I started this General Election site June 2009 (in anticipation of the UK 2010 general election) since it takes sometime (usually 9+ months, like having a baby :)) for the major search engines to rank a new web site well (my business is getting sites ranked high in search engines like Google). The site did […]
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All MPs that have the slightest stain against them with regard to expences should be thrown out, the British public should put aside party allegencies and for once say we are not putting up with it. Parliament spent hundreds of thousands of pounds in court costs trying to block the freedom of information act applying to MPs.
They were caught out and still had be be dragged kicking and screaming to admit it.
Politicians until they we caught were on the make, on the take, their noses were so far in the trough the only thing sticking out was their backsides and that was for the general public to kiss. THROW THEM OUT, ALL OF THEM THAT ARE CORRUPT.
Only the BNP can save Britain, Britain IS full, schools,hospitals,doctors,dentists,roads,prisons,social housing….get the picture we are FULL.It is not racist to suggest we need to acknowledge we have finite resources and get tough.The dream of a comopolitan racially diverse britain is an ideal rather than a reality, it may work in the city centres on a sunny day but go into the ghettos all over the country in ,Birmingham,Bradford,Burnley,Oldham and you will see the reality.In the main different races DONT integrate,asians only employ asians and spend money in their own communities while expecting equality and playing the race card whenever something doesnt suit.Local authorities and police forces are spending fortunes translating leaflets and providing customer services in numerous languages.The simple reason that Britain is so attractive is our benefit system but too many people in the country ( of all races ) take from a pot they in many cases have NEVER paid into.We are told immigration is good as the immigrants are vital to the NHS and leisure industry, WHY? when we pay 3 million to sit at home watching daytime TV and label them `unemployed`. God this country needs a good shake and none of the mainstream parties have the balls to sort it out.Britain the country where you need a GP`s salary to afford a modest 3 bed semi.The political elite and establishment dont have to live in the inner city squalor their policies have created or alongside the lovely immigrants they are so fond of..
Britain is definitely full. If money was not made available to families with children there would be more money in the pot for important things. I believe if you want children you should pay for them yourself. I have no children,my choice, but have worked all my life and I do resent that some of my money has gone to helping pay for someone elses children.
If funds were not so readily available people would not be prepared to come here so there would be more money for helping the pensioners who have made their contribution in life. If the three parties got round to seeing how these immigrants really live and behave and spoil the areas they have chosen to live I am sure they would do something about it. They live in another world where everything is made easy for them. Come and live amongst us for a month and also manage on a state pension for a month. Pamela Ray
After it took Conservative 18 years to distroy are country do they not realize that which ever party got in after them it would take them a lot longer than 18 years to get it back on track. I think they have a cheek to think that people in this country do not remember that they were the ones that were trying to get every one to pay private for health care, and it was them that wanted to scrap the NHS. Where i live council houses had stopped being built because they said there was no money to carry on building, But hey presto the day after labour won the election money was found so building could commence. Conservative must have forgot where they put the money, Conservatives are not intrested in people like me once they are voted in power because i am working class so i have news for them they will not be getting my VOTE now if they get in power i know i can live with my conscience.
I spoke with my aunties next door neighbour over the weekend, he is 89 years old and appalled about the UK’s current situation.
He expressed concerns over the UK losing its identity and lack of respect in todays society.
He insisted that fighting the war for Britain’s survival has left him feeling annoyed and disrespected for himself and and those that gave their life.
He is happy a party like the BNP has adopted policies to toughen our country up.
Just thought I’d post his comments to show how a true gentleman who fought in the war feels.
there can be no quick fix for the current economic situation,the labour party policy policy of borrowing against future growth has proved flawed to say the least,i would rather keep the jobs but pay higher taxes,an increase in vat would prove to be the fairest means raising extra revenu,those who spend the most would contribute the most,as a country we must clear our debt and live within our means or we leave the problem to our children,we are faced with some years of austerity to repair the damage done to the country in the last 30 years becuase of economic incompetence
Vivekananda asked, “What is that, knowing which, everything is known?” So what is the attitude of each of the UK political parties to legalisation of cannabis? The answers will tell me everything I need to know.
Nick clegg to win .no to the tories don’t trust them .the labour party got us in this mess in the first place .nick clegg to win