I started this General Election site June 2009 (in anticipation of the UK 2010 general election) since it takes sometime (usually 9+ months, like having a baby :)) for the major search engines to rank a new web site well (my business is getting sites ranked high in search engines like Google). The site did […]
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I think all the major parties have betrayed the British people and deliberately undermined our social and cultural infrastructure.
They have surrendered our sovereignty to Europe, and our homeland to immigrants.
All this was done without any democratic mandate.
The recent scandal proves them to be corrupt.
I intend to vote for one of the minority parties, most likely the BNP, who represent the British people, whatever other failings they may be (wrongly)accused of.
I agree wit G.Curtis, Britain has been sold-out by the old gang. My vote will go to the BNP and really hope enough of my fellow Brits will do the same. If the BNP could get just one M.P. it would be fantastic.
Well I agree, british people are being walked all over and I sick of the race card being pushed in my face because I am white.
Please join the BNP’s campaign we need to rock the boat.
I am not racist but I am sick to my back teeth of hearing politically correct rubbish that does not pay the bills.
Get the message out this Christmas, put it in your christmas cards, the importance of being a christian. Charity starts at home. I do not feel at home in my own country I feel like a refugee.
VOTE BNP, The tories are noted racists who demorilise the working class by flooding the job markets looking for cheap labour so that they can justify their inflated capitalist salaries.
“I am not racist but…”
yeah we’ve all heard that one.
Look, be honest, we’re all racist, it’s a natural human response. It’s understanding this and defeating it that allows us to live in a civilised society as opposed to remaining in mud huts and spending our whole lives squabbling with neighbouring tribes.
Jack North
Cmon now, change that media driven record you keep singing. Im not even saying it, I’ll leave that to “your” lot. Pure Ignorance like yours makes me shamed to be from the same country as you.
We have googled “SEPLICARS” and it returned only
6 web site links in 0.12 seconds. None of which mentioned religion, but we suspect all the 6 web site returns have references made by you.
i most heartily agree but keep religion out of politics.
The late Screaming Lord David Sutch was a good friend of ours and we often discussed Raving Loony Party policy on tackling the mainstream political parties, over a nice cup of tea, in our BNP offices.
Look what the Tory Mandleson is doing to the post office.
They constantly try to re-invent the wheel.
Its a bit like cinderella and the ugly sisters, making the boot fit!
It’s just disgusting. They will want us to walk around with heads fit for robots soon. Racist, the BNP is not racisit its sticking up for its people.
we are all one so bnp must support china people in uk. the bnp must not support border controll the world must be free. with no goverments they must work for this. or they not work for the people. one planet one heart many ways. man not top dog what animal rights bnp support. we need to know if they help the world.
The BNP agrees with you “the world must be free”
and that the Chinese need help.
But first we must tackle the many human rights
abuses by the Chinese in mainland China.
For moderator,
David, might I suggest you put the video clips on their own special page?
Reason is I nearly missed the Lebanon clip, because it had fallen down the stack.
I suspect as time goes by you may get many more clips posted by Labour and Tory supporters, and we wouldn’t want to miss those, would we?
Vote BNP
Visitors tend to comment on the most popular pages, those that already have comments. So even if I created say a page for videos for each of the main parties they would still be posted here and I hate to move comments around unless I absolutely have to (free speech).
It’s the nature of a popular page, they get heavily commented because they are heavily commented, this page has reached the “take off point” (I have other sites with pages like this with over 600 comments per page!).
I’ve listed most of the policies I could find under the Policies Debate sections for each party, if people posted comments (video or otherwise) under the relevant policies posts they will become more popular for the reasons stated above and generate relevant interest. For example it’s starting to happen on the BNP Policy pages on Immigration, Pensions and Defence.
I’ve installed another plugin that creates the menu item “Most Commented Posts” which makes it easier for visitors to find the most popular articles based on comments. That should help spread the comments a little (he says with fingers crossed :-))
Understood, thanks for considering it.
After thinking about it a bit I decided to create such a page https://general-election-2010.co.uk/political-videos/. I’m not sure it will work, but it can’t do any harm.
After much consideration, and consternation I have come to the solemn conclusion that I am mad.
I will therefore be voting for the Monster Raving Loony party.
Anyone who doesn’t vote MRL in the upcoming election is a racist, commie-nazi.
Go off the deep end! Vote Raving Loony!
Sir Authur Wellingsly III
P.S. Chip Chop Chip!
Monster Raving Looney really deserve it this time around, they have worked so hard foro ur community compared to all other competitors but do not get the recognition froom the media.
All vote MRL
after much deliberation, i have arrived at the conclusion that the monster raving loony party has the best party platform.
it’s a shame that the lemonparty.org has not yet firmly established itself in the U.K., otherwise, they’d have my vote.
I, of course, will be voting for the Monster Raving Loony party. Anyone who doesn’t is a neo-nazi. They will bring the peace and prosperity we need.
Your parties suck all the way through, my dear Britains. I’d vote the Monster Raving Loony Party if i was to live in your nation.
the European
lol! monster raving loony party. watever makes the bnp loose.
The BNP haters need a lesson learned from the monster raving loonies
Isn’t it past your bedtime young chap ;D
From the ammount of votes received by the MRL party &some of the comments today, it would appear that school is out & the infants are voting totally skewing the whole poll! This really negates the whole point of it!
Shouldn’t of been an option if it would skew the votes
<3 France
Hi K Williams – If David keeps the voting mechanism running the votes will average out properly and the result will be correct. The results are presently been skewed by pranksters because there haven’t been that many votes yet.
Clearly the kids are off school & voting Monster Raving Loony Party lol :-)
I hope they have the same freedoms still available when they are old enough to really vote.
Youth BNP Link =
Vote BNP
I really think the amount of time the Monster Raving Loony has put into the community is really admirable and by the looks of it they are being rewarded for their efforts. A dark horse maybe?
Just a quick point, its now 5.22 am, but when posted the time is different.?
Moderator: well spotted, turns out the server time was correct (GMT), but the software (WordPress) used to create this site was using UTC time -7hrs. Been using WordPress for years and never noticed that setting, so thanks :) Fixed now.
I will add I think you have made a great site, with a lot of interesting comments from all sides, not many for the lib/lab/cons though (yet), (well mostly in support for the BNP actually), maybe that mirrors what us brits are thinking.
I think the BNP will win with a landslide.
BritishBred – I sincerily hope your right! I sort off have the same feeling too.
I was always a labour voter, im 35 now and, when I left school, britain was under thatcher (what a mess that was) my only option was a YTS,(remember that) or a paper round or goto germany (a fews years after leaving school)to be a bricklayers labouer. I went to germany and made some good money.
I trained to be a plumber in 98, and got gas CORGI registered on 2004.
Things went very well until about 2007-8, when the trade was swamped with polish plumbers who undercut me by more than half. Nothing wrong with competition, but I just couldn’t compete with them.
Anyway my labour vote was for a change from the torys.
Im old enough to know that lab/con are not for the british working class, they are for themselves.
I dont think im a minority in my views.
I’m not a racist, like this gov want me to believe about myself.
I REALLY hope the British National Party will get power in 2010, because they are the ONLY party who will look after me and mine.
BritishBred – Thanks for your reply. I’m a tad older than you at 40 – and did a YTS :) I believe you are very correct in your assumption that we are not in a minority with our views.
Until about six years ago I had been a staunch Conservative all of my adult life, but was becoming somewhat disgruntled with the fact that my views over many issues remained intact, but the parties were changing rapidly.
I had heard labour and the tories condemn the BNP on the news several times before – but never seemed to witness any direct feedback from the BNP itself (surprise). One day it suddenly crossed my mind the BNP might have a web site – which I located. The thing that struck me the most was the feeling I got that the articles and comments on the site echoed my thoughts. It felt like they were agreeing with me – as opposed to me having to draw a line of best fit with which to agree with them. 4 days later I was a BNP supporter and have been ever since.
All of a sudden my eyes were wide open to the high level of deceit and betrayal that is being committed by the establishment(The House Of Free Everything) and controlled media across the UK. Importantly I discovered why the LibLabCon are effectively acting as one body – through infultration of EU based change agents like “Common Purpose”, “Fabians”,”Tavistock Institute” and the “Bilderbergers” for example. If anybody reading this hasnt heard of this lot – in particular “Common Purpose” (like you think its a catch phrase as I did) then for a politically unbiased explanation please look up videos on youtube by a man by the name of “Brian Gerrish” who is an ex navel commander. This ones the the primer –
Here are some titles to find “Brian Gerrish – State of the Nation”,”Brian Gerrish – Soviet Britain”, and there are many more. If you havent seen any of this before – boy are you in for one hell of a shock!!!!
Going back to the original thread BritishBred I do believe the establishment is starting to crumble. MP’s are being caught out left right and centre fiddling expenses while the government doles out billions of pounds of tax payers money to abroad. It’s now been revealed the massive influx of immigration was yet more treason by Blair and his crew which is effecting our employment as you pointed out, and our way of life. All this going on at the ‘beginning’ of a ressesion when unemployment is ‘starting’ to become rife. Not only are they burning further billions on housing immigrants, but we are having to put put up with the extra crime. The news is full of it, while they use programs like East Enders to brainwash us into accepting and sucking up to foreigners – that are currently outbreeding us. They are even trying to impose Foreign laws upon us – the establishment that is. I don’t blame the immigrants themselves.
Cameron has proved he is no more than a spineless EU puppet and yet another fraud with his sudden u-turn on the Lisburn Treaty. Thats a smoke screen in itself. Personally I couldnt give a darn about the Treaty. I’m interested in a vote in-or-out of the EU which can be made possible with a BNP government!!! Our soldiers are dieying on foreign soil while the tories are preparring to send even more to Afganistan if they gain power. Yet another war which Labour and the Conservatives authorised illegally without public consent. Our soldiers are abroad while army style foreign police are imported to control us. They dont want our army at home because they’d obviously protect the British.
Anybody who thinks we’ll be better off under the tories is going to be sadly mistaken, and I will say “I told you so”. If the tories succeed in 2010 there will be hell on high water with the demand from the British public for them to fulfill their promises which they cant and dont intend to keep. The British tigers tail has been tugged far too hard this time. We’ve been spat upon from a great height and theirs a strong feeling of contempt growing.
Only the BNP has the resolve and determination to reverse the sabotage of the LibLab…Con.
You never know BritishBred – we might just be preaching to the converted :^>
I like the youtube video clips but they are scattered around the site on different pages and they are difficult to find.
Could you please provide a list of links, like you done for the comments?
I like you site, and I vote BNP because it is the only way Britain is going to stay British,
I don’t like being ruled by Europe which is not democratic at all, and I don;t like the immigrants closing our pubs and churches.
Vote for BNP
Shelly, It isn’t immigrants closing our pubs and churches. If enough people went to church the churches would remain open, and if people weren’t priced out of going to the pub they would stay open.
Nothing to do with immigrants. You’ll be blaming them for the weather next.
The voting on this page was a bit strange yesterday.
We’ve had:
900+ votes for the Monster Raving Loony Party
300+ votes for the British National Party (BNP)
And a couple of hundred for other political parties.
As this is an open poll that doesn’t require registration or anything it’s open to cheating if you know what you are doing, which is why I keep an eye on the votes and if I ever see clear cheating I’ll delete the votes (until now there was no indication of serious cheating).
So yesterday there was apparently 900 Monster Raving Loony Party supporters, 300 BNP supporters (I’m 99% confident those are real votes BTW!) and about 200+ for the rest (popular day for this page).
The 900 Monster Raving Loony Party votes could in theory be from real visitors, but for reasons I won’t go into (as whoever did it would learn to hide their tracks better) I’m reasonably sure they are fake votes.
So I’m going to delete them.
I’m very impressed with the Monster Raving Looney Party comments to make it look like there was hundreds of visitors voting for that party, whoever did the fake votes did quite a good job of making the votes look real, though did make the mistake of posting the same comment twice from different IP’s :-)
I’m really curious how this was achieved because I made some subtle changes to the poll to try to trip up automated voting scripts yesterday (I find it hard to believe someone would vote manually 900 times over many hours, starting at a handful of votes a minute to tapering off to a few votes an hour in the early hours of the morning!) and the votes kept coming in.
I know how it can be done, but the changes I made should have resulted in votes to another party if it was automated (I switched the answers around) or no votes at all (I replaced the o’s with 0’s for that entry) in the possible ways I suspected, but that didn’t happen. So I’m scratching my head at how this was done in an automated way? If it was manual voting, now that dedication to being a Raving Loony ;-)
don’t underestimate the power of /b/, how dare you remove our votes, we crashed gamespot when they did that…but lol trolled.
I deleted 900 of the Monster Raving Loony Party votes. Hmm, the total number of votes and the % are now wrong though, it didn’t subtract 900 from the total votes cast!
Will look for a fix.
I missed something I had to reset. Fixed now!
David, hi
Sounds your the one doing any vote fixing?
If I was fixing votes I wouldn’t have the BNP in the lead now would I?
Unfortunately I’m reasonably confident the 900 votes are fake (by one person) and so should be deleted.
If I’m wrong on this (they are real votes) I’m sure we’ll see dozens of comments from the 900 real visitors who voted Monster Raving Loony Party yesterday.
Good Job David,
Someone out there is auto spamming for MRLP to discredit this open poll which clearly shows popular support for BNP policies.
Well spotted.
Hi Dave. I think your doing a great job trying to maintain the legitimacy of the results.
It’s possible that our mischievous monster raving loony friends are relaying emails to each other … something like “vote on this site from as many IP addresses as possible, and send this message”.
Cheers – AndyK
Ive not seen any such comments from the monster party you were expecting.
Are you still keeping the votes up?
Seems surprisingly slow on votes in general.
Is the voting mecho running continously David ?
David – can I also mention I’m having problems submitting comments. This started this evening. After clicking the submit button the page fails to refresh. I’m using google chrome at present and after a while it times out with the message – “the link appears to be broken”. I didn’t realise at first but the comment is reaching your server, but for some reason not returning with the request. I have experienced at programming asp.net sites with c#.
Not knowing what the problem was I replied to Sam’s message 4 times earlier and have probably confused the issue. When I first realised there was a problem I copied the message to notepad. Each time I sent the message I thought I’d add a bit extra :-))))
The problems still occurring at present. I have tested my browser out with web pages containing submission forms on other web sites and it seems to be fine. Based on my findings I can only deduce the problem lies with your server.
Hope this helps
Thanks for letting me know about this, the problem was with a plugin to allow visitors to subscribe to comments, I’ve disabled it until I can figure out why it broke things now (was working fine). It was messing up where the visitor went right after posting a comment.
LMK if you have any more problems.
Since the loony votes was a hoax/joke I doubt there will be a lot of new comments from them, they have come and gone basically. Yes there’s an argument to remove them, but also an argument not to, now I know they are real visitors I can’t be sure all of them was a hoax (some might be real).
If I seriously thought it would matter long term (it’s the loony party and can be ignored) I might change my mind, but I see the main parties receiving 5,000 plus votes each before the election (assuming it’s not called early). Those 900 votes won’t mater then.
I own other websites and I’m very good at getting search engine traffic to them, I’ve a joke site which regularly breaks 10,000 visitors day for example.
AndyK the voting seems to come in waves, like Saturday about 300 BNP votes, if the BNP got that number of votes every day for just one week they’d be in the thousands by now, so it was a one off spike (there was a link from the BNP site).
I’ve not tracked daily votes, but other than the 900 loony votes, the 300 in one day for one party is the most I’ve seen in one day. I thought they might be fake, but I checked the logs etc… and everything added up (mostly UK IP’s for example and there was the link that brought in 400 visitors on Saturday/Sunday).
Also this is a relatively new site, I only started adding content regularly in mid-September, so about 10 weeks live really.
In October the site averaged around 500 visitors a day, now it’s about 2,000 with a peak of about 4,000 last Saturday. I’m seeing a fair number of visitors coming from Facebook and the BNP main website (I checked and people are linking to this poll in the comments). The site also got hits from the UKIP website, but I couldn’t track down where it was posted.
I’ve still got a lot of content to add, barely scratched the surface of the Green Party Policies for example, they have a policy on everything, I’m half expecting to find one on how to pick your nose without damaging the flora up there :-)
If it stays at 2,000 visitor a day (it won’t, it will keep going up) that’s about 400,000 visitors between now and the expected date of the next general election.
Saturday, sunday, maybe when people have time off work?
2000 visitors a day? So why don’t they vote?
Probably the same reasons why people don’t vote during elections and ignore pollsters in the street. I don’t vote on every poll I see on a website.
Also not every visitor will go to this page (over 200 pages indexed in Google) and some of the visitors are repeat visitors and so can’t vote again.
David Urgent
your post above “LMK if you have any more problems”.
the reply button has dissapeared
Moderator: that’s normal, I had set the software to allow threads to go 7 layers deep (deepest of all my sites BTW). The deeper it goes, the less width a comment gets! I’ve tweaked the theme to allow more depth, (less border around each comment) should handle 10 levels deep now, 10 is the maximum setting!
The Monster Raving Loony Party phenomenon was a hoax which can be accredited to 4chan /b/, it was ~800 people, not multiple i.p addresses. A hoax none the less, though ;)
Rules 1 and 2. You’re breaking them.
There’s a forum of sorts called Chan (generally about Manga and Anime apparently) and a section of it called /b/ and looking through the log files for this site I can link about 50 visitors to that domain. I couldn’t find the specific post as it’s got a LOT of posts and what was on page 1 yesterday could be page 20-30 by now!
There was also a post on another forum yesterday specifically saying vote Monster Raving Loony Party, I see 24 visitors from that page.
I looked at both of these yesterday, but because they only account for about 75 visitors I ruled them out as THE cause.
The log files for the site are relatively accurate, so if it was the users of those two sites that made the votes (was over 900 of them) I don’t know why they aren’t showing up in the log files.
Looks like I was wrong about them being fake votes though (I hate being wrong :-)).
This does explain the multiple IP addresses used, they were real visitors, but as it was a hoax/joke it explains why the IP addresses are mostly not from the UK (so can’t vote in the next election), which is one of the reasons why I thought they were fake votes (most of the other votes are from UK IP addresses).
I’m tempted to reinstate the 900 votes I removed, because even though they aren’t all from the UK (looks like 10% are UK based for certain) there is an argument they are real people voting in a poll. My main reason for deleting them was because I believed they were all one person. So my main reason is no longer valid.
Unless others make a concerted effort to keep posting votes for that party over and over again, long term the other parties will catch up and pass them as more natural visitors find this poll through Google (it’s ranked high in Google for general election poll searches).
Polls been up 10 weeks and Labour, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have gained over 1,500 votes with no outside influence, so by the next election they will pass that party easily.
I’m going to reinstate them even though I know it makes the poll less valid, but the same is true for some of the BNP votes, but for different reasons.
The controversy :-)
Hi David – Its probably best to re-instate the MRLP’s votes, after all they are when all said and done monster raving loonies :^> It will stop the controversy, and anybody with any common sense will see through the figures.
Somebody also mentioned they had successfully placed votes via proxy servers, but surely that will die a quick death since you can only place one vote from one proxy server. I for one wouldn’t want to sit searching for proxy servers which haven’t yet been used to vote!
It will be interesting to see how the votes divide in a week or two when many more votes have been added and a steady average is reached – and presumably the MRLP’s campaign votes pale into insignificance (laugh).
I for one am a BNP supporter and commend you for your attitude to fair, open debate. Pity the establishment and media couldn’t take a leaf out of your book!
Thanks – AndyK
So David
I see you have put the 900+ monster ravin loonies vote back on?
As you stated over 900 votes for this party in one day??
I have read through every comment on this poll (238) to date, 11.51pm 22/11/09.
Weird how only a handfull of comments from the MRLP with such comments as “vote monster ravin loonies”.
One sentence comments, and less than 10 comments total!
Cmon David, your first decision to delete these votes was obviously correct.
Support for the BNP comments, are over 200+, with comments 2 or more paragraphs long.
I can see a pattern emerging.