This websites 2010 General Election poll has received over 1,000 votes for the BNP (British National Party) and hundreds of supporting comments from BNP supporters who argue (amongst other things) that the BNP are no longer (or has never been) a racist political party. That sort of discussion isn’t really what I created the general […]
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The BNP are a party currently under reform. It grew out of an old racist party but is now radically changing under Nick Griffin. Mr. Griffin was brought up and brainwashed by a nazi sympathiser but has gradually grown and changed his views.
His point is that under funded multiculturalism Britain has been balkanised with one group set against another. Multicultural funding has allowed Islamist groups, organisations, mosques and schools to flourish while councils carrying out multicultural policies have grouped people of the same race or religion together which has led to parts of Britain being loyal to other countries and hostile towards neighbouring areas.
The only group of people who are not entitled to multicultural funding are white people. Many white people are poor and disadvantaged, young white boys and girls now have the lowest school grades because unlike their ethnic classmates their history and culture is not celebrated but taught as something to be ashamed of.
The invention of multiculturalism was a ploy by the main parties to concentrate large numbers of immigrants into boroughs to guarantee safe election seats for those parties. The BNP believes that new housing for immigrants and the poor should be concentrated in those areas where multiculturalism is most appreciated; where the wealthy and those who work for the media live such as Henley-on-thames, Hampstead or Ascot.
This would give poorer people and people of ethnic minorities access to nicer, healthier parts of the country and with the local support their arrival would achieve, have a better chance for jobs and services than in overcrowded inner city boroughs. The higher land cost for such council building could be easily passed on to the local wealthy residents.
The BNP also believes that low-paid jobs will never return to Britain and that therefore the population needs to become smaller and more highly skilled. For that reason they would cut immigration so that more resources could go to the education of children of all races and religions already here and prepare them for highly skilled jobs. The BNP also believes that the less people there are the more they will be valued.
The BNP is an anti-war party and does not believe in interventions abroad unless the UK interest is directly threatened.
If the BNP are anti-war why do they want to take the vote off pacifists who won’t do national service in the military? Why do they want to arm those civilians who’ve done military national service with assault rifles? Why do they want to increase military spending?
“Look at German history and how the Nazi party came to power, it took a depression and a feeling of unfair treatment due to the Treaty of Versailles after World War 1 to generate enough anger to vote for a nationalist party to give them a foot in the door where they then used politics (like banning various political parties) to gain full power.”
I agree with this, and this is why I also wouldn’t be surprised to see more of a swing this time around in the General Election, it will be interesting to see and I do agree it probably won’t be massive but there may well be a change or at least a hung parliament.
People are realising that LibLabCon are all the same fundamentally and not much is going to change that will positively affect people’s lives.
It also appears that both BNP and UKIP getting MEP’s elected are not making a real difference to the policies of the main 3, ie, they’re still not listening.
The BNP are clearly racists and they are shameless in their antics.
What do the following have in common?
Enoch Powell
the Spitfire
the Union Flag
Martin Willett
They have all been hijacked by the BNP. I discovered this website when I found that some knuckle-walking BNP supporter had been using my YouTube video with a vote BNP slogan underneath it. They are shameless in their tactics, don’t fall for their lies, they are clearly hateful racists.
The BNP is the only party which is dedicated to preserving the indigenous people of Great Britain. All the other parties seek our destruction. See the anti-white “Equality Act” passed by all the parties in Parliament yesterday.
Why should we vote for any of them when they seek to discriminate against us?
Just to inform you it isn’t actually the Equality Act YET, it has ONLY been passed by the Commans it still has to go through the Lords before it will finally made law.
But I would also question you comments which are infact an exact replica of the BNP’s comments on the subject and we know why they don’t like it and that’s because this act is the one that will force them to change their Membership Policy to include NON-Whites or they have to cease to be a legal party, so the BNPism rubbish is bound to slag it off.
But for all the sane people that want to know the real facts of the Equality Act (bill) you can read it here:
If you read it through you will find that what the above posters claims is in fact a lie, I won’t tell you what it’s all about i’ll let you read it for yourself.
Or you could read the short explanation of the Bill here:
No doubt the BNP and it’s mad supporters will say that the Government isn;t telling us everything and they have hidden special conditions into the Bill (Act) that are specifically designed to do whatever they assume, as we know from the (BELOW) post that they love a conspiracy theory.
But I’ll leave that up to you the sane voter.
If the BNP are not racist “Strike Out” why mention “white” ?
Why do the BNP like to pretend they speak for the UK public when in reality they only speak for themselves. All 2-5% of the electorate
Vote BNP
Save Britain
NO – The BNP is not ‘raicst’. The party in pro-British, but that does not mean the party hates everyone else, which is a position many air-headed Liberal Lefties can’t seem to accept.
From the BNP website:
‘The British National Party exists to secure a future for the indigenous peoples of these islands in the North Atlantic which have been our homeland for millennia.
We use the term indigenous to describe the people whose ancestors were the earliest settlers here after the last great Ice Age and which have been complemented by the historic migrations from mainland Europe.
The migrations of the Celts, Anglo-Saxons, Danes, Norse and closely related kindred peoples have been, over the past few thousands years, instrumental in defining the character of our family of nations.
While we recognise the United Kingdom as a political entity, the BNP does not arrogantly seek to impose one set of Westminster dominated decisions across these nations. We embrace and cherish the native cultural diversity within the British Isles and wish to extend the concept of democracy to the lowest possible level, where those that are affected by a decision are the ones who influence and make the decision.’
The BNP is a ‘traditional Conservative’ & Nationalist political party.
Would you agree the BNP at least used to be racist?
Even with all the pro BNP support on my site, 75% of voters on this poll have voted the BNP are either racist now or used to be. With the pro BNP support here I seriously expected the results to be most voting “No, the BNP are not racist and never have been racist”.
They came from the National Front which is still racist, so at one point those who created the British National Party supported a racist political group. Why would Nick Griffin for example be a member of the racist National Front if he wasn’t racist?
Would you also agree the BNP wanted blacks out of Britain because they are black (racism)?
Even if today the BNP are trying to move away from it’s racist roots would you agree there’s bound to be racists within it’s ranks right now and probably quite a lot of them?
Even if I agreed with what the BNP say today (which I don’t) I couldn’t vote for them for the reasons above.
I voted that the BNP was a racist party in the past, yes. But the party has not held a ‘racist’ position since 1999, since the election and ensuing reformation under Nick Griffin.
The National Front was the only party towing the anti-immigration and pro-British line at the time, despite it being extreme and possessing neo-Nazi segments. After Thatcher’s talks of being tough on immigration, it fell apart, and most of their members returned to the Conservative party, where I’m sure there are still many ex-members today. They, like Griffin, are entitled to change their views and move on.
The BNP wanted everyone out of Britain who was not ethnically British or of European decent. If that was a ‘racist’ position or an ethnically conscious one, is debatable. I’m more interested in modern politics, and that policy has long since been altered.
There are racists in every party, especially the Tories, might I add. I’m sure, as the flagship anti-immigration/pro-Britain party, that there will inevitably be racists in the BNP, and that is something the BNP has to deal with when these people make themselves apparent. But the party is trying to steer clear of such people, and I haven’t come across any members like that thus far.
Conservative voters could say the same about their party – How can they vote for a party with a former leader who wanted to campaign with the slogan ‘Keep England white’ and would be seen overtly ‘racist’ by modern standards today?
I have read all of the information available about teh BNP, both on their website, and also anti-BNP websites.
After reading both sides of the story, I have to say that I fully support the BNP, and they will get my vote.
I cannot expect everyone to agree with this; it would be a dire society if we all thought the same (which is what the Left actually want us to do, via political correctness).
However, so-called “racism” or “bigotry” or whatever label you want to give it, is still part of the vast diversity of society and humanity, and is not actually against the law.
To sum up my views: I like the BNP and what they stand for. I fully appreciate that there are many people who don’t. I fail to understand why those people don’t appreciate my point of view in the same way they I totally appreciate their’s. We are all different.