The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
Yet again the Conservatives are faced with pulling Britain out financial ruin just as they successfully did in 1979. Then, through austerity measure and a prudent market economy, they transformed britain from the sick man of Europe to an economic powerhouse only outgunned by USA, Japan, and Germany. In so doing our manufacturing sector was streamlined from 28% to about 22% of GDP. Labour inherited one of the strongest economies in Europe in 1997 and wnet on a public spending spree. Taxes have gone up, manufacturing is down to 13% of GDP and public spending has incresed by 50% to over 50% of GDP. When is the British public going to wake up to the fact that Labour have NEVER made a success of converting socialist dogma to running Britain. GET THEM OUT NOW!
Peter, i did write some time ago that never under a socialist government have we ever been better off, look back in history, the joining of the EU was started by Harold Wilson, what a sad move, look at some of the Labour Prime Ministers, Neil Kinnock ( someone hung a noose over him ) Michael Foot, a great speaker and that was all, Atlee, another sad move, Smith was a good choice but we were never to of found out, Blair, words cant describe what he did to us, and now Brown, an utter disaster, the worst ever. I just hope that Cameron gets in and gets us back to how we should be, I have lived in America, during the playing of their National Anthem everyone removes tbeir hats/caps, not here, manners maketh man i taught my children, when i see people sitting in an audience with their hats on, only a minor point, but its again disrespect, in japan when elderly people board a tube everyone offers them their seat, we need sorting out and pride back in our Country.
“…look at some of the Labour Prime Ministers, Neil Kinnock ( someone hung a noose over him ) Michael Foot, a great speaker and that was all..”
Neither of these were Prime Ministers.
I’ve just got back from the USA, where you seem to admire the level of respect shown; I had the following experience: I was on the subway an old man got on and the only person to offer him a seat was me, and I’m British.
“in japan when elderly people board a tube everyone offers them their seat, we need sorting out and pride back in our Country.”
And you think a Tory government will provide our society with Japanese style respect? Surely that is more of a cultural issue (i.e. not political).
It always surprises me how much people seem to slag off the UK and Britain as if it’s become an abonimation. The UK is a generally great country and I feel very lucky to live here.
“I just hope that Cameron gets in and gets us back to how we should be…”
If ‘how we should be’ is how it was in the 80s, then I’d rather eat my own arm than vote for Cameron. The idea that Britain is broken today but it wasn’t in the 80/90s is ludicrous. Think back to then; were people clammering to give up their seats on public transport then? Was there no crime or disorder then? And as for the NHS in the 1980s – a national discgrace. Where I live, the Tory legacy was a decade of joblessness and poverty.
I will use my vote to try and stop the Tories winning this election.
Well you did not see the america i saw over 23 years, did you go to sports fixtures, did you see the reunions, they see their flag as a symbol of pride,even pride in their police force, the flags flying proudly outside houses, we cant here as it upsets the minority, yes school children in japan are far better behaved than ours are and so are the japanese, have you been there, i doubt it, dont comment if you dont know, yes i apologise, foot and kinnock were not prime ministers thank god, you think brown will get us back on track, not a hope in hell, the man is a compulsive liar, its been proved time and time again you cant believe him, even his own party dont like him and say he is not the man for the job, i have never said a word against our country, and never will, if you think booing at our nation anthem is correct then your are running down great britain not me, if we are honest not one party deserves our vote and as i have said before cameron is the best of a very bad bunch but at least he is not telling a lie in every sentence.
Who said anything about booing the national anthem? Are you confusing me with someone else?
If you haven’t said a word against our country, why say you want to be ‘back how it should be’; you must have a problem with the UK today. You actually said “we need sorting out and pride back in our Country.”, then you said “i have never said a word against our country, and never will” which doesn’t really make much sense. You obviously don’t like Great Britain very much or why complain.
I agreed that the Japanese tend to hold manners and courtesy in very high esteem, but my argument was that this seems to be a cultural issue rather than political. I’m not sure it warranted your ‘have you been, I doubt it’ dismissive response. I’m wondering if you even read my post properly.
helen you dont read, if you had gone to a sports event in the usa you would see that they remove their head covering as a mark of respect when their anthem is played, whereas our fans boo ours and show no respect keeping their head gear on, yes i want it back to how it should be, your dont, maybe your young so dont know what is like, no pubs open all hours, people not afraid to walk the streets alone, a lot of community spirit, so as i want that i dont like great britain, your speaking like someone who has only known a socialist government, you travelled in the subway and gave you seat up, good for you,, it was you i suggested i have no pride in our country, not me, no one will ever persuade me that a socialist government will be good for this country, i detailed earlier just some of the things gordon brown did that did not in any way help our country, you will only get respect and good manners when we get a decent education system, and we dont have that. every time the labour party were voted in we had a strong economy, now after 13 years of a labour government we are nearly the bottom of the pile.
Jamie i totally agree with you i think you have the right way of thinking and im gonna vote conservatives :)
Jamie how don’t I read? I’m sorry I don’t think you grasped my point, in that I don’t think your comparison of the UK and the Japanese has got anything to do with politics, and is more of a cultural thing. I don’t think I’ve ever heard British people boo their own national anthem either, but if you have, you must watch some very unusual sports. We all want a better sense of community in the UK Jamie, but I believe it was Thatcher who said there was no such thing as society.
My age is irrelevant, but as it happens I’m old enough to remember clearly what life was like under the Tories the last time, and it haunts me. Mass unemployment, record numbers of home repossessions, 3rd world NHS, poverty and depression. Are there the good old days you want back?
Natalie; the UK is coming out of recession, and you are right, so are many other countries. But this hasn’t just happened by chance, the government got many of the calls right regarding how to help us out of recession; for example the stimulus financial packages, and bailing out the banks saving jobs and ultimately getting profit back to the taxpayer.
The Tories got every major decision on the recession wrong; they wanted to give banks more freedom to screw the rest of us over, the opposed saving the banks and the jobs of ordinary people. If they had had their way we’d still be deep in recession, thank God they didn’t. So you don’t want to give the government any credit, that’s your choice, but you can’t ignore the fact that the Tories have got every decision on the recession wrong. George Osborne couldn’t organise his own piggy bank never mind the UK economy.
If the Tories get in, I hope everyone remembers WE ARE ALREADY OUT OF RECESSION. I can barely stand the thought of Cameron and Boy George taking the credit, once the nationalised banks start repaying the tax payer.
Natalie, thanks, people dont remember the power cuts every evening, red robbo pulling men out of work and ruining the motor industry, the unions dictating what the country wants it went on and one, and when someone stood up to them they cheered at the time, loss making companies were shut down, now we dont have any industry, no point in having apprentices if there are no jobs, we need to look to the future and only the Tories can do that, the reason we have no money is because Brown spent all the money gained by the Tories, keep smiling, Natalie “Things can only get better ”
There was a Band once called New Kids on the Block, in the end they fell by the wayside and no one remembers them as Clegg will in time. a flash in the pan.
Peter Brown:
The recession in the 1980s/90s cut deeper, with more unemployment, more home repossessions, interest rates in DOUBLE FIGURES and a government who abandoned industrial areas in the UK in it’s communities. That is why the current Conservative party campaign is terrified to even mention the word ‘Thatcher’ because they know it will make people remember the abject horror of the Tory legacy in the 80s; or as you call it: the period of “streamlining”.
The reason Labour increased public spending when elected was because public services, eg. the NHS was on it’s knees after years of Tory neglect. Thank god they spent that money – anyone who has recently benefited from the much improved NHS should be relieved too.
Keep Camerom, Osborne and their Eton chums OUT!
Interesting that according to the above poll in Scotland the SNP are in 4th place, behind the conservatives. So would Mr Salmon still have the right to hold the balance of power in a “Balanced Parliament”. PR would give Scotland to the Lib Dems
In Scotland we don’t really know what is going on locally and the media just don’t want to know about the appendage at the top of Britain. Just like the other appendage in the west called Wales.
Whilst we have the 3 main parties in Scotland we also have the SNP. Where I live is a LibDem stronghold so the only way to vote is for them to keep the Tories out.
However, if I still lived in my old constituency my vote would go to the SNP to get rid of the Labour Candidate who was the MP for that constituency in the last Government. The main parties may soon be sorry for the way they have treated Scotland and will possibly find to their cost that Scotland will decide on Independence.
Can we please have difinitive polls for Scotland after all we still have to pay UK taxes and live under the law of the land.
By the way some people seem to think Scotland is paid for by England and we don’t pay taxes up here. An excellent way to make the Scottish people very very angry.
Nick clegg because has some awsome ideas on how to make the country a better place to live
You must be living in lala land if you think that just because someone has good ideas they should be given power. The difference between what a politician says and does is vast as you would know if you ever decided to engage your brain and think critically. I don’t care who you vote for as long as your choice is an informed one because people like me may have to live with the consequences of people like you. THINK!
I will either vote for UKIP or BNP as they are the only two parties who will put a stop to the uncontrolled mass immagration of east europeans into this overcroaded and finacially bankrupt country. Partly due to all the payouts we are paying to imigrants who come here for what they can claim off our overstreached country.
Its about time this country said enough is enough and adopt a more rigerous imagration policy only allowing imigrants into this country that can provide a significant financial contribution to it and are self supporting.
I am totally fed up as a true English born citizen with my taxes supporing such people.
Its about time this country started supporting its own people and not those from all over Europe.
So make a stand and vote either UKIP or BNP.
You blame immigration for everything. It reminds me of the reaction of the Germans towards the Jews in the 1930s. And considering the BNP are holocaust deniers, I’m not surprised my the connection.
If England don’t win the world cup, will it be the immigrant’s fault? Is the volcano in Iceland the immigrant’s fault? Is SuBo not winning the X factor the immigrant’s fault? The UK is broke because of the recession and the credit crunch, rather like every other country in the western world.
p.s. Les the Poles are actually going back to Poland in their droves, much to the dismay of building foremen across the country who got hard working reasonably cheap labour.
Ii just wanted to say that Susan Boyle was on Great Britain’s got talent not the X factor :)
Ha ha my bad
hehe sorry just wanted to tell ya : )
.It’s about time that we STOPPED giving money away to whatever person decides that it is not worth while working! and we have plenty of those people about
.Its about time We STOPPED paying people to have babies and who use birth of children as a bank account
One thing about the Poles and others is that the vast majority are not afraid of work and you have to admire them for that dont you.
Although I do agree that the ones that DO want to work here in the UK should get first chance of the jobs available here in the UK so I agree lets look after out own I agree with that
But the immigrants are just the tip of the iceburg and we cant blame them for everything ! I personally think we need to look a little closer to home and the present Government and this is how the Labour have secured many elections over the past few years by making sure they keep the voters voting for them as that way the voters are getting assured that we will continue Labour giving away our hard earned cash to so many of the ones that dont need it and the ones that just dont want to earn money but prefer to be a drain on society..
Imagine the savings of the country if we could just STOP being so SOFT on those of the country Have a child to get a house,
Have more children to get that bigger council house,
Have more children to get that new car,due to the extra money they get
They get offered a job and then Conveniently suffer from depression to get invalidity benefit or other anything rather than WORK for the children ..
To conclude if you got this far :).. the next time you go around an area that is well known for NO work and lots out of work
Take a look at how many of these houses have the newer car than you do and the SKY TV that will explain it all why I feel the way I do
Thanks for Reading
Does anyone think that Les is contradicting himself in his support for the BNP? The BNP do not even believe that those immigrants who can support themselves and/or make a financial contribution should be here – contrary to your argument. The majority of lawful immigrants who come here actually want to work and pay taxes like the rest of us. Yes there are a significant number who come here to sponge, but these are in the minority when compared to the number of home-grown spongers that I am supporting with my tax payments – so IMHO, we should stop supporting all spongers (no matter where they were born!) and welcome those who want to contribute properly. Just bear in mind that some of UK’s most effective professionals are ‘immigrants’ or of non-UK heritage and we would lose all of that expertise if the BNP had their way! The financial mess we are in is caused less by immigration than it is by a GLOBAL recession coupled with domestic mis-management!
Here’s my logic
1. Vote lib dem to create a hung parliament
2. When the discussion starts about voting systems we demand mass voting through the internet and no more David, Gordon or Nick to guide one manifesto.
3. Hang on for a couple of wild years while hanging is restored and immigration halted etc.
4. After those early years and as the pendulum settles, bask in the blindingly obvious – we can run this country ourselves – just as we run our own lives. People may influence our thoughts but no more decisions taken for us!
5. Oh yes – be ready for the squeals of horror as the gravy train is derailed.
I’m going to vote for the conservatives because I think that they are the best party that can and will change and fix the economy. Labour have been in power for the past 10 years and we are now in a recession. I know it was Tony Blair’s fault but Gordan has done nothing to fix the mistakes he made. I think that the Lib Dems have similar policies and won’t do anything to help the economy.
Natalie the recession has happened all across the world, and besides the Conservatives got every call on managing the recession wrong. They wanted to give banks even more power, they voted against things like the minimum wage and voted against nationalising failing banks (a move which stands to make a huge financial return now the banks can profit again, not to mention saving 1000s of jobs).
Meanwhile they are going to increase the inheritance tax threshold to £1million – hardly a move to help the ordinary people of the UK through the recession.
You say that Labour have done nothing to fix mistakes they have made, but the fact is we are coming out of recession, and this one has been altogether less painful than the recession the Tories reigned over in the 80s-90s, when repossessions and unemployment were massive, and frankly, the Tory government didn’t give a toss. I fear the Tories will wreck the recovery.
You say that Labour have helped us come out of reccsion but its not them that have done it, like you said the whole world is in reccesion and the whole world is coming out of a recceion and im sure that Labour didnt do that. I just think that Laubour wont help the country atall and the the majority of people voting Lib dem is just becasuse they know Labour wont win because Gordan is an idiot and the fact that they will do any thing for The Toris not to get in even if that means boting for someone they dont really belive in. My history teacher told me that exact point she would rather see the conservatives loose just because she has been told since margret thatcher was in power that Toris are evil, toris are bad and i just think its compleatly wrong they arent thinking properly they are just living up to genreations of Labour voting parents.
I am going to vote for Conservatives whilst some of his manifesto is rather extreeme, I think it is going to take some extreeme measures to even attempt to bring the country back into some sort of order ..
Having said that .. that is BEFORE he sees the books that have been left by the Labour Gov. ( IF he wins) I think whoever ( less Labour themselves get in again that is ) they should have a STIFF DRINK before they even look at how much we are in DEBT :) then see what he can do to make changes once he has seen that lot :(
We have lost many Values over the years and lets just hope that they get in and make Britain somewhere that is Great Again !
I think thats a great point : )
I think it will be tough but i tink that the conservatives are the only ones that can fix it even it is a little extream.