We are finally in the last week of the election 2010 campaign and despite following the general election very closely I have to admit I ain’t got a clue what’s going to happen on May 6th!!!! My youngest son who is 13 has a section on this site called Real Clear Politics for Kids and […]
Continue Reading Your General Election Predication
My general election predication and it’s liable to change as we get closer to May 6th :-)
Hung Parliament
Labour = ~230 seats (27% of the popular vote)
Conservative = ~245 seats (33% of the popular vote)
Liberal Democrats = ~145 seats (28% of the popular vote)
Others = ~30 seats (12% of the popular vote)
Hope I’m wrong and Labour and Lib Dems gain more seats.
Lib Dem/Labour coalition government with Gordon Brown agreeing to stand down as PM to secure the coalition.
I wonder what the odds of the above would be with William Hill :-)
As an international watcher/forecaster I am sure David Cameron will gain 365 seats from 2010 election polls.Gordon Brown may hold 189 and Nick Clegg will gain 72.
Thank you
I don’t know what the result will be but I wonder if we will have seen an end to this
The best thing would be a complete wipeout of the left wing parties
Their arrogance, abuse towards any dissenters and desire to control everyone must be punished
Tony B wants all left wing parties voted out, have you forgot the thatcher government, the most right wing administration in recent history, she tolerated no one that didn’t have the same views as her and was a control freak. Have you noticed the Tories never mention her name, thats because if they promoted another thatcher style government they would not get voted in for another 100 years.
Tory majority of 25
That would be very impressive for the Conservatives if they did get any majority as it stands right now.
For a majority of 25 the Conservatives will need around 38% of the popular vote. Highly unlikely based on the polls, but you never know.
Come on people, it’s only a bit of fun, take a guess of what you think the political landscape will be like this time next week.
If enough people take a guess, someone will get it about right and we can be all amazed at your awesomeness :-)
Worse case scenario is you are wrong.
Cameron says that his first act if he’s elected is to set up a war cabinet!!
Is it just me or does it see like George Bush is making a comeback in British disguise? endless war, benefits for big banks/big oil/big media/big pharma/big agribusiness/big money before people, christian values, tighter surveillance society in the name of that elusive “security”… how could anyone in their right mind wish to give power to this new George Bush? i know the Labour are horrible, but is that what you wish for yourself and all of us? please think before giving your precious voice to those skillful deceivers
Labour = 222 seats (28% of the popular vote)
Conservative = 309 seats (35% of the popular vote)
Liberal Democrats 87 = seats (29% of the popular vote)
Others = 33 seats (7% of the popular vote)