The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
After all the comments on here I have to say my Grandfather fought in World War 2, he joined the army aged 18, he wanted to join the RAF really but heard of a way you could get into the RAF via the Army, next thing the war broke out.
My Grandfather is now 89 years of age, he is of sound mind, if you met him then you would realise he’s probably the sharpest old man that you could ever meet, still enjoys a drink and goes to a country pub once a week, people are shocked how sharp he is as they see an old man but then he starts talking.
My Grandfather is very much against the BNP, he as supported the Conservative party all his life and continues to do so. It might not be the same country it was then but he still believes the Conservative party have the right ideas and will act in the best interests of the country. On May 6th I also voted for the Conservative party and I do believe if any one can get us out of this mess it’s them, I know that they are not too popular with some people for instance the 1980s but I firmly believe they have never made as many mistakes as the Labour party and acted with the best intentions at that time!
I now hope that they will form a government, they have the highest share of the vote and the most seats and I for one will sleep a lot easier at night.
I have to say that I have enjoyed the banter on here over the past couple of weeks even though I was fuming half the time due to bnp idiots, Glad to see no seats for them though, haha! Disappointed that I was unable to get on the site from the morning of polling to yesterday lunchtime but I am aware of problems encountered. Just want to say thanks to David the site owner for a great site. Read alot of comments over the past few weeks, you must have been tearing your hair out!
Glad you’ve enjoyed the site Claire.
Unfortunately on polling day around 1pm there was so much traffic to the site the dedicated server that this site is on couldn’t cope and it and pretty much died!
Before the dedicated server was unusable (it was like having your PC not even loading Windows!) there had been around 100,000 visitors to the site between 9am and 1pm! Lunch time hit and the server died presumably when people on a lunch break went online searching about the general election!!!
I eventually had to buy another dedicated server with more power and cut down on some of the sites features (like rating comments) to get it running over one day later. Got the site running again around 5pm yesterday and despite missing most of the days traffic we still managed to clock up around 50,000 visitors between 5pm and 9am the following morning!
So far today (9am to 11am) we’ve had about 6,000 visitors. Weekends are normally relatively low traffic days (Saturday/Sunday can be half the traffic of a Thursday/Friday). We might be looking at a 40,000+ visitor day, still a lot of interest since we have the deals between the Lib Dems and the Tories or Labour to come.
I just felt like givin’ myself another pat on the back, so thourght I’d post again.
Anyway cheers everyone, I’m off to hug the nearest brown person & remember VoteNoBNP!
Moderator: Please don’t pretend to be someone else, this is not VoteNo ToBNP, it’s probably a bitter BNP supporter irritated at not gaining one MP again.
Sorry I haven’t responded to any of the replies sent re my original I told you so post, been busy doing some other things, including finally taking a few days away from it all.
But to the rather sad person who tried using my name there, I will let you off this once because within your rather sad devastated mind set it would be all you could think of.
Yes thank you David, although we will never agree, but its been fun, no harm done, and thanks to my voters , who ever they were, its back to my real job, just sorry that Ed Balls got back in, I can put up with most of them but that individual those eyes, waving arms and expenses claims just put me beyond words and as a writer thats a big statement.
And a message for David,
You did a great job with this website besides all the dross you had to contend with from certain elements of the BNP.
I bet you are already planning the 2015 General Election website :)
So now what is the point in voting?
‘this country is full up…our governors are traitors…we would have had better rule under Hitler’?????
This comes to show just how ignorant, pathetic and stupid you really are. The BNP lost their seat, the message is quite clear: KICK THE BNP OUT, NOT THE ‘NON-INDIGENOUS POPULATION!”
They bring shame to this country!!!
you were right david,but remember their was only 300 spartans;they are still elugised today where other forms of society have gone.they proved if you protect your own you make history.STAND BY THE B.N.P