This websites 2010 General Election poll has received over 1,000 votes for the BNP (British National Party) and hundreds of supporting comments from BNP supporters who argue (amongst other things) that the BNP are no longer (or has never been) a racist political party. That sort of discussion isn’t really what I created the general […]
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I heard some news about the BNP tonight, feel quite uncomfortable. Borrow John Snow’s Blog to express my idea, hope Snow doesn’t mind.
Go through the UK’s history: Anglo-Saxons were from Europe, Normans from Scandinavia/France, Jews came to Britain to escape racist attacks in Germany, Poland and Russia, Indians and Pakistanis came to the UK after the WW II to help with reconstruction. All the different races made their own great contribution to the UK. Then, how could the BNP simply deny it today!? And I dare say there is no single person who could say he or she is of pure British blood.
Obviously, the BNP is taking advantage of the recession, more and more innocent British white working class people and the young generations are seduced into the party. Nick Griffin tries his best to make these naïve people believe that the bad UK financial situation is caused by immigration and immigrants grabbing their jobs. But the UK Royal family is from Germany. How will the BNP treat them? Will they ask the Queen to leave? Or are they just anti non-whites? The truth is anti-immigration is just an official excuse for the BNP to practise their racism. Nick Griffin wants to kick all the non white people out of the UK that is why until now they still don’t allow non white British citizens to join. Typical White nationalism, Fascism!
Lenny Henry, Sugababe, Craig David, the new world heavyweight Boxing Champion David Hage — they are all non-white, but they are all British and they are the pride of this immigration country! And they are more popular than Nick Griffin and the BNP! The nationalism mood is growing quickly in the UK — who is going to stop it?
Maybe Nick Griffin and his followers are planning to start a massacre of non- whites in the UK soon.
HEY Anti-BNP i dont know if i should say you are the best person to explain this things. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. All this BNP supporters on this page are so fool of themselves. when the BNP gets in and Britain goes to WWIII then they are fucked (just like the Nazi Germany).
I will say it again what happened in the movie Children of Men will happen if they come in.
Non-facist whites open your heads Nick is trying to use the recession to induce racial hatred.
BNP supporters you will regret it and feel ashamed when the recession and Immigration control is stable (just like 1990s) you will regret it.
guys its a WARNING!!!!!
Donald can you tell me which of the bnp policies you think are bad or create racial hatred. After reading their manifest I can’t find anything regarding immigration that I disagree with or consider racist. If you can find me a policy in the bnp manifesto to prove me wrong please do so.
when my children leave school I dont want them competing with europeans and 70 million turks! jobs are scarce but just 1 in 4 british jobs go to british workers! British people should get priority in britain! and your un-patriotic, ignorant tree hugging attitude doesent help british people! only foreigners!
You are absolutely right, British first! this is our country and we should have jobs before
foreigners! The men of who fort for this country in wars would be turing in their graves if they came back today to see the state this country is in… I mean come on why should they build mosks in this country??? could we build a christian church where they come from??
yes you can build churches etc, where they come from, infact there are churches in their country.
Eveyone should be able to practise their beliefs without any critisicm, each to their own. Utmost importance is PEACE, HUMANITY, CARING etc.
Muslim is a religion, not an ethnicity related thing which is completely diffrent, people should get their facts right. One bad apple/group do not represent a religion, Muslims are not TERRORISTS and their teachings do not tolerate suicide, killing etc. It is a very peaceful religion. Read up on it before making nasty and offensive comments. Do not confuse Ethnicity and Nationality with religion as they are worlds apart. BNP is racist.
Isn’t it interesting that every tree hugger is so quick to dismiss their heritage and claim ‘ mongrol’ status the moment they try justifying British heritage?
I’m sure there may be some mixed blood from other parts of Europe intermingled within some of the indigenous population but would you ever use the same argument about someone of another race and ignoring their right to belonging to a certain race.
Do you say to a lighter skin African that hey you’re not really African as you probably have some other racial blood mixed in there! Perhaps a bit of Mexican or Asian eh?
The problem with racism is that you do gooders think you can say what you like about whites but would never ever dream about saying the same thing to some one of a non white race- how the hell does that make people feel that they are all treated equally!
No wonder people vote BNP as at least they recognise the right to exist in our own country.
Extremist parties always come to power when good people do nothing, our leaders are too scared to even talk seriously about immigration, no party has ever been in control of immigration since 1945 we now only get sound bites.
There are around 500 million people in the EU and everyone of them has the right to come here, and under European law it is illegal to stop them so how do you solve that problem, and don’t say leave the EU because it isn’t going to happen. I don’t know if this is legal or not but my suggestion is that anybody who has not paid tax and NI contributions for 10 years gets no access to free housing, and benefits.
Not racists, just proud, patriotic, traditional people !
Which is what our modern governments are taking away from the British society.
Happy St.George’s day, I wonder how many foreigners/immigrants will be saying that today.
No one celebrates St. George’s day except BNP supporters.
And why not every one else does and we prob dont incase we ofend someone. One thing to say if you dont like this country get out
St. Georges Day is important to you but have you ever thought what’s important to others? Seems slefish you want others to remember your special day, what about their special days?, how many times have you wished others for their holy days? etc.
St George was Palestinian anyway.
Wasn’t St George from Capadocia, now Turkey? Died in Palestine apparently. He also enlisted in the roman army who invaded Britain and killed many indigenous pagan british people. Unlike the BNP I don’t think I’ll be celebrating that one.
BNP- British Nazi Party
BNP- British Nasty Party
BNP- Stands out for racial Nazism
The above definition of racism is typical of the inexact prose that often comes from the UN, and also increasingly from Wikipedia unfortunately. It is meaningless to say “superior” unless you state a category for the superiority.
Superior at jumping? Superior at mental arithmetic?…
I think these videos will answer all your questions:
If this is not blatant racism, i dont know what you can call racism.
Quotes from the videos: ‘these West Indians, they behave so badly, and they walk like monkeys.’ He then adds ‘which is really quite funny,’ and laughs out loud.
“black kids are going to grow up dysfunctional, low IQ, low achievers, a drain on our welfare benefits and the prison system, and are probably going to mug you”.
This says it all, how can you argue that the BNP are not a racist party. They would not even allow ethnic people into their party until forced to. They do not deserve to carry the name BRITISH national party because I can assure you that those are more the views expressed in Nazi Germany. They are a disgrace. Dont give me the rubbish about immigration, they want to remove the human rights act. how can you in your right mind support such a party.
Common Sense
But on a serious note, I completely agree with the points made by common sense. They are quite evidently a racist party, and how dare you argue otherwise. Nick Grffin denies the holocaust and makes racial slurs at ethinic groups. Being black, I find the BNP a disgraceful party. One final point, Nick Griffin = Hitler, would you like your human righs taken away? The only thing the BNP talk about is about immigration, they don’t know what is right for this country and before you know it we wil be in recession if they got into power; also segregation. Full stop.
I am currently in China. No I am not a huge fan of China but it is my wife’s birthplace so we tend to come over about once a year on average.
Unlike in the UK, where the average man or woman in the street knows jack-shit about Islam, the ordinary Chinese person’s opinion of Islam and Muslims is derived from centuries of having to put up with the arrogant supremacist bullshit that Muslims are brainwashed with and are told to dish out to non-Muslims. During the communist era the Chinese tended to come down hard on all Muslims and all displays of Islamic supremacism. Not because the Chinese are bad people, but because Muslims are bad people. (As I said, based on centuries of experience of trying to live alongside these brainwashed Muslim shit-stirers)
China now has a huge problem. Stirred up and encouraged by the new wave of Global Jihad, Chinese Muslims are again starting to flex their muscles. Most Chinese are shit scared of them cos most of the older ones know whats coming.
My wife and I were talking to a young guy in a tiny village in deepest rural Yunnan. We discussed many things, not all of which we agreed on. But when the question of Islam cropped up he said, “Yes, my generation has huge problems ahead. Islam is the enemy of us all.” Now, if a young Chinese man in a rural Chinese village can see that, why the hell can’t supposedly educated people in the west get it. Well, they’re going to get it soon enough!
Oh, and by the way, I’ll be back home by 6 May to vote BNP.
Oh, it just occurred to me. Some White, Middle-class, Know-nothing Tosser is going to come up say “The BNP will send your (Chinese) wife back where she came from.”
What the BNP will do for my wife is to give her back the country she fell in love with all those years ago – a quiet, green, peaceful, tolerant, civilised country that the loony liberal left have stolen from us.
“Some White, Middle-class, Know-nothing Tosser”
LOL, is it OK if a white, working class, really good looking person who’s researched the BNP comments on this :-)
During the BNP’s manifesto launch (yes at least one person watched it live on the Parliament channel), before Nick Griffin ran off without answering any questions from the media, (what was that all about?) he said that the BNP will take a second look at all recent citizenship grants. He went on to say recent includes anyone granted citizenship since 1997 when Labour gained power.
Griffin said something about Labour letting in people for political reasons, so assume he was talking about the BNP conspiracy theory that Labour opened the door to immigration as the BNP believes most immigrants vote Labour: in effect gerrymandering. When can an immigrant that’s settled here vote in a general election?
That’s quite a lot of settled immigrants that are considered British citizens they plan to take a second look at and potentially deport, is your Chinese wife one of them?
“That’s quite a lot of settled immigrants that are considered British citizens they plan to take a second look at and potentially deport, is your Chinese wife one of them?”
No, because she’s not a sodding Muslim! You just don’t get it do you?
Look, it’s a question of priorities. Islam, as the Chinese guy we spoke to said, is the enemy of the whole civilised world. At the moment the BNP is the only political party in this country that does get it. Whatever threat the BNP poses to my wife, it is NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY, INSIGNIFICANTLY NOTHING compared to the threat coming from Islam.
If this becomes an Islamic country, as Muslims claim to want and the Koran dictates, the BNP won’t need to bother deporting my wife. We will both flee back to China – and as I said, I’m not that fond of China but it will be a sight better than an Islamic Britain.
You white know-nothings – and the problem is mostly coming from whites, whether middle or working class – really piss me off. Get talking to a few Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist, Chinese immigrants and they will soon tell you what Islam means to them!
Hey, are we allowed to say “White” these days or that racist too?
How many Muslims currently live in Britain?
And please provide your maths for showing how they’ll turn Britain into an Islamic state before say 2100?
I bet not a single BNP supporter will provide maths on this one showing how Muslims will takeover Britain.
BNP scaremongering, they’ve gone from their out right racist Blacks and Pakis are the enemy stance to a new religious discrimination stance of Muslims and Islam are the enemy.
Different message, same old BNP politics of hate!
“I am currently in China.”
I’ll give you this, it’s nice to have a BNP supporter not lying about something like the above for political gain.
Your IP address suggests you are in Beijing, though that could be the central location for the Internet connection you are connecting to (my IP shows I’m in Bedford, which I’m not, I’m in Lincolnshire).
Have you tried to connect to Google since they pulled out? Must be weird as a British person having that sort of state control over what you can view online: glad my site isn’t blocked :-)
do you know what jihad means?
It means struggling/striving in the way of Allah. There are many definitions for it ie looking after your elderly parents, relatives, even stretches to neighbours. Provding food and shelter for the orphan,homeless. Quelling your own desires to help people is Islam, the Real Muslims. You can not base your jusdgement on actions of some fundamentalist group. 9/11 and 7/7 bombings is abhored by the real muslims and in Islam that is an unforgivable deed and definitley not done by a true muslim. Islam is for PEACE. BNP is the same as Hitler in my opinion. Then why is Hitler hated so much?
Is it racist for me to want my daughter to grow up in a land with out muslims? because thats exactly what i want, and if that makes me a racist then so be it, im sick to death of seeing the authorities bend over backwards to please ethnic minorities yet do nothing for the people who have been here for thousands of years, why cant people see that it is totally impossible for muslims to integrate with us due to the very nature of the religion, the muslims in this land will simply continue to breed like rabbits until we are totaly overwelmed and then we will be just like the christians of lebenon, an oppressed ethnic minority in our own country, and all you politically correct, BNP hating, collaborating cowards are making the problem worse. OVER MY DEAD BODY WILL MUSLIMS RULE THIS LAND!!!!!
What you say is spot on! I and many people agree with you but others still find it hard to stand up to what they believe. Why should we let them work here and then for them to retire from England to go back to their home countries and spend their retirement there??? its just TAKE TAKE TAKE and they want the best from both worlds!! This is OUR Country and Muslims will never take over, they should respect our culture and our way of life and intergrate with our society, if not then they can get lost, the Australians have the right idea as Mark Seymour says “Love it or Leave it”!!!!!