The Conservative and Unionist Party, more commonly known as the Conservatives, the Conservative Party, or Tory Party is a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom. Founded in its present form during the early 19th century, it has since been the principal party of the political right in Britain, and it is the oldest political […]
Continue Reading Reasons to Vote Conservative 2010 General Election
With all the sthealth taxes the health service,our forces,immigeration,and the greed of the government ministers let us change and bring britian back to the respect it deserves and vote conservitive party who will put britian first,british people first,our safty firsty and back britian.LET US HAVE OUR OWN DC IN DAVID CAMERON.
I do not think voting for conservative which was formerly known as ‘The Tory Party’ is a very good idea because if conservative gets the most votes in ‘The 2010 General Election’ my mum will lose her job. If she loses her job we will lose a lot of money and not be able to afford a lot of the same things. Reasons that i think people should are that i spent hours delivering leaflets but i have never read or listened to anyone but my Grandma is voting for them so they must have done something right.
Lots of love
Me ♥
we could add that Nick Clegg is public school educated
(Westminster) and a financier father.The Labour Party should be judged on their record as that is the only
factual evidence we have. The Conservative Party are unwise to get drawn into a bidding game which they will probably lose. Probably their best argument is to
point to the support of business and the stock market.
Public finance is not going to get the economy going again, only a thriving private sector will do that.Labour will have to do much more to reduce the deficit and they will have to raise taxes for this.
i will rather bow than to Conservative Cameron than even smell a presence of Nick Griffon. I will use the BNP posters to wipe my ass. The Conservative sounds fair and will help us in many areas especially immigration instead of what Labour has done in the last 13 years. Labour has failed so much in immigration for the last 13 years and now that recession is so much worse they cannot even help but increase the situation worse more. their plans for economy growth is failing.
David Cameron i love you!!! GO CONSERVATIVE!!!!
I will use the BNP posters and piss on it.
I’m with you on that one Donald.
Donald, and anyone else saying ‘go conservative’.
With respect, and of course, your vote is your vote, but i would like to point out that as a state school goer, i felt utterly abused by some conservative MP’s use of language directed at me and my fellow classmates. State school pupils have been refferred to as ‘Potted plants’ by Tory mp’s, who coinsedently also used our hard earned money to buy duck houses and scotch eggs for goodness’ sake. Labour have succeeded with each and every propasal to secure the economic recovery that the banks have put us in, and the Tories dismissed each of these. They also plan to bring back the violent, wasteful and inhumane sport of fox hunting.
The word Tory is a old word that means outlaw or bandit, how apt.
Wow Donald thats an amazing post! You must be in Lady Ga Ga land if you vote conservative. I don’t know your age but you must be under 30 and have not heard of a conservative leader called Thatcher who introduced such wonderful things as 15% interest rates, a marvellous system called the Poll Tax and sold off as many council houses as possible without building replacements. A vote for camoron would put the last nail in the coffin of our country. do the decent thing for you and your future family vote BNP
Are you some kind of idiot?
Thatcher was amazing to begin with then she went down hill. That was all upto her and what she did, she was too arrogant.
That was THIRTEEN years ago.. Get your head out of the cobwebs, this country needs the tories in or we are all ed.
Labour dont care about anyone under them, they just want everyone to be as poor as each other. It’s their fault that when your family dies you won’t recieve all their hard earned money. It’s their fault family businesses can no longer be given to member of family as the labour party got rid of the ‘Trust’.
If you want anyone left to pay your wages, or anyone to get everyone who doesn’t deserve to be on the dole off it, vote conservative.
weh hey lets all do the decent thing and give another party a go!
LOL : )
I will not be voting Tory because the last time they paid my so called “wages” it was £2.50 an hour for a 50 hour week, thats how Osbornes family and many more like them became so rich by exploiting the ordinary people of this country.
you realise that BNP is a wasted vote. especially due to propotional representation. they will never get in, especially as so many foreign immigrants now hold passports. they wont vote bnp. nor will friends/ families that have intergrated. or a majority of middle/top class citizens.. have you seen the polls? bnp are squeezed in with other parties in the 9% i am not slandering them, i am indifferent to this party either way. Im merely staing this as a pointless investment.
Conservatives vote now win people
I have always voted Labour, but feel sorely let down by them. Mr Blair has a great deal to answer for and I almost feel sorry for Mr Brown as he was left in the mire. I thought about voting Tory, but having read their manifesto, I can not vote Tory with an conviction. So, for the first time ever… I’m voting liberal!
Our local MP has barely scraped through the expenses scandal, but in several dealings with him ( on behalf of others) he has proved to be unhelpful at best and a fibber at worst.
His record on disability issues is shocking and he wouldn’t even sign up to the Every Disabled child matter campaign until forced to.
NOT the man I want in locally.
The local Liberal candidate has been a different story so he has my vote. The party seem to have some very good ideas so nationally Liberals get my vote.
Take off the blinkers and vote Liberal!
im 32 and never voted, but for the 1st time ever i am, and defo agree lib dem is the way to go!!!!!