Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
what exactly are bnp voters hoping will happen in this election? Are you aiming for one MP who while symbolic will not and cannot change anything or are you actually thinking that one day you will win an election because that is utterly ridiculous. People vote for the three main parties because by and large they represent what the great majority of voters want. now unless the 40% of the population who don’t vote are all bnp supporters- i don’t even see why this forum for discussion of bnp policies is relevant.
I think most people are fed up with all the immigrants and possibly people will vote BNP because of this. We have to tell the main parties that they have to listen to the people and perhaps they will if they lose lots of votes to other minor parties. I dont agree the 3 main parties are giving us what the majority want cause if they were then we’d still be voting for them. I think a lot of voters will change from who they normally vote for in this election for their own various reasons. I know I will be.
Well the write-up above is hardly a balanced one. Who wrote it? Possibly one of the three (or a combined effort) main parties who are nervous that this party is pulling itself from its hideous past into a reputable party for British people.
What I’m hearing is that socialism has ruined this country. We are now being advised not to vote for this party because of the effect may have on our society.
The crux is all my family are white British. If their manifesto suits me and my family I will vote for them. If I start considering my vote for other members of society – then were will be?
Back to a socialist nation again!
PS I would like to make it clear I have no dislike for any other creed or religion, but as a white British person, the BNP ticks all my personal boxes, then why should I not give them my vote?
Andy I suggest you take a look at the BNP’s web site!
The BNP are an embarrassment to this country. Their policies make no sense even if you agree with them, what on earth is an ‘indigenous Briton’? Can Griffin chase his ancestry back to the ice age or like many of us is his ancestry routed in Europe.
A vote for the BNP is a vote for the hard of thinking by the hard of thinking.
The three main parties always shy away from the issue of immigration, to the point of almost refusing to talk about it. Most people I know are concerned about the current level of immigration and definately do want to talk about it. This could be one reason to vote BNP?
Although I am Asian, you may be shocked to hear that I too will be voting BNP. The BNP tick all the boxes as far I am concerned so why shouldn’t I?
The 3 main parties have scratched the backs of the their donators while lining their own pockets for years, it is time for a change. I think the BNP are at least not ashamed to air their views and it is obvious that the BNP are only in the headlines during smear campaigns in order to deter voters. What are the ‘old boys clubs’ so afraid of?? Being found out to the level of back scratching and theiving from the public purse maybe?
This Asian family will be voting BNP, you have heard it here first!
@ Ashunie
By voting for BNP you’re practically accepting to be kicked out of the country. Good luck with that.
Furthermore, not one of the members of the Liberal Democrats were involved in the ‘taxes scandal’, so before you come on here potty-mouthing get your research right.
You seem to think every non white will be kicked out? Cumon, don’t be so niave. You don’t honestly think this is possible, that they would even try this! If I was in charge Id kick out loads of whites, too many dribblers skulking round the streets and scrounging of tax payers.
The BNP have more policies than just immigration. I went on the Vote for Policies website as recommended by the Green party to see if I should vote Tory or Lib Dem; turns out however I’m a racist. This isn’t a very neutral assessment of this party, nor is it a well written one: in the paragraph about national service I think the sentance should read ‘lose the right to vote’ not ‘loose’. Merry electioneering!
If the BNP gain ground in this or any other election its down to the three main parties gagging any real or serious debate about immigration. People have a right to be worried about the country they live in and what they see as a threat to their way of life without being branded a racist or monster for having this worry and wanting to debate it openly and feel as if the “reasonable” parties are listening and responding to these concerns. If you drive these concerns underground and people feel surpressed then don’t be surpised if they rebel through voting BNP…don’t forget what happened in Germany in the 1930’s one of the most cultured nations on Earth…and why because people didn’t feel they had a voice until one voice was heard above all others! If the mainstream parties are really concerned over these issues then its about time they started to address BNP as in British National Pride….as having pride in your country and your heritage does not make you a bad person..and calling yourself British is not racist as was a view some years ago…everytime some left winger removes a nurses cross or states that Christmas cards with religious scenes are offensive or that sharia law will inevitably dominate Britain then they are putting another X next to the BNP candidate in the voting booth…Wake up!