This websites 2010 General Election poll has received over 1,000 votes for the BNP (British National Party) and hundreds of supporting comments from BNP supporters who argue (amongst other things) that the BNP are no longer (or has never been) a racist political party. That sort of discussion isn’t really what I created the general […]
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Technecly the BNP arnt racist bacause they cant discriminate against race anymore. They are however very xenophobic with the belief that Britain/the british are . They are discriminate to people who arnt British. Fair play to the BNP though, they speak for a lot of people including myself. Good to see a Party with a little common sence and some great policies
So is it racist for British people of all creeds to think British????? Black people hate Muslims, Chinese people, Indians and many more hate Muslims and the word Islam too!!! After 7/7 and 9/11 Islam repulses me! Labour banned the Hand Gun in Britain after the Dunblane massacre so why did Islam not get a Ban after 7/7 and 9/11 too???? UAF Labour, Tories and Libs GO TO HELL!!!
Good to see the BNP are making headlines. Just where we want them to be. The support for them is massive now and about time.
Not racist
All nationalist groups are inward focused, meaning they are promoting and protecting their own culture and way of life.
I have mixed feelings about the BNP.I think we should stand up and keep Britain for the British instead of turning it into an extended eastern european culture. There is too much of being politically correct it gets right on my nerves..if somebody says im white what ..thats what i am doesnt mean its an insult its just fact and why the hell do we have to watch what we say for fear of being called racist. I think we need to simply copy Australia with regards to immigration. There are genuine cases where people need to get help but do we help other people to the extent of ignoring our own ..British first …Help if we can.
I would love to vote BNP for their stand of keep ing Britain For British but will probably vote for anything other than labour because i really am too unsure as to what the BNP really stand for
I am not unsure.. I am old enough to have been around in the days of the National Front, of which the BNP is merely a splinter group. Various members of
the BNP have been prosicuted for race hate crimes (amongst other charges). They are dangerous!
If you want to keep a British identity there are far better options, for example, UKIP.
UKIP are not racist and they want, for example, to keep the pound and to keep British fishing grounds for the British fishing industry.
They also have a good policy on reducing immigration.
A vote for the BNP is a vote for facism, make no mistake!
SAS, seems logical to have a look on their website, I recently went to a meeting
of the BNP and people were more interested in the NHS,housing and in my area the total asian take over with no go areas. After a car was attacked, the attending police officer stated “this is an asian area and you shouldn’t have gone in there”. In Bradford, Muslims do not mix with the population and never have, there are large ghettos that are totally asian,hence the above comment. Not PC but true.
just read your post jenny, I can’t believe so many people like you still believe that the BNP are racist, does the Islamics have to take over our Christian country completely before you see what’s happening, this country is fighting a war in Afganistan which has nothing to do with us hundreds of UK soldiers killed so they can stick a gas pipe through Helman, Nick Griffin see’s this lot for what they are, self serving bull********, some of the people who come to live in this country don’t want to intergrate or learn our languge, they have their women covered from head to foot like something from biblical times,we are becoming the minority in our own country, so keep slagging the BNP off, the only party who will stand up for us British.
Is the BNP racist/not racist?
Stop the Islamification of UK if it’s occurring.
George I don’t see the link between the two?
Lets for arguments sake believe 50 years from now the UK becomes mostly Muslim, after all like the BNP says “followers of Islam breed like rabbits” just like the BNP used to say “the UK would be taken over by blacks because they breed like rabbits”.
How does Islamification link to the BNP being or not being racist?
The BNP can be racist and right on the Islamification issue or be not racist and be wrong on the Islamification issue.
The two are in no way linked.
Just to throw a small spanner in the BNP Islamification argument. The last census was 2001 (next is 2011 so we’ll have new data soon) and the religious makeup of the UK was as follows:
Religions in United Kingdom, 2001
Religion/Denomination: Current religion : Percent %
Christian 42,079,000 71.6
No religion 9,104,000 15.5
Muslim 1,591,000 2.7
Hindu 559,000 1.0
Sikh 336,000 0.6
Jewish 267,000 0.5
Buddhist 152,000 0.3
Other Religion 179,000 0.3
All religions 45,163,000 76.8
Not Answered 4,289,000 7.3
No religion +
Not Answered 13,626,000 23.2
Base 58,789,000 100
That’s 2001.
In 2007 a BSA Survey gave the following figures.
Denominations in Great Britain
Religion/Denomination : Percent %
No religion 45.7
Church of England 20.9
Roman Catholic 9.0
Presbyterian/Church of Scotland 2.8
Methodist 1.9
Other Protestant 2.7
Christian (no denomination) 10.3
Other Christian 0.4
Muslim 3.3
Hindu 1.4
Jewish 0.4
Sikh 0.4
Other Religion 0.4
Refused / NA 0.5
Interesting take on this:
“British Social Attitudes Surveys have shown the proportion of those in Great Britain who consider they “belong to” Christianity to have fallen from 66% in 1983 to 48% in 2006.
The disparity between the 2001 census data and the above polls has been put down to both the decline in religious adherence in the UK since 2001 and a phenomenon of cultural religiosity, whereby many who do not believe in gods still identify with a religion because of its role in their upbringing or its importance to their family.[76]”
The biggest threat to your religion are atheists not Muslims who have barely changed percentage over the 6-7 year period.
Do you really believe in just 30 years Muslims will out breed us? Seriously, there’s currently around 3% of the country are Muslim, to hit 50% of the population they’d have to have hundreds of kids each while other had NONE!
I’m one of the 45% of atheists who looks set to be the British majority very soon and I’m very tolerant of religion. Lets jump 30 years from now when based on the figures we’ll have well over 50% of the country as non religious, do you really think they would accept Islamification of the UK?
Going Islam would mean changing the UK from a quite tolerant Christian country (I’m sure even 30 years from now we’ll still see ourselves as a Christian country) to a not very tolerant Islam country!
British people would not accept it, it would take the majority (well over 50%) of the population to have converted to Islam and it’s highly unlikely to ever happen (religion is dieing in the UK).
Islamification is the BNP’s new scaremongering tactic now they can no longer get away with direct racism to scare people into voting for them. Thirty years ago we still had signs outside B&Bs etc… in Britain that were racist like “no blacks or Paddies” and 45 years ago Tory politicians gaining power with slogans like “If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Labour”!
British people no longer tolerate direct racial hatred, (behind closed doors, maybe, but no longer out in the open) but are apparently not too bothered by religious direct intolerance when it comes to Islam!
I don’t see much difference between the BNP direct racism of the 80s and early 90s and the current BNP direct religious discrimination against Muslims. They are both discrimination, one on race, one on religion. They are both wrong and though Britain may tolerate the BNPs lack of tolerance to religions other than Christianity it’s not going to be like that in the future when again the BNP are proved wrong (the BNP was wrong on “blacks breeding like rabbits” and they’ll be wrong on Muslims).
I’m afraid (actually I’m thankful) George you and the BNP are a dying breed and we won’t have to tolerate this type of race and religious hatred forever.
No, they are not!
Oh yes they are :-)