The Conservative and Unionist Party, more commonly known as the Conservatives, the Conservative Party, or Tory Party is a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom. Founded in its present form during the early 19th century, it has since been the principal party of the political right in Britain, and it is the oldest political […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote Conservative 2010 General Election
having been a tory voter for many years,the timehas now come for a change.over the las few months the amount of lis and coverups by this treasonous government,3.5 million immigrants as an expiriment,the human rights bill,the many illigal immigrants who have already travelled through many safe countries to get hear,convicted crininals allowed to keep using tax payer money for appeal after appeal,excuses from cats to conversion to now got to much lib lab con are all out of the same mould only there to fearther their nests.ONLY ONE SOLUTION LEFT BNP BNP BNP AS SOON AS I CAN JOIN I WILL AND BECOME AN ACTIVIST TO HELP THIS PARTY
I’ll vote Conservative for the win.
I think that the next general election is a huge opportunity for the Conservatives to replace Labour in government.
The Labour Party need another leader urgently, Gordon Brown never really had his day, wrong time, wrong man, but replacing him isn’t going to happen any day soon, good for us Tories and David Cameron’s Conservative party, you don’t hear me complaining.
I guess all those thumbs down mean you don’t want David Cameron/Conservatives to win at the next general election, you’d like the Labour party to get a new leader and win another general election.
I hope you are all right and we see another Labour victory :-)
I am a mother and grandmother and I have always voted Conservative; however, I have written to my Cons.MP Simon Burns, who has always worked hard and is a good man, to say that I cannot tolerate the complacent attitude the Party has to the EU and immigration.
I know that he has to follow the Party line and for that reason I cannot vote Tory any more.
I do not want to lose our right to self- determination and our vote, I want to preserve the £Pound Sterling, the English language and English customs and way of dress, the importance of English History and English heritage and English legislation.
Our country cannot afford for every £3 we put into the EU, that we only get £1 back… this costs us over £2,000 per person per annum comes to some £300 million per day for the country as a whole, or £120,000 million per annum—some 8 per cent of GDP. Cannot the Government see that leaving the European Union and continuing in free trade with our friends in Europe would liberate us from the clutches of Brussels and create millions of jobs, not lose them, as the Government go on pretending? So sayeth Lord Pearson the new leader of UKIP.
However voting UKIP will not solve the threat of islamification to England… the UK… and Europe.
Time is running out… and for the sake of my children and my childrens children I must insist that we preserve our culture, our heritage, our language… I have nothing in common with many europeans… I am English and I want England to remain English.
People are welcome to come here if they want to adopt English customs, English dress, English Language, a respect for the English way of life in our Christian Country… or is that too much to ask?
My father and my grandfather fought for the freedom of this country through 2 world wars… So why are we giving our Freedom away? Why are we accepting the dictates of the EU? Why do I go to the town where I was born and see very few white people and it changed beyond all recognition?
Does that statement make me a racist? I think not…I have many friends who were born in other countries… but for the sake of the heritage of my children and my childrens children I want respect for Englishness in my own country… or is this too much to ask?
The only Party that will ensure that my heritage is preserved is the BNP. I am one of many professional people, educated beyond degree level, a teacher, a registered foster parent, married for 36 years and passionate about my families future. I want a Christian country, English currency and weights and measures, English Language, English way of dress, English customs, English traditions.
If anyone has come to this country and disagrees with that I suggest they do the decent thing and leave because most English & British people do not want our society changed. We do not want multicuturalism… and I am so pleased that I have not been ‘politically correct’… I have spoken with common sense for many ordinary English people who were very angry that they could not tick the English box on the last census… because it was not there.
Wake up… we’ve been too giving…VOTE BNP!
Ok I have to ask you to explain this one to me:
Q. How does leaving the EU “Create Millions of jobs”?
That one is seriously beyond me, i’d love to see you explanation of this on.
And here is another thing wrong with your statement, which shows you don’t actually understand the BNP Policies:
“I have nothing in common with many europeans… I am English and I want England to remain English”
You see the BNP Policy has nothing against allowing any Europeans into the country as long as they are white, you see their immigration policiy only covers countries outside of Europe (maninly non-white countries)
So voting BNP will not actually stop the other Europeans (white ones) comming in you see the BNP like them.
so I would check the policy again and get the facts correct before preaching.
Reasons we will vote David Cameron’s Conservatives
tough on crime
tough on immigration
tough on benefit cheats
lower taxes
efficient services
improved health service
strong on the economy
family values
Vote Tory in 2010 for strong government
Sorry Janet,
I can’t find any references to any of those policies on the party website.
I can see a commitment to a federal EU, I can see 18 new quango’s, I can see a promise to keep the 50% tax band I can see windmills, basically I can see Nulabour with a blue rosette
This is the Tories immigration Policy taken from the Conservative Party’s ‘European Manifesto,’ 2009
“The British Conservative Party has long championed EU enlargement. Over the years, successive expansions have helped democracy and free economies take root right across the continent. In recent years, the transition from Soviet totalitarianism took place more smoothly than many imagined possible, thanks to the prospect – now fulfilled – of EU membership for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
But the work is not yet done. The hope of becoming – one day – a member of the EU is encouraging economic and political reform in the post-war Balkans. The prospect of eventual Turkish membership is hugely important – not just for Turkey itself, but to demonstrate to the Muslim world that the EU is not an exclusive Christian club.
Only a decentralised political system will be able to hold Ireland and Turkey, Italy and Estonia in any sort of community.
We cannot and must not allow the prospect of further enlargement to disappear. We must hold out a real prospect of membership to the Western Balkans, to Turkey and Ukraine.”
So there you have it: if the prospect of 80 million Muslims entering Europe and making a bee-line for Britain because we have the most generous benefits system does not appeal to you, you shouldn’t have voted Tory!
The Tories vision of lower taxes and improved efficient services: –
Speaking on the Andrew Marr Show on BBC 1, Mr Cameron said that tax credits for middle class Britons would be repealed under a Tory government.
In addition, Labour’s 50 percent tax rate on people earning more than £150,000 would be kept and the Tories would also be looking at introducing new toll roads.
Specifically targeting middle class Britain — from which Mr Cameron, a millionaire who claimed £768 from the taxpayer in order to have wisteria removed from his own house’s chimney as part of his ‘parliamentary expenses’ — is unsurprisingly exempt.
The Tory leader said it was no longer justifiable to give tax credits for children to families earning £66,000 a year.
What this will mean, of course, is that those who should be having more children — as opposed to poverty stricken Third World immigrants — will be penalised for reproducing, while immigrants with higher birthrates will be rewarded for having more children under the Tory plan.
Mr Cameron also said that it was “time to look the British public in the eye and make it clear we are going to cut public spending.” This means reduced services despite rising unemployment and deprivation. However, Mr Cameron clearly marked out his intention to increase the foreign aid budget — putting foreign nations’ interests before British people once again.
A foreign aid green paper released earlier by the Conservative Party stated that it aimed to increase foreign aid to a level which would translate to £14 billion in today’s budget.
And how about this promise to the British people
He has already backtracked on it and he hasn’t even been elected yet
So come on these other parties,Please explain to a EX TORY MEMBER.What your policys are.Yes i am here to listen.
Based on the debate I am having with Andrew one Tory policy is to raise the salary of ALL soldiers on Active duty which I think is a great one they are fighting for us they deserv more money.
Personally I would like to see them raise the wage higher, but at least they are doing something for serving soldiers.
Again why on earth would people be hitting the thumbs down to paying our Soldiers more money ??????????????
Regardless of which party you support surely paying the people who defend our country more money is a GOOD THING regardless of whether we agree politically or not?
the bnp will bring our soldiers home we will get them off the street and look after the 20.000 that are in jail!! they will be well payed and not sent to fight in wars that are not ours to fight!!
Well that’s one of the things we will have to disagree on Terence I actually think we need to be part of Afghanistan I 100% understand the BNP views on what’s happening and I understand why they say they want to bring them all back.
But in my opinion we do need to be part of solving the problem of world wide terror organisations, I do question whether the Taliban can actually be removed completlye it has been tried many times before and as yet hasn’t been done but having many members of my family who are in the forces 4 of which are currently serving in Afghanistan and all of which said before being posted said that they do believe in the job that is being done out there, I have yo support them because they believe in what they are doing.
Obviously I don’t want them coming back in body bags and I 100% demand that our Government gives them everything they need to both protect our soldiers and get the job done.
my dear adversary! to be honest I voted Blair in to gov/the last time i will ever vote liebor!I was for the war falling for his lies,i am no guilty of the deaths of some 80.000 poor souls and the hanging of their leader, God forgive me.I do not believe anythink the lib/lab.con say more so after climatgate why are we in Afghanistan what are we achieving who is it for who is gaining financially from it.Why if they believe in it so much are their families not on the front line!we have 2000 terrorists in Britain under surveillance the timer devices for the id’s which are killing most of our troops are made here /we have hundreds if not thousands of British born Pakistanis going through Pakistan to kill our troops! i think we should sort the mess out here first.This war is costing billions we do not have that luxury anymore as we are over drawn in the bank!!So i have no faith in the lib/lab/con that being so we should in my opinion bring our kids home now before the death toll reaches a 1000
I don’t disagree with you if you are saying that all the known terrorist in this country should be rounded up, because THEY SHOULD no argument from me.
know sometimes the security services let these plots run almost to the wire to round up as many as possible something I am no sure they should be doing.
If these people are known and we have evidence to link them to terror then round them up, if they are not British Nationals they should be deported instantly marked as NEVER being allowed back in to this country again and the same with every other country.
If they are British nationals charge them try them and imprison them if the evidence is there.
But it also has to be faught on both fronts, YES 100% take out the home grown terrorists but at the same time we should be doing as much as possible to stop them being recruited.
But we do in my opinion need to attack the problem on all it’s fronts, remove as many of the recruiters as possible, close down by force the training camps etc.
I agree with your last two comments
So Terence if you agree with my last two points therefore you agree that our soldiers should still be in Afghanistan?
As that was point two taking out the training camps.
The Web of Deceit: The Tory Treasurer, the Bank Bailout and the $25 Million fine for his Crooked Company
The interlinked nature of establishment politicians and their personal interests in promoting the banking bailout swindle onto the taxpayers has been exposed with a $25 million fine on the Tory Party treasurer’s personal financial company, Icap, for “deceptive trading.”
Vote BNP
Save Britain
That story actually has NOTHING to do with any trading done in the UK it was actually in North America so YET again the BNP try to make it sound like the Tory party doing something when it was actually involving the company in North America
Don’t believe me read the real story to that one here:
But having said that the Tory Party treasurer doesn’t have ANY say in Policy nor would he have any say once the Tories are in Government next year.
He isn’t an elected MP nor is he standing for election, so his business really has no baring on party policy.