This websites 2010 General Election poll has received over 1,000 votes for the BNP (British National Party) and hundreds of supporting comments from BNP supporters who argue (amongst other things) that the BNP are no longer (or has never been) a racist political party. That sort of discussion isn’t really what I created the general […]
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Since 1997 when Labour came to power 80% of net jobs created in Britian have gone to people born outside this country.2 million pensioners living in poverty,and 4th highest level of child poverty.Check out the stats and see for yourself. Add that to the ‘political correctness gone mad’ theme of the current government and it’s no wonder we want immigration halted. Christmas lights may offend, England sports shirts may offen, St Georges flag may offend. It’s not about hating someone because of race and colour, it’s about not being put last in our own country. Asylum is to seek refuge in the next/nearest safe country. So why do the government allow ilegal asylum seekers to stay when they have crossed continents to get here? They reckon it will take 50 years to process all the application for people seeking asylum. I voted conservative for many years but this time I have turned to the BNP, they seem the only pary brave enough to speak the truth.
Hi there michelle i agree 100% with your comment the bnp are the bravest and no other partys going to takle immagration the way bnp are for example where i live glasgow in my street 8 black people live in a one bedroom house.Most of them are better dressed better phones cars and they all claim BENEFITS so where do they get the money for flashy contract phones the latest clothes and cars etc. is being white a crime now we shouldent be treated as 2nd class citizens but first class we were born and breed in britain and also jobs for british people not african people or any foriegn people
British people are not being treated as second class citizens if we opted to share a 1 bed house with 7 others and work 12-14 hour shifts for less than minimum wage then maybe you could also buy nice phones, clothes, cars and maybe even one day houses. But the problem with the british is that they dont want a pay cut, they dont want to work long hours, and any money they do have gets spent on drink and drugs. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself would you be happy cleaning shit for less than minimum wage, probably not and thats why the polish take these jobs cus your too lazy to do it yourself. Go clean shit and be happy with what you get paid. And remember that Labour is who managed to give people better benefits and tax credits for all those who are underearning, BNP and Conservatives will work to remove the benefit systems and life will be harder for the poor and dumb.
the 2 kills you should be thinking about is no (1) your beliefs…
number (2) yourself i wonder what country your from.?
Also nobody is offended by England shirts or St. Georges Flags in fact it shows patriotism which is a good thing. There are certain white people that say these things to the dumb who listen and are actually inciting hatred by pretending to be good or equal. Every party will betray you if you put total faith in them, as all tell lies, The BNP is also lying about pulling troops out of the Afganistan and Iraq as they would lose lots of money from oil and opium, BNP know they cannot win this is just to get votes. Every party will lie if you are poor and uneducated then vote left wing as they try to help as much as possible if you vote right wing then when things get hard expect to be told too fucking bad!!!
….and one other point which I have not pointed out whilst getting my point over. I am certainly not racisit in any way, and my husband, who is Indian would agree!!
R.Y, ‘Why are muslims hated so much?’
just read the BNP manifesto!!! this is britain, not the f***ing middle east send them all back to their own countries and take their mosques with them!!!
My advice to anyone is vote BNP if you want britain to get back up and running it’s the black people that are causing the recession
That convinced me the BNP aren’t the go to party for racists!
How the hell did black people cause the recession?
It was the bankers that caused the recession and I bet most of them are white.
Greed is not a race issue.
You lot BNP supporters are all SCUM … You should be ashamed at people like BOB BAILEY who start fights … yes he did start it because he called those 2 innocent asian guys in Barking “Robbers” …. I would have spat on him too!! …. I hope he gets locked up and the whole lot of you waste of time BNP supporters get locked up too…. nothing but Jerks! …..
Well said Dee. I was going to say that if any bnp supporters had half a brain cell they would be dangerous when in actual fact if they did have half a brain cell that would therefore enable a thought process and they would then realise how wrong they are!
asian people are never innocent, they are always plotting on ways to scrounge more out of what should be a white country and how to get the rest of their family over here to rob of us white folk
We are not a racist party. We are a NATIONALIST party.
Putting YOUR COUNTRY and YOUR PEOPLE first is NOT racism.
Tony2Kills I Agree.. the rest of you I disagree with … BNP are Racist Racist SCUM and I am so grateful they will NEVER win!! See you all kept quiet about my Bob Bailey Comment! …. Typical …..
Well said Dee! I was going to say if any of the bnp supporters had half a brain cell they would be dangerous, but actually if they had half a brain cell then that would enable a thought process and therefore realise they are wrong!
I like your thinking Claire! ….
what country r u from im suprised your brain generates enough electricity to enable u to type (halfwit)
Er no….in fact it was the complete opposite! did you not cover the World Wars I & II at school?? or where you out earning the minimum wage that so rightly think that us Brisish should be doing??? we have had great education here paid for by our families paying TAX into the system and which we pay back when we go to work. We are not brainwashed by relgion rather than the facts of society and are brought up to live a honest and repsectable life!
Hahahaha, what school did you go to!! hahahah lol, you’re so funny.
Is that the best you can do! your speechless and lost for words as Fiona speaks SENSE!! Get yourself an education and shut up