Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
I would like to see some form of proportional representation as used in many other countries. At the moment unless you live in a marginal constituency your vote can never make a difference. This is recognised by the media as they always focus on marginal seats.
Thank you Nick for your response, but I believe that David has already answered the question. Also, if you feel agrived by this then maybe you should stand as a candidate for your constituency. Or even better you should look at the BNP for what they really are and move your political affiliations firmly away from them. Proportional representation is a good idea, it would also benefit myself as I look for independence for Wales. But under the current sytem it would also mean that there would be even more MPs from Wales and Scotland voting on matters purely to do with England and vice versa.
And for Matt, if you really live in the real world you will walk outside and meet the hard working decent people of this country from varying ethnic backgrounds who have all had an impact on British culture. You will then probably see that the people you talk about are a minue minority that you have read about on the Dear Deirdre page of the Sun newspaper.
I think all the main political parties are rubbish, in an election they all tell you what they think you want to here and then when they are elected they do the complete opposite.
We need someone like the BNP who are not afraid to say enough is enough with the immegrants comming into this country. I am not racist but as a British person I am sick to death of being a second class citizen in my own country.
A large proportion of the people in this country are opposed to mass immigration. However at the moment there is no effective way of voicing this opposition in parliament as no party holding parliamentary seats seem willing to address the issue.If the BNP win a seat at this election there will finally be someone to put forward this viewpoint at a parliamentary level. Therefor it is more important than ever for people in marginal seats such as Barking who are opposed to mass immigration to vote for the BNP.
Yes Matt yes, the best argument to vote for the BNP is that the sun is brainwashing all of you and you are proud of it. LOL Are you sure you are not campaigning against the BNP with your comments?
You make me laugh, seriously, the BNP adds some humour to this country. With such hilarious propositions and dumb supporters who wouldn’t want these people in Government?
I bet you think you are going somewhere with all your crap, but the truth is not everybody votes in reference to the Sun(the best newspaper of all according to everybody) even if it sells millions and manages to brainwash a few hundreds !!
Haha, your comment made me laugh, touché good sir!
You vote BNP to take back our country.
lest we FORGET what our forfathers sacrificed their LIVES for.
They sacrificed their lives to help protect the world from fascists like the Nazi party which the BNP consider a good role model for political propaganda!
Many who fought and died in World War II would roll in their graves at the thought the BNP are using their memories for political gain! It’s shameful.
have been a labour voter all my life. but this new labour are just doing nothing for the working class except allowing mass exportation of our jobs and then mess imagination to compete with us on the few hands on jobs that are around. Just to help rich company’s save money which as left allot of once proud tradesmen on the scrap heap,
I will be voting BNP this time, along with most of the 800 people i used to work with at refinery