The Conservative and Unionist Party, more commonly known as the Conservatives, the Conservative Party, or Tory Party is a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom. Founded in its present form during the early 19th century, it has since been the principal party of the political right in Britain, and it is the oldest political […]
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ARE YOU PEOPLE idots conservitives are everything WRONG there going to raise taxes cut the dole cut ema put kids in school on saturdays and make sure your children dont have a free education you stupid people i hate david camaron gordon brown is only doing right and david camaron is just making everything else worse and you dont see that ! gordon browns getting us through everything and that poor excuse for an MP is making everything worse and this is coming from a 12 year old . plus you people are sick puting a secret mic on gordon brown and hes wright about what he said about the woman face it get over it gordon brown should not worrie at all becuse when conseveritves win the elcetion and everybody in england is crying for gordon brown to come back i hope he dosent cause theen its your own fault hes promiseing you everything you want but hes not gonna give you it when gordon brown is GORDON BROWN FOR THE WIN !!!!!
Modern conservatism is thatcherism by the back door, don’t be fooled unless you have a moat.
We have a boom and bust economy. During a boom the government put away a ‘government surplus’ to balance when the recession hits. LABOUR SPENT MORE IN A BOOM! a deficit during a boom?? short termist thinking, they are like a 16 year old with a credit card!
Elementary economics!!
Vote conservative to prevent the UK becoming an almost 3rd world country.
I think we should all follow the Tory mantra, the only people in this country that matter to them are the buisness men, everybody else is either thick and needs to be exploited or a benefit scrounger, we should all therefore open a buisness then we can have 35 million managing directors sat in ivory towers scanning the horizon waiting for a worker to turn up.
Conservatives understand that businesses generate jobs and stimulate the economy.
Traditionally, the Conservatives are the party of law and order, so they cannot condone law-breaking in any form. Whatever the crime, men convicted of criminal offences are men who chose to break the law. Legalising the conduct, which amounted to the offence, does not change that. It does not, in itself, make them law-abiding citizens, and that applies equally whether they are heterosexual or homosexual. Some disagree, and think that the law should discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. The Pink News website, for example states,
“Tory leader David Cameron unveiled his party’s manifesto for the general election today. The document does not contain his pledge to strike out the criminal records of men convicted for homosexuality offences, which gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell claimed was proof that the gay-friendly policies are “an afterthought”.
However, those “men convicted for homosexuality offences,” are still men whose records show that they break the law when they feel like it. That should remain a matter of record for the same reason that the fingerprints and DNA of all citizens who have been convicted of an offence should be on record. It helps the police to save innocent lives, by detecting and preventing crime – something which is very important to right-thinking men and women.