I started this General Election site June 2009 (in anticipation of the UK 2010 general election) since it takes sometime (usually 9+ months, like having a baby :)) for the major search engines to rank a new web site well (my business is getting sites ranked high in search engines like Google). The site did […]
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Out of interest, considering that the BNP support outweighs even that of the LabCon parties I wondered if I could cast multiple votes. Needless to say that after a while of this, I got bored, looking for proxy servers to prove my point, but nevertheless voted about 20 times. Just thought you’d like to know.
How can anyone dislike an honest comment. All this proves is the voting mechanism on this site is flawed. Random filtered polling is better. A General Election best of all for an outcome.
It’s far from a perfect polling system (is there such a thing as a perfect polling system?) for the reason you mention. I did expect the odd person to use proxies to vote multiple times, I would hope most people who have better things to do with their time!
What is indicated from the poll so far is people who are on the Internet and have enough interest in politics and the next general election (probably 6+ months before we’ll have the election) are voting here. And that so far roughly 25% of those people are voting BNP.
Will this follow through to the actual election result, highly unlikely, but it’s still interesting to see what some people think and shows the supporters of the BNP are very active.
If you want something done in this world it takes hard work and commitment and clearly the BNP supporters are working hard towards their goals.
Can I point out to David that the Monster Raving Loony votes were all legitimate votes from independant i.p adresses making your removal of the votes un-democratic and probably more damaging as we are left with a BNP majority that has probably been achieved through the same means as the MRL’s- that is, some form of internet campaigning. So I urge you to return 900 votes to Loonies, as you have made an unfounded assumption on the source of the MRL support in this poll.
Chris is correct. The 900 MRL votes were legitimately submitted by 900 separate individuals, due to an internet campaign. Yes the MRLP is some-what a joke but removing votes which were submitted legitimately is even more of one.
I agree and have reinstated the 900 votes, see my earlier comment below.
I don’t think it will matter long term, because this site is ranked high for searches like
General Election Poll
UK General Election Poll
My business is getting websites ranked high in Google and I see this page getting tons of traffic next year. It’s doing far better than I’d expect at this early stage, I’ve not done anything to promote it yet!
So when serious interest in the 2010 election by the UK general public starts to kick in I expect a lot more visitors and votes than we see now. 1,000 votes to the loonies won’t matter :-)
I think you should delete the 900 votes from the Monster Raving Loony Party, considering you got them all in one day and there were only 2 comments they are obviously fakes and they just take away from the legitimacy of your poll.
Looks like the BNP supporters are coming here in their droves to promote their distorted British ideals.
What’s the betting that it’s one bloke logging in under different names?
Well I only hope the British people wake up to this racist nonsense and realise that it’s being an open and accepting multicultural society that makes modern Britain great. Without it we would be a very third rate european nation lagging behind the likes of Spain and Italy.
Jack North
Your another totally ignorant. WAKE UP
I hope you live right in the middle of an ‘enriched’ part of our once great country.
Hi Jack North
If all the BNP supporters were really one guy – me for example, I would credit myself as incredibly articulate and fast! The truth there’s so many of us here because we are true British patriots who care about our land and people. Somethings wrong and hour alarm bells are ringing.
In your first mail I quote you as saying …
“Well I only hope the British people wake up to this racist nonsense”
….. in your follow-up I quote you ….
“Look, be honest, we’re all racist, it’s a natural human response.”
… well speak for yourself and whoever you support. Normally it’s us the BNP that are accused of that one.
You sound like a very confused man.
Where do you come from anyway – here in the UK we’ve lived in houses for a very long time, and we the BNP intend to keep it that way!!
I’m the owner of this UK General Election 2010 website and I’m anti-BNP and can confirm it’s way more than one BNP supporter posting.
I get the IP addresses of commenter’s and they are unique. Been the odd instance of the same IP posting under different names, but it’s not the norm.
What’s happened is I was posting on a few anti BNP Facebook group (was about the BNP on Question Time mostly) and pro BNP supporters picked up on my link to the general election poll on the site.
Quite a lot of them have been posting on the main BNP site and pro BNP Facebook groups asking BNP supporters to vote BNP in the poll (which closing on 1,000 have). I even saw a post on Facebook from Nick Griffin linking to my poll :-)
So they are real visitors.
Would be great to have more varied commenter’s as the discussions generated are very one sided right now.
Thanks for letting the people know that this support for the bnp is not from just 1 or 2 pro-bnp supporters.
You said,
“Would be great to have more varied commenter’s as the discussions generated are very one sided right now.”
I totally agree, to be honest I have been keeping up with most of the comments from most articles. It would be great reading some views from people who have anything good (or bad) to say about their parties policies. Fingers crossed eh?
Hi David,
I do sympathize with you that your excellent web site forum seems to have been highjacked by BNP supporters – me included!
Suggest you promote your web site on all political
party social network groups and forums in an effort
to draw in the desired balance of opinions.
I’d like to have readers know that not all bnp members have immigration policy and/or right wing British patriotism one track minds.
Just as not all members of other political parties
scream about one favourite pet injustice only.
It s strange how we are continuosly told that we live in a multi cultural country and that it is such a great thing to have every tom dick and harry coming here, yet i still have not met one person who voted or even agrees with this garbage. The majority of british people are sick to death of political correctness and immigrants on the sponge, yet if they dare speak out they are “nazis” or “racists”. Sixty five percent of the UK did NOT vote labour at the last election yet this phoney pathetic party are running the country. At last the tide is turning and more and more people are turning to the BNP. If you are not left wing, immigrant or a pratt then the BNP is the only party out there. Is Brown the only prime minister ever to be handed the job by his mate rather than be elected.
Jack North said
Well I only hope the British people wake up to this racist nonsense and realise that it’s being an open and accepting multicultural society that makes modern Britain great. Without it we would be a very third rate european nation lagging behind the likes of Spain and Italy.
OK Jack how would you like it if a stranger came into your home, sat in your favourite chair, nicked your TV’s remote control and changed the channel to what they wanted to watch. Maybe you would be happy with this scenario, but the majority of the British people are not.
Strange though it may seem to some people it is not about a persons skin colour or nationality. It is that a succession of Conservative and Labour governments have forced many us out of our homes and jobs in favour of these immigrants and when we object to our being displaced we are pilloried as being fascists and racists.
It is because of this problem with immigration that our hospitals are facing meltdown, law and order is fast approaching anarchy, wages are being reduced to 3rd world status; that is for those of us that are still lucky enough to have jobs, while at the same time our government is keeping us in poverty by throwing our hard earned taxes away to the banks and other third world countries; and if any is left over they are either lining there own pockets or putting up jobless immigrants, luring here by our extremely generous benefits system in luxury accomodation in preference to us the native British people.
Fortunately, more and more people are realising this, as shown by the poll on this site and looking towards the BNP as it is the only party that dares to face these problems head on
I would like to propose a new poll.
It has come to my attention that a poster who calls himself “VoteNo ToBNP” is a spammer who’s flood of comments is stifling debate, and spoiling the forum.
I petition the moderator to consider removing this person from the forum, to prevent further spamming.
We are all aware of his views on most subjects.
May I ask the readers for a democratic vote?
All in favour vote green, against vote red.
PMSL, I find that so funny, I point out where you are wrong, and that’s called spamming lol.
Because you can’t find any evidence to a. support your frankly daft claims and b. can’t find anything to show mine are wrong you call it spamming.
Wow getting seriously desperate now then, well you could try trying to prove me wrong…. or is that a concept above the BNPers ability?
Love it, can’t beat them with debate call them spammer, loving the desperation move :-)
Hilarious that their conviction is so shaky and their security so threatened by someone with knowledge.
Typical cowardly BNP.
What an utterly cowardly move.
Vote No To BNP far from “Stifling debate” has introduced verifiable facts to this forum.
I posted a video earlier on how the BNP operate to stifle opposition and democracy and bully their way in this country.
I introduced facts that destroyed beyond doubt a false story that the BNPers on here were trying to sell as fact.
What reaction by BNPers do myself and Vote No get ? Far from being interested in debate, rationale and balance. We have had to run the gauntlet of such remarks as “liars, spammers, UAF Scum, Marxist, lefties, etc etc”, from a vocal minority the BNP.
You want to kick someone off the site because you dont like what they are saying ? The voice of the “democratic BNP” in action there.
So glad you only have the support of 2% of the electorate.
Ok thats settled then, I withdraw my proposal with apologies to Voteno.
I accept the democratic opinion of this forum.
That is what democracy is – OK?
Whilst I thank you for the appology it isn;t required, if you want to engage in debate with me and provide the correct evidence to support your claims I will glady enter a full on debate with you.
And should you prove me wrong I will be the first person to admit it and agree with you.
I work on evidence and can’t change that, i don;t accept retoric and drivel, i go off and find the facts for myself and don;t accept what people tell me, and thankfully 95% of the population does the same things the other 5% vote BNP lol, cheap shot I know but funny.
With WordPress it’s not really possible to ban a person, so it would be a case of manually deleting their comments.
I’d like to keep this site teenage friendly as there’s some very interesting thought provoking comments and I can see as the election gets closers schools will set relevant project and Google will lead some here. So if a poster became abusive, threatening or posting something that was illegal I’d consider deleting their posts after a private warning.
I don’t see an issue with the posters comments, I’ve found many of them (not had time to read them all yet!) very informative and capable of generating, not stifling debate.
From an anti BNP perspective, VoteNo ToBNP seems to be winning the arguments here with rational and well researched comments. You might not like his message, but that’s the price to pay for free speech, we all get to voice our opinions.
why this supide land of ours not make paying for sex a true bussiness. it makes millons of pounds for the wrong people. sex is needed to keep people happy so why keep it out of some poeples reach. we must make this a non crime only abuse of people be a crime.a wife who not work but takes money from husband is working criminal if you can not pay for sex she must not have sex with man who gives money. this law not work so lets change. men and ladys need good law not unlaw things that not work in life. keep the good people safe and the dangerous people out of love making.
i marry china lady we live here. i celtic man true british. out with the roman ways out with the saxon way get the royals out bring back the druids i say. but it never happen so i say one world one heart but many minds. bnp wrong . only way is to do it yourself. vote is not true vote. no partys best just inderpendants best for our land get all partys baned. one man one voice no partys this true thing. if this not happen make wips illegale no wips no vote on party line must be baned. free vote always.
why the bnp not stop white people from leaving england this must be thier top policy. we need more british people in country so if we stop them leaving their will be more of us. ban english from traveling out of the country problem solved. but they not have the foresite to do this do they.