Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010. The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote British National Party : BNP 2010 General Election
nic grefin is a junkey and illitrate. and should be punished for saying those words against ethnic background. hes a village man and should nt be allowed to speak in the poblic. WHAT CAN HE SAY ABOUT OUR GREAT GRAND PARENTS WHOM THE WHITES TOOK FOR SLAVES AND THEY DIE AS A SLAVES.
to the person who left a comment about slaves blah blah blah…….well stop moaning because the whites are slowly becoming slaves so u can enjoy that one ..the sooner the:nic grefin the illitrate junkey who shouldnt speak in poblic: gets in and sorts this great british mess out the better it will be for the rest of us…………..
Evidently SANDRA, you don’t know what you’re talking about. How in the world are ‘the whites slowly becoming slaves’? Nick Griffin is just closed-minded, as are you. The only ‘great british mess’ is that people’s attitudes are simply disgusting. Nick Griffin is disgraceful, just like anyone else who shares his racist views. That is what they are. Racist.
Some people can’t take it when their race is attacked, yet are happy to attack (needn’t be physically) other races. Imagine if it was the other way around.
Be grateful for what you do have, instead of worrying about what other skin colours there are in the country.
No more illiterate than you are I’d wager….
good on u gary
All the so called “Mainstream” Political parties seem so entangled with furthering their own agendas at the cost of each other and kudos with Europe and the US, that they have simply lost touch with all that makes Great Britain great. Britain is not about a Sceptered Isle between The North Sea and The Atlantic, it is about the People on this Island, the people that worked, fought and died to safeguard our culture, heritage and God given right to self determination. The people have lost (if they ever had) the taste for the “Politically Correct” Ideologies that are slowly eroding our Great British cultire, morals and values. The BNP are the only Party that realise this, so as long as the others continue to push us down the road of diluting our culture into some grey multi cultural soup with no identity of its own (Or worse, a mass of conflicting identities and ideologies, then the BNP will continue to gain popular momentum, and rightly so. Charity begins at home im afraid, and I don’t think the mainstream parties actually realise how difficult just daily survival has become, for many, many people across the UK….
Im going to vote Labour. Actually better not, don’t want mr Harman claiming porn on his wifes expenses. Again.
If you had a pound for every person that suggested peadophiles and sex offenders should be sterilised or executed… The BNP want this. If you think the EU is a waste, the BNP want out aswell.
The govt seem to put more effort into altering nursery rhymes than they do for elderly care home standards.
The govt seem to think we should all be happy clappy. Wake up, this is reality. Ignorant band wagon riders claim BNP are Nazi’s. Fools! They themselves cannot see they are brainwashed by leftwing newspapers and articles.
Govt is too full of over analytical idiots, more interested in paperwork than their constituants.
Time for change, roll on May!
I think you’re mistaken, it appears you are the one that is brainwashed, propaganda is abundant in right wing parties such as BNP, and I understand it can seem right sometimes – It is not.
If it was for those “Ignorant band wagon riders”, you wouldn’t have some of the brilliant liberties you have today, like your free* healthcare? That was created by left-wingers, like your free* police service and fire service? Again, created by left-wingers. If it wasn’t for those of us on the left wing, you’d be paying “Police Insurance” and “Fire Insurance” and “Health Insurance”, we’d be as bad as America on the terms of social care.
How would you like to be retired and not be able to afford health insurance, you have a heart attack and have to go to hospital, you have to pay £50,000 in hospital bills otherwise debt collection agencies will be round your house looting all your things?
*Free is denoted by paying social security, however if you’re unemployed, retired or in full-time education, this tax is waived.
Furthermore, how can you honestly justify killing a man for a crime he has committed? We have prisons for a reason, we have that prison to keep that person quarantined from society and not as punishment, that’s the fundamental of prison it’s not a ‘punishment’, but a ‘preventative’. The only time I can find justification for killing someone is when they’re a threat to many lives such as Saddam Hussein.
Not to mention that many paedophiles are born that way, is it really right to kill a man because of the way he was born? That’s like saying you should kill autistic children, or other people with birth defects, is this really right? The only thing we can do is educate them on the matter. Moreover sterilising someone won’t stop them from having sexual fantasies, it will only stop them from reproducing.
I personally don’t want to see Hitler MK.II being put into power, and I won’t allow it on my watch, and many other politically enlightened won’t allow it either.
Britain is built on immigrants, and to disallow them access to our country is utter nonsense. We’re not an imperialistic country anymore, we’re seen as the country where everyone has a fair chance no matter what background you’re from.
I’d just like to say – I love being part of the EU, it grants us so many benefits which many people don’t seem to realise. Vote Liberal Democrats on May 6th, 2010 if you wish to see real change, if you want a different part which is a party for the people!
Anon signing out.
You offer a strong counter argument.
However, I think you agree that all people are different and have different perspectives on life for whatever reason.
Yes the left built up the social side. But the BNP are not suggesting to abolish such things. The left were needed to balance things out. Now the balance is arguably the wrong way.
So thus we need to go back right again, and who knows, back left again in the future maybe.
The band wagon wagon rider jibe was aimed at people who make a judgement on BNP without reading policies etc. They are as bad as people that say ‘Ill vote BNP, I dont like people from Pakistan’
People have the right to vote for whatever appeals to them, and to many, not living in fear of dangerous criminals is a higher priority than ensuring welfare of immigrants they will never meet.
I mean, imagine ones best friend is an immigrant. The choice is:- Keep your friend in the uk or have ten British born people you have never met or have no connection with deported. Which would you choose?
I suspect you would choose the person you were closest to, the one you knew and was involved in your life.
As is the way people vote, for issues that personally effect them.
Just a note on the ‘looting’ you mentioned. Many people who have payed tax all their lives lose their homes and thousands in savings to move to a residential home, where a pennyless person, no matter whether they are foreign, taxpaying or whatever will go for free. We can moan/argue about rights till the cows come home. Life isn’t fair,get used to it.
Also you wrongly likened exectuting a convicted paedophile to killing an autistic child, one is a danger to scoiety…..
It will be an interesting election nonetheless
I thank you very much for your response, I will try to address those which you pointed out below:
I believe that above all else, freedom of speech is one of the most important things in life, I do not condemn those who vote for BNP, I only hope that one day they’ll realise that some of their policies are too traditionalistic for advancement.
I believe that both protecting citizens from ‘dangerous criminal’ and ensuring welfare for UK citizens are as important as each other. If it were not for welfare, myself as a student would not be able to attend and would be forced to work either part time or full time which would heavily affect my education, as researchers have found – For every £1 you put into Higher education, you get £3 back when they get employed.
While many do not believe in our current criminal justice system, I think that we’re not too far from getting it right. Of course we don’t have ludicrously long sentences like in Saudi Arabia, but I believe that’s because we are a liberal country, and so the courts are liberal in that same sense. While crime is not my strongest area, I feel the best way to ‘cut’ crime is to prevent it, instead of attacking crime head on when it happens, we should put more funding into preventing it from happening by means of educating those who are willing to commit the crime or by encouraging them to find proper jobs.
In response to your 6th paragraph starting with “Just a note on….” yes, I agree, it is dreadful that those which have paid taxes all their life should have to sell their homes and pay thousands to live in a residential home, but this is not down to the liberals, this is down to those on the right wing which support capitalism (Think conservatives). Liberal Democrats want to keep the pension in line with inflation instead of it being so far behind as it is now, as well as bring the tax barrier up to £10,000 so those on the minimum wages won’t have to pay tax at all.
In response to your comment on the paedophilia – I think you’re missing the fundamentals, I was not saying that being autistic is considered as bad as a paedophile, I was simply stating that it is the way that they’re born, it is not choice, that’s why we must education them more on the risks of paedophilia and try and help them understand that it is wrong, not by cutting their heads off.
I thank you again Wilfred for your mature response, which is more than I can say to many people whom I have debated politics with.
I think you’re mistaken, it appears you are the one that is brainwashed, propaganda is abundant in right wing parties such as BNP, and I understand it can seem right sometimes – It is not.
So can you explain why we should have to let in people into our country? Try explaining to the old folk who cant afford to heat their houses, live on state pensions etc whilst people who have no right being here – get everything for free? If it is brainwashing. I can’t see the issue or anything wrong with ‘looking after our own people’. Why should my taxes go towards any immigrants? Australia and the USA have the right idea?
If it was for those “Ignorant band wagon riders”, you wouldn’t have some of the brilliant liberties you have today, like your free* healthcare? That was created by left-wingers, like your free* police service and fire service? Again, created by left-wingers. If it wasn’t for those of us on the left wing, you’d be paying “Police Insurance” and “Fire Insurance” and “Health Insurance”, we’d be as bad as America on the terms of social care.
Your comment makes no sense. Are you suggesting that the USA or any other country that has medical insurance was the direct cause of decisions made by a ‘right wing party’. On the most part it works well? You must acknowledge that we now have private health care insurance in the UK? And it works well?
How would you like to be retired and not be able to afford health insurance, you have a heart attack and have to go to hospital, you have to pay £50,000 in hospital bills otherwise debt collection agencies will be round your house looting all your things?
Even if you don’t have health insurance? you have mortgage insurance? So once again it looks like you are talking nonsense. There are lots of people out there who do not have health insurance – use the NHS and are off work for an amount of time? and have their houses reprocessed? Again does anybody see the difference between either paying “NI” or an additional insurance premium. Its worth noting that insurance premiums tend to cover the costs for the many….and that NHS waiting lists are rather long…
*Free is denoted by paying social security, however if you’re unemployed, retired or in full-time education, this tax is waived.
Furthermore, how can you honestly justify killing a man for a crime he has committed? We have prisons for a reason, we have that prison to keep that person quarantined from society and not as punishment, that’s the fundamental of prison it’s not a ‘punishment’, but a ‘preventative’. The only time I can find justification for killing someone is when they’re a threat to many lives such as Saddam Hussein.
Saddam Hussein – yep he was a bad man. But a bad man who we supported against Iran. And supplied his Army with weapons. The ‘war’ against terror is all about Oil and nothing else.There are worse crimes being committed all around the world (in countries) without oil – and we’ve done nothing at all?
Not to mention that many paedophiles are born that way, is it really right to kill a man because of the way he was born? That’s like saying you should kill autistic children, or other people with birth defects, is this really right? The only thing we can do is educate them on the matter. Moreover sterilising someone won’t stop them from having sexual fantasies, it will only stop them from reproducing.
You’re talking nonsense. People are not born to want to have sex with children or abuse them. Its a choice that they make? If they are born that way? then what difference does trying to educate someone into believing something different. ie if you are born Gay then you cannot be re-educated?? There are good people and bad people. If you are bad then you deserved to be punished. Not sent to a holiday camp, 3 meals a day , pool table etc etc.
I personally don’t want to see Hitler MK.II being put into power, and I won’t allow it on my watch, and many other politically enlightened won’t allow it either.
You seem to assume that people who vote for the BNP are politically inept?. That’s a rather arrogant attitude.
Britain is built on immigrants, and to disallow them access to our country is utter nonsense. We’re not an imperialistic country anymore, we’re seen as the country where everyone has a fair chance no matter what background you’re from.
Agreed – but it has been built with hard working people who actually want to try and fit in. Now we let everybody in. Why should we? Why should my taxes go towards feeding/housing/educating them? I would rather my taxes go towards looking after my own countrymen/women. That is not racist. Ie as far as I am concerned if you are born in Britian then you are british.
I’d just like to say – I love being part of the EU, it grants us so many benefits which many people don’t seem to realise. Vote Liberal Democrats on May 6th, 2010 if you wish to see real change, if you want a different part which is a party for the people!
No it does not. In the past we have had good ties with the commonwealth? We are an island: We do not need to be in the EU at all. Look at the influx of Europeans we’ve had. I do not think there is anybody out there who thinks that is good else the BNP would have remained a very small party. Do you not think that average joe public has had enough?
@Stuart, I had to filter through your copy & pasting but I got the message eventually, and I respond with this:
Again, Stuart, you are simply missing the point, the Liberal Democrats want to raise state pension to keep it in line with the current inflation rate, and so those who have paid taxes all their life are allowed to have a happy retirement.
I’m not saying that your taxes should go towards immigrants, not once did I say that, again you’re putting words into the oppositions mouths, something you BNP are good at because your own policies are worthless. However I do believe that everyone deserves a fair chance in life, and that they shouldn’t be discriminated on the terms of where they’re from. You have to understand that we’re not in the 1300’s any more where every country only had they’re own people in it. We’re a cosmopolitan country and you have to agree with that, and we have to move forward, like the song by TOOL “Imagine”,
“Imagine there’s no countries,
It isn’t hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for
No religion too.”.
You clearly have no knowledge on the dreadful American health system, anyone with a tiny bit of knowledge can see it is irrefutably horrible. I have many associates in America whom have massive debts to hospitals because they’re run like a business instead of a hospital. One woman is in debt by £2million because her son regularly has fits. The only reason private healthcare works well in the UK is because they are battling with state healthcare, something that US doesn’t have right now.
Your next paragraph makes no sense whatsoever, I think you completely lost the plot by then.
I do not support the war at all, however invading Iraq is a lot different to invading China, China has a stable economy, are a big power and have a good military. Iraq has nothing. I won’t deny, oil probably was a contributing factor as it is said to have run out by 2050, however I don’t believe that was the sole factor.
So wait….People are homosexual by birth, but not attracted to children by birth? You make no sense. If you actually understood anything that you were talking about you’d realise that research has proven that paedophiles are attracted to children to the same extent that you’re attracted to another man or woman, and because of the way you were born.
That’s exactly what I’m saying, if you saw it from the other side you would agree. It’s not my fault you’re politically corrupt.
Again, I come to the fact that we are a cosmopolitan country and we need to adapt by that. I don’t mind if my taxes go towards educating an immigrant to become a doctor, you’ve got to see this on world scale and not on a selfish-country scale, by helping them better their lives, you’re bettering the lives for those around the world. I’m tired of people that have got themselves into this imperialistic mindset, and that everyone should just stay in their own countries and not mix, it’s so prehistoric for people to think this way.
Yes, the EU does, the EU allows for easier trade throughout the EU, it also has the Human Rights Department which defend many of your rights (One of which to be able to voice your opinion freely on the internet), they also put all of the countries in Europe on a global level and allow Europe to have a say in what happens in the world, furthermore it allows for easier administration for cross-country European affairs.
Do I not think the average Joe public has had enough? I think you mean “Do you not think that the average Joe (Who do not understand politics whatsoever)public have had enough?”
I’m not sure if you’ve watched any BNP public talks, but the ‘average Joe’ public is always shouting at them to get off the streets, and shouting abuse at them, and Nick Griffin is constantly under assault. I hardly think the public want this maniac in power.
Many people who vote for the BNP simply do not understand the fundamentals of fairness and equality, look at the state of Iran right now, constant protests, thousands of people dying, and why? Because some insane party equivalent to the BNP got into power through brute force and poll rigging.
If a party such as the BNP was to ever come into power I’d proudly rise up against them. Ever see the movie “Children of Men”? That’s something we can expect under a BNP government.
I’ve put my comments in ** …. feel free to chane your user name from Anon? to Your real name. I have used my real name.
*I didnt once mention pensions?*
*first point: Our taxes are going towards the upkeep of the immigrants, why do we have to let them in? I did not vote for them to be over here?
I have not denied we are a cosmospolitan country. If you had read my comments. I said “anybody who is born in Britian is British” Colour or religion does not come into it. My background: Granddad is
Czech and fought in the 2nd world war for this Country, Grandma is welsh and my distant relatives are french. The issue is that in general people have had enough of people coming into this country
for a free ride. I am not too sure how you can even deny that this is not an issue? when all parties have raised it as an issue.*
*Actually I do have a clue about insurance. I’m ACII and worked in the industry for over 13 years.(off topic) It is quite soul destroying seeing our insurers move call centre / IT jobs over to india.
Perhaps you can explain to the people in Norwich, who worked their socks off to build up Norwich Union (Aviva) into a top company only to be told sorry we’re going to send your job abroad.
On topic:
My point was: What has health care system got to do with the BNP? If you are trying to compare USA against britain (Private health care I think you will find that the policy wordings/terms/conditions/ in the UK for health insurance etc pretty much match the USA and that the NHS is also ran like a business? A failed business that is… which is why we have private health care.
You forgot Australia? also. My dad lived there for 15 years and the quality of life is 2nd to none. They have a private medical healthcare. So my point was:
you said ” that the left and the right were responsible for the NHS” My point is that there are plenty of countries out there without NHS that are doing fine.*
*Had not lost the plot. Again my point was you make out that private health care is a bad thing and my point is it does not matter if you are in the UK / USA or any other country: Private Healthcare
works in the same way and has the same terms/conditions/market exclusions*
*Of course it was to do with OIL where are the weapons of masss destruction. I didn’t mention China? Why have you mentioned china?
We will use Africa or north Korea as an example, where this country has done nothing to stop
the various wars/genocides etc (just because there doesnt happen to be oil there)*
*my point was that you said that you wanted to “re-educate paedophiles” –
My point was that you cannot educate someone who is born in a certain way. That is the way that they are.
I’m pretty certain that the vast majority of parents would want paedophiles locked up for life? Are there any parents out there that do not want paedophiles locked up?*
*I have read through all of the political parties manefesto’s. I cannot tell the difference between cons and labour and I do not agree with your parties idea that we should let in as many people as possible with no limits at least the cons/lab have said they will take notice. I am basing my decision on the information provided to me from all the parties.
And for me the BNP wants to address issues that exist?. if the issues did not exist then the BNP would not exist. You mention being politically corrupt – I guess the MP’s
spending our taxes on themselves are not corrupt. In any other job – if someone fiddled their expenses they would be sacked. Duck House anyone?*
*I have not said people should not mix. I go to Turkey every year twice a year. You seem to be under the impression that I am racist? I am not. You say that we are bettering the lifes of
people around the world. If you could explain how “grabbing doctors from 3rd world countries (where they are needed) eg India, South Africa (I’m going there in June for a month) has improved their
lives? Brilliant… we have all the doctors and nurses in the world, what about the countries they came from? (its worth noting that speaking with my dear mum (who was a nurse in the NHS for
40 years) that the standards of these nurses and doctors that have come over here are not at the same level as UK. Do you really believe it is in another countries interest that we poach their
best people?*
My point is we don’t need to be in the EU? I did not vote to join in the EU? neither did the rest of Joe Public. Which is why none on the main parties will hold a referendum.
Free speech in the UK existed long before the EU? So your comments about the internet are irelevent.I think you need to move out of your leafy suburb and into the real world*
I’m not sure if you’ve watched any BNP public talks, but the ‘average Joe’ public is always shouting at them to get off the streets,
and shouting abuse at them, and Nick Griffin is constantly under assault. I hardly think the public want this maniac in power.
*its a free country… which is why we tollerate maniacs abusing our soldiers…. Or do you think that the people abusing our soldiers are sane?*
*Is it not fair that we look after our own people first?… I could be never understand why we still have homeless people in this
country, or indeed still need charities? We should be totally self sufficient.
my point is, first we sort out this country and then we help others? Incendentially I do charity rides each year for the heart foundation and I have also done voluntary work looking after disabled kids…. so once again: I do not care about colour, religion etc and don’t try to tag me as some racist thug cause I am not! nor will be the majority of BNP supporters this election.
All that I want is that we put our own people first (regardless of colour, background etc) So I think you need to open your eyes a bit and see that ‘ordinary people’ have had enough.
What happens in Iran is none of our business? The party/clerics in charge in Iran is religous based and at the time it is what the people of Iran wanted. *
If a party such as the BNP was to ever come into power I’d proudly rise up against them.
Ever see the movie “Children of Men”? That’s something we can expect under a BNP government.
* no I haven’t but will do so…. remember though its just a film….*
All right, you have my word, I will use my name from here on in, not that it really makes much difference.
I have not denied that there has been an influx of immigrants into the country; I simply do not think the BNP approach is a logical one. Closing the borders completely is stupid, and will only hinder us from furthering as a country. I hope you saw the live debate last night and realised what a good party the Liberal Democrats are, as you have seen their immigration policy (Which according to you is “Let everyone in”, obviously you haven’t researched it) is that they let people as they are required into the country and they allocate them certain areas of the country to work in, this is a brilliant idea and cannot be denied, and isn’t as extreme as capping the immigration or cutting it off completely.
I really do feel sorry for your colleagues if you have been an ACII for 13 years and understand so little about the area you work in. I’m not entirely sure what your insurance argument has to do with anything but I will adress it anyway – Of course insurers are going to move their call centres abroad as they can provide a cheaper service, while it would be nice to see English call centres I find there is no real fair way to stop them. I understand your anger as I also know someone who worked for AXA insurance, he loved the company, and was in a managerial position however his area all moved abroad and he was made redundant.
Again, if you understood healthcare around the world you would see that all the successful countries in the world have adapted universal healthcare as opposed to private healthcare as it is something that benefits everyone. I will happily pay tax to be reassured that my associates will receive treatment if they fall ill, or if I receive treatment if I fall ill. In comparison to the USA healthcare where it’s ‘every man for them self’, we need to build a society, not crumble it.
Name some countries, some first world countries that are ‘doing fine’ without it. I can list loads off the top of my head which are doing brilliantly with it, for instance: Japan, Canada, and China, most of Europe, India, and Hong Kong to name a few.
You say private healthcare works the same – it simply does not, have you ever really looked into USA healthcare system? It is dreadful, the first thing they ask for when you enter the hospital is your credit card details. Private healthcare in the UK works much better as they are competing with the NHS, if someone doesn’t like private healthcare they can go back to the NHS, and so private healthcare associations need to make incentives to keep people.
The reason I brought China up is because China has rich oil reserves, North Korea or Africa simply does not. You were using oil as leverage for the Iraqi war, so I chose another example which is China, why haven’t we invaded China if the ‘sole’ reason for going to Iraq was oil? Answer me this. Surely you’ve heard of Tiananmen Square massacre?
Yes, you can educate someone who is born that way, however much I disagree with suppression, I disagree more with execution, and if you can try to suppress such feelings we can work towards a better community. Another idea would be to have social workers visit those convicted of paedophilia regularly and make sure that they’re monitored regularly.
Liberal Democrats does not want to allow everyone into the country, if you have read my previous paragraph on immigration, and actually read the manifesto you would realise that the Liberal Democrats do in fact want to monitor who is coming in and out the country and want to regulate this, they want to allocate works to certain areas where they’re required rather than crowding one area of the country. I personally think this is a brilliant idea, it means that if you visit your local hospital and notice that there is a lot of doctors missing, we can get doctors from foreign countries and assign them to that hospital.
You were implying that people should not mix, just by saying you go to Turkey every year doesn’t instantly make you an extremely cultured person, by voting for the BNP you’re saying quite the contrast in fact. Your argument was that we are paying for immigrants to come to this country and learn, if they choose to come to this country and learn I feel quite honoured that they value our universities and schools so much, this is helping the world as they are able to take those skills back to their own country and help their own country – Say a man from Africa comes to the UK to study medicine and then further to become a GP, then returns to his own country, we’ve just helped that country that little bit extra. The standards of said nurses or doctors might not be as high as those in the UK, but as it stands more and more British citizens are becoming lazy and not finding joy in those educational areas, to become a doctor isn’t as simple as becoming a sales assistant, as you most likely know it takes 7 years of dedication in university (Which I do agree should be funded by the government).
My comments about the internet are not irrelevant, since we joined the EU in 1990, and residential internet was not widespread in the 90’s we didn’t essentially have ‘free speech’ on the internet as there was very few policies on the internet at said time. As you may know a recent bill was passed detailing censorship of the certain ‘illegal’ websites (Wikileaks being one of those), as well as the ability to cut off people from the internet altogether, Liberal Democrats (Along with a few rogue labour) were the only party to vote against this, and this is where the EU Human Rights plays it’s part by demanding a full scrutiny of the Digital Economy Bill. My friend, it is you who is not living in the ‘real world’ as you describe it, you’re living in a hate filled world which has been enforced by these right wing extremists.
Those who abused our soldiers are indoctrinated by religion, something which should NEVER be mixed with government if it wishes to succeed. As far as I’m aware BNP is a Christian-heavy party, and therefore another worry for me would be if religion was to get in the way of their politics such as denying homosexuals equal rights such as partnerships, forcing a church tithe, or denying other religions to be prominent here(For the record I am an atheist).
There are lots of shelters for homeless people and the government try to make available as much housing as possible, but there is only so much land they can build on. I think you need to get out of this “Our own people first” ideology, I prefer that everyone is treated equally whether they’re our ‘own people’ or not. I don’t want segregation, I don’t want those who are immigrants to feel like they are not part of our society, I don’t want a repeat of South Africa.
The BNP is full of racists, their membership was exclusive to British Caucasians until this was held against them in a court order in 2009, if it was up to Nick Griffin it would have remained as it was previous to the court order. I’ve met people who support BNP and the filth that comes from their mouth, every sentence contains racism it’s disgusting that they can even call themselves human.
Here we go again with the ‘ordinary people’ tag, will you please stop using that? You’re making yourself look bad. Of all my peers who I converse with not one of them support this crude party and their ideologies, remember question time? Remember when all those people came forward and supported BNP? Me neither. Remember all the people chanting “BNP, BNP” at Nick Griffins public talks? Me neither, all I remember is abuse being hurled. I honestly hope that one day you realise your mistakes Stuart, I do not dislike you as a person at all as you are just misinformed and I understand how it indoctrinates even the most intelligent of people.
Oh, I can see that you’ve done your research on Iran, I just think you missed out the part where they mentioned that everyone who didn’t go to vote had their vote used for them, and to vote for the current party there, as well as brutes standing by the polling stations stopping anyone from voting for anyone else except their party.
I understand that “Children of Men” is just a film, however films are generally influenced by real life situations, their inspiration has to come from somewhere.
Good day Stuart.
I would just like to point out the BNP position on companies sending call centre staffing abroad.
The FACT is they won’t be bringing those jobs back to the UK, the BNP answer is to impose a tax on said companies for employing workers outside the country, in NO way are they going to get those jobs back into the UK.
The tax they impose will still be cheaper for the company concerned to pay than the salaries for the UK workers.
So electing the BNP won’t help get the job back, and if you don’t believe that you really need to read the policies of the party you support.
This article is headed reasons to vote BNP, well I’ve just thought of another one. The BNP want to bring our armed forces home from Afghanistan, no other party does. This would save the lives of many brave British servicemen and women as the current government are happy to send them but not so keen to ensure they are properly equiped and looked after. The money saved by ending British involvement in this very costly and futile war could then be used to help solve the current financial crisis that Gordon Brown now admits he was partly responsible for. As I said, this could be another reason to vote BNP?
Again, it seems you have been misinformed.
Liberal Democrats were the only party out of the three main against the illegal war. And now that they’re in there, they state that they want to equip them better. It’s not as easy as just withdrawing from the country.
White people are good black people are good,but different,we have different views, standards and morals,there will always be this devide and no goody goodies will change this,maybe thats why China is becoming a great nation,the blackbird doesnt mate with the robin,nature has got it right,lets put the great back in Great Britain and stop pussy footing around vote for the only party that makes sense BNP.
This divide will only remain so long as you want it to, to stop this divide you have to look past their colour. I have quite a few Asian associates, all of who are great people, I don’t see them as black, I see them as human.
We need stop seeing people for their colour, and see them for their qualities, their personality and simply who they are, and we need to learn to work together to create a better community for all of us to live in, we need to go forward, not backwards.
Not to say that i agree with their beliefs (Because i don’t) But surely, this article should be less biased against the BNP to show a fair depiction to help voters make the right choice..
Here are the reasons I will not be voting BNP and I urge others not to do so –
Firstly, the only divide in the human race is that of hate, one that flourishes within the minds of these racists. And so i shall not “pussyfoot” around, this is exactly what the BNP are and make no mistakes about it. When you look at a person of a different ethnic background and feel nervous or angry look at the reasons why. Limited contact and knowledge of people from different backgrounds, accompanied with a perception gathered through the meda, can often lead to these feelings. If you take the time to understand these feelings then your perceptions may alter. With Nick Griffin in charge of the UK do you really believe there will be harmony?
Secondly, democracy is something so rare and precious in this world that under no circumstances should a political party with the intention of deliberatley limiting the democratic freedom of others even be allowed in government. Democracy is for all and is a civil right of everybody residing within the united kingdom.
Next, to benefit this nation it is vital to ensure a welfare system so that everyone is given the equal opportunity to do what they want in their lives and to not be hindered by their background in any way. The single BNP policy that I agree with is the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. These millitary operations are expensive to the British tax payer and this money could be far more suitably invested in the welfare of this country. However, the BNP then decided to produce the most nonsensical policy I believe I have everwitnessed in declaring that they will “repatriate” people of non-indigenous ethnic backgrounds. The cost and strain that ths will put on the British tax payer is immense and by far outstrips the cost of any war.
I urge all of you to consider these points and take time to understand them. Do not respond out of anger or hatred to my post as you will receive no reply.
Andrew, in your piece you mention limitations to democratic freedom. Despite this being a so called NATIONAL general election, if I wanted to vote BNP I would be unable to as I do not have a BNP candidate in my constituency. Our antiquated electoral system is kept that way by the two main parties to ensure they remain in power. Where is my democratic freedom?
The reason you won’t be able to vote for a BNP candidate in your area is because the BNP aren’t fielding one.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with Labour or the Conservatives, it’s BNP choosing not to field a candidate.
You’d need to ask the BNP why.
The most likely reason are:
Not enough money to pay the £500 to field a candidate, every person who stands in the general election pays a £500 deposit** which is returned to those who get 500+ votes. To field 650 BNP candidates would cost £325,000 (same for any national party: BNP, Greens, Labour…) and the BNP will loose the vast majority of those deposits since BNP support is concentrated in a few areas. The BNP have little money to spend on the election as they wasted something like £100K recently on fighting an unwinnable court case! Since the BNP are hoping to gain one or two MPs this time makes sense not to waste hundreds of thousands on areas they don’t stand a chance in.
** I assume the £500 deposit is in place to stop people with no interest in being elected from standing as a candidate (the vote for my business candidates for free, or I’m a numpty candidate). Serious candidates in an area who gain 500 votes get their deposit back, the time wasters do not.
Not enough money and/or local support to afford a BNP campaign, campaigning is costly and takes a lot of volunteers to knock on doors, volunteers are particularly important for the BNP since the media is generally anti-BNP so to get their warped message across they need it to go door to door.
The BNP couldn’t find a suitable candidate for your area. They’ve already made major mistakes on candidates like Mark Collet who was recently (earlier this month) arrested for threatening to kill Nick Griffin!
I heard on the TV yesterday that the BNP are fielding 300 candidates (not confirmed it), which is a lot more than in 2005.
What would you like to see changed so the BNP can find it easier to field more candidates, 650 candidates for example?