This websites 2010 General Election poll has received over 1,000 votes for the BNP (British National Party) and hundreds of supporting comments from BNP supporters who argue (amongst other things) that the BNP are no longer (or has never been) a racist political party. That sort of discussion isn’t really what I created the general […]
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There seems to be a lot people here, confusing RACISM with PATRIOTISM. The BNP are patriotic, in that they believe in fighting for and keeping what the British people have gained over the millennia. It is nothing to do with racism.
Briefly; the British created their country from humble beginnings, going back to the Roman times, where they learnt a lot, such as glass blowing, agriculture and road building from militarily superior and knowledgeable Roman invaders. Then the Normans fought their way in, which the Brits put up with for hundreds of years -but now benefit from a quite a good French based legal system. Since then Britain has really ‘taken off’ and had the industrial revolution and built the best Navy in the World and created the greatest empire the World has ever known. Today, Britain is still an affluent and first rate country, which unfortunately makes it a magnet for the Worlds down and outs, parasites and economic migrants, as well as the hordes of pseudo refugees. So now, quite rightly the proud and patriotic British people are very angry at being told they must ACCEPT the millions of immigrant, who are not militarily superior or particularly knowledgeable or useful and who have done absolutely nothing for Britain. The British find it particularly galling as the immigrants expect to be given everything that the British people have worked hard to get over the centuries.
The British people have always aimed to defend their lands from invaders, as best they can. For example in the last World War, millions of British lost their lives defending Britain from foreign invaders. However, they now wonder why they bothered, as it appears that ANYONE can now enter Britain and will be given EVERYTHING, including free housing, free healthcare, free education, free legal aid and free money!
Worse still, the foreigners who have come to Britain, now think they have the right to get the British people to change their laws to suit them! Eg immigrants must not be offended with British or Christian symbols, like the Union Jack flag, Christian crosses worn in public,Xmas cards, Carol singing and England football shirts in schools etc etc. Even worse, the recent (treacherous) British governments have passed laws actually preventing the general public from complaining about it, with out fear of prosecution!
So, the outraged British public now feel they are under a full scale foreign invasion, which is being actively encouraged and organised by the British government and which they can do absolutely nothing about!
Even the mass media are complicit in this treachery; by not highlighting the problem or even discussing it. Yet Britain is undergoing huge changes, greatly affecting everyone and the changes are becoming irreversible!
So, it should be clear that racism does not come into it and that it is basic powerful patriotism the British have for their great country, their way of life and their heritage, that makes them vote for a patriotic Party like the BNP who state they will stop these changes.
James Bradley, you’re my hero!
When it comes to the BNP people ought to look up the different meaning of the words fascists, nazis, patriots and nationalists.
labour and the cons have been in wars all over the world with the usa. The BNP claim to want to pull troops out of foreign wars. When it comes to taking over the world look what we have in power now!!
What do you lot know you aint of the Ethnic group! … The BNP and completely Racist and always will be!… and one more thing… Out with Brown he is RUBBISH!
You ethnics do get your knickers in a twist….
After reading all the posts its seems that the people behind the anti BNP comments use the most fowl, offensive and disgusting language! HENCE the saying you all have a bloody chip on your shoulder…
Swallow a dictionary and expand your vocabulary before you even think that you are BRITSH.
I am mixed race, and my mum is on the dole….but I was born in Britain1 I dont believe ANYONE should be deported!! they have worked hard over here.. why must they suffer because some people cant be bovered to get up of there lazy a sses and get a qualification! My mum has mental health problems as to why she cannot work at the moment but soon she will be okay, she has done courses, and I will help her tp work!! I think BMP should such A SSSSSS!!! and anyone that supports the BMP might as well be nazies!!!I HATEEEEE RACIST PEOPLE!! so to all bnp Kisss my mixed race A SS !!!!! TRY AN DEPRT ME!!! hahahahahha!!
“I am university educated, I don’t use fowl language” not educated in spelling though are you? I think you will find you spell it ‘foul’.
Sorry, you fail, don’t believe you, you are just pretending.
Going to University means F*** all in this country!! They obviously don’t give out a sense of humour there… ‘Efnics’!
I think that all non Brits what are on the dole should leave the country and go back to there original cuntry. And every qualified Brit should be given the job of a foreign person what’s spunging state allowances and the forren “worker” should be sent home with his family to help them out over there where him came from. In the long run with all the kwollifide workers what have gone back their country they will make it a better place and they won’t have to come over here to take the jobs fom the brits. brits
MODERATOR: Jimmy Coltrain DO NOT POST AS Dave Kingsbury NICE TRY
David he was actually austrian whey
The BNP aren’t racist, that’s what the media want you to think. Many of you will still be convinced that if you weren’t born here they’ll deport you; that’s rubbish. If you are here illegally then they will but in other cases they won’t. Read their manifesto if you think we’re a bunch of racist fascists.
Ok so they are honest because they say the same sensationalist crap that you read in the daily mail and that you swallow without question because… frankly… you are an idiot? The BNP are racist thugs. Their leadership has criminal convictions for violence. You think that’s lies made up by the establishment? And yet you don’t think to question the honesty of what you read in the daily fail? Their voters are gullible daily mail reading knuckleheaded retards unable to think for themselves. I despair of this country. Not the politicians, but the amount of brain dead citizens. Reading the comments here doesn’t help.
And another thing, your grandfathers fought and died for this country alongside troops from the caribean and India and yet as soon as these commonwealth soldiers putting their lives on the line for Britain moved here after the war were they welcomed with gratitude? no- idiots like the present day BNP voters made their lives hell. And yet the twats here actually claim to be speaking on behalf of Britain’s soldiers of WW2??! That amazes me!
your the one who brain dead………a***hole
The BNP are not racist. We British are the victims of racial discrimination in our own Country. Jobs in factories go to Poles by definition, not to British people. 89% of jobs in the UK go to mass immigrants.
Mass immigrants come to our Country against our wishes and colonise our Land, to supplant us and our descendants. They get pampered with benefits, get free housing and we pay for it while they eat us up alive.
Send ’em back to their own country. NOW! This is our Country! Anglo-Celtic!
I’m not even a member of the BNP, by the way!