-Levels and go on to University etc…?
My eldest son went to University last year and he claimed the EMA grant while he studied at the age of 16-18, but he also worked part time at Argos.
When I was 17 and living on my own in a council flat I went back to school to get a good education so I could go to University. I had to lie to the job center etc… and say I was available and looking for work full time so I could study full time as there was nothing like the EMA grants (Tory government only the well off went to Uni). If it wasn’t for health problems I’d be a research geneticist now, instead I’m a SEO consultant and make more money than I would have made as a scientist, so I’ve easily paid back through taxes what I took from the system to get a good education.
We need our young people to be well educated and trained for the jobs of the future. The government is trying, but with British people’s attitude to education, it’s not going as well as we need which is why we have so many skilled foreign workers migrating to Britain.
If British born people lack the education and training to do the skilled jobs, we have to rely on foreign migrant workers which though not ideal is better than having no one to do the work which would damage our economy.
BNP supporters spout lie after lie, at least stick to the truth. If loads of 16 year old girls are getting pregnant why do the BNP say our birth rate is too low and we’ll be out bred by the foreigners?
Shouldn’t BNP supporters be promoting teenager pregnancy so there’s more British born people?
The above indicates how retarded the BNP approach and arguments are.
lets get one thing straight i am not, or never will be a member of the familly are irish imigrants. statistically we are officially the highest country in europe for teenage pregnancies,that is an official government statement this year.i will agree with you the most unemployed are the over 50s,but i dont agree with you about you about all the skilled labour from are probably talking of about less than 5% of migrant workers are skilled workers .if the government are so keen to see the kids trained then give them proper apprenticeships,not work experience that is worth nothing at the end of the day.i left school at 15 with nothing joined the army and done well .i am now self employed.also not all the kids are going to be scientists ,most will be factory workers ,bus drivers or whatever .you cant train every teenager to do a trade as the work doesnt exist and what work that does is increasingly going abroad
All I can say is try living in Blackburn.
Or Luton,Birmingham,Bradford,Coventry and wait for it………Leicester.
Moderator: Changed your user name and URL link. Do not use another’s name to try to defame them!
the problem with removing all illegal imigrants is it wont work.if you where to remove all the illegals in london alone it will shut down overnight.most of the restaurant trade alone is operated by unregistered labour.the true figure of illegals is probably around 3 be fair the government has tried to address the imigration problem for legals,it is a damn site harder to come into this country now if you are not a european citizen.the problem is bulgaria rumania poland czech rep slav rep do i need to go any further who are legally allowed in.there also is a problem with some cultures where a girl could be born in this country and is told to marry a man from her mother country,that should not be allowed as it is a loophole,she could be able to marry a nice lad who was born here
i think the bnp is a joke and they have no chance of winning the election this years.i believe they are a racist party.
You are Confused We Are British and True Brits obviously your not.For we want are Country to remain in British Hands is that Racist, or are you a Foreigner,coming to take over are Land, but others would scream if we took over there’s.
Well that was a reasonable, balanced and non bias article. You should go get a job at the BBC you’d fit right in. What with your clearly neutral writing style.
I noticed you started off the article using the words “racist” and “fascist”.
Again more use of the buzz words that the liberal media love to use.
Cool idea writing for the BBC, though I suspect I make more than the average BBC reporter by publishing content on my own sites and generating traffic from search engines.
Thanks for the tip though, if I ever get bored with my day job I’ll definitely look into writing for the BBC :-)
Pity the fools who don’t support the BNP. They are the only party who actually support the British people. There I said it, I suppose in the next ten minutes I’ll have someone down at my door to arrest me but I don’t care.
The BNP actually try to support the people who belong on this once great land and not those who come here from their own countries to leech off of us. I am voting for the BNP in May and I hope a lot of you will also. Get a brain before our country belongs to Muslims and such.
The BNP actually try to support the people who belong on this once great land and not those who come here from their own countries to leech off of us.
I just thought I’d reply to this bit with a simple fact.
The royal family is a long long long line of Germans.
I feel it unfair to mention; Those that cannot speak,but as for are Foreigners that take are jobs away through mass importation, with the loss of housing,Jobs, and a burden on the community for welfare & Drain on Public resources by the Tax payer which is You & Me.