The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
The BBC’s left wing bias must be just as embarrassing for them! But of course they’re funded by public money anyway so they probably don’t give a toss!
Hey David, remember me?
Glad to see that ALL parties are back on your poll and the the concept of proportional representation has finally penetrated your stubborn ivory dome.
Beleive it or not and like it or not, Gordon Brown has given more votes to the BNP in the last 24 hours than Nick Griffin and his bulletheads could get after a year of campaigning.
I hope you’re not upset on May 7th when it dawns on this country that the BNP have done better than ANHYONE thought they ever would.
This will surely be regarded as the biggest misjudgement of public opnion in history when the BNP get a good handful of parliamentary seats.
They won’t win, but it will at least be a catalyst for the big three parties to realise that immigration IS a problem and is viewed as problem by the electorate, and will only get worse if the same level of ignorance continues as it has for the last 13 years.
If they refuse to acknowledge this then in a decade or two, we will have a facsist government and then we’ll really be in the brown smelly stuff.
Time to pull that head of yours out of the sand amigo.
Toodle pip!!!!
No I don’t remember you, all the BNP supporters blend into one BNP drone generally going on the same tired old arguments.
So you estimate a good handful of MPs, not sure how many that is, lets say 5 BNP MPs on May 6th.
I’ll try to remember to respond to this comment on May 7th.
David, get your head out of the sand, look at your frigged poll again, BNP back in 4th place, still only believe 4% support?, me thinks its time to make your adjustments again.
Nick Clegg and Gormless Gordan Brown have both blown it for themselves on immigration issues, what about Dave Cameron, nobody knows where the Tories really stand on the number one issue. But be warned Dave Cameron has already publically stated that its the British who should make the adjustments for the newcomers. He is also a signatory to the UAF charter, now that is a far left thuggist?Fasist orgainization.
PS are you still at School.
Regards Graham
Yes I still believe the BNP support on May 6th will be below 4% of the popular vote. They gained 0.7% in 2005 and based on what I’ve seen in by-election they might break the 2% level this time (it’s turbulent time, protest voting!), but I can’t see a country wide 4%+ support for the BNP.
What do you think it will be and how many BNP MPs do you anticipate?
I expect the BNP to again gain zero MPs just like in 2005.
We’ll see in just over a weeks time Graham.
The reason why the BNP support is increasing on my poll is because BNP supporters are linking to my site on pages like the ones below begging BNP supporters to visit my site and vote BNP:
Above is just a sample of pages with the links, there’s more!
Why are BNP campaigners posting comments on official BNP articles posted in April and not about polls or in most cases specifically about the general election begging other BNP supporting visitors to vote in my poll?
That’s called manipulation and I’ll be deleting 2/3rds of the BNP votes resulting from pages like the ones above.
Before the BNP campaigners noticed I’d re added the BNP to the poll, their support was below 4.5%, less than one week on when the BNP campaigners started to beg BNP supporters from the official BNP website to manipulate the poll, the BNP vote in my poll doubled!
What’s really funny about this is BNP campaigners seem to think the poll on my site is so important to their general election success! If the BNP are going to do so well, why do BNP campaigners and supporters care so much about this one general election poll?
Why would you try to lower the level of debate to “PS are you still at School.”?
Grow the hell up.
David, it really does not matter how many links you trace back to the BNP website,because they are all real people, and all will still vote BNP at the next election MAY 2010. But just excluding them because they are “not regular visitors/contributors” to “Your Website” is very childish.
“The BBC’s left wing bias must be just as embarrassing for them! But of course they’re funded by public money anyway so they probably don’t give a toss!”
The BBC aren’t owned by any individual and have no commercial interests in terms of advertising – that is something we should be grateful for. Murdoch’s ownership of Sky, the Sun and the News of the World etc is a tad different considering his political views clearly influence the journalists he employs. Sky newsreaders are employed by Rupert Murdoch – there is no equivalent situation in the BBC.
In the US, each news network promotes a political agenda – scary stuff unless you like the idea of adverts with a bit of news in between, skewed in favour of wherever the money is.
I haven’t seen any evidence of bias on the BBC, for example Question Time has never shown any bias towards any party.
Hello? Did you watch the Question time episode with Nick Griffin?
The BBC may not show Bias to any political party, but they sure as hell know how to show predjudice.
Even Dimbleby was on the attack that night. Hardly the actions of a ‘non political’, ‘impartial’ public funded corporation.
The fact that the panel of Griffin and Jack Straw was completed by ethnic minority guests purposly ushered in to conduct a their ‘witchhunt’ on Nick Griffin has obviously escaped your attention.
I feel physically sick that I am legally obliged to give money to them each year.
The BBC should have been fined for their actions that night and David Dimbleby fired.
Like most leftie’s you obviously see what you want to see and ignore what you don’t.
I am not a BNP supporter. I vote Tory always have, but fair is fair and a witchhunt is a witchhunt whichever way you slice the cake matey.
If you read my comment I said “…Question Time has never shown any bias towards any party.”
I used this with reference to what I feel is Sky’s bias towards the Tories. Notice the words ‘towards’ as opposed to your example of bias ‘against’ the BNP. I also should have been clearer in my use of the term ‘any party’; by that I meant any party with a serious chance to win the election. i.e will play a role in who is going to govern our country (pretty important to get some balanced journalism).
Your comment about the BBC predjudice towards the BNP is right; but the BNP and predjudice kind of go hand in hand don’t they.
Question Time featuring Griffin was massively biased against him and I found the whole thing out of character for Q time and not very productive, but I guess that comes with the territory when you have views that offend most of the audience and panel – possibly making them feel physically sick as you do about your licence fee. I don’t think you are legally obliged to have a tv license either by the way. You can opt out of the license fee without being a criminal, whether or not you have a TV or not is your choice isn’t it.
“Like most leftie’s you obviously see what you want to see and ignore what you don’t.”
You might prefer the scenario of adverts for telly with a touch of politically slanted news/sport/programming scattered in (as in the USA), but many people are not so keen. In fact, wouldn’t politically slanted news media be letting you see what you want to see and ignore what you don’t Marty?
I see the facts; that SKY are owned by the same man that owns the Sun, News of the World etc, a right wing Australian American tax avoiding tycoon. Don’t blame me for treating their news coverage with suspicion, anyone with a grain of intelligence should do the same.
I see that the BBC are owned by no such individual and have no such ulterior motives.
Sky’s news coverage of the election is really beginning to irritate me.
Today I was listening to an MP talk on SKY news and they was explaining something about the Conservatives and a blinking voice over went over the MP drowning out what was said! Switched over to the BBC that allowed the entire statement.
I’m watching so much political TV it’s all merging into one big blur, I don’t remember if it was Vince Cable or a Labour MP that was cut off by SKY (think it was Vince Cable)!
My wife noticed before I did the obvious SKY news bias towards the Conservatives. Even their polls don’t match other polls.
Im sick of the politicians supporting the idea that Europe is good for us. I have yet to see the benefits from it apart from MPs having secound homes in brussels and are rights being taking away leaving damaging results of low employment high payments to Europe leaving us in dept and to top it off foreigners being able to just walk in and take the jobs thats left. The thing a must ask a MP why do they want to become a MP because all I see is its about them and not the country or the lower class people.
the problem is that england is no longer a producer. I do not believe that socially or cultrually the free boundries within europe is necessarily a good thing.(although england itself is a country based on immigrand to B.C.) I believe that the laws in place were shoddy and allowed others to come and take advantage, this caused much resentment and blame, which to extents i can understand, it wasnt fair, but to look at the big picture logically it is human nature to take whatever is on offer, its obvious. My original point is that england is more dependant on europan countries that we would like. for food, materials, everything. we need to strengthen our private sector and become more self sufficient before we close our doors.
I really hope the lib dems get in, or at least the conservatives, otherwise were screwed.
I agree although i want the lib dems to win.
is the lib or cons get in then we’re all buggered! specially for jobs etc, no one will take on someone who isn’t trained for their job! plus, taking away some of our income would not be fair and then wanting to make ill people work! so wrong!
“wanting to make ill people work!”
There’s nothing wrong with helping disabled people to work, many want to work, but can’t without assistance and if government can help disabled people feel more ‘normal’ and be able to contribute more to society that’s a good thing and should be encouraged.
I’m disabled, had to drop out of Uni in my final year of a 3 year degree (just had exams to sit). With help I might have been able to finish my degree and maybe have been able to follow my career of choice (research geneticist).
After a few years on the equivalent of incapacity benefit (I’m a hard worker and didn’t want to be on benefits doing nothing!!!) I started my own business online (started an online shop selling sexy lingerie and sex toys :-)) and with help in the form of working tax credits (disabled tax credits at the time) I was able to build up a successful online business (I no longer sell lingerie and adult products, found something I enjoyed doing: search engine optimisation) that I run from home while still being able to claim benefits (tax credits) until the business was doing well.
Without that sort of help provided under a Labour government I might still be claiming benefits (I still can’t work in a standard 9-5 capacity) like housing benefit, living in council houses instead of being a business owner, home owner and well on my way to providing for myself and my wife in old age: been in business about 10 years, so I ‘lost’ 10ish years of my working life to studying and disability and so wasn’t able to save for old age or anything until the last 10 years.
It’s not wrong to help disabled people back into work. It concerns me at what then Conservatives have planned though. They are not known for their caring side and I fear it’s going to be a case of throwing people off disability type benefits to save money (it’s cheaper to have them on JSA/income support).
Labour have brought in new schemes to help disabled people back to work, instead of being incapable of work period, they are looking more at the individual to see what they can do rather than what they can’t do. I think this is a good idea, but don’t know much about it beyond knowing it exists?
On a similar note I find it disturbing that skills held by old people are lost at age 65 for men and 60 for women. I see a lot of people of that age that are more capable of work than I am (I still can’t sit in a chair without pain) and they are taken out of the job market just because of their age. Such a waste of talent, skills and ability to contribute to society :-(
The Lib Dems have a £10 billion defecit in their spending plan. They can’t account for how they will find this money if they’re elected. The tories opposed a 1p rise on National Insurance and big business backed them. If big buisiness don’t want it, its good for us. They will only ever protect the interests of their shareholders. One of their major policies was the tax benefit for married couples. Instead of encouraging people to work, as working tax credits do, it only benefits those couples where one partner pays tax – sound a bit 1950’s? Wonder who they want to stay at home?
We’re screwed if Cameron, his banker buddies and his Eton chums get to manage out economy.
When will people realise we have undergone a GLOBAL recession? Blaming the UK prime minister responsible for a global recession is very short sighted.
Helen, I am afraid but you sound like a classic latent racist.
That’s not racism, it’s making a statement on the old British class system, that though less of an issue today, is still perceived by many working class people as an issue when thinking about the Conservatives in power.
So that has nothing to do with race.
No one has blamed Brown for the recession, its they way he handled it, if you or i were in debt would we borrow more money to pay it back and get into more debt, he did, I like most people save for a rainy day, he did not, and now we will all have to pay it back for his mistakes.
I hate how I’ve suddenly started hearing people calling our media left-wing.
Robert Murdoch does a really good job of controlling the feeble-minded.
Look at Fox News :S
Spot on! If I ever do read a newspaper it takes me 10 minutes just to try and figure out what the actual story was and not just the way the journalist is voting.