Comment on Why I’ll Never Vote Conservative at a General Election by David.

LOL on the “destroyed Labour’s record on managing the economy”, thanks for the laugh.

There’s a lot of probables and possibles in your comment above!

Why not answer the questions based on how the Tories of the 80s and 90s actually behaved rather than what the Tories of today (who are mostly the same sort of people from the 80s-90s) say they will act IF the country is stupid enough to vote them back in again.

Fortunately the polls point to the country in general not believing the Tories have changed. If the Conservatives can’t win a majority with how poorly Labour have run their general election campaign, I can’t see how they’ll ever win another majority!

Every public service was underfunded under the Tories, you can argue as much as you like about poor management in some areas and the Labour government wasting money (not that the Tories were any better), but at least the majority of the money that I agree should have been saved for a rainy day (like now) went to making the lives of British people better in the form of a better funded NHS etc… rather than straight into the pocket of multi millionaires who don’t give a rats ass about the working class people working for less than £1.50 an hour.

Two reasons to not vote Conservative and to vote Labour:

National Minimum Wage


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