I started this General Election site June 2009 (in anticipation of the UK 2010 general election) since it takes sometime (usually 9+ months, like having a baby :)) for the major search engines to rank a new web site well (my business is getting sites ranked high in search engines like Google). The site did […]
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Definately not really an unbiased site on british politics. Here is your heading “UK General Election 2010 site is not affiliated with any political party including Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, UKIP, Greens, BNP.” I think the owner of this site is talking from where the sun does not shine. Regardless of what you may think of the BNP it is still a political party.
I have to say it’s a good way to stop people seeing just how retarded the people who wrote the BNP policy documents are, discuss anything EXCEPT BNP policy.
Since you’ve quoted the sites tag line: “UK General Election 2010 site is not affiliated with any political party including Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats, UKIP, Greens, BNP.” I’m curious to hear which political party I’m supposedly affiliated with?
Are you too blinded with BNP conspiracy theories to understand “not affiliated with any political party” does not mean I do not vote for a political party and I’m not biased in favour of a political party over others (just like everyone else commenting here).
How many times do I have to say: I AM BIASED.
You know my stand point is not a million miles away from the moderators of the BNP’s website, except I actually allow apposing views on my site. Oh wait, that would make me a million miles away from the BNP website moderators who only allow pro BNP comments past moderation all other views are DELETED.
Come on prove me wrong, show me the hundreds of anti-BNP comments on the BNP website. Why are non BNP supporters not allowed to post on the BNP website?
My site despite my bias has hundreds of pro BNP and anti-other political parties comments from BNP supporters.
So which site is more democratic/open to free speech, this one or the BNP site?
BNP supporters in general are hypocrites.
Please feel free to stop commenting here and save your BNP conspiracy theory rubbish for after the BNP loose another 100+ deposits at a general election because you don’t get enough votes to even get your deposit back!
I don’t know how the BNP supporters get out of their prams so much about removing the BNP as a direct option, if we look at all the recent opinion polls the BNP haven’t made any real terms increase in the voter intentions the most recent poll shows just 1% of the UK will vote BNP, so they clearly are NOT a major party.
But then again nor are UKIP or the Green Party as they show at just 2%, so the reality remains that the main three are the only real contenders with a few also rans tagging alone.
Even if the BNP got 1 or even 2 MPs in the GE they would still be classed as a minority party and be as powerful as independent MPs are in the Commons, so they really are something of a nothing party and that’s really all their is to it.
David, a suggestion for you…
It may be a bit of work, but is there a way in which a list of all the policies could be listed (including all parties but not naming them) where everyone can vote for each one and the results then calculate who you should be voting for?
We can then all scare ourselves silly on our individual result??!
Great idea Sarah, but would be really hard to do for all parties. Even if you limited it just to the main two parties and tried to compare policies directly, some policies are very similar and others don’t have competing policies.
Here https://general-election-2010.co.uk/your-top-5-political-issues-poll-and-who-to-vote-for-in-the-next-general-election/ I’ve put a poll up for the main issues, but each party has it’s own take on each area.
What my wife finds interesting/useful is when the news channels list and compare Labour and Conservative polices as bullet points so you can see which ones you agree with most/least.
Would be interesting to have a top 10 issues/policies for each party, you couldn’t compare say Labour immigration policy to Conservative immigration policy, but might be interesting.
I’d hate to write the lists myself (bias and all that).
To David,
I find it absolutely disgusting that the you the supposed owner of this website has removed the BNP as an option to vote. Not only is it un-democratic, but also breathtakingly hypocritical. You people seem to shout ‘fascist’ when you desire to describe the BNP, yet you pull a stunt like this.
Lets face it David, out of 16,000 odd voters on your site, the BNP came into third place, with more votes than the Lib Dems, and you didn’t like it (you probably vote Lib Dems). So you removed them as an option and tampered with their votes, just like the far left totalitarians did when tampering with the ballot boxes during the Euro elections, where boxes were found with broken seals on them.
Its not hard to put the BNP back up on the poll in true democratic fashion, I am sure it could be arranged, but no doubt you will make another excuse up.
You are a disgrace to democracy, and I cant believe you have the cheek to call BNP supporters ‘hypocrites’.
To VoteNoToBNP,
You are the same, I have read your posts, and with comments like…
“don’t know how the BNP supporters get out of their prams so much”
… Just shows how pathetic you are, as you know full well if you and your beliefs were being silenced and censored, especially by the BNP, you would be the first type on person to be spitting your dummy out and throwing a barny at a UAF demo.
And here we have another sneering comment….
“So the oh so intelligent BNP Supporters”
….. So now you are also classist aswell as a fascist huh? Again you are the first type of person to preach to people not to ‘stereotype people’ on a minority, yet you do exactly the same. More evidence of class A hypocrisy.
And another disgusting comment…..
“Personally David I think removing the BNP vote completely wouldn’t hurt as they are nothing really, they have no real political power”
….. Wow, just wow. Next you’ll be saying to Heatrow Airport security ‘Don’t bother checking people for explosives, it happens quite rarely’…..
Gte the picture of how stupid you sound?
I am totally done with you fascists.
Yours patriotically,
When you have the following elected BNP Officials:
Richard Barnbrook – Made up murders
Chris Beverley – Says I don’t hate Hitler
Martyn Findley – Under a standards investigation for a racist blog post
You really expect people to accept the BNP as a democratic party?
Is it democratic to have in your party manifesto that people will have their right to vote removed if they refuse to do military service?
The BNP is so full of people that are caring and democratic when even your party leader has the best answer to immigration “Sink a few of the boats”
BNP were 4th in the poll not 3rd as you say before I removed them as a voting option. You can NOT count the 800 odd BNP votes that was by one person as real BNP supporters.
“Its not hard to put the BNP back up on the poll in true democratic fashion, I am sure it could be arranged, but no doubt you will make another excuse up.”
Tell you what, lets make a compromise.
I’ll put the BNP back up on the poll when the BNP webmasters/moderators allow all reasonable comments on the BNP website (they delete anything not pro BNP squashing free speech). Blame the BNP for being so undemocratic on their site, I’m just copying what the BNP does to free speech/democracy, if it’s good enough for Nick Griffin’s website… :-)
BTW I’ve proved a point removing the BNP as an option. If the BNP voters were finding the site like everyone else (most from Google) they’d be voting Other Party and the Other Party vote does not match the level of votes the BNP option was getting.
The BNP supporters have stopped actively trying to manipulate the poll now they can’t vote BNP.
I just had an idea that you might like.
4chan /b/ Monster Raving Loony Party Votes Removed from the General Election Poll.
Sometime ago a forum (4chan /b/) got it’s members (most not from the UK, so unlikely to be eligible British voters) to vote Monster Raving Loony Party in the general election poll. Over night over 900 votes for the Monster Raving Loony Party were cast (over a week it was about 1,000) and it put the Monster Raving Loony Party in the lead for a time.
When I cut the poll down to less voting options I put the 1,000 Monster Raving Loony Party votes into the Other Political Parties option.
I was hoping more people who visit this site (~3,000 visitors a day currently) would vote in the poll and so those 1,000 votes would be dwarfed by now.
The poll has just broke the 19,000 votes mark and as the poll was started early September last year (about 160 days) that averages at around 120 votes per day (averaged over the entire period).
With ~3,000 visitors a day I was expecting a lot more votes per day (around 400 a day). If 400 people voted a day for just half the time (last 80 days) and the other 80 days 100 people voted the poll would have over 40,000 votes by now (that’s what I was expecting by now).
Clearly I over estimated the willingness of visitors to vote in a poll.
Since those 1,000 votes throw the results off for the main parties I’ve removed them to see what it looks like.
Flame retardant pants on ready for the “you aren’t democratic” attacks.
Well considering the BNP have only taken 1,259 votes from 7 elections this year they really are NOT getting anywhere in Britain.
So the pretend rise and excitement of you BNP spammer crew is a pointless exercise as the voters are kicking you in the nuts in terms of votes and the lack of votes.
They all vote BNP hey, ROFLOL.
I’m sorry Jon, but even with dozens of BNP members and supporters campaigning on the main BNP website, (which is meant to be the most popular political site in Britain according to the BNP), Facebook and many other sites to get as many BNP supporters as possible to vote in my poll (manipulate my poll) the best they managed was 1,800 odd real votes in 6 months (plus 800 odd cheat votes!).
That’s only 12 real BNP voters visiting my site a day out of about on average 2,000 visitors a day over the entire period (my site didn’t immediately jump to 3,000 visitors a day over night).
The BNP do NOT have the British popular vote, it’s a far right wing party that’s on the fringe of politics and as such the reasonable majority will never vote BNP beyond a protest vote which is why the BNP tend to do badly in general elections.
Since the BNP’s site is very popular (I don’t argue that, I go to it all the time) since they couldn’t muster a massive surge in votes in my poll from the many thousands of visitors a day to the BNP website (they must get over 5,000 visitors a day, I would not be surprised at 10,000+ a day) what I conclude from that is two things.
1. Like my visitors (~3,000 a day to this site) most don’t give a toss about voting in a poll.
2. It strongly suggests as the BNP averaged just 12 votes per day in my poll (probably 10 a day due to the BNP campaigning) a hell of a lot of the visitors to the BNP main website and other BNP websites aren’t BNP supporters. I know for a fact there’s a LOT of people who hate what the BNP stand for (like the majority of the 700,000 people at the Facebook group “1,000,000 United Against the BNP”) and on a daily basis are visiting pro BNP websites for information to use against the BNP.
A forum that was making a joke at my sites expense managed to send 900 voting visitors to the poll in one day (they voted Monster Raving Loony Party). If the BNP are so popular and all people vote BNP as you suggest Jon, why when BNP was an option in the poll and the BNP supporters was actively campaigning to get BNP votes didn’t they have 10,000 plus votes in 6 months?
No other political group has seriously campaigned to get votes to this poll, (I’ve tried, but it’s not worked) the vast majority of the votes in the poll are from organic search engine visitors, most of which don’t care to vote in a poll.
To put it into perspective I estimate (I haven’t worked it out, so very rough estimate) since I made the poll the site averages 2,000 visitors a day, so probably 300,000 visitors in total, only 18,000 have voted (about 125 a day).
Jon you are a moron!
After watching a BNP protest on YouTube I really don’t think it’s voters have the brain capacity to understand the term Democracy. Looked like a rabble of cavemen.
I’m not surprised idiots like that don’t get jobs, I wouldn’t employ them to clean a toilet, they’d probably drink the water from it, primitive freaks!