This websites 2010 General Election poll has received over 1,000 votes for the BNP (British National Party) and hundreds of supporting comments from BNP supporters who argue (amongst other things) that the BNP are no longer (or has never been) a racist political party. That sort of discussion isn’t really what I created the general […]
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In Britain, we are about 93% White British and 87% Christian.
Wow. Completely overwhelmed by Muslims.
where did you get that information I find it nearly impossible to believe
71.8 % Christian, the 2001 Census reveal that 87.5 per cent of the population of England and Wales (seven out of eight people) gave their ethnic group as White British.
(In England and Wales, 151,000 people belonged to religious groups which did not fall into any of the main religions. The largest of these were Spiritualists (32,000) and Pagans (31,000), followed by Jain (15,000), Wicca (7,000), Rastafarian (5,000), Bahà’ì (5,000) and Zoroastrian (4,000).
Why are muslims hated so much? I can not understand.
They are law abiding citizens, who get along with everyone, or try to anyway. No they will not rule because that is not what they want. All they want is Peace and Harmony in the world, it benefits all of mankind.
I pose one question to you.
If someone came and attacked you in your home, locked you in a room and took over your house, to do as they please, what would you do? Fight them, of course you would, so would I. Does that then mean your a terrorist? and want to rule your own house?
Thats exactly whats happened in Iraq and Afghanistan and guess what? innocents are dying, people fear for their lives.
People want to protect what’s theirs and if it means fighting for it then they get labelled as TERORRISTS. VERY VERY UNFAIR!
The BNP want to pull the British army out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Lab,lib,and conservative all agree that our troops should stay in and keep fighting. So for this reason I would have thought Muslims in Britain would vote BNP.
Well, To be honest I am not the age you need to be to vote, so I just comment. So yes. I do NOT think that the BNP are Racist, It’s just there opinion and what they want to be brought forward! If I could vote I would Most Probably Do so because it will probably cost us but think of the population, The crisis will be
over and we might be one step closer of getting out of the credit crunch. So why don’t you vote for them. It’s not like your going to die, now is it?
Great grandfathers, grandfathers, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters of true British families who have paid National Insurance, paid Income Tax and fought wars for this country all their working lives as true British people are now a second rate citizen and recieve lesser in financial help from our own government when we hit hard times and unemployment than the ethnics who have NO financial pedigree in this country whatsoever. They get help to buy cars, furniture and housing, as well as being paid to go home and then come back to be a further BURDEN to our society! They also take places in our children’s schools and can take them our whenever they like to go HOME (not England!!)??
We cannot go to any ethnic country and get handouts like they do when they come here – its now time to close the flood gates, button down the hatches and send the buggers home which are here and then give the British people back what we had before. All we have with the ethnics here is problem after problem so lets sort the root of this and shut the gate completely.
Absolutely spot on Neininfear! There are too many benefit immigrant cheats in this country, they come here for a better life! what a laugh that is, they have made our country go down the pan and are still bleeding it dry!
When we try to define an individual we tend to focus on a prominant feature, one that sets the person apart and then label the person so.
We are however much more complex than that and any defining feature we may display is only a part of the picture. Foe example;
Who am I? I am Gareth. I am a BNP life member,I am a father, a grandfather, I drive a 4×4, I love curry, I love my wife, I hate paedophiles,I fart in the bath, pick my nose in private, tell non PC jokes, would go to help of anyone in trouble, I love dogs, hate traffic, read heaps,I could not give a rats arse what colour you are,I will confront, cajole, support and generaly make irrational descisions on flimsy evidence. I am an athieist, a humanist, and I have secrets that I will not divulge. In short I am human.
I am not driven by religion or ideology. I am not a robot. I think, measure, evaluate and when neccessary act.
I am a fallible human being just like everyone else.
So, are the BNP racist?
If as I believe I am typical of many in the party then you may call me whatever you wish. But please consider all the other things that I am as listed. above (this computer does not have the memory to store all the possible options available for me or anyone else).
In short try to loose your dichotomus view of people and seek out the underlying truth that we are all fundamentaly prone to irrational beliefs which influence our behaviour. I could but will not continue.
The BNP are RACIST!! Enough Said…..
How are the BNP racists and what is your interpretation of racist.
Is it racist to stop immigration!
is it racist to stop giving benefits to immigrants who have not paid into our country forcing taxes to increase!
Is it racist to put the needs of British people first!
The BNP are the only party to put british people first they are the only hope of saving this country as we know it.
anyone who says the BNP is racist clearly has not looked into there manifesto and believes everything they hear on the BBC WITH OUT DISPUTE
Dan, is this racist?
When comments such as this and several others are being mentioned by BNP politicians or supporters, your belief in the BNP not being a racist party is clearly flawed. This is racism, a form of discrimination towards a race, in this case ‘black kids’.
The BNP are a racist party because of what they have said publicly about certain races. A party that would not let ‘ethnic’ people into their party until forced to is clearly racist. Yes your ideas about immigration are not racist, but thats all the BNP seem to care about. Besides immigration, they want to abolish the human rights act and ruin the country I grew up in. Though I am not able to vote currently, when I am I can assure you that I will not be voting for a racist organisation such as the BNP.
Common Sense
There is currently 187,000 construction workers unemployed in Britain today.
The construction companies currently working on the Olympics project are running behind and need more labour.
What has our government done to solve this problem.
That’s right the obvious solution, They have arranged for another 250,000 European immigrants to come over and provide the labour needed.
Please keep voting labour
or in fact Tori or lib Dem as they all agree being part of Europe is the best thing for this country if we wern’t part of Europe this would have been a disaster and all of the Olympic work would of had to be given to British people.
Well said Dan. And who can compete with them. Not us. If the whole of my extended family lived under my roof and we worked shifts, shared beds by shift and had mattresses on the floor of every room then I’m sure we would be able to work for a pitance too. Sadly we live – myself, husband, 2 children, in a 3 bed semi, average mortgage etc. Our wages cover our bills (just about) We don’t drink, dont smoke and haven’t had a holiday for 13 years because we can’t afford it. My husband works as a labourer though he is a skilled engineer who took the first available job on offer when he was made redundant. We would be better off on benefits but we are proud and want to EARN a crust. Our country is full and the doors are still open. We want it to stop, close the doors! Right Dan?
If the europeans are willing to work for less and live under the same roof then so should you and your family, if people are willing to work for peanuts then you and your husband should be willing to work for peanuts too! otherwise the people in charge of giving the jobs will give them to the cheap labour, it has nothing to do with the government!! Anyone who votes BNP is not taken seriously and BNP are not taken seriously they are a joke.
Also if all the immigrants left the country britain would be fucked!! Look how many nigerian doctors there are and nurses and polish cleaners there are these are also jobs that english people do not want to do because they are lazy and moan about money!! And so are you and your husband for not taking a pay cut. Deal with it or someone will take your job! Again this has nothing to do with the government get an education before posting bollocks!! LAZY ENGLISH!!
What planet do you live on???