This websites 2010 General Election poll has received over 1,000 votes for the BNP (British National Party) and hundreds of supporting comments from BNP supporters who argue (amongst other things) that the BNP are no longer (or has never been) a racist political party. That sort of discussion isn’t really what I created the general […]
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No, you aren’t racist at all dear, any fool can see that.
Somehow, and I may be wrong about this, but the above comment was made in jest. “White powder”? “Enguhland”? Doesn’t exactly seem serious. But hey, what do I know…
BNP are racists who have links with the KKK in the US.
BNP chairman Nick Griffin speaks to an audience of American Nationalists alongside convicted fraudster David Duke of the blatantly Nazi American terrorist group the KKK, who have been responsible for dozens of savage killings and hate crimes in the USA.
In his speech Nick Griffin confirms that BNP strategy is to re-package and “sell” BNP ideas to British voters. Nick Griffin confirms that, instead of using traditional far-right slogans about terror, hate, authoritarianism and violence, the new BNP strategy is to use “saleable words” like “freedom, security, identity, democracy” instead, while reassuring his (small) pro-KKK audience that the BNP’s secret and real beliefs are still “your ideas too”.
Nick Griffin admits that the long-term BNP goal of forcibly expelling all non-White Britons from the their homes is, for the time being, best served by “being rather more subtle” – because in the short-term, the BNP being HONEST about their real beliefs would get his party “absolutely nowhere”. BNP chairman Nick Griffin dreams of a day when the BNP will “control the British broadcasting media”, and when British people will (as a result) have been tricked into electing the BNP. In other words BNP chairman Nick Griffin dreams of a day when HE will control the British media, and when British people will have been tricked into electing HIM.
True British Patriot
If you were forced to choose between supporting the BNP or becoming a Muslim and being subject to Islamic law, which would it be?
You may have to face that choice sooner than you think.
The mainstream parties are allowing us to drift into becoming an Islamic state, just as they allowed us to drift into surrendering our sovereignty to the EU.
You KNOW the mainstream will do nothing to prevent an Islamic takeover. Even if they wanted to, they are hamstrung by all the EU “equality” regulations, which have recently been forced on the BNP.
Call yourself a True British Patriot, if you were a True British Patriot you would defend your country against invaders.
If you are so sure Muslims are trying to take over the country why don’t you give us all a few examples of where this has happened before in recent history.
Support your BS with some facts, not BNP tripe to stirup racial and religous hatred.
We are the most tolerant country in the world, lets not change this.
What on Earth has that got to do with what is happening right now in our own country?
IF Islamification is occurring in Britain today to the extent the BNP reckon then surely there are other countries where it has already occurred.
Give an example of a Christian country that’s been turned to the Muslim faith in the last 50 years.
The BNP talk through the wrong hole and stir up religious hatred in the name of protecting the rights of white people, sorry I mean the indigenous British people which happen to be white.
People who do not think that England is being slowly taken over by immigrants, mostly Islamic, should open their eyes to reality.
It is nice to live in comfortable denial, but in the end you will find that the BNP position is correct.
Vote BNP
Will this convince you?
For Lebanon then ; Read Britain now!
The home office themselves have given statistics which show that in 20-30 years the majority voting power will be in the hands of Muslims.
If it’s racist for me to fear the thought of Muslims having control of what happens in a Christian country. Then I’m racist.
But I’m fairly sure I’m not the only one with that belief in Britain, so I’m sure we can overcome this threat before it’s too late.
If you haven’t guessed, I vote BNP.
I don’t know how old you are or what your knowledge
of political or religious history is like but I’m sure you can do some research on the ‘net’.
Lebanon was a predominantly Christian country until it allowed muslims to enter en masse albeit on an humanitarian basis. That was their first mistake.
If you visit the BNO website and go to BNP TV you will see the modern version of Lebanons takeover to Islam against it’s own desires narated by a Lebanese lady who is only one of thousands who had to leave Lebanon. I had Christian friends in Beirut who were FORCED to flee the muslims and they now live in Australia. There are many other examples but this is most recent.
It is true we are the oldest and most tollerant democracy in the world, does that mean we should throw it away or defend it. Personally i will defend it, people come to this country and they try to change our ways of doing things. Why did they not do so in their own country? Probaly because they were running for their lives, they are trouble in their own country and they are trouble here. Vote BNP.
Islam is not a religion, it merely masquerades as one. It is an ideological force that seeks power for its own sake.
The differences that divide Adolph Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and other despots from the warlord Muhammad, is these gentlemen did not claim Divine Guidance in their battles for supremacy over their enemies.
Islam will not rest until it has taken over the world, using any means it deems necessary, leading to the destruction of everything that it believes is an affront to its mantra of hatred.
Those who believe peaceful co-existence, and are foolishly prepared offer tactic support to the construction of mosques, as well as allowing the free practice of Islam, also support accelerating the destruction of their own civilisation.
They should not be surprised to find Westminster Abbey converted into a mosque, the forced conversion of the British population as a whole and the destruction of every art gallery, museum, cemetery, church, as well as the rewriting of British and Western history to one that is more acceptable to Islamic thinking.
I am with the BNP. I’v been subjected to the dirty little muslims in Tower Hamlets (Yuck)
Nick Griffin is the next Jesus Christ, Jesus was a jew who died reforming the barbarack jewish faith, the muslim faith is a branch of Judism. Its a dirty little rabbai at large in the community.
They are stoning girls in muslim countries for being raped etc, they are a barbarack breed of little terrorist on the loose. Until you have lived and worked in Tower Hamlets and Hackney then you have not been subjected to first hand rubbish.
Christmas Cards stuff deleted by moderator
Our allies are France and Germany. They are christians like ourselves. We need to keep the alliance with them as they are our own!
Why cant debaters understand the 1 issue of racism is such a waste of time.
What about Foreign Aid ?? do you like handing over millions to India to make nuclear weapons?
Do you like funding new schools and training programmes for students in South Africa which is a wealthy country with tons of resources and tons of corruption no wonder they need our money
Do you like giving millions away with a deficit of 2 trillions pounds on your own backs to pay for?
I could go on and on but its enough to point out that the BNP PARTY have many many more policies to get engaged about rather than skin colour.
Check out the BNP articles on overpopulation and the link to ecology check out the very much researched stats on the results of OVERPOPULATION in the UK and what the future of that means.
i guess bnp isnt a racist he is just against muslims.
i can not wait till he starts to take multicultural members which should include muslims too.
David you have all bnp supporters here. i am jus glad that ur website votes will not be included in the election. if it did we all be doomed.
I’ve noticed the hatred towards Muslims/Islam from the BNP, it doesn’t feel right even if extremists are a problem. The “kick them all out” approach isn’t an appropriate response to a minority of nutters.
Yes, there’s a LOT of BNP supporters posting here. I believe strongly in free speech and democracy and this is democracy in action, the BNP supporters are trying to make a difference, whether you agree with them or not it results in productive discussions.
I wish everyone was so active in politics as the BNP supporters are, imagine what could be achieved.
David Law
“I’ve noticed the hatred towards Muslims/Islam from the BNP, it doesn’t feel right even if extremists are a problem.”
The extremists are not the problem, they can be caught and arrested.
It is the normal everyday ‘nice’ muslims that are the threat to our people and our nation.
Will you please take some time to study their religious doctrines, Sharia law, and the Koran?
You will find, as we have stated many times, that the religion/culture of Islam is intolerant of all others, especially Christianity, and is quite incapable of integrating.
Calls for the introduction of Sharia law are often reported in our media. Sharia law is incompatible with Christianity, and the law of this land.
There is no compromise with Islam that Islam will accept, unless the compromise is to their advantage.
As a Christian nation we are inspired to be tolerant of others, BUT —
Islam will not tolerate Christianity any longer than it has to.
If we do not stem the flow of Islam into this country, we will all be lost.
You can continue in ignorance and disbelief if you wish, but we have jointly decided that your little forum is rather a waste of time.
We will not be posting again.
Vote BNP
Mr & Mrs G.Curtis
there is no hatred to muslims or any race from the BNP we just want illegal immigrants sent home and extremeist supporters banned from living here .nothin racist about that just being sensible,,,The BNP policies stand out better above any of the other parties especially the liblabcons who av wrecked this once grt britian ..sold us out to europe allowing for too many immigrants in to an aready overcrowded small nation what idiots..BNP is the best vote you will ever make and one you will never ever regret making
the problem is that the Muslims are not a “minority of nutters.” They are rapidly breeding invader – usurpers allowed four concubines per married male, each having 5-7 children for which the British taxpayers pays dearly.
Their visible leaders have declared jihad on britain and the British way of life. As well as bullies like “Lord” Achmed who got 12 weeks for vehicular homicide, and the Finsbury Mosque hate-mongers, and the murderers of Kriss Donald and other white kids, there are thousands of petty, even dangerous incidents of a personal nature occurring every day in Britain.
My friend was driven out of a nice area of Bournemouth after two well dressed Muslim of no apparent employment moved next door and started pelting her dog from an upstairs window. There were “Asians only” signs on petrol pumps in Bradford during the oil shortage, and so on, ad nauseum.
When they rally to protect their ghastly wife beating, child molesting lifestyle (Check the Koran and Surahs) does the far left scream “racist” at them.
The British National Party is the only party representing British interests; industry, finances, traditions, arts, literature, land, country, wildlife, wetlands, honour and people.
It was BNP’s Martin Barnbrook who broke the Expenses story. It was BNP’s British Jobs for British Workers that Labour stole, along with other well examined policies, which they usurped, but only to pay lip service.
Westminster needs a clean out. Otherwise Britain will turn, like its occupied cities, into a wasteland of rubble.
Who cares?
Racism (in it’s present form of PC definition) = keeping Britain British
Non-Racist = keeping all the immigrants happy and putting their needs above everyone else (the original builders of what was GREAT Britain)
Who cares! I care, most resonable British people care that a party who polled almost 1 million votes in the EU election are racists.
I care Sarah.
It seems to me that 61 Million other people care as well seeing as they didnt vote BNP.
I think you’re a bit optimist is you think that ALL of those 60 odd million who didn’t vote for the BNP care that they got 1 million votes.
What you should be caring about is the lack of ability for any of the LibLabCon to actually address the concerns of the people however extreme you think their views might be to you.
People tend to swing wildly from one side to the other when they are angry and not being listened to.
Which of the big 3 are listening to the people on Europe for example?
There’s around 45 million people eligible to vote in this country, of those about 15 million voted in the EU election, of those ~one million voted BNP.
1/15th of those that bothered to vote, voted BNP.
You look at past general elections (not EU/local) you’ll find until recently turn out tended to be over 70%.
I made a post about the 2005 election turn out at where turnout had dropped to 61.3% which I think is the second lowest turnout this century (2001 election was just below 60% turnout, the lowest ever).
EU and local elections tend to be used to make protest votes when the electorate is angry, the perception being the EU/local elections aren’t important (much lower turn out as well). But when a general election comes around turn out increases, people care far more about general elections than other elections for obvious reasons and vote who they want in not as a protest.
Taking into account voter turn out, likelihood of a voter making a protest vote at the EU/local elections compared to a general election the BNP are likely to loose protest type vote support shown during EU/local elections.
If the BNP can only muster 1/15th of the vote (that’s their core voters AND protest voters) during an election where the perception is it doesn’t really matter who they vote for so “let’s kick Labour in the nuts”. When the perception is an election is important the BNP are highly unlikely to increase their support unless something other than voter apathy and protest voting is in play.
Unless I’ve missed something there’s no big swing in support to the BNP since the EU elections as was shown by the recent by-election results where the BNP lost their deposit and Labour won. Surely if the BNP had made a break through nearly into the centre grounds of politics (where most votes are) we’d have seen it in the by-election results.
That gives the BNP until the next general election to change minds, what could possibly happen that will persuade millions to vote BNP between now and then?
The people may well be angry at Labour, but the polls show they are turning to the Conservatives, not the BNP.
I will agree with one thing you pretty much said, the electorate are fickle and do change allegiance due to anger, but they aren’t angry enough to vote BNP.
Look at German history and how the Nazi party came to power, it took a depression and a feeling of unfair treatment due to the Treaty of Versailles after World War 1 to generate enough anger to vote for a nationalist party to give them a foot in the door where they then used politics (like banning various political parties) to gain full power.
The BNP + UKIP = government
Non Racist = Treating everyone fairly and not discriminating between races no matter whether it is Muslims, Christians, Jews, Black People, White People or any other race.
A dictionary definition of Racist
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
If the BNP are racist does this mean they believe their “own race is superior and has the right to rule others?”
Apparently they do. The BNP is a White Supremacist organisation who believes that Blacks and Asians are inferior, does not believe that Black and Asian Brits are British and has an unhealthy obesession with Muslims.
Just how Hitler felt about the Jews.
The first ever use of the word Racist was by Trotsky? He used this against the Slavic peoples because they were proud of their heritage and culture and did not want communism. Thus, Trotsky proved that the underlying reasons for the use of calling someone a racist, is because they won’t submit to your cultural/ideological/political takeover. In other words – you don’t give me what I want you’re a racist.
That is why I am proud to be a racist because I love my country and will do whatever I can to stop this forced third world invasion. That is why I will be voting BNP.
Incidently, another thing the BNP are continually being accused of are “Facists”.
Well forgive me if I got this wrong, but I always thought a fascist state was one in which the government controls everything through the subordination of the individual. It is the annihilation of democracy, reducing our freedoms and privacy because only the state matters
In the last few decades we have witnessed the growth of uncontrolled immigration, political correctness and human rights legislation breaking down the fabric of our society, ID cards, surveillance cameras, spy bugs in wheelie bins, dumbing down of education, the destruction of small business through a massive increase in petty rules and regulation, etc, etc, etc……….
On top of that we were tricked by the Conservatives into joining the EU and now our unelected prime minister Gordon Brown is about to surrender our national sovereignty to this Orwellian superstate against our will by denying us a referendum.
As the BNP’s policy (which the media apparently refuse to discuss, preferring to name call instead) is the complete withdrawal of the UK from the EU and, from what I an see, the restoration of our democratic rights to govern ourselves . This is the real reason they are becoming so popular, so one has to ask oneself who the real fascists are.
Trotsky was not the first person to use the word racist. The word itself did not mean what it means today, it meant ‘racially orientated’. He said the Nazi’s politics were racist as in being racially orientated.
“In order to create the religion of pure German blood, Hitler was obliged to borrow at second hand the ideas of racism from a Frenchman, Count Gobineau, a diplomat and a literary dilettante.”
So Trotsky said Hitler created a creed of German racial purity, or do you dispute that?