The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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Your website is apparently NOT affiliate with any political party ?
Domain name:
Registrant: David Cameron Law
How come a WHOIS search on your domain shows that the owner of the domain name is ‘David Cameron Law’ ?
Sounds like you might be affiliated with a particular political party then ???
Not quite so neutral after all ?
ROFLOL clearly you’ve not read my site, especially not the posts and comments about the Tories who I want to loose the general election on May 6th.
I’m not affiliated with any political party, but I’m certainly biased, for example I particularly dislike what the Conservative Party stands for.
The reason why the domain is registered to David Cameron Law is because that’s my name, had the name for almost 40 years.
If you know anything about the Whois data you’ll know it’s against the rules (not sure if it would be considered illegal) to use a false name etc… so if you believe that’s not my real name feel free to make a complaint to the authority that issues domains and if you are right I’ll loose this domain name.
Did the majority voting for the Cons ask a machine? Coz that’s the result I got when I tried a vote-u-lator!
Several people I know tried it and it seems we are all conservatives. Weird :-/!
I am refering to my previous comment on here on the 20th April as if you look back I was completely right. I said as Gordon Brown as a violent temper, known to have fits of rage and said that I was hoping someone would say the wrong thing to him so as we could see his true colours as at the mo we only see his public face.
Well today he called a retired lady, a strong labour supporter a Bigot!
This is the same man accused of hitting staff, his staff apparently phoned the anti bullying helpline, he pushed a printer off the desk and now you can see how little his regard for his supporters, he is not even fit to be Prime Minster.
Say what you like about the Tories but at least David Cameron is a decent man!
Gordon Brown did screw up royally on this one! Truth is though it makes no difference to my opinion of Gordon Brown (I like him).
The way the media have jumped on this is like the PM said something like “that racist bitch, hope she gets run over on the way home”.
Who here hasn’t done the two faced nice face to face meeting and as soon as you get out of earshot bad mouth a person? Obviously I haven’t :-)
I’d have been more surprised if he didn’t say stuff like this in private. The really embarrassing thing here is they forgot he was wearing a microphone, how stupid!
Anyway, I’d rather have a PM with a bit of a temper and to some degree feared by those who work with him, than a push over PM who doesn’t know how to lead.
Remember this is politics we are talking about here, some politicians will stab a person in the back to get on and quite frankly it’s not the nice people that get on in politics. Do we really want a nice PM?
Do you really want a PR specialist like David Cameron as PM? He’s all image, the new pleasant face of the old Tories with no real substance, I still don’t have a clue what sort of person David Cameron actually is, do you???
I miss Tony Blair, charismatic AND competent leader, he had it all.
“Say what you like about the Tories but at least David Cameron is a decent man!”
And you are basing this on what exactly?
Cameron is just polished for the media – he used to work as Director of Corporate Affairs for Carlton Television for God’s sake.
Brown on the other hand – unpolished and not media savvy. He has obviously got faults but show me someone who hasn’t. Brown has got my vote; best man for the job no question.
As for some of the comments regarding Brown’s policies being to blame for the banking crisis and UK recession – The Tories argued for LESS regulation of the banks – imagine the carnage if they had got their way. Even Ken Clarke has admitted that Labour’s decision to nationalise Northern Rock was the right move. The idea of blaming the UK Prime Minister for a global recession also confuses me. As we slowly begin to recover from recession, I can only imagine the Tories are gutted that Brown and Darling have steadied the ship. Could George Osborne have done that? The idea of him as Chancellor makes me shudder.
And I agree that there is no need for an election every time a new PM takes over – I believe Churchill wouldn’t have become PM if that had been the case, John Major too.
For anyone who plans to vote Tory at the next election, please bare in mind Cameron and the Tory party election broadcasts are spouting an ungodly amount of bilge, almost as much as the Murdoch owned right wing media.
Labour (in addition to admitted mistakes) can list tangible achievements, whilst all the Tories can do is attack attack attack. In my mind during their 17 years, the Conservatives achieved zilch.
Well thats Gordan (more faces than Big Ben) Brown finished, but at least we now know what our clueless leader thinks of the great unwashed common people of this country.
He called one of his own Labour party supporters a Biggot, just because she dare ask a question on immigration. I bet shes now reading the BNP manifesto.
Graham, you saw Brown in his real light, two faced, his sickly grin after seeing Mrs Duffy said it all ” I have apologised to the poor old bigot “, now to tell some more lies tomorrow.
“…at least we now know what our clueless leader thinks of the great unwashed common people of this country.”
Yeah well perhaps SureStart nurseries, Tax credits, winter fuel allowances and minimum wage show one of his other ‘faces’ with regards to the working classes.
If you think a single politician exists who doesn’t occasionally complain about/insult a member of the public under their breath, you are deluded.
SKY are owned by right wing Rupert Murdoch, and are trying to catch Brown out every day. Their bias is almost embarrassing for them. If Cameron or Osborne punched an old lady in the face and stole her handbag they’d probably turn the camera off and go to the weather report.
I know Gordon is your husband, but surely even you can see that he has realy ed up on this occasion.
Shame for him you were not there to guide him.
Nice on Mick, I wish i had thought of it, just proves that Brown is not in touch with the public, never has been and never will, the sooner he is gone the better the country will be.