I started this General Election site June 2009 (in anticipation of the UK 2010 general election) since it takes sometime (usually 9+ months, like having a baby :)) for the major search engines to rank a new web site well (my business is getting sites ranked high in search engines like Google). The site did […]
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I am nothing short of disgusted at the goings on since the Election Results. Most of all I am deeply disappointed in the role Nick Clegg has played, or possibly more specifically, the Lib Dems, as I feel that they, and not Mr Clegg,have been responsible for the dillying and dallying that has gone on for the last few days. It is obvious that time is of the essence in forming a stable government, for the sake of the country, as soon as possible. Mr Clegg had already stated as much that a coalition with labour did not have any merit, being comprehensibly thrashed at the polling booth. It must be remembered too that the Lib Dems did not come out of the election smelling of roses either! The Lib Dems have been offered a unique opportunity to play an important role in helping to run the country in these very difficult times. What they are doing is quite simply scandalous! It is now obvious to all that all they are interested in is themselves. Through their actions in wasting time even talking to labour when the people of this country just would not accept a Lib/Lab pact anyway, has plummeted my opinion of Lib Dems to an all time low!! They have now proved they are no better than Brown who is blatantly clinging to power no matter what. You stay there Gordon – you are doing a grand job!!
It was nice to notice that there are decent labour MP’s who want to bow out with dignity and I respect Kate Howey, Diana Johnson amongst others.
It seems to me that Mr Clegg has been very badly advised by his party in persuing dialogue with labour. To me it has done irreparable damage to their credibility – placing their own interests before that of the country. As a floating voter I will NEVER now even considering voting for the Liberal Democrats!!
I completely disagree, although I’m sure the Lib Dems would have rather worked with Labour, there was realistically no way they could form a working coalition for more than a honeymoon period, all it would take is a small group of MPs to hold such a government to ransom!
Even if every non-Tory supporting MP (some of the Northern Ireland MPs are pretty much Tories) went into a Rainbow coalition, the coalition would have a majority around 6. All it would take is half a dozen MPs to not turn up for a vote (or 3 to vote against a rainbow coalition) to result in a vote of no confidence passing!
I understand David Milliband and Ed Balls weren’t taking the negotiation seriously, I don’t blame them as potentially the next Labour leaders they’d be nuts to go into such a weak coalition when the likelihood is at the next general election support for the Conservatives will fall after we’ve had the Tories age of austerity. Remember all the politicians lied during the campaign on how hard the cuts have to be, now they HAVE to cut and it’s going to be deep and it’s going to bloody hurt! Whichever party is in government WILL get the blame and I’m glad it’s going to be the Conservatives and not Labour.
Also the alternative vote is quite good for Labour and the Lib Dems, people who vote Lib Dems are more likely to have Labour as their second choice and vice a versa.
The Lib Dems talking to Labour was obviously a bargaining chip on the Lib Dems part, by suggesting they might have a second option of working with Labour pushed the Conservatives to offer more.
Are you trying to suggest if you were the Lib Dems you wouldn’t have played the same hand and got more from the Conservatives?
I dont do politics so all I have to say is the government screwed this country long ago and the mps have ripped off the tax payer for years and any mp that is sacked still gets there anual salary and a nice pension to look forward to how the hell is that right If I got caught steeling from work I would get arrested and made to pay back what I stole and pay fines compensation and not to mention have a criminal record. What makes them so different. If they were punished to the full extent of the law then surely that would save millions on its own so insteat they get rewarded for being crooks no wonder this country has gone down the toilet. I am ashamed to be british. Oh and lets look at jobs and the money being spent to encourage people into work but first lets look at the amount of foreighn people that have been let into the country bearing in mind there was a lack of jobs before the polish came now because of this the government are having to spend millions creating new jobs what a wast of space this country really is. I would like to point out this is not a racist remark this is based on facts. To me the government are nothing but a bunch of legalised maffia. I am one of millions that are thinking this only I am not scared to say it so if these government idiots want to sort this country out then they should start by investigating the mps that have stole from the taxpayer and prosecute them to the full extent of the law take away the salary that they received after they were sacked and cancel there pension fund unless they actually payed for it out of there own pocket. I could go on for days but I think you have the message.
In the 2010 Election, the ‘Conservative Party’ generated a ‘liar flyer’, making a claim that required such a precise set of circumstances, and such a bizarre ‘reading’, as to fail any test to truth:
I maintain that it contravenes section 115 of the Representation of the People Act, being a false instrument intent on undue influence of voters (in at least 16 constituencies).
My enquiries have shown that not one official body is configured to address the matter. Had money been involved, it could have been different. I am driven to the conclusion the Westminster is a defended citadel, with ramparts of jelly and obfuscation, that is supremely relaxed about political lying (defamation – Section 106 – apart).
It is all so British – but not the Britishness we reserve the right to bomb into Johnnie Foreigner.