Will President Trump Make A Good President?
It’s February 2017, the Pokemon GO fad has come off the boil and the 70 year old billionaire businessman/reality TV show celebrity Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America.
Will President Trump Make A Good President Poll?
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No, this isn’t a pitch for a new sitcom, it’s really happened, Donald J. Trump IS the US president.
Assuming President Trump isn’t assassinated, impeached or starts World War III, America is stuck with THE Trump for at least the next 4 years and possibly 8 years.
Hmm, I might be making a huge mistake assuming President Trump won’t change the Constitution so he can run for a third term, who knows, he’s not exactly your typical politician!
Can President Trump Make America Great Again?
Here’s a few of President Trump’s campaign promises:
- Strongly enforce immigration laws.
- Build a new wall along the U.S.–Mexico border and make Mexico pay for it.
- Renegotiate U.S.–China relations.
- Renegotiate free trade agreements such as NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
- Oppose climate change regulations such as the Clean Power Plan and the Paris Agreement.
- Pursue energy independence.
- Invest in infrastructure.
- Simplify the tax code.
- Reduce taxes for all economic classes.
- Impose tariffs on imports by companies offshoring jobs.
- Pursue a non-interventionist foreign policy.
- Increase military spending.
- Pursue an aggressive military action policy against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
- Modernize services for veterans.
- Instigate “extreme vetting” of Muslim immigrants to preempt domestic Islamic terrorism.
- Repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.
- Abolish the Common Core education standards
His politics have been described by some commentators as populist, protectionist, and nationalist.
What do you think?
Great president or disaster in waiting???
David Law
It’s hard to have any sympathy for Americans who keep voting against their own interests.
Didn’t Bernie Sanders echo the same words as Trump?
Unfortunately the Democratic Hierarchy didn’t listen and served the nomination to Hillary Clinton on a silver platter.
Clinton was a flawed candidate from the onset.
Isn’t politics like sales you need a good product to sell and unfortunately Clinton was a very, very bad product.
Let’s hope the Democrats will learn next time.
Most of the violence today in the Middle East is not fostered by the US but by the inability of the Shias and Sunnis to live in peace.
It does not help that the Arabs – with rare exceptions like Jordan – choose not to take care of their own – the refugees who are fleeing the area. It is also telling that the same refugees prefer the West to neighbors with more cultural affinity.
So, the issue becomes – when will the Shia and Sunni nations of the Middle East forge an understanding that allows them to live in peace and use their abundant resources to develop their wasted human talent?
That is the only way to prevent any meddling from others. Oh, and along the way accept that Israel is a permanent reality. Pretending otherwise does not help anything except cause misery. Given an opportunity, a lot of us Americans believe that Israel will be a true friend to her neighbors.