The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
Vote Libdem!
Irrelevant as to who ends up winning the election or even if it is a hung Parliment the country (economy) is up the “Swanny”…..the NHS will be ring fenced to some extent… will be lost in many industries…..and immigration will continue as is (it seems many forum contributors have forgotten that we have open European borders and not much can be done to stop movement of European people. Most “immigration” issues people have in this country revolve around Eastern European people…..well that ain’t gonna change).
Considering the many years of disenchantment with the political process, low election turns outs and governments ruling having only received the support of approx 25% of the electorate, voting Libdem will help bring about a situation whereby it is possible the party with the most votes has the least amount of seats and the party with the least amount of votes remains with the most amount of seats. This will make the voting process top public/polotical priority. Until the electoral process is reformed we, the people, will always feel detached from Westminster. As near to 100% turn out is so important and this will only be achieved by empowering people with the sense a difference can be made with their vote.
im Defo Voting Labour!!
If UKIP would Get in I’d Vote them but i know they wont so i aint wasting my vote!!
Tory’s Will do nothing for Workgin class people so unless your a multi millionaire like gary barlow, dont vote them!
If you were going to vote UKIP but aern’t now because they don’t stand a chance in our voting system, then you need the voting system to change. The only way to achieve a fairer voting system is to vote for the Liberal Democrats this time.
It is time for UK voters to decide the 2010 Ruling government. Liberal Democrats Party had expressed their views on their intention and understanding about the country. They are true and patriotic but it is a question of how they are going to deliver their strategies. It is difficult to judge and voter may feel scary future with respect to experience of crisis handling because the country is in economic failure.
Labour Party is in crisis and they had the power & destiny. They could not deliver their mandate to the satisfaction of UK voter. Therefore, it is difficult to choose the Labour Party. They are incompetent in policy planning and strategic implementation.
The only party has a chance to win the election is Conservative Party. Conservative Party has a strategy and will. They did not exaggerate their policy. They did not promised and lied about their plans after the election, strategies which they are going deliver to the public for public welfare. Conservative did not exaggerated their government policy that they are going to deliver. It is a wise campaign plan and can attract the voter. This is the new era political tactics. Therefore the voter should give them a chance to show their talent.
Time to Change. You are your future. Do not cry later for your mistakes.
BOTH Labour and Conservative are GUILTY of saying one thing and then doing another, both guilty of corruption too.
What the country needs is STABILITY and FAIRNESS and HONESTY and an environment where BUSINESS CAN GROW. That starts with a FAIR VOTING SYSTEM and the ability for voters to vote an MP out of power at any time, which will:
1. Stop the sterile and destabilizing swings between conservative and labour government.
2. Stop the corruption.
3. Inject new ideas into government policies, more representative of the WHOLE community.
4. Encourage people to vote again who have given up on the system.
The only way to get a fair voting system for the LONG TERM FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY is to vote for the Liberal Democrats this time.
May 5th General Election Poll Results
Who will you vote for in the 2010 general election?
* Labour Party (21.09%, 23,244 Votes) 23.71%, 3,215 Votes
* Conservative Party (25.63%, 28,254 Votes) 25.46%, 3,452 Votes
* Liberal Democrats Party (30.73%, 33,876 Votes) 31.84%, 4,317 Votes
* UK Independence Party (UKIP) (4.76%, 5,252 Votes) 3.31%, 449 Votes
* Green Party (3.27%, 3,603 Votes) 2.32%, 315 Votes
* British National Party (BNP) (4.93%, 5,433 Votes) 6.73%, 912 Votes
* Plaid Cymru Party (0.63%, 690 Votes) 0.51%, 69 Votes
* Other Political Party (2.65%, 2,917 Votes) 0.94%, 128 Votes
* NONE OF THE ABOVE (1.78%, 1,959 Votes) 1.11%, 151 Votes
* Don’t Know : Floating Voter (4.54%, 5,007 Votes) 4.07%, 552 Votes
Voters: 13,560
Total Voters: 110,235 (on May 5th at ~9:30am)
The above results are based on 13,560 votes between Saturday at 2:30pm and 9:30am on May 5th (almost 4 days worth of votes).
These results do not match the polls you’ll see on TV and in the newspapers and I doubt we’ll see these exact results this time 2 days from now. However, if you check the results of this poll over time you can spot trends :
Since the live TV debates Liberal Democrat support has surged, it peaked at almost 50% of those voting in this poll for the week ending 24th April and has now dropped down to almost 32% now.
Interestingly the Conservative vote remained quite static over the last twoish weeks around 25%, but the Labour support has recovered a bit up from 19% to the current almost 24% (~4.75% rise in 4 days).
I don’t believe for one minute the actual popular vote will be Labour 24%, Conservative 25%, Lib Dems 32% etc… (wouldn’t that be an upset if it was though :-)), BUT this polls real value is in the weekly trends and it looks like the Conservative support has fallen far more than the Labour support since the TV debates. Before the live TV debates the results were: Labour 24%, Conservative 31%, Lib Dems 17%.
So since the live TV debate Labour support remains the same, Conservatives down 6% and the Lib Dems are up 15%!!!
I doubt I’ll be sleeping early tomorrow night :-)
Those who follow my site will know I normally vote Labour, but planned to vote Lib Dem hoping the massive swing to the Lib Dems will topple the Tories here (a bit of a punt really). Now I’m voting Labour for two reasons, 1st it’s who I want to vote for out of the main three parties, 2nd since the Lib Dems are in 4th place where I live and Labour second if there is a massive shift to Lib Dem AND as my poll (and other places I read) suggests that swing will be mostly from the Conservatives there’s a very slim chance that swing will be enough to cut the Tory vote significantly leaving Labour in the lead (it’s another long shot where I live, but still).
BTW to BNP supporters, the BNP did not campaign on their official site to get more BNP supporters voting in my poll this period (last 4 days barely had any traffic from the BNP official site), so the last 4 days numbers are NOT edited to remove BNP votes: I don’t see the BNP gaining 6.73% of the popular vote, but there you go.
If you look at the NHS as a single issue, Labour’s record blows the Tories out of the water. If you have had a bad experience with the NHS, voting Tory is not the answer.
Can nobody remember the state of the NHS in the 80s/90s? I find it difficult to believe there is anybody out there who believe the Conservatives were good for the health service. They are ideologically opposed to the NHS but Cameron won’t say it publicly as he knows it will lose him votes.
As for voting Lib Dem, I’m all for it if it means keeping the Tories out. However, if Clegg teams with Cameron he will lose all of my respect; the two parties are idologically opposite and Clegg will be selling his own loyal voters down the river. Time will tell. I live in an area where it’s Labour or Tory, so I’ll be voting Labour.