The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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Although as my views are not appreciated by all, i wont post anymore, but to all those who voted , thank you, and to say away from the election my son did finish the marathon in 4 hrs 30 mins and raised money both for cancer and special baby care unit at our local hospital, sad that he had to give up nearly every week-end to do it but at least the wards are kept open with his and many others help.
I will vote BNP if I had the chance, but because they do not have a candidate where I live I will vote UKIP instead. There are many differences between the parties but what they do have in common is that they want the UK out of Europe. Thats is why I will be voting for UKIP.
Yeah, nice one you ###### tool. Let’s completely isolate ourselves from our economic future.
I see your point but it wil lead to a wasted vote im affaid,I love my country as much as you,I understand that someone has to make the 1st move but we as a counrty are not ready for such a big swing in the direction that the smaller parties are trying to take
I also would like to BNP, (but also no candidate) seems to be the only party speaking the truth. Did you see the News Night interview?(check you tube) Nick Griffin really put Paxman in his place, I think would make a great PM.
Please do not waste a vote on the Liberal Democrats.
This will only cause there to be a hung parliment, and give them power to enforce thier outrageous tax and social policies. They want to super tax almost everyone in the country.
I can remember the last time they had a coalition and it was a disaster. I will guarentee that there will be another election within 6 months wasting time effort and a great deal of money.
I will vote Conservative as a Labour run Britain is not working. Gordon Brown is a joke and would never have been elected, he snuck in the back door.
Its labour policies that have us in the durrent banking and financial shambles.
They also impose stupid european laws on us that none of the other major member states comply with.
veks comments spot on! after watching the first two live debates, opinion polls surged in favour of the lib dems and conservatives. but seriously how could anybody even think of wasting their one vote on either of them? no substance in either of their manifestos, on specific points neither would give a credible answers.Mr brown doesnt always come across as good talker, but who cares? its his policies that do the talking. looking and talking good for the cameras is one thing, running the country is another.thers only one credible vote from the main three parties, and thats labour by a country mile!!
Daid, I hope you dont mind but i would just like to reply to the writer who said Gordon Brown is the elected leader of this country, he is not , the country did not get a choice.
Jamie I realise you keep saying you are done posting here and you think I don’t want you posting comments, but the truth is the comments are open for commenting by anyone who follows the very basic rules I’ve set: almost 6,000 approved comments, I’ve deleted less than 300 mostly low quality, unhelpful comments like an idiot who was posting under 2 names threatening himself!
I’ve even removed the moderation of a commenter’s first comments, I used to approve their first comment, now all go through real time (except SPAM that’s automatically blocked).
When someone comments on this site anyone including myself can make a comment in response and you are going to find people trashing what you say when they strongly disagree with you. That’s how commenting works.
So you don’t have to ask permission to comment.
I completely disagree with the argument Gordon Brown isn’t an elected leader. We all had a vote in 2005 and we all knew Tony Blair was going to stand down and Gordon Brown would almost certainly be PM. It wasn’t a big secret we’d be getting Gordon Brown as PM if the country voted Labour.
You can argue ~ 65% of those who bothered to vote didn’t vote Labour, but then you can use the same argument for all recent Prime Ministers, that’s how the first past the post electoral system works (it needs reform). If David Cameron manages to scrape a majority in government on May 6th it looks like the Tories won’t have even 40% of the popular vote, so again 60% or more of those who bother to vote won’t want Cameron.
John Major became PM after Margaret Thatcher was ousted, he was still voted into power by the electorate in what ever constituency he stood in, just like Gordon Brown and then elected PM by their party.
We do not choose our Prime Minister, we choose the political party we want to lead the country and that party chooses it’s leader. That should not change unless you know of a better system?
I hate the concept of having to have an election if we get a new PM in the middle of a parliament. What stops a group who wants a change of government and thinks the polls support a particular party assassinating the current PM and forcing an election?
Do you really want something like that?
Thank you David, i do realise that we are able to have a comment on here, and i appreciate you saying i can in future. i do read the comments. although I dont necessarily agree,I think today Gordon Brown, if he misunderstood what Mrs Duffy said, should listen to what the public have to say, and the smirk on his face as he left her house said it all, I have tried to warn people what may happen to their hospitals and school fields, its happened here, when we saved our hospital only the Liberals and the Tories marched with us. I fought against a major Company making a land fill site within 30 yards of houses, again only the Tories and the Liberals where on our side. so be warned. I still say the liberals with there Euro and immigrant policy are not what the majority of the people want,, but who knows, i will be glad when its all over and we will finally see who run or ruin us still further..
I will vote for Labour,They have had alot of trouble to deal with like wars and a bombing of the homeland which people seem to forget.Please if you have an ounce of sense VOTE Labour and dont waste a vote on one of the smaller parties that will have no effect other than proberly leading to a hung parliament.Labour has put the pride back into being an English man,If you love and respect your country then use your brain and let Labour carry on with the job that they are trying to do instead of turning back the hands of time and undoing all the good work they have done by voting for inferior parties
I was shocked to hear today that “Peppa Pig” has withdrawn her support for Labours election campaign, childrens TV characters can be so fickle. Never mind Gordon, perhaps it’s worth giving “Postman Pat” a ring. Mind you remembering the recent postal dispute, that may not be such a good idea!
I think it is time for some tactical voting. All the minority parties would have a greater say if there was a proportional voting system. The liberal democrats will give us this. The lib dems are on the brink. If all the minority voters vote lib dem it is likely to be enough to bring proportional voting for future elections. The fairest system for multi party politics.
I would like a government that will stop people migrating to this country and scrounging off our resources, as long as there is one homeless British person on the streets, we should put a stop to people entering, they are being housed, fed, and given jobs, when there are so many of our own out there that don’t have anything. Wake up and look after our own.