The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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I do hope you kids realise that posting information on the internet with a violent overtone is considered illegal and you could be arrested and charged for threatening behaviour?
I would suggest you both stop acting like children, but I am sure David (the site owner) will shortly delete these posts anyway.
OOps lol, you can delete these two as well then David you beat me too it :)
LOL, turns out they were all posted by one person (same IP). So it was one person threatening himself :-)
If he does it again I’ll ban the IP from the server and he won’t be able to even read the site.
Since Thatcher/Major and Blair/Brown etc has ruined this country, surely voting in the next election would be a little more than an demostration of the triumph of hope over experience. Include me out.
But abstaining from voting achieves even less. At least if you vote (even if it’s for a party that has no hope of getting in) it sends out a greater message than if you didn’t vote at all.
I have to agree, by not voting you are wasting your vote on a party that you may not have wanted to win.
Every person that doesn’t vote may as well just count that vote as a vote for the party they didn’t want elected.
I’m 65 years old and I will vote LibDem.
This is not because of any ‘CleggMania’ but rather because, for a lifetime, I’ve been disenchanted with the choice between the lurking Unions behind the Labour party and the lurking Banks behind the Conservative party.
The old Liberals chose the Centre option.
Now, as the validity of far left or far right policies has been shown to nonsense, all Parties have moved to the Centre.
Don’t be fooled, they have not changed their spots!
It’s true the Lisbon Treaty has now been ratified and is part of the British system, effectively giving even more power to the EU. One of the main reasons for this is that the promised referendum on it NEVER TOOK PLACE!
As is evident in the posts on this site we all have prejudices of one sort or anoher.
BNP supporters want a stop to immigration but seem to forget that thousands of Brits over the years have emigrated abroad seeking a better life-and that was even before the Labour Party came into existence.
Conservatives seem to owe loyalty to their party rather than “one man band “Cameron.[lord Tebbit’s view )THey also forget that Margaret Thatcher tied us even more tightly to Europe.
This demonstrates that Prime MInisters have to face reality rather than play to their party faithfull.
Do Not Vote.
I think the most productive use of your time on may 6th is to think about what we would like to see our country develop into rather than acting like sheep and playing ‘the game’ and voting. There is no choice despite their efforts to convince us there is. I’ve spent my time putting a few videos together, and if only one person watches them, then i feel it was a job worthwhile. Here’s to, not wasting shoe leather on may 6th.
I’ve seen a few online polling website but one of the best thus far has got to be:
Really nice illustrations, great way of getting Tweeters into politics!