The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
I’ve been moving comments around on the site to make it easier for new visitors to find relevant comments. I wrote about it at so I’ve not deleted hundreds of comments, just moved them to relevant pages (deleted a very small number that added no value).
If the first comment in a thread was about voting Labour it’s now under reasons to vote Labour, if the first comment is about voting BNP it’s now under reasons to vote BNP. Not moved them all, left a sample under this page as well (there was 1,200+ comments under this page).
You make a very good point about the comments most being for or against the BNP, it’s a real shame as I can see from reading between the lines most commenter’s don’t think the current situation is acceptable, but party politics get in the way: can’t agree with a BNP supporter, it gives them a point sort of attitude instead of agreeing where they agree.
As I’ve been moving the comments around I’ve been reading many for a second time and others for the first time (2,000 comments, hadn’t read them all!) and it’s surprising how many good worthy of debate comments have generated little interest beyond do/don’t vote BNP!!! Like you say, the comments quickly degrade into two entrenched sides of for or against the BNP.
I’m sure we’d see the same thing if we had no BNP supporters, but instead had a combination of mostly Labour and Conservative supporters. It’s the same in the Houses of Parliament, if our actual MP’s can’t manage to work together on agendas they agree on, what hope do we have?
I was toying with the idea of posting some pages for non political commenting, but don’t think it will work, it’s the nature of politics I suppose.
I was hoping would generate some interesting discussions, but so far the only relevant comment was from Richard the Meerkat, which I moved from here. I realise 54 people voting isn’t a big sample size (poll is 10 days old), but there’s already an indication of the important policies being:
Asylum and Immigration Issues
Crime and Justice Issues
Economy Issues
Afghanistan War and Iraq War Issues
European Union Issues
Some Good News
Public sector pay and jobs rise
Public sector workers have enjoyed an increase in both pay and jobs, helping to keep the unemployment figure under 2.5 million.
Economists were taken by surprise by better than expected job figures, with the number of people receiving unemployment benefits actually falling. One of the reasons was the continued jobs being created in the public sector, with 31,000 more people working for central government over the last three months. The number of jobs in the public sector has increased by 0.4 per cent, compared with an increase of 0.1 per cent in the private sector.
Full Story Here:
Nice to have some good news in the mist of all the recent bad news, so things are hopefully begining to look up on the jobs front :-)
“vntbnp” just another ploy by the criminals in westminster to try to bribe those with their snouts ALREADY in the trough, using our taxes to fund it! This at a time when most companies (eg BA) are cutting jobs & freezing wages to try & get out of the mess Brown & his idiots have got Britain in
My experience of civil servants, having had the misfortune to spend several months as a contractor with DEFRA, is that they spend more time covering their a***s than actually doing anything worthwhile! No doubt most of these “jobs” will be in such useful positions like “creating racial diversity”, “ensuring our ethnic friends get enough benefits”, “ensuring no muslim is offended by any christian celebrations” and “providing enough translators”!
And to add insult to injury most jobs will probably go to immigrants (legal or otherwise).
It’s not just non-white families that rip off the benefits system read this one:
Christmas gifts galore for the family of six on £23,000 benefits
To the millions of us struggling to pay for Christmas this year, Dean Evans and his teenage girlfriend Catherine Scott have a simple message – save up.
After all, they’ve managed to set aside £1,000 so they and their eight children can enjoy the festive season together.
So pleased are they with their budgeting that they feel qualified to hand out advice to the rest of us – advice which might be better received if their Christmas piggy-bank wasn’t full of state handouts.
Read more:
I see many stories put about about Asians, Muslim etc getting too much in benefits (and I disagree with them as well) but to balance that you can see by this story that white families do nicely at our expense as well, he had to buy a NEW Alfa Romeo because the BMW was getting OLD…… come on they shouldn’t be able to afford NEW cars on benefits (no body should).
Benefits are designed to help in the bad times not fund you so well you don’t want to work and people wonder why unemployment is SO HIGH we give away so much money that their is NO incentive to work.
Which is why I like the Tory policy of only being able to claim benefits for 2 years (it would be lower if it were me).
People should be pushed to work not given so much money they don’t need to work, remember they get £23k (cash) NO TAX, NO RENT, NO COUNCIL TAX to pay £2K clear and easy.
I knock out over 50% of my income to the TAX man to fund people like this to buy new cars? from next April i will be paying 64.8% of my income to the tax man to pay for people like this to buy new cars and keep their Sky TV working?
How is this even remotely fair on hard working people to have to shell out well over half their income to support people like this who say
“He has no intention of returning to work”
Makes me angry that I have to pay for this, I would rather my high tax gets paid to people that need it like higher wages for soldiers, higher pensions not so people who can’t be arsed to work can have a new car and sky tv at our expense.
As for people thumbs downing this particlular comment I take it you actually agree then that people like this deserv to get £23k a year at our expense?
And that we shouldn’t then pay our soldiers more money or give our pensioners more money instead?
Because by hitting the thumbs down that’s exactly what you are agree with, that’s assuming you actually read the post and didn’t just hit the thumbs down because I wrote it?
You’re talking sense on this issue of benefits and I assume you’re getting thumbs down because it’s you.
When we lived in the UK, we lived in an area where there was a high dependency on benefits, I remember being in the Post Office and some old fart was telling this teenage girl with a couple of kids in the pushchair what other benefits she could get for the children but obviously she could spend it on what she liked.
I hated the fact that I worked full-time, paid an extortionate amount of tax and National Insurance, paid a small fortune for child-minding, was knackered all the time and all my hard-earned taxes were funding these kind of people. We voted with our feet and left and so many other people did and are still doing so too.
Wake up UK before you have no tax-payers left!
This type of person (Long term unemployed to be polite) would be encouraged back to work by the BNP “workfare” based system-
Originally, benefits were meant as the state’s obligation to support those who genuinely are not in a position to support themselves. This guiding principle must always remain the guiding light for a just and humane system – and it is the core of the British National Party’s welfare policy.
Vote BNP
Save Britain
I think I may have pointed out before on this website that the BNP Workfare Programme is based on the 1990’s Tory policy of Project Work which failed so badly it helped the unemployment figures go up rather than down and cost something in the order of £15 billion to fail.
Now the BNP version is worse in that it promises to pay a living wage to these people which really means they will have to pay the minimum wage for people to carry out this “Community Service” which effectively will cost the state an extra god knows how many billions paying minimum wage to people that already can’t be arsed to work.
So our benefits bill will rise out of all proportion under the BNP Workfare Policy, I worked in this area for almost 10 years so I know how these types of policies work and roughly how much they cost.
And besides another reason why this Workfare won;t work in that there won’t be enough community projects to go around for the BNP Crime and Justice Policy also states that prisoners will be expected to work on Electronic Tagged chain gangs on Community work, so are the BNP intending on making the unemployed work alongside the criminals on these Community Projects?
You have to read the policies and see how they would run alongside the other policies, it’s great shouting out one policy but when you look at the others you can see why they won’t work.
We would also need to employ more people on a higher than minimum wage to monitor these Workfare groups and also the Criminal Chain Gangs so there is even more cost to the state to monitor that people are actually doing the work they are meant to be doing.
See add all these together and you have an extra bill to the state of a few Billion where does this money come from to pay for it? the BNP have no answers to that.
And you can’t say it will come from not giving aid or paying Asylum seekers etc as that money put together won’t be enough to fund all these programmes, including build all these new houses etc, the the numbers don’t stack up if you work them through.
Oh and I forgot that the BNP also say that they can do away with Income Tax, so if they do that all those billions that are paid to the TAX man would be lost, so hows does a BNP Government then continue to fund these new programmes etc?
They have to invent other “stealth” taxes to get the money back and I would expect that in the end we would actually end up handing over more of our hard earned in all these “stealth” taxes, as the Government can’t be run without income tax.
So again the policies don’t work when you add them all up in terms of losses to the country and then cost to the country to fund them all.
No system is perfect when you are dealing with the workshy rather than the genuine unemployed who should be helped with support and retraining.
I disagree that savings cannot be made in other areas to fund this.
Leaving the EU alone would save billions.
Bring our troops home, saving billions but more importantly saving our boys lives & limbs.
I could go on, what is needed is a complete change to how the country is run, its not UK PLC for sale to Saudi or the EU, its the United Kingdom of Great Britain for the British people.
Vote BNP
Save Britain
Ok here we go on that as you mention the Armed Forces the BNP say we will not be involved in NATO/EU etc, closing down bases in Germany etc, so therefore bring back all those soldiers to the UK.
Now we won’t need an armed force as big as they one we have now as we won;t be getting involved in wars peace keeping etc, so we will be putting 10’s thousands of no longer needed soldiers on the dole, and we will also be forcing 18 year olds in to national service therefore we will then have to pay to feed these kids etc … see costing more billions in paying for houseing/unemployment benefits to the soldiers we have sacked not to mention the other jobs that will be lost in the country in the service sectors and manufacturing that provide equipment for our forces, less soldiers less supplies LESS JOBS NEEDED.
So we’ve sacked soldiers and also 10 of thousands of other people who are in the supply chain for the Armed Forces.
See again the BNP create MORE and MORE unemployment, do you want our sacked soldiers to be working cleaning train line because they can’t find work.
See AGAIN take ALL the BNP claims and policies in to one big thing called the country and see just what this will all cost in terms of lost jobs and money.
The Government can’t sustain an army that just sits on it’s arse and doesn’t take part in anything outside of the country.
See again un workable in the real world.
Again you are blinded,
Our armed forces contain The Best Britain has to offer, Highly qualified motivated people capable of far more than you appear to credit them with.
A standing force will always have to be maintained, look what happened with the Falklands War, passenger ships carrying our troops.
Container ships carrying our helicopters.
What won the War? The Soldiers.
You disrespect our armed forces by implying that they would be useless here at home when in fact their skills are a national asset.
Vote BNP
Save Britain
But my point was WE WON’T need the ammount we have now, do you actually know how many soldiers this country employs?
If we bought them all home we would nearly have enough to create a ring around the whole country, and we won’t NEED them all simple as that really, we won’t suddenly come under attack from some other country so again we WON’T need them and we certainly can’t just keep paying for people to be soldiers who sit at home, so what do you expect they are going to do instead?
Are we going to pay highly trained soldiers to monitor the criminal chain gangs? what a waste of money
Are we going to use them to police the streets? then we don’t don’t need the police force so either way JOBS LOST.
Think it through is all I am suggesting you do. What are these highly trained soldiers going to do sitting here in Britain?
This is not the USA,
Active personnel 240,000 (Jun 2009) (ranked 24th (Jun 2009))
Reserve personnel 210,500 regular reserve (April 2005)
(June 2009)
Budget FY 2009 – ranked 4th
GBP £40 billion [1]
Percent of GDP 2.5% (2009)
better cleaning train lines than coming back in boxes! or is this your answer to our over population problem! you see the BNP would send the illegals home the asylum seekers home bring back our out sourced jobs and then we would have lots of jobs for our soldiers! you cannot send people to war to make room for foreign invaders and remember the soldiers do have to come home one day.what you are saying is you don’t want then back/Well the BNP do we want them back now
So you would rather see our highly trained soldiers unemployed and cleaning train line for shit money that being paid to do a job they want to do?
I think you could be loosing a bit at the moment Ternece.
To VoteNo
Our soldiers pay is shit now, less than the minimum wage infact.
“British soldiers risk death for less than the minimum wage”
So yeah get them back home, into work, illegals out. British jobs 4 BRITISH workers. ONLY the BNP will do this.
Also leaving the EU will actually cost billions and take a minimum of two years to achieve (admitted by the BNP) so whilst we are paying un tld billions to get out how are we then funding all these other policies.
To enact all the BNP policies they will need to win a minimum of 4 terms as Government and I would seriously doubt that this country would suffer 4 terms of the BNP.
well the lib.lab/con have had 60 years so i think its time for change and the only change is the bnp so we should give them the chance perhaps the other when deprived of there thiefdom may do some thing decent and honest for once and become a real opposition to the bnp/ i have no choice no longer can i support the lib/lab/con BNP 4 me god bless them and there courage
“lib.lab/con have had 60 years”
Does wind me up when BNP supporters lump the three main political parties together, if you’d have said:
“Labour/Conservatives have had 60 years” BTW it’s more than 60 years in power.
You might have a point, the Liberal Democrats have never had a majority in government so are as powerless to make significant changes as the BNP, UKIP and the Greens are.
With your argument style lumping the Lib Dems with Labour and Conservatives I could say “well the BNP have had almost 30 years” times for a new party in British politics, the BNP have had their chance.
At least stick to facts.
I know you are going to scream out at this one, but I feel the point could be made:
You always say LibLabCon as if they are all one party, so I could say BNP/NF and ALL other nationalist parties organisations are all working together couldn’t I applying the logic of the BNP I could.
I know you will say that that isn’t the case, but you also need to accept that the three main parties are different and individual, as someone said before on this site if they are all in some kind of conspiracy then why not just merge to form one big party that way it would be more of a gurantee that they will run the country for ever basicaly.
That article you quote is OVER 3 years OLD can’t you find something newer than a 3 year old article?
Here are the OFFICIAL Pay Scales:
+8 Level 9 £44,206
+7 Level 8 £43,704
+6 Level 7 £43,195
+5 Level 6 £42,195
+4 Level 5 £41,187
+3 Level 4 £40,188
+2 Level 3 £39,176
+1 Level 2 £38,168
OA Level 1 £37,172
2nd Lieutenant
+4 Level 10 £32,062
+3 Level 9 £31,295
+2 Level 8 £30,536
+1 Level 7 £29,773
OA Level 6 £29,006
2Lt Level 5 £24,133
2Lt Gap Year . Commission
Level 3 £18,207
2Lt Gap Year Commission
Level 2 £16,685
Off Cdt
Level 1 £15,268
University Cadet Entrants
+3 Level 4 £17,548
+2 Level 3 £16,075
+1 Level 2 £14,317
OA Level 1 £12,470
Warrant Officer 1
Level 7 £45,836 £43,255
Level 6 £45,146 £42,066
Level 5 £44,355 £40,918
Level 4 £43,576 £40,135
Level 3 £42,789 £39,356
Level 2 £42,066 £38,578
Level 1 £41,255 £37,843
Warrant Officer 2
Levels 5 – 9 only
Staff Sergeant
Levels 1 – 7 only
Level 9 £42,404 £38,851
Level 8 £41,806 £37,991
Level 7 £41,219 £37,506
Level 6 £40,633 £36,940
Level 5 £39,754 £35,342
Level 4 £38,871 £34,868
Level 3 £37,991 £34,069
Level 2 £37,104 £32,997
Level 1 £36,229 £32,572
Level 7 £36,205 £33,443
Level 6 £35,538 £33,190
Level 5 £34,872 £32,082
Level 4 £34,206 £31,267
Level 3 £33,780 £30,954
Level 2 £32,945 £30,195
Level 1 £32,114 £29,424
Level 7 £32,532 £29,255
Level 6 £31,837 £29,043
Level 5 £31,191 £28,814
Level 4 £30,456 £28,589
Level 3 £29,761 £28,372
Level 2 £28,372 £27,051
Level 1 £27,051 £25,887
Lance Corporal
Levels 5 – 9 only
Levels 1 – 7 only
Level 9 £28,372 £23,755
Level 8 £27,051 £22,924
Level 7 £25,887 £21,920
Level 6 £24,751 £21,021
Level 5 £23,603 £20,178
Level 4 £21,346 £19,146
Level 3 £19,853 £17,605
Level 2 £17,982 £17,143
Level 1 £16,681 £16,681
New Entrant Rate £13,377
Level 1 £16,681 £16,681 private, thats the majority of our soldiers at war in afghanistan. so yes this is still no better than the minimum wage. Who are you trying to fool again?
I didn’t say the pay was high enough I was merely pointing out that the 2006 article you posted saying they were paid below minimum wage was WRONG.
I agree they should be paid more for the work they do 100% no argument from me at all.
The Tories have promised to raise the salary of a serving soldier when elected, I believe it’s something like a 5% overall increase after the numbers are worked out, still too LOW in my opinion but at least it’s an increase.
And you alos have to remember that’s BASIC Salary, soldiers who are stationed outside the country receive more money, they also receive more for being on ACTIVE duty (don’t ask me how much I really don’t know the answer to that one) but the figures quoted are BASIC without the extras for being outside the country and also the extra for being on active service.
I think, going back to the original point terence was making, we would rather the soldiers at war now, we would rather have them home with their family’s doing a safe job, than bringing them home in boxes. Not the ones outside the country on active duty.
Well as I said to Terence we will have to disagree on that one as I do believe we need to fight it on both fronts rounding up all the known terror cells that are in this country and dealing with them but also dealing with the training camps and recruiters outside of the country.
Cut off the mean of recruiting and training and eventually you cut own the numbers if terror cells in the country.
well the lib/lab/con policies have not worked have they I believe with a bit of good will the BNP policies will work very well indeed.A lot of thought has gone into them!VOTE BNP for a safer fairer more just Britain,end to the PC brigade and all the money with there quangos cost! BNP 4 ME GOD BLESS THEM
no hard working person my self included likes this fraud,neither do we like the fraud perpetuated by the lib/lab/con of which Micheal Barnbrook exposed/
worst of all is the people who pass through several safe countries to get onto the system . wrong as it is but most British people have had families that have worked! The BNP would stop job exporting for huge profit as mandelson said he did not no the liebour party would allow one to make obscene amounts of money, Well the BNP would not allow! people back top work illegal;s home we have no room no money no jobs, the treasonous opposition have no answer at least the BNP will try
The BNP wouldn’t stop job exporting in fact they would cause many large companies to leave the UK completely and take their jobs to other EU countries where they will be able to afford to continue to trade and make a profit.
THEY ALREADY DO THE bnp WILL PUT ATOP TO IT PEOPLE BEFORE UNFAIR PROFIT. NOT randy Mandy way he states” i did not realize the liebour party would allow one to make obscene amounts of money” how do they do that cheap labor extortionate price’s We pay we pay out of a pittance .they live high in the pig trough like two jets milliband two jags Prescott, rob em blind Blair flog the gold brown . lear jet here lear jet their stu* the climate while its them VOTE BNP
Vote Liebour or the British Nazi Party (BNP), you decide?
I don’t find it helpful when commenter’s lower the quality of their comments by changing a parties name to degrade that political party: your use of the word Liebour in place of Labour.
Since you are a BNP supporter every time you use the term Liebour I’ll post something negative about the British National Party, AKA the British Nazi Party below your comment with the same approach you use Terence.
It’s childish I know, but I get the impression it’s the only sort of approach you’d understand. Fight fire with fire.
Nick Griffin Anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial
The BNP, its former leaders and present leader, Nick Griffin, have promoted anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial in the past. In 1996, writing in his own publication, The Rune, Griffin stated that:
The following year he stated:
Who could vote for anyone who denies the mass slaughter of human beings, innocent men, women and children by the Nazi’s during World War 2 and has been convicted in a British court of law for Holocaust denial?
Nick Griffin MEP and anyone who votes for his party should be ashamed to associate themselves with Nazi ideology and Holocaust denial!
Why on Earth would anyone thumb this down, it’s good news for Britain?
Public sector could mean more nurses, more police etc…. what is wrong with that, do you want Britain to fail so you can say in twenty years time “I told you so”?
That could be some of your family members helped through the recession with a public sector job rather than languishing on benefits. It’s got to be better than paying unemployment benefit for people to do nothing compared to paying them to work in the NHS etc…
Britain isn’t that bad and could be far worse, I was watching a late night politics program last night (Hard Talk) about an American company that was working in Russia and the corruption was so bad the police (and others) illegally took over their companies and issued a $230 million tax rebate to those stolen companies! A Russian lawyer that was working for the American company to uncover who was behind this corruption was imprisoned, tortured and died in prison (the corruption has to be high in the government to achieve what they did)! You might complain about “how bad it is in Britain”, but at least you can safely make complaints like that without fear of persecution from the government etc…
Please tell me a better country than ours?
Come on it’s far from perfect, but it’s not all bad either, it still is Great Britain in my eyes.
Vote Labour, Conservative or Liberal Democrats IF you want your vote to count.
how can you ask people to vote for more of the same? you must have a good job no one taking it from you yet are you happy with your taxes will you be happy when vat is increased in the new year . are you happy not being given your vote on the e/u Do you like the mass invasion what are the policies you like in the lib.lab.con! and why?? are you happy with the murder of 80.000 Iraqis Im not or the Serbs !!How much more do you want! jack straw said we are not worth saving as a race!. Do you want people like that in gov.Sex education to 5year old,s the lies the theft the corruption at every level the rancid utter contempt for the voters . You want more of it!! good god I find this so saddening
When you have a go at answering my questions I’ll have a go at answering yours. Not really helpful answering a comment with questions with different questions!
As a sign of good faith I’ll answer one:
“you must have a good job no one taking it from you yet are you happy with your taxes will you be happy when vat is increased in the new year”
I’m self employed, run my own search engine optimisation business (all online) with most of my clients coming from the US, and so it’s very important to me that the world economy is doing well. Because of what the banks did I’ve lost clients, but before the problems I was turning business away (mainly due to my health) and so it wasn’t hard to find new clients to make up what I’d lost. Almost every business online is looking for the skills I have, so I can be picky with who I work with.
Actually since I had an operation on my back early this year and I’m getting stronger I’ve taken on a few extra clients, so overall things are looking very good.
And yes I’m happy to pay more tax to protect public workers jobs and get better services, when I had my back operation (two discs fused and pinned) on the NHS the care I received wasn’t perfect, but considering the problems they are experiencing (it’s a black hole for money!) I was quite impressed. There’s some really hard working and caring people in the NHS and I thank them for keeping me healthy: 4 hour operation, 6 days in hospital, no complications and I was pleasantly surprised at the food (I’m quite fussy with food). My only complaint is they didn’t listen to me about the pain medication I’d need, been on pain meds for 15 years and I’ve built up a tolerance, several days of excruciating pain before they got the dose high enough!
The VAT increase doesn’t bother me in the least, in case you didn’t notice a lot of businesses didn’t really pass on the savings to customers (was a bit of a non event for consumers IMO)! For example I don’t recall seeing products in Iceland dropping from £1 to 97.5p, so it resulted in businesses making more money.
I bet I don’t get a response to my questions, especially this one:
Please tell me a better country than ours? With how you bitch about Britain all the time you must prefer other countries.
the reason why i state the lib.lab.con have had 60 years is because i believe thats how long they have been working to a common purpose together with a single agenda!thats why they never oppose each other in a serious way! looking at the last 60 years each has continued with the policy of the other with little if any change.Thatcher for example brought in the anti trade union laws lair retained them, only the BNP show any real opposition! with regards the NF they are a separate identity,
not really these are none productive jobs made up till after the election then the unemployed is set to hit 3 million and carry on rising, as we have little manufacturing industry thanks to the policies of the lib/lab/con so nothing to sell but the family silver brown already got rid of the gold to his brother and friends! mind you he is selling the dartford tunnel the royal mail then the hospitals after that we are screwed good style
Actually the latest official figures say that unemployment is expected to go no higher that 2.7 million (still way too high I agree), but the doom and gloom forecasts of ver 4 million of just six months ago has now gone, and we are looking at below 3 million (so things are on the up)
And I think any way of producing jobs whether Public or Private sector is a good thing.
you call that on the up !!no to bnp 2010you twist turn and pass the buck like a real politician your not Tony the war mongering g criminal blare are you. hope not because i think you have an iota of decency in you> i no your not indigenous British,
You seem to be clutching at so many straws now Terence, accusing Gordon Brown of selling 395 Tonnes of Gold to his brother and making million of it with no evidence.
Trying to dumb down any increase in jobs and decrease in the unemployment figures, yes the decrease in the overall clain cout was small 6,000 but at least in a decrease which is moving in the right direction.
Now even I know the numbers will go up again early next year, but they are not by all the experts predictions going to hit the 3 million mark which is again a good thing, we are moving slowly in the right direction and with the economy expected to start a small rise in q1 next year as well that will also help the over all outlook and improve the jobs situation.
So maybe rather than clutching at as many straws as possible you should start looking at what is really happening in the real world and step outside the BNP for a month and stop just listening to what they tell you and start looking at the rest of the country.
“i no your not indigenous British”
Well actually I was born here, my father, grandfather, great grandfather, great great grandfather and the same with my mother, grandmother great grandmother etc etc where all born in this country unlike Mr Griffin I have done the DNA testing to get these facts and my family has been in this country for over 1000 years.
i live in the real world no jobs around here, if one crops up it has to go to black ethnic or a woman first!i only began to take a real look at politics when i realized the lib/lab/con were taking the pi**. i looked at the BNP as my last choice still believing the papers and the media lies stupidly thjat they were racist and nazis skin head thugs, I now no the truth they are people like my self sick to death of the lib.lab/con liers thieves crooks I will vote BNP From now on they are the only opposition to a gov that treats its voter with contempt
Labour gaining votes by stealth. They are relying on some loyalty from public sector workers as well as those on social welfare.. Keep us in power and you keep your new jobs and benefits.
I’m less cynical, I think the Labour government are doing it for the right reasons, to keep more people in employment and off unemployment which is demoralising for many who have worked all their life and unproductive for the country.
Remember what it was like in the last recession with a slash and burn Conservative approach to dealing with saving money through cutting public service pushing us further into recession!!! There are areas of Britain that never recovered.
I know we’ll be in debt longer doing it this way, but I have to believe protecting the people now is better long term than cutting the lifeline and leaving it to market forces like the Conservatives did in the last recession and probably would have done during this recession!
And I’ll add my business (all online) has come through this recession fine, so I could have the “I’m alright Jack” approach and screw everyone else not so fortunate. I know protecting as many people as possible through the recession is going to result in me paying more of my hard earned money to the government as tax, but I can afford it until things pickup and unemployment starts to fall again and government debt is brought back under control.
the lib lab/con have caused this problem! 60 years what have they done for Britain how much of our taxes have been invested in creating new industry!!
Based on the BNP policies if they got into power they’d do a worse job of running the country!
And lets be honest the BNP will be breaking new ground if they get 1 MP next year, it’s not like the EU election where hundreds of thousands will make a protest vote, with a general election the British people vote for who they want in power and I don’t see it being the BNP.
The Green party are more acceptable to the British public than the BNP and the Greens don’t have an MP yet either.
Time will tell though.
This is not the USA,
Active personnel 240,000 (Jun 2009) (ranked 24th (Jun 2009))
Reserve personnel 210,500 regular reserve (April 2005)
(June 2009)
Budget FY 2009 – ranked 4th
GBP £40 billion [1]
Percent of GDP 2.5% (2009)”
So Andrew, what are the 240,000 trained soldiers going to do sat here in Britain?
What jobs/functions are they going to serv whilst we continue to pay them?
Maybe those that are not engaged in the normal duties of defending our nation may wish to spend some well deserved time with their families.
No one is saying disband our armed forces, you seem horrified that they are going to come home at some point.
Perhaps you are?
No Andrew we keep more than half our forces based out in Germany and other bases that we have already paid for, that’s why when they are not being used they are in training in Germany or other places.
We can’t house them all here we don’t have the British bases for them.
And the reason we currently have 240,000 is because we are involved in the EU/NATO and all the other peace keeping operations the country is involved with, so they are actively doing something.
If we leave all those organisations we WON’T need as many no matter how you try and dress it up they won’t be needed.
Well that ones NT going to happen in at least the next 20-30 yrs ah well :-)
I say VOTE for the BNP people like you used to believe the world was flat afraid you still have that mentality, people like you said the BNP would never get any MEP’s just how wrong can you be NICK GRIFFIN FOR no 10.then the truth will come out the fur will fly !
You have more chance of me voting BNP than I have of wining the lottery and I don’t even buy the rickets, so sod all chance then really.
I think he would make a par better Greggs Pie Minister (couldn’t resist the little joke there)
Not to mention we don’t actually have enough bases for them all to be stationed at once we get them all back, we we’ll also need to build more military bases to house them all.
Nit to mentin all the training facilities around the country that we will need to build in order to enact the Military Service policy, plus all the money it will also cost to put these people through the Military Service.
See Andrew all COST with no income, the country can’t sustain this kind of cost, yes you can say other countries have Military Service but they have had the service for well pretty much 100 years so they have built and prepared the infrastructure for that over the years we will have to build in too quickly and the country can’t afford to do it once you take in to account all the other policies the BNP want to enact that are also going to cost the country BILIONS and BILLIONS and BILLIONS where does all this money come from?
The Alternative-
It’s Official: British People Will Lose Their Jobs to Fund the Illegal War in Afghanistan
Thousands of British people will lose their jobs to fund the Labour and Tory-supported illegal war in Afghanistan, it was announced today.
Vote BNP
Save Britain
Yes Andrew I read it this morning,
But the BNP’s Policy will mean even more lost, I would even being on the nice side estimate that a BNP Government would off load 100,000 soldiers and call them “reservists” on a retainer fee.
So that’s 100,000 unemployed soldiers, plus all the Civil Service jobs that go with managing those 100,000 soldiers.
Plus all the service sector jobs that go in to providing the forces supply chain, weapons, cloths, computers, communications, food, naffi stores etc there are almost 20,000 people employed by the Naffi stores around the world “British People” normally the service personels wives and familes, so that’s an extra 20,000 unemployed when the bases outside the UK are closed because they will no longer be needed.
Plus the 10,000 employed in the distribution sector of the forces who deliver to the stores etc. Not to mention all the other jobs lost around the country who manufacture the stuff sold in the stores as they will no longer be needed.
So closing Germany and the other bases will bring home over 100,000 service personel and their families who will all need housing jobs schooling etc, so more cost to the country.
See the number are FAR FAR worse when you start to look at the real cost of just one BNP policy.
And re-reading the BNP article also reminds me that if we are keeping all of our forces here we won’t be needing all those ships, tanks, plains, helicopters that are on order.
so all the jobs involved in the manufacture of those will be lost as well, and at least another 10 to 15,000 of those are based in the UK, so we’ve now added the following to the unemployment numbers after enacting this one BNP policy:
100,000 Soldiers
20,000 Naffi Stores people
10,000 Logistics people
15,000 Ship workers, aircraft and weapons jobs.
So the Unemployment list gets 145,000 people added to it and remember this doesn’t include all the other companies around the country that will lay people off because the military will scale back on the supplies it needs, bullets, guns, bombs, computers, all all the other stuff the military uses.
So we could estimate a conservative 75,000 other job losses, so NOW we have potentially added 230,000 people to the unemployment register just enacting this one BNP Policy.
Damn my spelling is way off today, me thinks it’s because I am running it off too quickly to check it all. But who cares it’s only spelling the points being made are still VERY valid.
h hang on we also have all those boys in the Navy that are stationed all over the globe, if we are no longer part of NATO those ships will be re-called so what do we then do with all the ships and Navy personnel that won’t be needed?
see the numbers and costs keep on going up and up and up when you look at just one BNP policy
Damn and what about the Billions and Billions of £’s worth of investment we have put in to Euro Fighter that we have 1000’s on order for, we won;t need them either now.
So that’s more jobs gone across Europe including the UK with the companies involved in building them as well, plus the cost in fines that we will have to pay to cancell those orders.
See more job losses more cost. WHERE DOES IT ALL COME FROM
isn’t the euro fighter made in France??
It’s put together in france but the parts to build it come from if I remember correctly 90 different countries including the UK
we can find the cost!
1 stop expenses for lords and MP’s give them lower wages they are paid well above there worth!Stop foreign aid until our debt is resolved£695 billion to Pakistan a nuclear power! £895 million last year to India! they have more aircraft carriers than we do!£1,5 million an hour into the E/U black hole for unelected bureaucrats nothing back! then Africa.sieraleon/hammasthe list is endless Yes we can afford our troops We could house them in the biggest mosque in western Europe being built in lOndon
MP and Lords wages though high are a drop in the ocean when considering paying so many members of the armed forces, I know it makes good slogans (noses in the trough or something like that), but the reality is it’s chicken feed compared to what the MOD spends.
I assume this is a typo “£695 billion to Pakistan”
I did a quick search for government figures on foreign aid, but nothing came up and I’m ready for bed, anyone know where the government figures are for foreign aid?
“£1,5 million an hour into the E/U black hole for unelected bureaucrats nothing back!”
Well that’s not true, we do get stuff back, I recall reading each person gains £xs a year due to us being part of the EU, so we don’t loose money, we make money. I forget the exact details.
Well David I can give yo one set of figures the UK gets from the EU by way of European Social Funding to employment projects across the UK last year we got 90 million £ which was used to help train British people for new jobs and also to create new jobs across the country.
The budget for next year from the ESF fund to the UK is expected to rise to over £100 million.
What jobs their will be 3 million unemployed next year and climbing watch this space you may be one of them ! then it will be BNP help me
Nice to see the desperation is coming back, you were debating so well but back to standard stuff :-(
You also have to balance this against all the other policies the BNP want to enact, they will all cost Billion well actually an economist friend of mine did a quick set of figures based on what the BNP state in all the policies and he gave me the figure of
6.8 TRILLION as the total cost of enacting the BNP policies, now all the so called savings the BNP can make from existing spend will NOT touch the sides of what they need to spend.
you can play with hypothetical figures all day long ! NOW tell me what the lib/lab.con yes the ones who got us into financial ruin what are they doing about it what is there policies what is there answer. They have caused it Now you want them to carry on! WAKE UP TIME vote BNP while you can.Time for change real change honest change change for the better as the lib/lab/con intend to make it worse for the peasants
Well again I know this has been said here already but everyone knows that the current World Wide financial crisis started with some dodgy arsed bankers in the states selling mortgages to trailor park types that couldn’t afford it then flogging off that bad debt all over the world.
I do however conceed that our oh so wonderful Government should have been far more prepared and during the boom years should have some some cash aside instead of banging it all out, we would have had some more protection that way.
But that’s a Labour Government for you, spend it all then borrow later when we can’t quiet afford it
i remember nick griffin saying this would happen to our economy about 3 years ago he also mentioned peak oil and lack of power stations he was accused of scaremongering and telling lies. brown said he didn’t see it coming he is a liar he new full well thats why he sold our gold reserve to is brother they have made millions !! VOTE BNP while you can
Ok I have to ask, where is your evidence that Brown sold the UK’s Gold Reserves to HIS BROTHER and the evidence of the Millions they made?
If you sell or buy gold ANYWHERE in the world receipts/records are kept so there will be a tonne of evidence to support this claim, if you can produce this evidence I may even consider voting BNP (MAY)
Because I can tell you that Brown (the tit) sold off 395 tonnes of the UK’s reserve between 1999 and 2002 by way of 7 auctions on the World Bullion Markets and that it was sold to seven different LEGAL gold traders.
Unless of course you are going to say this is all a lie and a con between Gordon Brown and his Brother to off load 395 tonnes of Gold illegally?
Somehow that would frankly be the biggest pile of bollox that I would seriously love to see your evidence for.
big question why did he do it!! and can you prove what you said! vote BNP while you can , you call him a (tit) yet you agree his policies and vote the likes of the lib/lab/con in to power WHY?? so he can flog off the rest / it was in the papers about his brother who has a different name to Brown.
Here is an article that shows how it was sold and how much the tit Brown managed to flush down the shitter based on todays prices:
I was slightly wrong in saying 7 Auctions it was actually done over 17 auctions.
And an article produced by the BNP isn’t evidence
Acutally Terence I am NOT a labour voter, and the evidence is there about the sale of 395 tonnes of the Gold Reserve Google it, however there is NO evidence there to support your claims that he flogged it off to his brother.
I mean how desperate to come up with that one, how did they manage it slipping a few bars in to his pockets once a week?
Somehow I think Gordon Brown knocking out 395 tonnes of Gold to his own brother would have stood out a few miles and would have made every major newspaper and TV station around the world.
So I think you’ll NOT be finding any evidence to support this ridiculous claim.
show us you proof that bnp policy is going to cost billions what about the trillions this gov is giving to the banks why do you not bleat about that! we can house our soldiers and there families we always have they are our children! we have millions of foreign asylum seekers and illegal immigrants costing millions/the BNP we enact the Tory policy to repatriate them,That will leave us with millions of pounds and hundred of houses! The soldiers would spend more in Britain creating more real jobs and more wealth for the nation!! VOTE BNP for common sense and unity! NO TO WAR bring our kids home. if you want a war you go and fight it
Actually the banks were not given trillions so your numbers are wrong there, but having said that if the banks were not bailed out EVERYONE in this country that had savings accounts would have lost their money thanks to bad banks.
Every pensioner who had worked and saved would have lost their savings and potentially their homes so if the Government hadn’t done what it did there would be millions of people in this country FAR FAR worse off than they are now.
And I notice you still haven’t provided any evidence of you claim that Gordon Brown knocked out 395 tonnes of gold to his brother?
That will be simply because their isn’t any and you ooohhh made that little story up (or the BNP did AGAIN)
Once again “vntbnp” your figures are wrong, there are only a TOTAL of 196,600 regular troops of which approx 10% are under training! with 41,600 TA (paid) , the Figure of 232,000 regular reserves is misleading as these are people who have LEFT the services and are on call (but unpaid) for a number of years in case of dire emergencies.
The commitments of our troops , excluding Afghanistan, which has less than 10,000 troops, are to various garrisons such as Cyprus, Gibralter, Belize & the Falklands, and other UN peacekeeping roles such as Sierra Leone, Cyprus and the Balkans.
However the British Armed services are having trouble in finding enough recruits because of the well known deficiencies in this criminally corrupt lying governments treatment,eg:- lack of essential supplies (helicopters etc), poor pay, (Traffic wardens get more pay than a soldier who is risking his life for us), poor housing, poor healthcare if they are wounded! This has lead to over 7000 foreign nationals being recruited mainly from the old British commonwealth and that does NOT count the Ghurkas!
My own son was begged by his old CO to come back shortly after he got out, having served in Kosovo & Iraq, he politely declined!
Actually NOT my figures they were quoted by your fellow BNP Supporter Andrew, so working with his figures NOT mine.
Then why on earth cut & paste other peoples posts , cant youi find your own figures! Do you have to flood this site with your continuing verbal diarrhoea!
Simply because I was in an debate with Andrew when the thread stopped being able to be added to, so I pasted in his last comment to continue the debate, simple really.
And EVERY time I quote figures I get told they are WRONG as you already did there, so I thought ok lets use the figures quoted by the BNP Supporter that way I can’t be accused of MAKING THEM UP.
Voteno does make a valid point, pretty much every item of information he/she (are you a he or she BTW? if you don’t mind me asking) supplies is considered a UAF or government lie!
If the figures used are from one of the BNP supporters commenting here (I didn’t check) it does suggest you are calling him/her a liar because you don’t like Voteno’s posts rather than actually going through the information/evidence supplied and deciding on the merits of the argument.
Wouldn’t it be more productive to argue why the figures or whatever are wrong than automatically attack Voteno’s posts because it’s Voteno?
I’ve thumbed up quite a few BNP supporters posts when I’ve agreed with them, where I agree with some, but not all of it I’ll not tick up or down. I’ll also give a thumbs up for a strong/valid argument even if I disagree with it to encourage more of the same.
It’s He David :-)
cheating really, and thats bad when you are so intent on trying unsuccessfully to knock the bnp. mind you we come to expect it from you UAF rolls thats why after a few of your silly comments people just give you the thumbs down as they have read your clap trap before! no offense meant! VOTE BNP
The only problem with that is they can’t afford to put up enough candidates in the next election as Nick Griffin already said in his last begging email for people to upgrade the memberships.
They won’t be putting up enough people to have ANY say what so ever in the next parliment, shame :-(
They have just been fined another £1,000 for NOT putting their accounts in to the Electoral Commission so that’s
33.33 MEMBERSHIPS WASTED ON PAYING A FINE BECAUSE THEY COULDN’T GET THE ACCOUNTS IN ON TIME, and it’s their second fine this year because they should have done it back in June.
If they can’t get their own accounts in on time what chance do they have of running the countries books?
even a blind man on a galloping hore would do better than Brown and his peers in the LIB/lab/con
VOTE BNP all we have,remember the BNP do not get nor do they want tax payers money the Equalities quangos have just took the BNP to court nice timing it has cost a lot of money, The BNP does not haver access to the millions of pound Trevor Phillips and Harrier harperson have access to, this is more intimidation by the communist gov! but the BNP will prevail it will survive it will get into power. I will upgrade my wife will to, to gold or life membership i was unaware of this problem ! VOTE BNP while you can the establishment are trying to destroy the only real opposition to there corruption and thievery. VOTE YES TO THE BNP
Like I said Terence if they can’t even get their own accounts right (six months late) and this has happened for the last three years they don’t have a cat in hells chance of understanding how an economy works do they?
What assurances have you had from Islamabad today that elections will take place by the middle of January? And secondly, why not tie British development aid – some £480 million over the next three years – to human rights and to those elections really being free and fair when you have opposition figures clearly being locked up?
Well I think that the first thing to say is that there is real uncertainty coming out of Pakistan at the moment. We have had different statements by different people in the government, from the Prime Minister to the Attorney General. I think that President Musharraf has the opportunity to be absolutely clear about election dates, about his own position as a civilian leader, about media freedom and about human rights. So that is the sort of clarity that I think can only be helpful for Pakistan. We have had no assurances other than those that you have seen on the television. We have communicated our view very clearly and strongly to the government in Pakistan, but I do think now is the time for clarity to help Pakistanis – never mind the rest of us – to be clear about the situation. I think now is not the time for threats to aid that is important for the Pakistani people. I obviously think it is important that we made the commitments we have to doubling of aid to Pakistan, which is a very important country and has big development needs and has actually been making significant progress on its development goal. But I think that the next few weeks are going to be critical in determining the international community’s engagement with Pakistan across a whole range of issues //milliband the £695 billion has been over a few years!! i did see it but cannot remember where at!£ 895 million to India last year!! Sir lanka/ Ham-mass the list is endless our money Rather give it to our troops to sit at home and spend money here creating jobs
no you have family there i don’t> i do no people who have been there and do not wish to go back! i have a good friend who served in iraq troop leader he is in a real mess suicidal totally wrecked! i agree withh some of your comments but sorry if i miss led you! I want our troops home i do not trust the lib/lab/con I support your family out there 100% but i want them home now safe!! BNP the only party for me no other choice done with the lib/lab/con and there sycophantic u-kip
David Cameron is ready to launch a long and fierce general election campaign early in the new year after a new poll today shows the Tories opening up a commanding 17-point lead over Labour.
The Conservatives are said to be preparing a nationwide poster campaign costing some £500,000, to be unveiled on 4 January, that will be seen as the opening shot in their bid to oust Gordon Brown from Downing Street. News of the plan, which was neither confirmed nor denied by the party last night, was leaked to Labour election strategists just days ago. As a result, they are planning to retaliate with a burst of internet campaign material on the same day.
Full Story:
And the BNP are hiding somewhere in the 11% of other minority parties including UKIP, Greens and all the others :-)
Who is he stealing the £500.000 plus from!! vote BNP the Tories have done enough damage to the working people of Britain do not give them a chance to finish the job VOTE BNP
CON =Lab= Lib=U/kip=con=lab=lib=u/kip how much longer are we going round in circles for getting ripped off are we stupid to let them take the pi** out of us! VOTE BNP while you can
i hope people are not fooled by the new Tory party under the bullington toff Cameron as we all where, under the new liebour Party under the Cameron clone BLAIR / they all say end to trough minster then dig there snouts in deeper! only the bnp will end this thievery hence the attacks and viral hatred of the BNP we will get the snouts out and put and end to this tyranny we will restore democracy SAY YES TO BNP
Ah I see the voting has picked up over night then, Labour really on a charge, looks like things may start to level off to a realistic picture soon enough.
It seems like Cameron has rallied some of his troops and made a small surge.Labour to have been phoning around its disheartened troops.They know that within 6 months they will be out of power for ever.So the only party they will vote for in future will be the BNP ,this goes for the tory voters too when they realise that Cameron is a new Blair surounded by more champagne socialists.THEY TO WILL DESERT AND PUT MR GRIFFIN WERE HE BELONGS 10 DOWNING ST.
So Vincent it isn’t just possible that people are finding this website themselves and posting their vote then?
It has to be that the parties are actually wasting time and money phoning people to come to a website that isn’t connected in any way to ANY party in some desperate attempt to get the vote up?
Man I think you’ve been reading to many conspiracy stories :-)
thats what your guilty of,where you not accusing the BNP of the same thing!! you are one twisted person you seem sick with hatred! for any thing British VOTE BNP you love twisting are you related TO Cameron or his twin Blair VOTE BNP get rid of the mess in gov. Blair Cameron one and the same will you be fooled again?new liebour New conservatives. a load of crap VOTE BNP look through the lies and spin
Vote Liebour or the BNP white supremacists, you decide?
I don’t find it helpful when commenter’s lower the quality of their comments by changing a parties name to degrade that political party: your use of the word Liebour in place of Labour.
Since you are a BNP supporter every time you use the term Liebour I’ll post something negative about the British National Party, AKA the British Nazi Party below your comment with the same approach you use Terence.
It’s childish I know, but I get the impression it’s the only sort of approach you’d understand. Fight fire with fire.
British National Party Deputy Chairman is a White Supremacist
In 2006, the party’s deputy chairman Scott McLean was filmed making Hitler salutes at a white supremacist cross-burning ceremony where racist songs were sung and jokes made about Auschwitz.
Well it doesn’t get much worse than this for the British Nazi Party, why was a person like this an official of the BNP in 2006 IF the BNP are moving away from it’s National Front Racist roots?
i do not no of this white supremacist But neither do i care for his opinion that his he’s problem he has to deal with it!! I prefer a nut like him to the likes of Liebour Blair who is responsible for the genocidal massacre of 2000 Serbs . and I believe 80.000 men women and children in Iraq, this mans wife Cherie has made million fighting for asylum seekers to stay in Britain through loop holes and legal aid £8 million in one year I believe he lets them in she cleans up!! So a sad little man i have never heard, whats his name or what he does in his spare time is irrelevant to me !! I lot more at stake and to worry about. like being dragged into the E>U the global warming Scam/TAX TAX TAX/lies lies lies . theft theft theft YES by the liebour PARTY and the LIB?LAB?CON AXIS OF EVIL vote BNP
PS he can be a Black panther so long as he want rid of the most evil tyrannical dictatorship in living memory, and I have lots of reasons to rant thanks to this corrupt shower of lieing thieves.You wonder why I rant !when people like you can put up with this and bleat and prattles about silly little comment some one makes expanding a mole hill into a mountain while choosing to ignore the rancid corruption that is affecting thousand of ordinary working people VOTE BNP time for real change
“thats what your guilty of,where you not accusing the BNP of the same thing!!”
The difference Terrence is there’s lots of evidence the BNP are trying to manipulate my general election poll (look on their website). There is no evidence any of the other political parties are doing the same.
I’ve emailed the Liberal Democrats about it and they haven’t sent hundreds of poll voting visitors like the BNP website has. I plan to email Labour and the Conservatives as well, but don’t hold out much hope of them doing anything.
With my site it’s only the BNP supporters who are going out of their way to manipulate the results of the general election poll. Majority of the other votes are from people searching for things in Google like “2010 General Election Poll”. Go to Google and paste 2010 General Election Poll into the search box and note which page is at number 1.
Most non BNP supporters coming to my site are finding their way here without an agenda, most don’t even bother to vote in the polls.
Terrence why are you twisted with hatred towards anything not BNP, have you considered seeking professional help?
i seem to remember you making a similar statement about the BNP .I am delighted with this poll considering you say we are getting no where and we are a minor party ! WOW there is not a lot between us onward and upward the BNP machine rolls on !!people have had enough of the lib/lab/con liers thieves war criminals destroyers of Britain and its cultural heritage YES YES TO THE BNP in Downibg street show the upper class toffs who controls this country it is the people not tyrants in the pig house vote BNP lets have a real change
You sound really silly with these types of conspiracies, you seriously believe David Cameron even knows this poll exists and is so concerned at the BNP’s results he’s rallied the Tories to vote?
I see it now:
SKY News Reporter: Mr Cameron what exciting political things have you done today?
David Cameron: Well, I’ve had a very productive day, we’ve been working on our general election manifesto, but my second in command alerted me to a general election poll where the BNP are holding their own. Realising it’s importance to the election I obviously dropped what I was doing and phoned all my Tory homeys to vote Conservative in the poll. It was close, but we got there in the end.
Your conspiracy theory is especially funny when we had one day where 300+ BNP supporters direct from the BNP website voted in one day (that was the day the BNP took the lead in the poll). Other than the Monster Raving Loony votes I don’t think another party has received over 100 votes in one day (I haven’t really been checking though).
It’s the BNP supporters who are trying to manipulate this poll (and a very, very popular forum who thought it would be funny to get their members to vote Monster Raving Loony Party one weekend, 900 votes).
I would bet every penny I own that the BNP will not gain 18%+ of the popular vote next year.
A few stats about the poll.
Polls been live 105 days.
Average number of votes per day 93.
Average BNP votes per day 19.
Average Conservative votes per day 22.
It’s not a lot of people considering the site as a whole sees about 2,000 visitors! Not all the visitors see this poll (I’d estimate about a 1/3rd go to this page), conclusion a lot of people just don’t care about political polls and the BNP supporters despite posting a link to this page all over the main BNP website (supposedly the most popular political site online) can only manage on average to get 19 BNP supporters to vote per day!
The forum who as a joke asked it’s members to vote Monster Raving Loony Party managed about 800 votes in one day. If the BNP are so widely supported now and the BNP website oh so popular, why with dozens of links to this page almost begging BNP supporters to vote BNP here can they only manage 19 votes per day?
Before you consider accusing me of deleting BNP votes or something, there’s not been a single accusation of deleting BNP votes. I had one BNP supporter almost daily posting the poll results on the BNP website, so he/she would have noticed if the BNP numbers went down.
I’m afraid the BNP are still a minor political party and will be doing well if they gain any MPs next year. Consider UKIP will be taking some of the BNP’s supporters next time, the BNP could do worse than in 2005 because of UKIP. There are two Euro skeptic parties now and UKIP are like the BNP perceived as a one policy party: BNP it’s immigration, UKIP it’s Europe.
The argument about the BNP is rather infantile.
You know most people vote by tradition. The only people who are going to vote on this site are those who care enough to go looking for a poll they can air their views on.
In no way can anyone claim that this poll reflects the national view.
On voting day next year, millions will vote in the first past the post system. Most will vote by rote, without thinking, so expect a Tory victory.
Labour will do well, because of people like yourself who will vote Labour come hell or high water.
That just leaves the thinking public, who are few in number, and they can be expected to vote as their thoughts direct them, which means that BNP may well win a few seats, and a few seats will be enough to let the established elite know that they are living in a democracy, not a dictatorship.
We want our country back.
Vote BNP.
“The argument about the BNP is rather infantile.”
What precisely is infantile about my arguments?
Kind of funny coming from a person who’s arguments are generally deluded. So how many MP’s do you think the BNP will get next year? You say a few, does that mean 3, just curious for the “I told you so” comments I plan to make after the general election when Nick Griffin isn’t Prime Minister and hopefully not an MP either :-)
I wonder what the bookmakers odds on are for Nick Griffin to be an MP next year?
What you call “people vote by tradition” I call people voting for the party they most agree with out of what is available.
Take the reasons my wife and I vote Labour.
I voted Conservative when I was about 18 years old, my mother voted Tory and despite having no money at that age I voted for them because I knew one day I’d have money and I wanted to keep it all (I was selfish). Now I’m making a good living I see things very, very differently (we don’t need all the money I earn) and I’m happy to share through taxes some of what I earn to help the country run better. You get what you pay for and if you pay the government peanuts for services, expect a service suitable for monkeys.
My wife has always voted Labour other than when voting tactically (we both voted Lib Dem in an area where Labour didn’t stand a chance).
So we both traditionally vote Labour, because we both see Labour as the best of the two main parties.
That being said as Labour have remained in power neither of us are that impressed with Labour right now (they have become weak), but we are both far less impressed with how the Conservatives ran the country last time they were in power and don’t trust the Conservatives to do what is right for the hard working people of Britain.
We are in a situation of supporting Labour’s general aims, but not being happy with how Labour MP’s are running the country, so what do you do???
We won’t vote Conservative, we disagree even more with the BNP’s aims, UKIP again not what we want, Green’s erm, no thank you have you read their policies, they care more about animals than people!! Lib Dems, maybe, but only in an area where they stood a chance of winning and even then we have a two party system and I want the people I vote for to actual have some power to act on my behalf.
Conclusion we have little choice but to vote Labour or waste our vote.
We’d change our vote IF there was a viable option, but there isn’t.
All that being said we live in an area that in 2005 had a Conservative majority of around 6,000, so with Labour’s support falling significantly since the last election we know Labour won’t win here.
Best we can hope for is a hung parliament and I’m not sure that would be good for the country. A Labour/Liberal Democrat coalition would be interesting IMO.
I see what you mean we aren’t a part of the “thinking public”, we vote Labour because we’ve always voted Labour and to change would give us headaches.
There is also the other issue to consider David, when the BNP where winning this poll they were very victorious in the way they spoke about it, but now it isn’t going so well it doesn’t mean anything.
The BNP supporters have a very blinkered view of the world around them and only see anything that is in their favour.
When you point out a negative you generally find them either running out some standard OPEN YOUR EYES rubbish or resort to basic insults.
They have no ability to really see that even if the BNP get 1 or even 2 MPs elected next year they won’t have any power in Parliment, yet they assume that this will give them some kind of power and the country will suddenly think they are all powerful.
But the basic fact is they will have no more power than a couple of independent MPs and will basically be ignored in the grand scheme of things in politics and won’t have any effect on policy.
Judging from the recent BNP leavers and the current goings on within the Nationalist Movement and the fact that the BNP seem to be financially knackered and that they could be facing fraud charges from the electoral commission next January, plus the “so called” constitution change vote which by all accounts Griffin intends to push through without the vote of the membership anyway I would suggest that come the election the party will be so weakened from within that they will struggle to muster enough support from their own limited membership yet alone the mass voting public.
you vote liebour you must be stark raving mad I ditched them after Voting the dictator and war monger Blair in I will never vote for them again. I cannot vote Tory as they destroyed the trades union and miners,took the milk of our kids and shipper vital jobs out of our country? I cannot vote Liebour I do not want the Blood of our soldiers on my hands or the blood of the SERBS Iraqis Afghans NO THANK YOU Nor can I vote for A part who promised a Referendum on the E?U of which I want out.Then lied and reneged on the promise, totally
untrustworthy lib/lab/con/u-kip are united in allowing uncontrolled mass invasion into our country I opposite it do not want large numbers coming here i believe most scrounging! NO ONE AS ASKED ME!! yet they ask our children too die in their nefarious wars .It leaves only one door open for me the only real opposition THE BNP thank god we have them or I would have no one to vote for!! VOTE YES TO THE BNP
Vote Liebour or Hitler Admirers (BNP), you decide?
I don’t find it helpful when commenter’s lower the quality of their comments by changing a parties name to degrade that political party: your use of the word Liebour in place of Labour.
Since you are a BNP supporter every time you use the term Liebour I’ll post something negative about the British National Party, AKA the British Nazi Party below your comment with the same approach you use Terence.
It’s childish I know, but I get the impression it’s the only sort of approach you’d understand. Fight fire with fire.
British National Party Officials Admire Adolf Hitler!
Mark Collett when the BNP youth leader stated his admiration for Adolf Hitler, saying “I’d never say this on camera, the Jews have been thrown out of every country including England. It’s not just persecution. There’s no smoke without fire.” Some visitors to the party’s annual “Red White and Blue” festival, wore the legend “88” (code for HH, “Heil Hitler”) on shirts. Collett resigned from the party after the documentaries filming, but rejoined shortly afterwards, with Griffin’s approval, on the condition that Collett change his views on the subject.
Mark Collett is currently (December 2009) the BNP’s head of publicity, what a dick head to admire a mass murderer and anti-semitic nutter like Hitler. If the BNP have shed their anti-semitic and Nazi (National Front) roots, why is this man still part of the British National Party? It draws me to the conclusion the BNP have more in common with World War 2 Nazi War criminals than today’s hard working British, multi-cultural working class.
you have me here I do not like multiculturalism //NO one has asked me.its been foisted on me! No i hate no one but this is my country my land my home . I have generations interned around me> they fought at the Crimea?gallipoly Burma, Dunkirk/ Flanders at sea on the HMS hood, Korea. / against the turks the germans the SPanish Vikings Romans. my family worked in bondage in the workhouses starved worked down the mines in the cotton mills . in the fields faced death destruction in the blitz // now i live in a multicultural country and no one took the time to ask me if it was O?K . Have we fought struggled sweated blood and tears bno one came here then !!to have what we did it for taken from us Sorry not on!! VOTE BNP
i see the most feared despot and tyrant in our time STALIN. lither pails into insignificance when put along side him! he massacred 10 million people in the Ukraine The biggest Holocaust I no off there are several!Hitler was nothing compared to these communists>NOW i would not want to make a choice I am glad they are all history! BUT SEVERAL members of the labor party hero worship the evil vile man STALIN< out of the two I would choose Hitler as he killed the least. HOW CAN YOU support a party that holds these people in esteem a party that has IRA terrorists in its ranks party that lauds Mandela A convicted terrorist who spent years in jail for it!!Killing white people and Black's Peter Hain suspected thieve.the criminals in the labor party are to numerous to mention. So i am fine with the BNP lesser of the evils
Tut,tut…It seems you are with the majority who vote for the party they least dislike.
You see no other alternatives, but can you summon the courage, in the 2010 general election, and vote for REAL change?
Will you vote for the smallest party or an independent you least dislike? Or perhaps, can you as a well educated man with the means, pay the deposit for a chosen ideal candidate friend, find support/finance for the canvassing and vote for him or her?
It’s a fair comment, I am unfortunately in that position.
I have considered voting for a smaller party knowing it would be a wasted vote in our first past the post voting system, though it won’t count, but at least I’d be saying I REALLY WANT THIS (I can appreciate that mindset). I’ve looked at smaller parties and nothing draws me to them, my politics has me between Labour and Liberal Democrats, so as I’m not that happy with Labour currently the obvious choice would be Lib Dems, but then it’s a wasted vote in my area :-)
I currently still plan to vote Labour, if we had proportional representation I would be drawn to the Lib Dems for a change, if they could get 150 MP’s they’d have some power, especially under PR with smaller parties like the BNP/Greens/UKIP taking seats as well: 5% of the popular vote for the BNP theoretically gives them 30 MPs under PR.
If an independent impressed me then yes I’d consider voting for them, even if it was on a single issue that I cared passionately about. I’d have to be really impressed with the person, I wouldn’t vote for a celebrity for example, just because they are a celebrity (that really winds me up)! I don’t know anyone personally who’d want to stand as an independent and yes I’d consider helping out**.
**The fact I’ve created this site and dedicating far more time to it than any of my other sites (that pay the mortgage) tells you I’m interested in politics beyond moaning about MPs down the pub.
BTW you got the comment threading right, the post you commented on has a lot of responses below it, so it looked like it wasn’t in the right place (deleted the comment about the comment threading).
Vote for REAL change…
A thoughtful reply, David, thank you.
I disagree with you on only one point: No vote is a
wasted vote, even when voting tactically.
I notice the important subject of proportional representation, has only been mentioned by you anywhere on the forums…
…to encourage the complacent non voters and give every vote real power we desperately need that system changing start.
But it aint gonna happen.
Labour and Conserative governments know what is at stake for them (OMG! the BNP will gain seats) if they allow proportional representation. In this matter I had respect for the Liberal Democrats, when they were the only party that pushed for the voting system change.
It seems to have gone far down the list of LibDem
agendas and I wish Nick Clegg would make it a priority issue. Now that would be REAL change.
“I see what you mean we aren’t a part of the “thinking public”, we vote Labour because we’ve always voted Labour and to change would give us headaches.”
That says it all!!! You run a political debating site yet vote with your eyes and mind closed? Labour have abandoned all they ever stood for and have now become nothing more than a marxist communist party intent on destroying our once great country and you blindly vote for more!!!!
David with respect its people like you responsible for the mess we are in!
BBC – Nick Robinson’s Newslog: Read all about it ….
25 Mar 2008 … Agree absolutely with trying to get MP’s expenses publicised. …. had it not been for the questions posed by Michael Barnbrook of the BNP, …
For evidence that it was the BNP that submitted the F.O.I on expenses as you requested simply google it.
I rest my case, Britain needs a few BNP MP’s to once again establish democracy
Clearly you’ve not read many of my past comments as to why I’ll vote Labour and would consider Lib Dems at this general election.
Just look though the comments, I’m not a mindless voter who thinks Labour are awesome and all other parties are evil conspiracists.
Oops, that only works with “a mindless voter who thinks the BNP are awesome and all other parties are evil conspiracists”.
i would put nothing past Cameron Brown or Blair if The BNP is such a minor party as you imply Then why did they (lib/lab/con)attack the BNP with wicked ferocity during the E/U . because they are racists Nazis if you believe that you believe pigs can fly! they did it because the BNP are real opposition the only true opposition to there rancid pernicious nefarious thievery!they stole £2million pounds plus to keep the BNP out in mass media campaigns using I believe Blue digital from America.They will spend more tax payers cash this time Not trying to stop each other but trying to
stop the BNP /But it is to late the BNP are on the March ! when we have the new regime we will have black nationalist uniting with us plus the stupid absurdity of perceived racism will be gone! The BNP will get into gov; mark my word on that!
What is it with BNP supporters and using words and phrases like:
wicked ferocity
rancid pernicious nefarious thievery
Does the BNP put out a little booklet of silly things to say online as many of them use similar language?
Don’t get me wrong, whenever I read a comment or article using language like the above it gives me a little chuckle, so please keep it up, it lightens the mood.
I write a lot online and would be embarrassed to write that way “you wicked ferocious rancid pernicious nefarious commenter, you” :-)
Do you use a thesaurus maybe to come up with comments like this?
no it is nothing to do with the BNP it is just the way I feel about the failure etc/of the people I once trusted to do thee best for this nation they have let me down my family down >i have had enough of them >so i say it as i see it. nefarious pernicious vile corrupt/ These words came from liebour party people in their vile attack on the BNP .giving a bit back VOTE BNP nice to get personal makes me feel as though i am getting through to you waking you up hope i am successful. I am not an official of the BNP i was a member of the liebour party for several years but got fed up paying so dropped out.I was a member of the local liebour club and was on the committee for 7years/ i will never vote for them again never ever!! VOTE BNP
I would say its damn good use of the English language and shows the richness of words available and imparts emotional content to the post.
Makes me smile too :-)
Vote BNP
Save Britain
(From the rancid pernicious nefarious thieves)
the BNP are not against immigration they are against illegals and the invasion of Britain by not hundreds but thousands of foreigners NO one asked ME The BNP want out of the E?U
The BNP want and end to the WAR now and bring our troops home; The BNP want to house our people before Invaders
The BNP want jobs for british workers ?people Born here BLACK or White. the list goes on
U-kip is a liebour front party I believe set up by killjoy Silk and C/O VOTE BNP i think you are pretty straight with the poll. If not you only delude your self
Terence you need to get you conspiracies in the right order:
Green Party = Labour front
UKIP – Conservative front
That’s the BNP explanation, so if you are going to bang out the conspiracy theories at least get them the right way round.
You’ve missed the “fake Welsh Plaid Cymru party” as well :-)
I got the news aggregator to work at and saw earlier today.
I guess in the BNP’s eyes there’s only two distinct political parties/groups
And everyone else
It’s one thing having normal BNP supporters (like Terence) spouting silly political conspiracy theories, but it’s madness to post this sort of crazy talk as actual political BNP party news!
I would not be that surprised if at BNP events they wear tin foil hats to stop the New World Order government reading their thoughts :-)
Why on Earth would anyone vote for conspiracy nuts like those running the BNP? Before creating this website I had no idea Nick Griffin et al believed in silly conspiracies. That would have been a great question for Nick Griffin on Question Time.
What do the members of the panel think about the New World Order?
So what your saying is that this did not happen and the BNP are making it up!! Prove it!! vote BNP/ remember the real problems of this country are not caused nor have been caused by the BNP the BNP is the solution!! not the problem/ VOTE BNP rather conspiracy that may be rite..than out rite theft double dealing lies and war crimes Has to BE BNP I rant!! more I ran! as I have had enough enough!!! I say enough!! Again RANT RANT RANT!! join the resistance bring our kids home before the total reaches a 1000 just look at the misery caused we don’t want families going through this for no real reason not our war!! VOTE BNP ignore the stupidity and traitor’s of the quislings see through the fog
of political lies and manipulation have the courage trust you heart !! as Cromwell said to the house of
plenty and this lot are far worse” get thee from this place yee have defiled it with your filth , is there not one vile sin known to god that yee do not practice get thee gone hence from this place ” this applies to to day Griffin will remove them with our help!! VOTE BNP
Plaid Cymru AM Mohammad Asghar has crossed the floor to join the Conservatives in the Welsh assembly.
The defection was announced by Welsh Conservative leader Nick Bourne and Shadow Welsh Secretary Cheryl Gillan.
Mr Asghar, the assembly’s only ethnic minority AM, said he felt “out of tune” with Plaid policies, in particular its desire for an independent Wales.
Plaid Cymru said his decision was a “shock” and called for him to be “honourable” and resign his seat.
It is the first time an AM has left one party to join another, although others have sat as independents after resigning or being expelled from their own parties.
Mr Asghar was elected as a regional AM for South Wales East in 2007.
And the BBC give the unbiased truth do they? lol.
Lets look at some news closer to home-
Plaid AM Mohammad Asghar defected to Tories after being told he could not employ his daughter as press officer
Loyal chap isnt he?
I suppose Wales Online is a BNP front too?
Vote BNP
Save Britain
No I don’t enter in to conspiracy theories at all unlike certain people. However as you can see from your own report there he was told he could employ here (apart from an internal rule) so I would suggest that it certainly wasn’t the only reason he left Plaid, and many MPs move around parties a lot more than we tend to hear about take Mt Griffin he has been through EVERY nationalist party un till he got to the top.
So it can also be looked at as natural movement at the same time.
Mohammad Asghar Crosses the Floor!
Anonymous said…
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
8 December 2009 11:29
Anonymous said…
Thank god. Both him and his daughter are extremely opportunistic individuals. His attitude towards women is quite appalling and his politics is wishy-washy to say the least. Natasha was a no-show in supporting the party at the European elections campaign despite being a candidate.
Plaid’s biggest liability is now the Tories headache!!Good luck Nick!
8 December 2009 13:07
Anonymous said…
He was elected to represent a portion of society, and has proved that his personal gains come before fulfilling the duty that was bestowed upon him and entrusted to him.
In 2 years he will be history, he never was elected personally, neither will he be in Wales. I just feel sorry for the proportion of society that will not be represented now despite coming in with the duty of proportional representation. Simply a man unable to do a job. And having had his election costs covered by Plaid and its supporters, a biter of the hand that fed him.
Stand down Oscar. Please, so that we can be represented as democratically expressed. Wales is not your plaything, we don’t want you, we never did.
Good catch eh?
Vote BNP
Save Britain
Not really I personally don’t like the man having met him a few years back, but who the party choice to stand for them in Wales is up to the local party and not me personally.
“So what your saying is that this did not happen and the BNP are making it up!”
No I’m not saying that at all, I was giving an example where the BNP is calling the Plaid Cymru party fake, another member of the big BNP conspiracy theory.
I’m sorry, but if you believe all this conspiracy nonsense you can’t be very intelligent, just another mindless BNP drone. If all these political parties are really one party under different names, why do they go out of their way to damage one another with such vigor? It doesn’t make sense, they’d keep quite when one of them does something wrong as it would send votes to the BNP.
I can’t believe I’m even wasting my time discussing retarded ideas like these, BNP supporters who believe this sort of rubbish are idiots and quite frankly deserve someone like Griffin to lead them: right into a straight-jacket and padded room.
sorry you are rite doesn’t matter really which way round you put them so long as the truth is out VOTE BNP..
Terence is there anything in BNP land that isn’t a conspiracy?
The BNP Immigration policy is to completely stop immigration dead with no plans to restart it in the future, they also want to remove as many legal immigrants as possibly by paying each legal immigrant 10s of thousands of tax payers hard earned money to leave as well!!!
So you don’t even know your own parties immigration policy Terrence! The BNP are anti-immigration.
Now UKIP the Tory front, they plan to halt immigration for 5 years except under exceptional circumstances.
I don’t like either of their immigration policies.
well after 60 years of mass invasion i think it is time to shut the door!! it can be revued in the future! to many people here at best i believe we can only feed 30 million << so the door needs to close the invasion is costing us Billions year on year ! so in the long term we will save a lot !!to be decent and give them a bit to help them get home and have a bit of a life rebuilding there own countries is a good idea After all so the lib./lab/con say they built our land so if they go home they can be a great credit to their home lands
!! good idea really!! vote BNP we can then help our pensioners we will have more room better housing cheaper bills! more greener less emissions if you believe in that myth as we will have more reserves less people using them,less traffic less congestion
But i do not want to talk bnp policy i would rather talk labour policy and what you think is good in it as I have had enough of them
ps If you want mass invasion=immigration asylum I think it should be explained to the indigenous people then given a national vote without postal votes,I think they should be forced to give us our referendum on the E/u .THESE THINGS ARE IMPORTANT and should not be forced on the people of this country by anyone !!
Would that be because postal voting is all a rigged conspiracy Terence?
what do you think ?? seriously?? considering most people caught fiddling have done so in postal votes!! Now what policies do you agree with in the TORY party what is it that makes you vote for more corruption more job losses more cheap labor more invasion and Why ??More wars more deaths WHY??
So you do think that postal voting is a conspiracy then pmsl yet another deluded pile of old BS.
Do I need to remind you of the BNP supporter who tried to rig a local election this year by using his landlords name to try and cast a vote for the BNP in the EU Election even though the BNP didn’t have a candidate standing.
It seems the BNP have been putting this one around since the local council election LOSSES they have had after the EU Election.
It seems they find it hard to accept that people are not voting for them in the numbers they hoped so of course it has to be a rigged ballot or some kind of conspiracy rather than just THEY LOST fair and square.
Will that “tax payers” money leaving our economy be any different to the billions of pounds being sent every year to Poland? Wake up and smell the coffee!
You are one sick mother F* to want to destroy our nation even more than it is Why the hatred the jealousy.why put down a nation who have given you education a good job home and safety surely you should have respect. But not you!! WE will not despair we will regain our land come hell our high water .After the Tories their will be nothing left but mayhem !! VOTE BNP while you can
You hypocritical fool!
Two days ago you posted in response to Vote No To BNP using the F word in a much less worse way than you have above.
Vote No To BNP said: “So your answer is f### it then?
Terence said: “is there really a need for the F word!! do not demean your self more than you have to!!”
And I agreed with you.
Now you make a comment with this trash talk which is far worse that “F### it”:
“You are one sick mother F* to want to destroy our nation even more than it is”
You absolute hypocrite! Talk about those BNP supporter double standards again!!!
no vote no to BNP used the F word in its entirety I did not ! i left it to you to work out there by stopping children reading it and giving courtesy to women. F *** could have meant Flipping > or Fanciful flashing/flatter/ flighty/fluster flutter need i say more!! so please if you wish to support your friend at least get it rite With TH***S
HE said**** i cannot repeat it !!
I’m going to delete some of the minor political parties from the poll that have received few votes so this poll can go on the sidebar.
If I can get it down to around 10 voting options it should fit. As it is, it’s too big.
If I get it on the sidebar every visitor to the site will see it and will make it easier to vote.
Excellent idea David my suggestions would be:
Main UK parties
Main Scottish parties
Main Welsh Parties
Main Irish Parties
and a few minor parties like UKIP/Greens/BNP etc maybe more than 10 though to cover just the main parties.
I’ve cut it down to 11 options, and collated all the votes I deleted into Other Parties (so no votes been lost). Have saved the voting numbers before making the changes for what the parties I removed received and will make another poll for Irish parties etc… for anyone who feels Other Parties just isn’t good enough :-)
I’m in two minds if to delete the Monster Raving Loony Party now, although they are real visitors (even if it was a joke) with deleting all the minor parties it doesn’t make sense to have them in this poll.
I’ll push the sidebar poll menu to the top when I get the formatting fixed (some code work needed first). For the sidebar poll to fit I have to keep the number of options down (already got too much on the sidebars :-)).
Plan to add two new general election polls to this page to cover Northern Ireland and Scotland. Based on the results of the main 2010 general election poll I don’t think they’ll get much interest, but for covering all areas it makes sense.
So far have:
Who will you vote for in Northern Ireland in the 2010 general election?
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)
Sinn Féin Party
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP)
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP)
Alliance Party
Other Political Parties
Who will you vote for in Scotland in the 2010 general election?
Labour Party
Liberal Democrats Party
Scottish National Party (SNP)
Conservative Party
Scottish Socialist Party
Scottish Green Party
Other Political Parties
These are both based on results from the 2005 general election, like the main poll I’ve ordered the parties based on popular vote from the 2005 general election.
Am I missing any significant parties?
These changes do throw up one issue, Plaid Cymru Party (Wales) has been missed out, so will probably have to add that party back to the main poll (they do have 3 MPs).
I would put plyaid back in the main poll as it is seen as the only other welsh party really other than the main, unlike Scotland which does haveSNP Scotish Labour etc
I’ve put the Plaid Cymru Party back and removed everything Scotland and Northern Ireland only which are now in their own polls (hoping I’ve not missed any).
All the votes from the main poll (including Monster Raving Loony) that have been removed have gone into Other political Parties.
Time to fix the formatting of the sidebar poll and see if it results in more of this sites visitors voting.
to day the BNP is becoming main stream so you should include the BNP why haven’t you Afraid they may get a good vote YES VOTE BNP
I’ve based the Scotland and Northern Ireland general election polls on the 2005 general election results.
I’ve left out minor parties and from the information I’ve based the two new polls on the BNP are not relevant in Scotland or Northern Ireland (feel free to prove me wrong?). This is also true for the three main parties when it comes to Northern Ireland which is why Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat are not options in that poll.
How many BNP candidates will there be in Scotland during the 2010 general election?
How many BNP candidates will there be in Northern Ireland during the 2010 general election?
Also how many BNP candidates in Scotland and Northern Ireland were there in 2005?
Have a feeling there’s little point for the BNP having candidates in Northern Ireland (feel free to correct me if you can prove I’m wrong).
you are definatly wrong with the state of the country anything can happen look at this pole the BNP are doing quite well considering the attacks by the UAF Trolls and thugs .people are seeing through the fog of lies and deception people are becoming aware people are getting courage So they should have some one to vote for! like my self I have had enough of the others I have voted for them trusted them they have failed me Now i want rid of them the only opposition is the BNP SAY YES TO THE BNP
Why should you get a suggestion are you in league with the editor ! your comments count little really as they rant about the BNP thats all you do ! you do not say anything about the failed policies and corruption of the lib/lab/con you ignore it but you try to pick on little pathetic things you make up or exaggerate about the BNP! WHY do you choose to ignore and not discus the failed policies and destruction of my nation by the liers and thieves in gov. yet you try to demean nick griffin all the time. You will not admit to or talk about the failure of years of bad gov mismanagement out rite
theft but would make issue if nick griffin was seen eating an Indian take away . people like you are responsible for the mess our country is in I am convinced you are not an English/Irish Welsh or Scottish person. you I believe are an Ethnic hence your rabid hatred of the BNP, due to the fact you could not join as you are not indigenous! sorry about that, VOTE BNP for the Best of British
“Why should you get a suggestion are you in league with the editor ! your comments count little really as they rant about the BNP thats all you do !”
Anyone reading this can make a suggestion, so far only one person has gone to the effort of helping me out on changing the poll, thanks Vote No To BNP.
And you’ll note I didn’t take on board all his suggestions, though do appreciate the constructive feedback.
David I thought this was wall your idea I thought you was an intellectual taking no sides,Why then would you require without asking people assistance in the alteration of your page that may exclude parties people may wish to vote for why the change why is it your bosom buddy (pat on Back))is the only one butting in ,i would not be cheeky or presume to think for one minute that you needed help . NOW had you asked I could have given you my ideas!! I am afraid this is beginning to look a bit suspicious there we go again the BNP and suspicion?? tut tut!! naught BNP say yes to the BNP/I wonder if you are both panic stricken with the vote the BNP have got hence the change yes yes yes to the BNP that was a good rant feel better now NICK GRIFFIN FOR PRIME MINISTER thats even better
Since you and your BNP drones (yes I’m using a phrase Vote No To BNP used in another comment, it describes your type) believe everything is an anti-BNP conspiracy, here’s why I changed the poll.
Approx. 2,000 people visit this site a day.
About 1/3rd probably see this poll page.
Of those less than 100 vote per day.
If I can get everyone visiting this site to at least see the poll maybe more will vote.
The WordPress plugin that creates the poll has an option to add a sidebar widget that holds a single poll and that will result in more people seeing the poll.
The original poll had 27 options.
27 options is a bit big for a sidebar menu, (there is already too much stuff on the sidebars) so I wanted to bring it down to around 10 poll options.
All my idea, 10 minutes before I started editing the parties available to vote etc… I added a comment here, was added so people like you won’t jump to conclusions that the BNP votes will be removed next or that it’s some conspiracy to keep the BNP out of power.
Vote No To BNP gave a few suggestions as I was working on the changes, I incorporated some of the suggestions, but not all. He suggested keeping the Scotland and Northern Ireland options, I instead moved them to new polls (my idea).
I removed the Welsh party, he suggested I put it back as there was no where else to put them, I agreed.
Had anyone else made good suggestions I’d try to take them on board if I think they’d work. For example a few BNP supporters wanted a Political Videos page and though I first disagreed with the idea, I added one (they were right, it’s been popular).
In the poll on your top 5 reasons to vote I’ve added Political Correctness and Islamification because of visitor requests.
If you or anyone else has a constructive suggestion for the site (any part of it) I’m very open to consider their views no matter who they are or which political party they support (that includes you BTW).
And as I mentioned way too many times I’m not unbiased, I have an opinion and I state it: I don’t like the BNP. I do try to be fair, but I’m sure at times I’ll favour what I agree with, I am only human after all.
Anyone reading this can make a suggestion, so far only one person has gone to the effort of helping me out on changing the poll, thanks Vote No To BNP.
And you’ll note I didn’t take on board all his suggestions, though do appreciate the constructive feedback.
this is your comment // now you say you have accepted bnp suggestions for video, Why then say no one else gave you any suggestions Hypocritical i think or is the fact the BNP is doing so well, rattling your cage You hate the thought of giving credit to the BNP , thee seems to be love in your eyes for Vote NO > You people would see Nick Griffin If he saved the life of several people/ Your comment if there was one would be”FASCIST RACIST Accidentally fell over resulting in
saving People.
IF Cameron Brown Or Blair accidentally saved a toy dog Your Headlines would read , CAMERON or Brown gloriously magnificently threw their best coat into the pool raced across mine fields ,dived over Exocets ,swam against the current killed twenty fascist to rescue dead dog
this is your twisted ideology !! when lies become truth and truth is distorted into lies
you people are in fact the brainwashed brain dead zombies in the dawn of the dead SAY YES TO THE BNP for god children and country
Well that one came across as a pointless post really.
Terence you are loosing the plot, take a chill pill it’s Christmas.
If you have a constructive suggestion for the site, please I’d love to hear it?
Calm down Terence it’s only an online poll it’s not the real election.
i am quite calm !! maybe i do rant at times .with good cause ,thanks for your concern/ MAY i rant If I wish gets all the emotion out of me I just hate injustice! when I see our soldiers being killed through the lib/lab/con I get very upset /when I see the coffins returning I get very upset NOT SO you calm placid people who do not care less! If you did you would vote BNP to bring hem home! What is your name why are you hiding/SAY yes to the BNP END THE WAR NOW before the toll reaches 1000 / VOTE BNP
Another suggestion would be to make it more visable on the main page to attract more votes as well :-)
Ok rather than just ranting about I want to vote this that god bless them and all that BS, lets try something new lets all see what actual policies of our own we can come up with, so I start one off and as it seem to be a fav the BNP I’ll start will an immigration policy of my own for you and lets see if anyone else can come up with one of their OWN rather than a copy of someone elses:
1. The tightening of the existing points based system for entry
2. A cap on total numbers of immigrants allowed in to the country
(these two are effectively a combination of the Labour and Tory proposals that I see would work much better if combined)
3. Student’s: Cut down on the number of students allowed a visa
3.1 Students MUST be able to pay their own way (rather than taking up jobs that British people could take), if they cannot fund their stay as a student then NO visa.
3.2 People on student visa’s should have a certain level of English (no need to be fluent but at least have a good working understanding of the Language)
3.3 The numbers of students allowed in each year should also be capped
3.4 The current legislation allowing students to stay once they have completed a degree level course should be revised to ONLY allowed to stay if that qualification is of use to this country (i.e. if the student has a degree that gives them the skills required to carry out jobs that other British people are not qualified to do, and they can find a job then they can stay)
4. Economic Immigrants: where we have a skills shortage and therefore a need for an economic migrant they should ONLY be allowed to come on the understanding that they already have a secure job offer and they come here under a contract of employment for a fixed period of time, and CANNOT stay after that contract has ended.
4.1 Where the employer can prove that person is still required due to lack of qualified British people they can apply to have that contract extended un till such time a suitable qualified British candidate can be employed.
4.2 If said economic migrant then marries a British citezen then all the normal checks should be done to ensure the marriage is not fake etc, and allowed to stay but then like the US they have to remain in the country for a fixed period of time (not allowed to leave at all) at which point they can apply for citezenship.
5. Citezenship: un till an immigrant has gained full British citizenship they should NOT be entitled to claim any state benefits, although they should be allowed to access the NHS as they would have been paying for that right via income tax etc.
That’s just a part of what I would suggest, I just can’t be arsed to write it all :-)
See what happens when you suggest that people use their own minds to come up with policy ideas …. THEY can’t do it, yet they are more than happy to launch some basic attacks not even above the level of 2 year olds.
Well I think it shows who actually has free thought and it certainly isn’t the majority of the BNP supporters.
I agree a lot with this but I would make it stronger (because I suspect, I’m probably quite militant about all this sort of stuff!).
I would say that Asylum Support only for those who arrive directly to the UK from their origin and a capped number of people.
Caps on the number of citizenships and only after 10 years of continuous employment.
Citizenship only for those working and paying tax along with spouse and children; not parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles or cousins!
I remember you also posted a while ago something along the lines of compulsory insurance for unemployment benefits, in only being able to claim benefits for 6 months and then the insurance kicks in, this I can agree with but I would make it 3 months and abolish child benefit.
“Caps on the number of citizenships and only after 10 years of continuous employment.
Citizenship only for those working and paying tax along with spouse and children; not parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles or cousins!”
I’d go along with those :),
The insurance was really based on the current standard way unemployment insurance works these polices generally only pay out for six months (that’s assuming you can get the insurance companies to pay out at all)
Blimey, you’re quick on the keypad today!!
True enough on whether the insurance company would pay out, my husband got stung on one that wouldn’t and he ended up losing his house.
I think if it was a Government sponsored policy perhaps then there would be strict guidelines on what circumstances they would pay out for. If you purposefully behaved like an arse to lose your job then you’re on your own!
In the current economic set up in the UK, I believe in free education for all. However, I would set a date in the future (say 1 year) and announce that all benefits to do with bringing up families be abolished for any children born after that point, then further down the line all education be partially paid for by parents to an eventual full financial responsibility of all families to provide for themselves.
I know this does sound harsh but this actually works in countries such as the UAE (where I live). We pay for absolutely everything and it means we have a choice on where to educate our children, a choice in where we use the healthcare and the number of children we have is determined by what we can afford not how much money the Government will pay us (which is nothing here and we never received a penny from the UK as we were over the threshold).
“If you purposefully behaved like an arse to lose your job then you’re on your own!”
100% Agree there.
On Education I would not suggest removing any FREE education, unless of course the family were financially able to pay, lets say if they have an income that could pay for private schooling then they could then pay for public schooling.
I think making all parents responsible for education cost we would lose to many kids that the parents can’t afford to pay for it, which will cause more problems down the line and of course we would then have to rely more heavily on immigration as we won’t be developing enough of our kids to a high level.
So removing free education in the long term would for me be a bad idea, actually I would go further and offer extra free education to some of the brightest students so that they can progress further, the more educated British people are the less need for economic migrants we have, but this also means an overhaul of the education system in general making it far more relevant to the way our country works in terms of the economy etc.
Britain has some of the best technology companies in the world so we should be offering education that will help kids move in to these highly paid industries, and then these companies should also be involved in creating the programme of education who better to say what needs to be taught than the companies who could become the kids employers.
Although as a family we’ve barely used our education system (three sons home educated, one started school at 15) I think a free education system is essential to Britain’s future.
I was watching a documentary, I think it was on climate changes and population control came up and education is essential to population control.
In India there’s a region that’s overcrowded, but has a stable population and it was attributed to girls getting a high standard of education.
Basically the well educated Indian women waited until later in life to have children and tended to have only one child, where poorly educated Indian women were giving birth to children at an unsustainable rate!
An Indian official compared a well educated Indian woman from the region to other parts of the country. He said something like the women from the region get a good education, get a good career and at around 28 years have one child, they don’t want lots of children as it changes their life style. In comparison other Indian women by the time they are 28 have 4 kids!
The program canvassed a small group of students (probably a single class) from the region asking how many siblings they had and the majority had no siblings with I think only one having two!
There are no population controls in the region, (and India has tried some draconian methods of population control in the past!!!) but because of women gaining a very high standard of education (one of the highest in the world apparently), population was controlled.
Considering population increases we are seeing now through out the world, we need people to choose to control the number of children they have and education is one of the answers. So unless we want to encourage poorly educated Chavs to breed like rabbits, lets keep the education system free for all.
That being said I do find it interesting when I see documentaries on African children and there’s always the theme they want a great education (that they have to pay for) so they can get a good job and get out of poverty. I recall a news report or something on some African kids living on dumps and abusing glue (think it was glue), all one little kid wanted was a school uniform so he could get an education, very sad :-(
Then we have British born kids who completely waste the opportunity to gain a good education, even the worst schools can provide an OK education IF you have children who really want to learn.
Totally agree David, we need a Government that will invest in Education is the right ways not just saying they will bring back Christian Assemblies.
We need real investment in education, education that is relevant to the world we live in, education that will give kids the qualification/skills (to a high standard) that will enable them to gain good jobs that will benefit both them and the wider economy.
We need to update our education system to the 21st century not return to the early 20th or even 19th century.
We live in a world of technology and science so we should be improving the standards of education in those areas, and when we have the brighter kids we should be giving them more in the way of free education so that they can make the best of themselves and not be stuck down.
The BNP have a plan to bring back special schools for disabled people, all we are going to achieve there is segregation of a section of society that will not be given the opportunities to thrive and make a decent life for themselves.
I know many disabled people who are amongst the smartest people we have in this country, yet under the draconian BNP policy of segregating people with disabilities we will lose them for the future.
The only way to create a strong society is through high level education and we shouldn’t be looking at taking that backwards. Another BNP policy is to focus more on history (why who really cares) we should have a heavy focus on the future, our kids will be living in the future not the past.
I agree with schools for special needs such as learning difficulties, severe autism, etc.. really on the mental ability side of things.
It’s hard on teachers trying to teach a whole range of ability students at the same time and is unfair on the upper end and lower end of the academic spectrum when the teachers have no choice but to teach to the middle of the classroom.
Education needs to be free at the present time and in the present economic situation. Other measures would need to be in place to remove a free education (which I can’t really see happening) and financially encourage people to continue having children in the right circumstances and for it to be affordable.
That said, our current systems mean that we are already encouraging poorly educated chavs to breed like rabbits and live off the state so what would be the answer there?
I generally agree, but not quite so harsh.
With regards when someone can be considered a British citizen I’d base it on how long it takes for the average immigrant who works full time to have paid into the system enough for them to be considered contributing to our society.
No idea how long that is, but have a feeling it’s not as long as 10 years. I think if an immigrant has worked hard for 3 years (5 years maximum), not committed any serious crimes etc… they should be treated as British.
Should also have a probationary period, if it turns out they are a serious criminal before say 10 years, revoke their citizenship and deport them.
We need hard working, law abiding people to enter Britain, so we don’t want to make it too hard for the good ones to become British.
I know America has a policy of 10 years before you can be a full citizen, in Australia you have the option of paying $100,000 up front when you first move their that entitles you to a dual nationality passport, but it then doesn’t entitle you to have access to state benefits you are expected to be able to fund yourself for I think (can’t remember if I am 100% correct here) 5 years before you gain any entitlement to state assistance.
Now I think we should adopt a tighter system like this for a few reasons some being:
1. We would be attracting the brightest and best from around the world.
2. We would not be running up cost to the tax payer through state benefits.
3. It would help push out parties like the BNP who trade heavily on immigration, with a nice tight system that only benefits the country as a whole then there would be no need for parties like the BNP they would go back to being pressure groups.
“I would say that Asylum Support only for those who arrive directly to the UK from their origin and a capped number of people.”
That’s a really good idea other than the capping part. I don’t think it’s right to cap helping people if they are real asylum seekers, obviously we should work closely with other countries so we only get our fair share of asylum seekers.
There is the perception asylum seekers come to Britain for the benefits, if they don’t get a penny if they have passed through a safe country it should stop the vast majority of bogus asylum seekers in it for the money.
I’ve been meaning to respond to this since you posted it, but I agree with pretty much every point and hate to make simple “I agree” comments.
I agree :-)