I started this General Election site June 2009 (in anticipation of the UK 2010 general election) since it takes sometime (usually 9+ months, like having a baby :)) for the major search engines to rank a new web site well (my business is getting sites ranked high in search engines like Google). The site did […]
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I just added a WordPress Twitter plugin and I find it interesting the pages with most Tweets are the Liberal Democrat and Conservative Party reasons to vote pages.
Exellent site but my only critisism is the fact you are allowing so many posts from the commentator voteno to BNP. This person is obviously biased against the party and he/she seems to be dominating the comments thread
Actually, over the last couple of days my name is up there quite a lot.
The point of this website is to get involved and debate.. or don’t.
Sharing your points of view on a forum such as this may give people a perspective they hadn’t considered before.
You aren’t anti BNP per se though Sarah and so the pro BNP commenter’s don’t mind you posting comments.
Over Christmas the pro BNP comments have dropped off a bit and the remaining comments have become far more interesting.
If the BNP supporters don’t want Vote No To BNP posting anti BNP comments all the time they’d have to stop trying to make out the BNP are the most awesome political party in the world: Vote No To BNP’s commenting pattern is not hard to understand, BNP supporter posts something ludicrous like “all Britain’s problems are due to immigration” and he points out how ludicrous they are.
I don’t understand how they haven’t clicked on yet, when the BNP supporters have a reasoned argument ( the odd one or two do) there’s no need for any of the pro/anti BNP bashing. Look at the thread started by paul above about him considering voting BNP and if the Conservatives are a wasted vote, Vote No To BNP has made a comment that’s not just bashing the BNP with what the BNP supporters call “UAF lies”.
The pro BNP supporters are wanting double standards for their comments, they want to be able to trash all the other parties etc… and not have anyone say anything bad about the British National Party and it’s leaders/members/supporters. Well it doesn’t work that way, at least not on my site.
No I’m not anti-BNP, because I don’t feel threatened by them, they do appeal to a lot of people because of the various reasons people have already outlined. I doubt I would ever vote for them but I hope they do get a seat two, I probably wouldn’t return to the UK whilst they were in power!
I think one of the problems this country has had is that Labour has had too much of a majority for too long and was able to push through all sorts of nonsense.
I wasn’t actively anti-BNP before I created this General Election 2010 site, considered the BNP as an extreme right wing party with no hope of ever gaining any power because of their racist history (didn’t realise they now hate Muslims in place of blacks etc…).
I just couldn’t see the British people voting for a party like the BNP beyond a protest vote.
Since I keep getting pro BNP comments on my site I don’t have a choice, but to confront them head on.
It does concern me that there are parallels between how the Nazi party gained power in the 1930s and how the BNP approach politics (Hitler’s Mein Kampf appears to be required reading in the BNP!!).
The Nazi party had similar popular support as the BNP have now, tiny fraction of Germans voted Nazi, tiny fraction of Britons vote BNP. If German Nazi history should teach us anything it’s to not sit back and wait for a problem to spiral out of control.
I don’t see how the BNP could ever gain power in the next 10 years, but I’m sure lots of moderate Germans thought the same in 1920, so as the BNP have been pretty much thrust in my face, I might as well do my best to keep them out of power.
One BNP MP is too many in my opinion. The BNP are the strongest argument against proportional representation I can think of and I kind of like PR!
I think for a lot of people, it’s more a case of how much worse can it get even with a BNP government in power.
One thing I notice on each of my short visits back (a couple of days in the summer en-route to Europe) is that the UK gets more depressing each time I’m there, people just seem to be more miserable than they were the last time. I see people in the airport who ask me where I’m going and where I live and tell me how lucky I am not to live there and they hate the country because of what it’s become.
I don’t think you people living there notice it so much because your erosion of your freedoms are very gradual whereas it’s a big change for me to see the differences each year. People just don’t stand up for themselves any more.
Getting back to the BNP, I’m not going to actively campaign against them because I think that while they are gathering support the other parties should take note, start listening and amend their manifesto’s accordingly, it would serve them right to lose a few seats to the BNP. I don’t think that any of the main parties actually have to do too much to bring those protest votes back.
Just as the BNP show bias against every other party, so what I say in my comments is no different to what the BNP supporters say, well other than I like to validate my points where possible and not just make wild statements proclaiming the BNP to be the saviours of Britain.
With the current BNP leadership and policies they will not save Britain but put the final nail in it’s coffin.
Found a problem with the “Who will you vote for in the 2010 general election poll” and other polls to a lesser degree on the site.
The polling plugin is far from perfect, but as long as no one went out of their way to manipulate the results it should give a fair result.
I’ve known for sometime some of the votes are from proxy servers, these are websites that hide the visitors IP address and since it’s the IP address that stops a visitor voting multiple times, proxies can be used to vote multiple times.
From the log files connected to the poll plugin I knew the odd person was using various proxies to vote extra times (mostly pro BNP votes), but it didn’t look like it was a major issue (thought it was well under 100 votes which I could ignore).
I was looking through the sites raw log files (so not the plugin log files) and noticed a pattern that eventually led to discovering a lot more votes from proxies than I first thought! I’ve not worked out the exact number yet, but it could be as high as 1,000+ votes in the main poll!
Going to look at the log files in detail and figure out where the votes went and remove them from the various polls if I can. Since the votes came from proxies over time there’s no way to know how many people are involved, though based on the times for the votes (tended to be around the same time each day) it looks like one very dedicated person making a vote on about 10 proxy servers almost every day since the middle of November 2009!
At a first look there’s been about 2,200 votes for the BNP since the middle of November and at least 500 and possibly as high as 1,000 are from the proxies! I will have to delete those BNP votes after I get an accurate number.
Also any more votes from proxies will be deleted, (I’ll check every couple of weeks) so if the person responsible is reading this: pack it in!
I do find it amazing that people think just using proxies will in some way cover up the activities, people with basic knowledge of how the internet works would be able to see it happening.
Excellent spot David.
I’ve worked out there was 823 votes in the poll from the proxies I found! Averaged around 15 extra BNP votes on the days the proxies was used (with some days missed) over the last 2 and halfish months (so on average 11-12 extra votes a day).
I’m impressed with whoever did this, (think it’s one person) that’s loading the voting page 823 times spread over that time and voting, they must really want the BNP to do well in the general election to put so much effort into this one poll (it’s not an important poll, it’s not like it’s on SKY or the BBC news or anywhere important)!
Not worked out the numbers on the other polls, but looks like it’s a minimal amount (looks like they were going to try to cheat on multiple polls, but decided to stick to the main one) that I can safely ignore.
I’ve removed the 823 BNP votes and will keep an eye out for votes like those. I’m sure there will be more in the near future until the person(s) click on I’m deleting them.
I don’t understand why they did it, the new numbers still gives the BNP 12% of the vote in my poll which is still much higher than they are likely to get of the popular vote in the general election and now I’ve found the cheating it makes BNP supporters look bad! 12% is much more realistic as well, I doubt they’ll get that high overall, but they might in some areas.
Reason they’ve got 12% is a concerted effort by BNP supporters to get other BNP supporters to vote BNP. No other political group has tried so hard to rally it’s supporters, it’s a damn shame everyone in the UK didn’t care as much about politics as the BNP supporters. I disagree with the BNP more than any other party, but I admire their determination.
It would be good for democracy if in the general election most eligible voters would vote. In the 2005 general election it was around 60% of the electorate bothered to vote, so though Labour gained 35% of the popular vote, 60% of 35% is 21% of the country definitely** wanted Labour in power.
** we can’t assume the 40% who didn’t vote at all wouldn’t have voted Labour, we’ll never know what politics would be like if every single eligible voter had voted :-(
Please post the evidence you have for this “adjustment” of votes.
I was trying to avoid having this discussion on the general election poll page, I think it’s better for the site and the BNP to have it here.
I can’t control where people comment and the majority of the discussion is around https://general-election-2010.co.uk/who-will-you-vote-for-in-the-2010-general-election-poll/comment-page-6/#comment-4142
When it dies down I’ll probably move those comments here to keep the general election poll comments clean of site discussions.
Excuse me, but I’ve noticed something wrong here. I’ve taken an account of each days poll turn out and it seems that a large chunk of the BNP number of votes have suddenly dissapeared.
Who will you vote for in the 2010 general election?
* Labour Party (35.3%) (21.47%, 3,236 Votes)
* Conservative Party (32.3%) (23.1%, 3,481 Votes)
* Liberal Democrats Party (22.1%) (15.63%, 2,356 Votes)
* UK Independant Party (UKIP) (2.2%) (6.39%, 963 Votes)
* Green Party (1.0%) (3.93%, 592 Votes)
* British National Party (BNP) (0.7%) (16.86%, 2,541 Votes)
* Plaid Cymru Party (0.6%) (0.32%, 48 Votes)
* Other Political Party (10.54%, 1,588 Votes)
* NONE OF THE ABOVE (0.82%, 124 Votes)
* Don’t Know : Floating Voter (0.93%, 140 Votes)
Total Voters: 15,069
Who will you vote for in the 2010 general election?
Who will you vote for in the 2010 general election?
* Labour Party (35.3%) (22.79%, 3,298 Votes)
* Conservative Party (32.3%) (24.52%, 3,548 Votes)
* Liberal Democrats Party (22.1%) (16.53%, 2,392 Votes)
* UK Independant Party (UKIP) (2.2%) (6.76%, 978 Votes)
* Green Party (1.0%) (4.14%, 599 Votes)
* British National Party (BNP) (0.7%) (12.05%, 1,744 Votes)
* Plaid Cymru Party (0.6%) (0.34%, 49 Votes)
* Other Political Party (11%, 1,592 Votes)
* NONE OF THE ABOVE (0.86%, 124 Votes)
* Don’t Know : Floating Voter (1.01%, 146 Votes)
Total Voters: 14,470
Has someone been tampering with the poles?
The answer to your questions can be found in two of Davids posts today:
## https://general-election-2010.co.uk/general-election-2010-have-your-say/comment-page-3/#comment-4125 ##
## https://general-election-2010.co.uk/general-election-2010-have-your-say/comment-page-3/#comment-4130 ##
I’m afraid there’s been some cheating in the poll, read https://general-election-2010.co.uk/general-election-2010-have-your-say/comment-page-3/#comment-4125
I was trying to keep this sort of discussion off this page in the interest of fairness since I think it’s just one person responsible for the 800+ votes I had to remove.
Sorry not buying it,so Labours votes seem a little to high so if you feel that way take 2,000 votes off them,everyone i know and more are all going to vote BNP.Everyone hates labour.
“Everyone hates labour.”
That’s a sweeping statement with no truth to it. Now if 97.3% of people don’t vote Labour I’d have to agree with you.
The Labour party may well loose at the next general election, but it will still do far, far better than the BNP. If Labour’s vote collapses we’ll still be seeing 20%+ of those who vote, voting Labour. Your little party would be dancing in the streets if it ever gained 20%+ of the popular vote.
Last general election the BNP gained 0.7% of the popular vote or 99.3% of voters didn’t vote BNP, so if any party is hated by everyone, it’s the BNP party.
Dont believe you,you have been lent on admit it.
Oh boy, another BNP conspiracy theory!
Been lent on by who and for what purpose?
Let me show you why no one important will care about my general election site. And for the record I’ve emailed the main parties referencing this poll and it’s had NO effect in traffic: I wanted more general commenter’s and voters, I’m disappointed in the low number who vote in the poll (the majority don’t bother).
It’s an unofficial poll on a website, yes I get a fair amount of traffic (I have other sites with more traffic) and it’s likely to pick up as the election gets closer, but it’s not like millions of voters are going to see my website (would be great if they did mind you, but they won’t).
If there’s 100 days to the general election and traffic stays as it is between 200,000 (2,000 visitors a day) and 250,000 (2,500 visitors a day) visitors will see my site. Some will be repeat visitors, some won’t be eligible to vote, so it’s not a high percentage of eligible voters (about 45,000,000 eligible voters).
Even if traffic picks up dramatically say 10,000 visitors a day for the last 50** days that would be a high estimate of around 625,000 visitors and some will be repeats others not from the UK or not eligible voters. Even if they all are eligible voters who make just one visit here each it’s a bit over 1% of eligible voters seeing my site.
** I’ve not run a politics site in a run up to a general election so no idea when people seriously start searching Google etc… for General Election type searches? Knowing how turned off from politics the majority are, I’d guess the last week or two.
Can you now see how silly it is to suggest I’ve been lent on.
Please post your evidence of proxy voting leading to this “Adjustment” of votes.
The only evidence I could show that would be convincing is the sites raw log files then guide you though why the votes aren’t valid. This would give anyone seeing them access to private information: for example all the sites visitors IP addresses, which I’d never do (might even be a data protection infringement?)!
I’m 100% certain the 800 odd BNP votes I removed are votes via proxies and they are clumped together over a short period of time, strongly suggesting one person.
It’s the first time I’ve looked at the raw log files for this site, normally I just look at the logs via a log analysis program called Awstats, but the copy of Awstats on my dedicated server is out of date and I was finding inconsistencies in the Awstat traffic reports (might be some traffic not registering in Awstats) compared to AdSense impressions.
The AdSense ads have their own ‘log’ type system and it’s reporting significantly higher traffic than the traffic I’m getting reported via Awstats. That in itself doesn’t prove Awstats isn’t working correctly since AdSense measures impressions which is one load of an AdSense ad (so a visitor reading 10 pages gets 10 impressions, but in the sites logs it’s one unique visitor), but AdSense impressions is a lot higher than I’d expect relative to unique visitors reported by Awstats (2,000-2,500 a day).
So I was checking the raw log files for visitors not listed under Awstats and spotted a pattern. Still not figured out if Awstats is playing up as got sidetracked with the poll being manipulated.
I think I’ve shown over the past 6 months that though I don’t like what the BNP stands for I’ve tried to be fair: I could have lumped BNP in the poll with others when I removed all the small parties for example or delete all pro BNP comments.
I figured I’d get accused of messing with the poll figures from some of the more paranoid BNP supporters, which is why I posted in advance as a comment I’d found a problem. I was even trying to be fair by putting the comment on another page and pointing out I think it was just one BNP supporter at work not all of them.
You will just have to take my word for it, or not.
This site has been rigged from the start by the mod David. He wont admit to himself the amount of backing the bnp have. Thats why these polls are total fraud.
For feck sake grow up, if you were right:
Are you really so stupid and mixed up with believing all those stupid BNP conspiracy theories you can’t use what little intelligence you were born with?
For example you’ve made 80 odd comments on my site and I could delete them all in under 1 minute.
If I worked for the Lib/Lab/Con single party as you BNP numpties put it, why would I allow you and people like you to post comments here?
Come on give us an answer that fits in with your stupid conspiracies?
Please just use commonsense before you make dumb ass accusations as all you do is make yourself and the BNP appear stupid.
you have deleted bnp VOTES, (You have been deleting comments for months). How is it a conspiracy??
So the oh so intelligent BNP Supporters believe this somewhat insignificant online General Election Poll is part of some kind of conspiracy theory against the BNP?
Can we add this to the other conspiracy theories the BNP believe in?
1. Labour, Conservative and LibDems all on party
2. Green Party – set up and funded by Labouyr
3. UKIP – set up and funded by the Conservatives
4. Climate Change – a world wide conspiracy theory
5. The New World Order (Bilderberg) are creating a single world government (been doing it since the 30’s)
6. Postal voting is a scam being used by the main 3 to cast votes against the BNP
And the many others, don’t you think that the main 3 parties have more things on their mind than worrying about how many votes the BNP receive on an online poll that isn’t in any way any official polling organisation?
If you people seriously believe these conspiracies then I think you need to have a chat with your doctors or sleep with the lights on just in case the NWO is hiding in your wardrobe ready to capture you.
I realise it’s hard to spell, but don’t forget the fake Plaid Cymru Party in Wales. It was mentioned on the main BNP website as news
“The fake Welsh Plaid Cymru party has been shaken by the defection of its only Muslim Welsh Assembly member to the Tories”
Does the BNP and it’s supporters seriously believe there’s only two political parties in Britain, BNP and all the rest are one party?
Oh yeah I forgot about that one, there are so many it’s really hard to keep up with all the conspiracy theories they believe in now days.
Stop making stuff up, I didn’t delete any comments until about a month ago when I wrote this page https://general-election-2010.co.uk/commenting-policy/ to explain why I’d be deleting the silly little “Vote for party X” type comments.
Prior to the 14th December I’d not touched any comments other than duplicates and SPAM as described in the post above.
So you are a liar to say I’ve been deleting comments for months, it’s weeks and I’ve barely deleted any (there are 3,466 approved comments on this site). Currently there are 50 comments in the trash folder, the last two are:
One from Vincent yesterday, all it said was “Sorry your site is invalid,”.
That made no sense as a separate comment, couldn’t work out where it was meant to go (vincent seems to not be able to use the Reply to links!, I have to keep moving his comments into the thread I think it was meant to be in) and he’d made multiple comments about the BNP votes being deleted, so his thoughts were covered several times.
The other one is from VOTE BNP 2010 on the 19th which was a YouTube video he’d posted twice before already under another name https://general-election-2010.co.uk/political-videos/comment-page-6/#comment-3483 and https://general-election-2010.co.uk/are-the-bnp-racists-poll/comment-page-7/#comment-3484 (three times is pushing it). VOTE BNP 2010 has also posted under the names John, BNP FOR BRITAIN, VOTE YES TO BNPisms and VOTE YES TO BNP.
Before that the last deleted comment was from terence on the 2nd of January. It was a classic terence rant along the lines of “the stalanisT tony Blair bombed…”
I’ve recently edited/deleted some of your older comments Britishbred. Recall when you messed up the YouTube comments you posted. There was a few comments that had nothing in them (I guess you’d tried to add the YouTube embed code direct), I moved the correct YouTube code into the empty comments and deleted the extra comments (no content deleted though). Also deleted a short thread talking about adding the v to get YouTube videos to work correctly. One of those comments was mine explaining I’d added the v and one from you saying thanks.
You’ve made a fair number of Comments Britishbred, (I think 86 are approved, unless you’ve posted under more than one email address) take a look through them and show me where I’ve deleted loads of your comments?
The only commenter who has had a fair number of comments deleted is Terence (26 comments deleted) and he still has 382 approved comments on this site.
So stop making up BNP lies.
Note: I could delete all these negative comments, do you not think if I was working for the Lib/Lab/Con gang as you BNP numpties think I am I’d delete ALL pro BNP comments?
Bunch of bloody morons if you believe all this conspiracy crap!
I cannot beleive that you start this thread about a ‘democratic voting opnion poll’, and then you ask all comments regarding the BNP to be posted on another page, but all comments regarding other parties are OK because you agree with them.
You can’t sanitize democracy. to supress someone else’s point of view purley based on the fact you may not agree with it, is certainly just as anti-democratic than how you percevie the BNP.
I too have reviewed the figures and it does appear that the BNP voting figures have been lowered. If you have evidence that this was done maliciously, then please present your evidence.
I find it hard to beleive that the guff Labour has left us in over the last 13 years puts them only marginally behind the tories. Maybe you’ve doctored some figures yourself? I’ll vote for the monster raving looney party if it were to purge us of this vile labour government who’s turned our borders to mush.
I don’t give a flying rats ass what you think.
If you don’t like the way I run this site piss off back to the BNP’s main website where ONLY PRO BNP COMMENTS ARE ALLOWED.
BNP and BNP supporter double standards makes me sick!
If this continues I’ll delete every last pro BNP comment from the site and reset the BNP voting number to zero. It would be oh so very easy to remove every last trace of the BNP from my website and keep you out for good. It is very, very, very tempting when I keep getting crap like this because a dumb ass BNP supporter got caught cheating in a poll!
Check the political videos page tomorrow, ALL pro BNP videos will be gone. There you go that’s being undemocratic/anti free speech as you BNP fecking retards keeping saying I am. Then you’ll have a real reason to complain.
Personally David I think removing the BNP vote completely wouldn’t hurt as they are nothing really, they have no real political power in the UK a couple of MEPs and around 55-60 councillors, so not a political power house.
And if you look at the election results for the BNP since the EU Election last year that haven’t made any new gains, in fact they have made losses including losing vote share in many by-election, losing 1 council seat in a by-election last year.
Alby Walker leaving the party and going independent and standing against Simon Darby in the GE, and it also look as though Walker’s wife is going to leave the BNP and become an independent as well.
And the fact that in the latest council by-election in Wakefield they lost almost half of the votes they took in 2008, so they are losing votes and people all over the place.
So in reality they are on the way down not up, so they really are classed an “others” and as such should be lumped in with the “others” as they really are not a political force in the UK.
UKIP have way more power than the BNP do, as do the Green Party (on a local level), so with the actual elected members the BNP stand at around a total of 60 which really isn’t all that.
Who said I was a BNP supporter? I certainly didn’t. As a matter of fact, I am not. I do beleive that labour has bought this country to it’s knees with the mass immigration they have allowed since they came to power. Many dissillousioned voters feel the same way and will be changing their voting patterns as a result.
I was referring to the fact that you asked BNP comments to be posted to another site. Any party contesting the forthcoming general election will have a point of view. whether you personally deem that point of view as being right or wrong shouldn’t be the issue on this page. You included the BNP in your poll and asked people for their opnions. You can’t start blub arsing because people aren’t agreeing with you. By banishing one party from you page and not others, is by it’s very nature, anti democratic.
You also mention that one BNP supporter was caught cheating. Please present your evidence of this and save face. You said that it would be so easy for you to put the BNP vote back to zero, then it must have been just as easy to lose a few hundred votes when the counter got too high for you to cope with.
At the end of the day, in May this year, the people will have their say and whatever is posted on this site between now and then is not going to influence the result one iota.
Any one holding an opinion poll such as yours should exersize a degree of impartiality. You have failed on this score by letting your own beleifs and prejudices seap through. You obviously think that you’re right, the people that support the BNP do too. Have the courage of your convictions and argue for your point of view by letting people post their own views and then answer by putting your own point of view across. Your whole attitude smacks of sweeping things under the living room rug. If you can’t see it, then it don’t exist, which we all know is a steaming pile of dogdoo.
Are you completely stupid or blind?
My site is FILLED with pro BNP comments, try opening your eyes and reading the comments on almost every page they are almost all about the bloody BNP. I also post all of the BNP sites news at https://general-election-2010.co.uk/ (150+ pages so far) so you are talking out of the wrong end.
Do I have a problem with the BNP commenting here?
Do I have a problem with the ONLY subject matter being discussed the BNP?
Is it too much to ask that they don’t flood almost every comment thread of the site with BNP comments?
Especially this page, this is meant to be about the general election NOT the BNP who will NOT gain any power this election. Truth is at the very best the BNP will gain a few MPs, more likely none again. Who on Earth wants shaking like a leaf Nick Griffin speaking for them in parliament?
I watched the rubbish he spouted about the Haiti earthquake relief effort in the EU parliament, I was embarrassed to be British when I heard a twat like him representing Britain in Europe!
Oh and lets use the old BNP argument style to determine if you are a BNP supporter.
You have defended the BNP therefore you MUST be a BNP troll just like when I argue against the BNP I must be a UAF troll or paid by the Lib/Lab/Con gang: my paymasters as one BNP drone put it. Maybe you are Nick Griffin and I’m Tony Blair and Vote No To BNP is the tooth fairy.
Did I get a new job lol, I thought I was David Cameron as well as being at least 5 other posters on the website.
“I find it hard to beleive that the guff Labour has left us in over the last 13 years puts them only marginally behind the tories. Maybe you’ve doctored some figures yourself?”
Just to confirm your view on this Marty.
You find it hard to believe Labour could be 2 to 3 % behind the Conservatives in a poll of less than 15,000 people on the Internet where we’ve had 900 votes in one day for the Monster Raving Loony party (arranged by a forum playing a joke), but have no problem on the very same poll believing the BNP could poll 18% of the vote (before I removed the 800 odd proxy/cheating votes it was around 18%) when in the 2005 general election the BNP gained 0.7% of the popular vote!
Which is more believable, the Labour party loosing by a small margin or the BNP gaining the same number of MPs as the Lib Dems?
Is that what you are saying?
I just love the BNP double standards, anything not BNP is corrupt and cheating, anything BNP is honest and wholesome like unsliced brown bread from Hovis.
Bunch of deluded BNP drones, I am so looking forward to posting comments here after the general election.
I am not defending the BNP, neither do I support them. However, I am a strong supporter of democracy, I don’t agree with them but I defend their right to campaign for their views just as much as the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems can seemingly unhindered. How does that make me a BNP troll? Your comments are full of sweeping generalisations, (pretty much like your poll).
Also, before comments began, you did request that BNP comments should be directed to another part of the site. Obviously no one has listened to you so as a result there are a lot of pro BNP comments that I have read, so I am neither blind nor stupid and I certainly haven’t resorted to name calling…Yet!. But your attempt to sanitize democracy to your own likings was there from the start.
Also it’s been 5 years since the last general election, which saw the tories gain a lot back of what they lost in 1997. In 1997 Labour swept the board with the tories voted out of existance in many constituancies. I’m suggesting to you that public opinion has changed SO much in the last 5 years that the same is about to happen to labour with the tories virtually odds on now for their own major landslide win.
Other opinion pools agree, with the projected labour share of the vote way down on 5 years ago. Your poll contradicts this with labour only marginally behind.
I urge you to look at other sites, read comments on the political threads of yahoo answers or youtube. Not many people are supporting labour as there were in 2005.
I also think and sad fact it is, that the BNP are going to do better than most people are predicting. Prepare yourself for that David.
By the way, I am lifelong Conservative if you must know, not a BNP supporter.
This site has become a like a ghost town, with the recent changes. With input from just two hardcore commenters. Good Luck!
I’m glad all the pro BNP commenter’s have pretty much given up on my site, it’s what I wanted to happen as very few of them are interested in debating politics beyond “the BNP are great because they are the BNP” type comments.
The number of visitors to the site is stable (increasing slowly), like with most websites most visitors don’t contribute, they read and leave.
There’s been 7 different commenter’s post in the last 24 hours or so, that’s not a ghost town. You probably didn’t see three of them before you commented as they are new commenter’s and as you know new commenter’s first comments are held for moderation. I’ve also deleted a handful of pro BNP comments from the general election poll page that was calling me undemocratic etc… for removing the BNP as a voting option (I’m keeping that one page clean of that type of comment).
Britishbred rather than being so negative why don’t you discuss something of interest to you and your family beyond the BNP are great type comments? Discuss the issues rather than the political parties.
For example what do you think the next government (which ever party it is) should do about the nations massive debt, is the Labour type approach of trying to grow our way out of recession before dealing with the debt better than the Conservative type approach of cut public spending yesterday?
Its like a political game of tennis, but in this game the 2 players are on the same side….
What has discussing politics got to do with who will be in power after the next general election?
I know for a fact there are people reading this site that can change the opinion of millions of British people, if you give them a perspective they might not have thought of previously, it could change what they say to others.
Your loss if you refuse to get involved.
You can tell that the BNP Supporters don’t want to actually enter debate in so many ways.
One BNP Supporter/Member has even reached the desperate level of cloning my Twitter account by adding a simple _ in front of the name in some inane attempt to discredit the Twitter posts I make, really if this is the best the BNP have to offer in terms of reasoned logical debate it’s fairly obvious they won’t be getting elected any time soon.
Yes the BNP have been “Democraticaly” removed.
Further site cleansing. I think this site has lost all credibility as a political debate forum.
Before you start all the this is my site lark, great, you can keep it.
Hardly a glut of commenters now.
And yet BNP supporters (like yourself) keep popping in and posting comments (mostly pointless comments) like this one.
Teach me a lesson and stop posting completely so there’s less comments.
BTW it’s not the number of comments that’s important, it’s the quality and that’s a definite BIG PLUS to BNP supporters not posting much any more.
I’m very happy with how the site is going now, much better.
You and voteno can carry on posting to each other till the GE as far as I am concerned.
I’m sure you will continue to Mutually entertain each other, shame you have been turned David, this was a good, open site when it started.
You complained that the site was flooded with pro BNP commenter’s but this is a true reflection of public opinion and deleting the BNP poll results and comments will have no real effect on that.
I meet many new people every day in the course of my work (and I do not sell burgers, I am a chartered electrical engineer, CEng) and I can tell you that there are going to be a few surprises come the GE.
Don’t think I am deluded, I am a realist, it will only take a few BNP MP’s to take seats to influence the future.
Look at what Michael Barnbrook achieved without a seat-
Browsing this and your other sites has at least awakened an interest in me to right this injustice of free speech, I will take your advice and start my own GE site, I already have two high speed dedicated servers for internet gaming so can easily turn one over.
Thanks for the idea.
Vote BNP 2010
Any SEO tips welcome lol
So Andrew u still believe the BNP are gaining support?
Well some info for you, they came LAST in four council by-elections this week, in the Wakefield by-election in Jan they lost almost 50% of their previous vote share, and in Harrogate in Jan they lost another 4% of their voter share.
So going backwards, and according to the official BNP accounts their membership renewals where also down 20% so people are not even renewing their membership to the party, and that’s nothing to do with the membership ban, they are allowed to renew current members.
As a BNP supporter who presumably sees the BNP as different to all the other political parties: specifically many BNP supporters have argued on my site the BNP are trustworthy (don’t lie), democratic and believe in free speech etc…
Why when the BNP owns a website with it’s own open comment system (uses WordPress like my site does) and a forum do you need my site (or for that matter create one yourself Andrew) to discuss general election politics openly?
If the BNP are so democratic and supporting of free speech, why are the open discussions that have occurred on my site NOT happening on the BNP website?
Why do the BNP webmaster(s)/moderators delete non pro BNP comments?
The BNP do argue it’s the most popular UK politics site after all, so if they support free speech and democracy it’s website should be the ideal place for ALL British people to discuss the general election openly.
Good luck if you create a site, you’ve left it way too late to get ranked before the general election: as I’ve said a few times I expected my site not to be doing as well as it is as I created the site a little on the late side (normally I’d give myself over a year to rank a new site this well), I’d normally be expecting it to do well about now (around the 9 month mark).
I give lots of free SEO advice away on my other sites.
Yesterday we had 2.500 votes,and today we have 1.700 votes.So where has the other 8oo votes gone to moderator or has someone very high up been leaning on you,please explain
If your fiddling the results moderator to please your masters,all your good work means nothing.So our last count is 2541 votes and rising,please sort it out.
You seriously want me to leave 800 odd BNP votes in the poll from proxies? Proxies are used to hide IP addresses and that gets by the one vote per IP on the poll security.
Does this mean if someone setup a script using a list of proxies (there are thousands of free proxies online) to add Conservative/Labour/Lib Dem votes and over night the three main parties hit over 5,000 votes each you’d be happy with that?
If someone visits this page via a proxy I have to assume they are voting multiple times (once via their real IP and once for each proxy used).
Why has the owner of this website deducted 1 thousand votes from the British National Party (BNP) ????????
The owner of this site is extremely anti-BNP , he goes around websites saying to vote against the BNP on his poll.
And suddenly 1 thousand votes disappear and claims they were done by proxy’s?
The owner of this site is a un – democratic fraud,he claims he is a champion of democracy but then makes up excuses to delete bnp votes.
Excuse me, why have you removed the BNP poll from this website?
I’ve had enough of the BNP supporters accusing me on my own website of things I’ve not done, if I’m going to be accused of working for the Lib/Lab/Con/UKIP/Green/Plaid Cymru/UAF/Searchlight/NWO/Common Purpose/Freemasons/Illuminati/Bilderberg Group political conspiracy groups I at least want to have done a few of the things I’ve been accused of.
The British National Party will NOT be added back on to the general election poll as an option, the votes received minus the 800 odd cheat votes the BNP received have been moved to Other Political Party.
If you don’t like it create your own website and make your own general election poll or why not go to the sanitised BNP website where ONLY pro BNP comments are allowed and have a good time patting each other on the back of how great you and the BNP are.
Tell you what, when the BNP webmasters/moderators allow all political party supporters to post freely like I did at first (following reasonable rules of course) on the main BNP website, I’ll do the same again in return.
If it’s good enough for the BNP to treat those who do not agree with them by quashing free speech on their website, why should my site have to live up to a higher standard of democracy and free speech?