The Conservative and Unionist Party, more commonly known as the Conservatives, the Conservative Party, or Tory Party is a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom. Founded in its present form during the early 19th century, it has since been the principal party of the political right in Britain, and it is the oldest political […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote Conservative 2010 General Election
Tories promise university scholarships for children of troops killed in service
Following a visit to Afghanistan, George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, and Liam Fox, the shadow defence secretary, announced that anyone whose parents had died in service since 1990 would be eligible for the scheme.
That means the children of those killed in conflicts including Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia and Northern Ireland would be covered.
The scholarships worth more than £8,000 a year would be available for university degrees and vocational college courses.
Students would receive a maintenance grant of £5,000 on top of tuition fees which will stand at £3,210 in the next academic year.
Reasons not to vote David Cameron’s Conservative Party in 2010…
David Cameron has pledged to make savage cuts to public sector spending as soon as the Conservatives are in power.
The scale and type of public sector cuts that Margaret Thatcher made in the 80s resulting in mass unemployment and unrest.
Vote No To Conservative in 2010
David Cameron has opposed all additional spending on the NHS, schools and the police since becoming an MP!
David Cameron does not care about ordinary British people. As a multi-millionaire he can afford to pay for the best for his family.
Vote No To Conservative
i voting conservative
the party of the nhs
the party of the people
Do you not think Tony Blair was a millionaire?
Do you not think Gordon Brown receives quite a fair pay packet?
Have you looked in detail at what Cameron’s objections were to the proposed legislation? And how any concerns were answered?
I don’t think anyone can make a sensible decision as to how to vote in this election without being in possession of cold, hard facts.
I shudder to think that people whose thoughts are as narrow as yours are actually allowed anywhere near the ballot box.
As a Labour voter I know the Conservatives are almost certainly going to be in government after the general election, not happy about it, but that’s politics. Created this site as Conservatives in government again concerns me so much!
Since you plan to cut public spending as soon as you take power, how many public sector workers will this send to the unemployment line?
Have you factored into your planned savings the knock on effect of having less money flowing through the economy?
For example if your public sector cuts directly results in 100,000 public sector workers loosing their jobs, this must also result in further job losses in the private sector as those 100,000 can no longer pay their mortgage, pay private businesses to provide various services etc… How many more unemployed are we looking at and is it worth the savings?
Are you not concerned at a double dip recession if you start cutting spending sooner rather than later?
Everyone knows current Labour government spending that’s part of the economic stimulus package can not continue indefinitely, the question is when is it safe to cut the life life and start taking the economic pain that’s been to some degree delayed?
I made the above comment at as well. Will be interesting to see if it gets past moderation and if there’s any response.
The Conservatives won’t delete that comment David I have put many many negative comments on the Conservative and Labour websites in the past all of which have gotten past moderation.
The question of getting a response is where it falls down, you probably won’t get a response from someone official maybe just a supporter.
The best way I have found of getting direct answers from the Tories and Labour for that matter is to email questions to them then you get official answers rather than supporters ideas.
Hmm, looking at the Conservatives blog page now my comment is no longer listed as under moderation which as it’s a WordPress blog (like my site) usually means it’s been deleted!
It’s been about 12 hours since I made the comment, my comment was dated:
February 4, 2010 at 4:57 am
There’s a new comment dated:
February 4, 2010 at 8:08 am
Which suggests someones moderated the Conservative blog this morning.
I’ll post another comment and ask why it was deleted (if it was). If they are running the latest version of WordPress my comment will be in the Trash and recoverable for a period of time.
I honestly am supprised by that David, I’ve never had any comments deleted from either the Conservative or Labour sites that i’ve posted.
I made a second comment on the Conservative Blue Blog yesterday (around 2pm) asking why my first comment was deleted and put a link to this comment thread and so far no response (I suggested emailing me a response).
The second comment was listed as under moderation, so like the first one whoever moderates the Conservative Blue Blog definitely got it.
Just sent an email via the Conservatives website contact form (to Webmaster) asking why the comment was deleted.
Right now it looks like they have a similar policy to comments as the BNP website moderators have :-( or they don’t like me :-)
Either way, pretty stupid move considering my sites doing well for General election relevant search phrases including “Conservative Policies”.
Looks like the Conservative website’s webmaster/moderators are as democratic and pro free speech as the BNPs website webmaster/moderators!
Just over one week after making two comments and sending an email (via their contact form) about the two comments the first comment (copy above) is still not online and I’ve had no email response from the Conservatives to explain why!
That’s a good reason not to vote Conservative, they’ve deleted my reasonable questions from the Conservative Blue blog!
Checking the General Election 2010 sites log files and I’ve had a single visitor from
This is the page within WordPress (of the Conservatives Blue Blog) when logged in the moderator views moderated comments (like mine was) and can open links to any sites linked to (like this one).
This confirms the moderator didn’t make a mistake (thinking it was porn or Viagra SPAM or something, which can happen when quickly moderating a site). He/she must have read the comment I made to the blog entry “Ask me your questions on the economy”, clicked the link to visit this site, then decided to delete the comment for reasons only he/she knows!
Other alternative is he/she deleted my first comment, read my second comment asking why it was deleted, visited this site from the second comment, deleted my second comment and didn’t bother responding either by email (as I suggested) or even here (which I linked to in the second comment) to explain why it was deleted.
Moderator of the Conservatives Blue blog apparently doesn’t agree with free speech and deletes difficult questions instead of allowing them through for debate (sounds a lot like the BNP’s website).
Remember this was on a blog post titled “Ask me your questions on the economy” (inviting questions like the ones I asked), since the Conservative Blue Blog moderator has deleted my comment it means other members of the British public who do not own a site like this one to point out how undemocratic that is have had their comments deleted as well with no way to tell others of the problem (Vote No To BNP for example believed all comments on the Conservatives Blue blog got through)!
Does make sense that a lot of comments are deleted as the number of comments (19 after eleven days) are quite low considering how close we are to the general election and a post like “Ask me your questions on the economy” should have a lot more comments than 19.
BTW made a third comment asking why the first comment was deleted. If I don’t get a response that way I’ll find a list of all Conservative MPs and Peers email addresses and ask them all why the Conservatives Blue Blog webmaster/moderator has the same approach to democracy and free speech as the BNP websites moderator. Might look for the email addresses now and get an email off to them all before I go to sleep.
Anyone reading this see anything wrong with my comment (first one in this thread), beyond it being a difficult question for the Conservatives to answer?
labour always delete what they dont want read
It was the Conservative Blue blog webmaster/moderator that deleted comments of mine not Labour (never posted a comment to the Labour site).
Unlike the average BNP comment, mine was an actual well thought out argument with real questions about the Conservative plans for the economy that should not be deleted if the aim was for open debate on the Conservative Blue blog.
I made a comment to the BNP site and the BNP moderator deleted that as well. So neither the Conservative website moderator or the BNP website moderator believe in free speech.
I started this site with the goal to delete no comments, but then I was inundated with BNP supporters posting stupid little comments like:
“white straight jacked needed for this man QUICKLY”
“only idiots would open the flood gates to our enemies LABOUR selling us out for 30 pieces of silver”
Which add nothing to a debate and brings he level of the comments into the gutter, so I delete them.
the truth hurts, so its deleted typical lab/com spitting the dummy out when they are proven wrong
Please read the comments, it’s the Conservatives and BNP that’s deleting comments from their websites, not Labour.
The likelihood of the Conservatives being able to form the next government is less likely now. The most likely result is Gordon Brown forming an alliance with a strengthened Liberal party. The Liberals may be able to force Labour to agree to the single transferable vote, and we will probably have a further election when the economy has improved.
However, there are at least 200,000 public sector job cuts being pushed through, whoever forms the next government.
Just Call Me Dave. Do you Really want these peple to run YOUR country?
This is the first of many video’s inspired by the facebook group “I bet I can find a million people who DON’T want David Cameron as our PM”. It was the result of much idea sharing with another Anti-CONservative and work collegue of mine and ALL of the fantastic and above all PATRIOTIC people at the above mentioned facebook group. Please PLEASE take the time to visit the group and have your eyes opened to the truth:!/group.php?v=wall&gid=40556497527
Thank goodness we have a proper electoral system that will find out who the people of this country actually want in Number 10. If left up to unscientific Facebook polls organised by loony-left zealots, we would all be living under left-wing totalitarianism, if indeed we aren’t already!
Darlington Conservative Parliamentary Candidate Edward Legard introduces himself in this excellent video.
Three reasons why I won’t be voting Conservative:
1. When asked about the EU, the Tories avoided eye contact, shuffled away, waited for the ratification of Lisbon so their answer could be “Too late!”
2. When it turned out that not all the Tories were pro-gay, and the public asked for clarification, the Tories chose to avoid eye contact and shuffle away (and still are)
3. I’m one of those liberal student types (just to warn you!)
Anyways, my choice this election is Lib Dem. I’m not entirely sure if they would follow through if they did get into power, but at least we have Vince Cable on our side instead of (shudder) George Osborne.
I do like a good debate with a Conservative as I can see the appeal of lower taxes and efficient spending, but when the Chancellor of the Exchequer and his Shadow constantly lying to eachother, then accusing eachother of lying, it leaves you feeling a little alienated. Know what I mean?