Also see the BNP Manifesto 2010.
The British National Party (BNP) is a far-right political party with strong racist and fascist roots. Formed as a splinter group from the racist/fascist National Front by John Tyndall in 1982. Until 2009, when the BNP was challenged in the courts on grounds of racial discrimination, it restricted membership to only people of “Caucasian origin”. The BNP under Nick Griffin wasted 10s of thousands of pounds of their members fees on fighting their illegal whites only membership policy through the courts.
British National Party Policies
The BNP seeks to restore the overwhelmingly white ethnicity of Britain (what they call the indigenous population) that existed prior to 1948 through legal means, including “firm but voluntary and very expensive incentives for immigrants and their descendants to return home”: this policy would cost British tax payers billions and result in a shortage of trained workers. And the repeal of anti-discrimination legislation whilst adding more discriminating legislation to favour the “indigenous population”. It believes that there are significant differences between races. The party is ostracised by mainstream political parties in the UK for it’s racist and fascist ideologies.
In 2005, the last UK general election, the party received 0.7% of the popular vote but had no candidates elected to Parliament (currently it has never had an MP). In the 2006 English local elections the party doubled its number of seats in England. The BNP finished fifth in the 2008 London mayoral election with 5.2% of the popular vote and secured one of the London Assembly’s 25 seats. They won their first county council seats in 2009 together with two seats in the European Parliament. The party’s media profile has increased under its current leader Nick Griffin, a former national organiser of the racist National Front and failed business owner (has been declared bankrupt).
Despite a hard British recession, the British National Party have not fared well in recent by-elections in recent months, loosing their deposit each time. Indications are the BNP will not make the break through into mainstream politics in 2010 general election as they hope.
All eligible British voters should be aware if the BNP ever gained power, millions of law abiding British voters would loose the right to vote under the BNP’s National Service policy where ALL Britain’s over the age of 18 are required to serve a period of military service or LOOSE the right to vote! You MUST serve in the military to earn the right to vote under a BNP government, though you’d also gain the option to legally own an assault rifle as well!
For information about the BNP’s National Service commitment see the BNP General Election Manifesto 2005 (as of March 2010 there isn’t a BNP General Election Manifesto 2010).
BNP Leader Nick Griffin MEP
The current BNP leader Nick Griffin, (along with Paul Ballard) has been convicted in a British court of law (Harrow Crown Court: 27th April to 1st May 1998) for violating section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986, relating to incitement to racial hatred for his editorship of issue 12 of The Rune, published in 1996. Nick Griffin received a 9 month sentence, suspended for 2 years for the crime of inciting racial hatred.
During the trial he was accused of denying the holocaust and said:
I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the Earth was flat … I have reached the conclusion that the ‘extermination’ tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria.
Nick Griffin confirmed he was a holocaust denier during the TV program (the Cook Report).
Nick Griffin, Cook Report, 1997
Closest Nick Griffin has come to changing his holocaust denying view was during question time in late 2009. His current views on the holocaust was not very clear. Does he believe millions of innocent Jewish people were murdered in Nazi death camps like Auschwitz?
Nick Griffin – Holocaust denial on Question Time, 2009
British National Party Conspiracy Theories
The BNP as a party believe in a multitude of political conspiracy theories from the absurd idea of a New World Order Conspiracy Theories including Common Purpose Conspiracy Theory through to Peak Oil Conspiracy Theories and Global Warming/Climate Change is a Hoax!!
The BNP also believe the three main political parties, Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats are in league together (one big political conspiracy) to maintain the status quo (keep the BNP out of power).
UKIP is the Eurosceptic Conservative front, Green Party is the Green front for the Labour Party and the Welsh Plaid Cymru Party is fake (I assume they mean it’s just the Tories under another name in Wales!).
The British National Party also believe the Labour Party allow in an uncontrolled number of immigrants to boost the Labour Party support: according to the BNP all immigrants vote Labour!
Based on:
BNP Policy Debate
Also see BNP Policies Debate for discussion on specific BNP Policies or use the direct policy links below. For a British National Party discussion not covered below feel free to create your own forum topic at British National Party Forum.
BNP Agriculture Policy
BNP Crime and Justice Policy
BNP Defence Policy
BNP Democracy Policy
BNP Economic Policy
BNP Education Policy
BNP Environment Policy
BNP Europe Policy
BNP Foreign Affairs Policy
BNP Foreign Aid Policy
BNP Health Policy
BNP Housing and Welfare Policy
BNP Immigration Policy
BNP Northern Ireland Policy
BNP Pensioners Policy
BNP Transport Policy
Also see Vote NO To The BNP in 2010 for information on the British National Party.
Please use the comment form below to describe why you will or will not be voting BNP at the next General Election.
David Law
Charlie, you said you are an atheist and religion is a waste of time. Arguably one could call you intolerent….
Please bear in mind many people have been brought up as Christians and now you are saying it should be abolished for a sucessful society. You are effectivley saying ‘abandon your culture and upbringing’, thanks a bundle.
Maybe we could set up an anti religion protest together? You could protest against Islam. Shall we try a Mosque in Finsbury Park? Afterall, like you said, all religion is a waste of time. Are all Lib Dem supporters against Islam like yourself?
Christianity does not teach to kill somebody who is not a Christian, What church did you go? What is wrong with ‘love thy neighbour’? What is wrong with ‘do not steal’ and ‘do not murder’, repect thy father and mother’. The list goes on.
I eagerly anticipate your reply……
And your anticipation is over –
Have you not read the bible yourself? I mean actually read it and not believe the junk that the priests spew out?
I was not brought up in a Christian world, my mother did not baptise me as she thought it’d be good for me to make my own mistakes.
I am not intolerant, I said that religion is a waste of time, I know people who have been brought up as Christians, and whenever I speak to them, actually give them true insight into the world to actually understand it, they often refute their religion.
I never said I was against any one specific religion, but against religion as a whole. Don’t try and put words into my mouth Wilfred. I honestly thought you were a decent guy, I guess I was wrong.
Religion suppresses people’s minds, and turns them into husks, I do not wish for this, it does not allow for people to make their own mistakes or accomplishments.
Charlie, Quote – ‘not believe the junk that the priests spew out?’. Do you genuinley believe this remark to be acceptable after you argue of repecting others? And in this day and age of everybody embracing each others customs etc. You refer to the bible as ‘a science fiction novel’. I am not putting words in your mouth. You made these comments, I find them intolerant.
I am a decent guy, I am simply picking apart your posts just as you have done to both myself and other postees. Embrace the challenge!!
Quote- ‘I speak to them, actually give them true insight into the world to actually understand it’
You mean you give them YOUR insight into the world. You aren’t always right you know, and I accept I’m not either before you get angry!
I just thought it was ironic how you (quite rightly so) slated others for intolerance. It seems you are a victim to human nature. You have strong views on things that affect you, but not so bothered about issues/actions that don’t.
What are your thoughts here?
Hello Wilford,
I came to the site because I was interested in politics and views etc and debate. For the first time ever, I have an interest in what is happening in the UK. Previous elections, I chose not to vote. At the moment I am just putting together some information for Charlie. I did note though, that I am a ‘racist thug’ apparently.
I used to go to the peckham pulse gym… if you know peckham… I remember helping a ‘black’ girl in the gym fend off 2 other black guys. I guess if I was a thug then I would have ‘clapped’ as they pushed her off the running machine.
Charlie seems to have this issue that all BNP supporters are thugs….perhaps in the past that was the case, but opinions change and so do people.
I don’t think any of my comments have suggested I go around beating people up, despite having lived all around the UK and have experienced lots of different things and have wanted to have my say.
A lot of comments regarding my posts have been constructive, and as I had explained, all about opinion and experiences.
I think Charlie assumes I am a BNP member, which I was not until last night. I joined their internet site because I wanted to see ‘all views’.
Some make sense – others do not. Thats why I think its good to have a honest debate.
Regards Stuart
I do believe it is perfectly acceptable because, as you said, it is only my opinion, just because I don’t agree with religion does not make me intolerant. I think you may need to re-read the definition of intolerance.
You said “Are all Lib Dem supporters against Islam like yourself?”, you were being specific in your statement, therefore putting words in my mouth, if you had said “Are all Lib Dems supporters against RELIGION like yourself?” – This would have been more correct.
I did embrace the challenge Wilfred otherwise I would have not replied to this post, or the previous one. It’s a shame you stepped down from our debate earlier however.
I give them my insight, which has been confirmed by other parties into the world, and I let them make their own decision, and their decision is 9 times out of 10 that which I said earlier.
I have strong views on both things which affect me personally and things which don’t affect me at all, I couldn’t be a true liberal otherwise.
You have clearly not yet had the “privilege” of employing someone in your business, believe me to do this and remain within the evermore idiotic law, is now almost impossible. Be warned, if you inadvertently say something to your employee that could be construed as threatening, sexist or god forbid racist, you could find yourself faced with having to cough up a huge compensation claim sufficient to put you on the streets.
Good Luck
Tom Brown
I agree with several post’s that the BNP are not the only racist party, but I would still never vote for anyone who don’t allow other’s to combine their own ideal’s and logics to their own party’s, just because they were a different colour
The BNP were smashed in the 2010 general election and a few days on the BNP are finally quiet on my website.
I have so looked forward to this day when I could rightly say I told you so, however I don’t need to rub it in, so will ask any BNP supporters left on my site.
What went so wrong with the BNP’s general election campaign?
As an outside observer it looks like the BNP were imploding just weeks before the election on May 6th with death threats to Nick Griffin from Mark Collett, the BNP website being taken down** by the BNP webmaster Simon Bennett and silly publicity campaigns like the Marmite BNP Party Election Broadcast.
** I run about 100 websites on a dedicated server (like a PC for running websites) I rent from a US company. At 1pm on election day my dedicated server ground to a slow crawl (it was just barely accessible) when I estimate well over 100,000 people (could have been several hundred thousand) tried to view this website on election day and by the evening of the election the server had pretty much ground to a halt (couldn’t even get it to reboot after having it turned off and on!!!).
The dedicated server, just couldn’t handle the traffic: for May 6th this site was in the top 20,000 of sites in the world ranked by Alexa.
After spending half a day trying to get the server working: I thought it was a combination of relatively high traffic (didn’t realise the site was getting 25K+ visitors an hour though) and a software setting issue, (servers need tweaking to run well), I still wasn’t sure what the problem was, but made the decision to rent another dedicated server with double the memory of the old one and a few hours later was reinstalling all the software needed to run website etc… and by 5pm on May 7th this site was again running correctly (by 7pm all 100+ of my domains were again running correctly). So the site was down ~24hrs because of too much traffic.
The BNP official website has been ‘down’ days over the most important general election for the BNP ever because the BNP webmaster sabotaged their website! If they ran their operation well they’d have independent backups of their website in case of an emergency (like the company they rent the server from burnt down) and it would take just a few hours to setup a new dedicated server and install a recent backup: I backup my sites at midnight every day and regularly download the backups and put them on a backup disk. Worst case scenario is I loose one weeks worth of data if I’ve been lazy on downloading the backups and everything went wrong.
There official BNP website should have been back online within 24 hours of a problem. As a webmaster who has had more than their fair share of website disasters (I probably lost over £500 in ad revenue from this site on May 6th!) I’m dismayed such a popular and important website (important to the BNP) is still effectively down. They haven’t even had the presence of mind to redirect all traffic to the home page (2 mins to setup) or maybe redirect the entire site to another BNP site (Nick Griffins site for example) while they fix the problems. Monkeys with a hammer could have done a better job!
I think it was because of the white only policy that just ceased to exist recently. If they had the same policies but had welcomed all people then would have done better. They are stereotyped negatively which will take a long time to change, especially with media representation.
It just shows though doesn’t it, how easy the media can brainwash people. As a result I personally was surpised how badly BNP were slaughtered in Barking and Stoke. But not as bad as the Lib Dems. After all the polls etc,it had me slightly worried.
It shows the unity of the people against the EU and the Euro though!!!! Long live England!
If you look at the BNP vote share in the 2010 general election to the vote share in 2005 subjectively you’ll see they’ve made no real gains.
In 2005 the BNP had 100 odd BNP candidates and gained 0.7% of the popular vote.
If we assume they’d have got the same share of the vote had they had a BNP candidate in every seat, they’d have gained about 3.5% of the popular vote.
In 2010 the BNP had 300 odd BNP candidates and gained 1.9% of the popular vote.
If we assume they’d have got the same share of the vote had they had a BNP candidate in every seats, they’d have gained about 3.8% of the popular vote.
Note: didn’t work the %s out exactly, so might be few tenths of a % out.
In general election terms the BNP are where they were in 2005, which is quite interesting since so are pretty much all smaller political parties (popular vote share barely changed), it’s only Labour and the Conservatives where there’s a significant change and even then it’s not that much of a change.
Basically what the British electorate believed in 2005 has barely changed, we haven’t had a massive shift in any direction, just a small swing to the Conservatives from Labour for obvious reasons.
You might want to bring in the 2009 EU elections, BUT we all know the EU elections and local elections are always used as a way to protest against a sitting government they aren’t happy with. When it comes to general elections, the British electorate do not protest vote.
Looks like the BNP had less than 4% of the electorate behind them in 2005 and that’s not changed in 2010.
I kept telling BNP supporters just this fact over the last 6 months or so that they have less than 4% of the popular vote, but they wouldn’t believe me :-)
As I’ve described in the past I don’t have a problem with a British National Party per se, I’m all for British patriotism, but the current BNP are still too close to their fascist/racist/neo-Nazi roots (the National Front) and as long as the party is controlled by those who started in the National Front, the BNP will never gain an MP in the first past the post electoral system.
The BNP also have some backwards ideas, but if they get away from their racist past that should change.
The BNP will gain MEP’s and local councillors from time to time in proportional representation voting systems with the benefit of protest voting, but they won’t break into Westminster with such a negative past in the form of it’s leadership.
Nick Griffin is the BNP’s Gordon Brown, they both have too much baggage that cost their parties votes.
I think David’s right.
There’s probably a large enough space on the political spectrum since the Tories moved left, leaving a slightly incoherent outfit in UKIP to corrode their rural and suburban vote.
The BNP are clearly only a threat to traditional (protectionist) socialist parties in urban and deprived areas – poverty breeds socialism, as it’s a lazy answer to a hard problem.
A new party that is genuinely (i.e. economically) right-wing; small-state, and big on entrepreneurship and personal liberty – like a British Republican Party, could prosper and take votes not only from all the current parties, but more importantly, from the third of eligible voters who just don’t vote.
It was weird what happened with the Lib Dems. They had ~15% share of the vote in my election poll up until after the TV debates at which point it shot up to around 35%!
For the entire 100,000 plus people who voted in the poll it had them winning the election on the popular vote.
Just goes to show you can’t trust polls and I organised it, maintained it etc… and the only thing I manipulated was the BNP vote share (never touched the main parties votes) because I was getting traffic direct from the official BNP website that was adding a few thousand extra BNP votes to the poll (had the BNP at 10% of the popular vote).
I’ve come to the conclusion despite 95%+ of my sites visitors coming from Google with general search phrases like election 2010, general election etc… the majority of my visitors are center left.
I’m traditionally a Labour voter, but I don’t generally write articles aimed at generating only center left visitors, the way I write articles is to generate interesting debate for all sides of the political spectrum (all are welcome here). And even if I did with so much new traffic from Google every day (yesterday saw about 40,000 visitors) most are not coming to my site on a regular basis.
Either that or all those newly converted Lib Dem supporters bottled it at the last minute.
Very weird.
LOL I always knew for a fact it was wrong, your polls in no way drew up any similarities with other opinion polls like Comres or Yougov that always had the Tories in the lead.
Your site as you said yourself is biased towards the left, people don’t like to come on here if they plan on voting Conservative. Most of the people that voted for them are hardworking people, familes, people in the rural areas who feel that Labour as let them down and the Tories have the best policies and seem to be the only party on their side. They don’t like all the critism they get on sites like and don’t deserve it either, I myself don’t really care what people say to me I voted conservative for the right reasons but just wish other people would understand where i’m coming from.
Your comment on weither or not brits, that dont do nation service, should vote is interesting ,we UK brits are not americans we are divided from them vire common english ,this idea that you are granted your rights ,just because you exist in a state, is a american degenerate thought, common among liberals, blacks and other groups that feel against the majourity.We brits speak first of the rights of our (troop brigades, rights) to enter the city, or nation ,because they, vire there actions have earnt there rights,this is where we differ from Americans ,and their,( what ever rights, black homos, females, ethnic groups,ect ect) simply because you claim them,most people that have not been in the armed services ,dont realise the differance, you are granted the privlege, of opening your mouths , because of the fact that others are wlling to lay down their lives ,( they give up their tommorows, that you may have your todays.SOMETHING FOR THE SHIT ISLAMISTS TO THINK ABOUT.