The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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My vote is for anyone except the Conservatives or BNP. Currently Lib Dems.
Reasons for not voting Tory because I want to avoid Unemployment, High Interest rates, Poll tax, riots, ERM, furher north-south social/economic splits, strikes, and can’t forgive Thatcher’s “No such thing as society” quote which just shows where the Tory loyalties lie, towards pure greed.
I agree, it is so damming against the Tories that after 3 terms of Labour, the Iraq war, and the economic situation that they can only muster a 2 or 3 point lead in the polls against the Lib Dems. It proves to me that the public have not forgotten Thatcher and what the Tories are all about. Have you noticed how her name is never mentioned, but still all they seem to care about is buisness and buisness men, anyone on benefits is seen to be a scrounger, and the public should be used as cheap labour with no rights. We are all members of society and should be treated as such, we can’t have a country with 35 million managing directors.
The election seems to have gone a little flat since “Gordons gaffe”, it’s a case of who can top that. Perhaps David Cameron could try “mooning” a few passers by, or maybe Nick Clegg could give someone the V sign behind their back, that might do the trick. You can say what you like about Gordon Brown eg he’s a two faced arse (one on each cheek) but at least he gave us all a bloody good laugh!
I think he said what all of them say in private, a politicians nightmare is meeting the public that don’t have a script.
clegg got heckled by a bloke asking a question about illegal immigrants, clegg’s response was to ask what are you going to do about it, hang on here who wants to be the prime minster? if the government can’t find these criminals i know cleggy ask the people to do it for you, brilliant and it won’t cost you a penny now that’s cutting government spending!!
I just don’t get the response 80% of immigrants come from Europe, as if Europe is one country, well the uk is only one country and Europe is made up of many many countries and considering the size of this one, we are just not big enough. Also because we have a social welfare system that is blind to illegal/ legal. commonsense needs to prevail, we must turn around and tell the EU that enough is enough, or i can see the vast majority of the indigenous peeps of the UK leaving for European countries as the UK runs out of space.
I don’t know why anyone wants to win this election – cuts will be so bad that whoever wins will not get in again for a generation. However, now is the worst time to take away benefits from people. You cannot force people to work if the jobs are not there. If benefits are removed from people, this will ensure that crime increases. I am not on the dole and I don’t know anyone who is before anyone suggests that I’m a sponger. I believe at any other time, these measures would be the right ones. Having said all that, I’ve never voted tory and never will – but this year I’m switching my support from labour to lib-dem and hope for a hung parliament. If they can work together, that has to be the best outcome for the country.
For goodness sake, don’t vote Lib Dem. I still think it’s a ‘wasted’ vote. Nobody in the working class environment should vote Tory. Lib Dem votes would favour them. Labour have built schools, regenerated slum housing etc in our area. Our pensioners have had a good quality of life now due to pension credits. I work in both these areas and have seen the improvements first hand. It has taken time, but it has happened. I remember times under the Con. Gov. What a dark age that was !!!!!!!
lest we forget, history is the best teacher. what conditions persisted in germany after ww1, a nation of people battered and beaten and then given no hope of a future by the winning side, this allowed nutters to size power by giving direction and a sense of purpose, well we have the nutters all ready all that remains are the conditions and if the UK goes to economic hell in a hand bag or this EU one country thing happens we can all expect trouble, as there is still a very large indigenous population in the UK with a strong sense of identity. so a warning to the British pollies don’t forget your history or miss read your people, don’t let the nutters get an excuse.
And after WW2, to STOP the nutters getting control, WE imposed proportional representation on Germany – and what a disaster (NOT) that has been.
Not only have they assimilated East Germany with all its problems, they are STILL the strongest european economy.
So vote Lib Dem and lets have some German like economic prosperity and stop swinging between our own 2 bands of nutters
Definately Labour. The younger generation can’t remember the last Conservative Gov. Maybe they should ask their grandparents ? Of course, we are talking ‘working class’. If you are in the ‘rich class’., then you, of course, will be voting the Tories ! Working class pensioners and lower income families have been so much better off with Labour over the last decade. Let’s not forget this. Tories are for the rich – let’s not FORGET !!!!!!!