David, a suggestion for you…
It may be a bit of work, but is there a way in which a list of all the policies could be listed (including all parties but not naming them) where everyone can vote for each one and the results then calculate who you should be voting for?
We can then all scare ourselves silly on our individual result??!
More Comments by Sarah in the Desert
Why I’ll Never Vote Conservative at a General Election
Good for you Vesna! Welcome to expathood!
It’s a funny feeling when you first arrive in your new country, almost like you’ve just woken up!
You can still register to vote though …
Why I’ll Never Vote Conservative at a General Election
I understand what you’re saying and you have made a couple of valid points on Conservatives cutting public spending. I agree with you that they do all fib! …
Why I’ll Never Vote Conservative at a General Election
A couple of questions..
“Yes I know it’s not Labour ideology, but then it’s not Conservative ideology either since previous Conservative governments were not interested in the future of poor kids.”
I …
General Election 2010 Poll Results
“Also, you have used excerpts from the Daily Express to illustrate points in your post – these are the facts you rely on;”
And as I previously stated (page 12)which you …
Conservative Policies : Conservative Defence Policy
Their policies sounds hopeful, they will double the operational bonuses and pledge to match defence resources to commitments. They also pledge to streamline procurement to ensure speedy delivery of equipment …
More Comments on General Election 2017 by Sarah in the Desert
General Election 2017 Have Your Say!
I think for a lot of people, it’s more a case of how much worse can it get even with a BNP government in power.
One thing I notice on each …
General Election 2017 Have Your Say!
No I’m not anti-BNP, because I don’t feel threatened by them, they do appeal to a lot of people because of the various reasons people have already outlined. I …
General Election 2017 Have Your Say!
Actually, over the last couple of days my name is up there quite a lot.
The point of this website is to get involved and debate.. or don’t.
Sharing your points …
UKIP Policies
Some UKIP Policies that I quite like:
– Direct Democracy – allowing the populace to make decisions
– Withdrawal from the EU and back to trading partners within the EEC …
Hung Parliament Good for the Country
Since 1922 the UK has had either a Conservative or Labour Government.
I think it’s time for a big change not the same old same old following on from each others …