The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
I consider myself a libertarian on social issues and a socialist in most other ways, which means I don’t have a party I can vote for which stands a chance of winning – indeed I don’t have a party I can vote for at all without violently disagreeing with some of what they stand for. I have always voted in the way that I thought would best avoid a Conservative getting in, over the past 5 elections. I still believe a Tory government should be stopped at all costs, on the simple grounds that their policies benefit only a minority of our citizens, i.e. those with plenty of money, and that they don’t care about those less able to amass money and property. I appreciate there are arguments that neither Labour nor the Lib Dems are a great deal better, but Labour has proved itself by stealthily redistributing wealth over the last 13 years from the rich to those lower down (10% tax rate abolition notwithstanding), and I don’t believe that the Lib Dems are funded exclusively by big business and tax exiles so I doubt they would see the need to pander to the rich either. I have long lived in constituencies where Labour could put up a three-legged donkey (no offence to any three-legged donkeys who might be reading this) and it would romp home. I was happy enough to vote Labour in 1997 and 2001. In 2005 I could not bring myself to do so, despite still having respect for many of the things they were doing, because of the illegal invasion of Iraq (although if I had thought that the Tories could have won last time round, I would probably have voted Labour anyway and stuck pins in my eyeballs afterwards). Now that Blair has gone and our troops are largely out of Iraq, I was going to hold my nose and vote Labour again, until I watched the first debate just over a week ago. I was not previously aware that the Lib Dems would scrap the Trident replacement, which is a no-brainer and would save a fortune. I had also forgotten how much their pro-European stance chimed with my own. And they would tax the rich more, and the not-at-all rich less. And they were against the Iraq war. And they didn’t hate immigrants. And they don’t do climate change denial. It all fell into place. I am in fact a bit of a Lib Dem after all! So I am going to put my cross by our Lib Dem candidate for the second election in a row, but this time because I actually want him to stand a chance. And for the record, I made over £90k last year so I would be paying a lot more tax if the Lib Dems get in – and so I should! I live in a country which has educated me at a fraction of the real cost of doing so, which has provided a decent enough environment for business like the one I work for to thrive, enabling me to earn what I regard as a fabulous salary. I don’t see why I should shirk my burden of tax when it comes to paying for schools (even though I don’t want children), hospitals (even though I’ve never spent a night in one in my 43 years), roads and other infrastructure, benefits for those who need them (and benefits should be much higher than they are, paid for by taxing people like me more heavily), and helping repair the damage done to the public finances by the banks over the last few years (and in return the banks can damn well pay us all back over the next ten years, with interest, and be broken up into smaller banks so we can let them go to the wall next time they gamble trillions that they don’t actually have). Sorry about the long post, but at least I didn’t mention the BNP! (but they really are racist scum, please don’t be fooled into voting for them).
David – You say what a lot this country has done for you – I think you meant the Labour Government there! and then you say you will be voting Lib Dem!!!!! It is easy for Clegg to promise everything to everyone – but he doesn’t have any experience whatsoever. Would you take on an employee in a financial institution who didn’t have any experience in that field – I don’t believe you would. I am sure many voters will also wish to vote BNP, but despite them having some relevant points, they are unlikely to form the next government, so voting for the smaller parties as a protest in a general election may affect who takes office – you may finish up with a main party who you definitely didn’t want to get in – and in the case of the Conservatives and the non-experienced Lib Dems, it will be disastrous for this country. It’s a pity the British people have very short memories! Before the Labour Government took office, the country was on its knees – the NHS was in decline – I know, I was an employee – we had decaying school, hospital and college buildings – all of which have been rejuvenated! The country was deep in the red – This was turned around by the Labour Government. They introduced a minimum wage and child tax credits, raised pensions and gave them a Christmas bonus and extra heating payments – free TV licence for over 80s and we are all better off now, despite a global recession – WHICH GORDON BROWN WAS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR!!!!!! – What is wrong with all those out there with mortgages? For those who cannot remember, mortgage rates were at an all time high of 18% – thousands were in negative equity and repossessions were rife – now mortgage rates are at an all time low. Imagine what you would be paying if under Conservative rule, we went back to those days! If you are middle or lower class – you cannot afford to vote anything other than Labour.
If you think the tories left the country in a state before the socialists came to power you are sadly wrong, and if the country is so strong under the socialists then why are we in such a state from which we will never recover, we cant blame it all on a recession, as far as the national health is concerned, my mother was send home after 3 days ,after having a pin put in her arm after a fall she died soon after, because there was a shortage of beds, as i said on previous note my grandson nearly died when he was born and would have if we had not stopped the closure of our local hospital which the socialists wanted to close.the staff were fantastic and my son ran the london marathon and raised £1500 for the special baby care unit, i waited 3 weeks for a cancer scan, not the 7 days brown states, and a month for the result, he needs to get into the real word and see what is is like, come and see where i live , lack of police, yobs drinking at 9 am ,Polish people sitting on seats in the park at 8 30 am drinking, finally he is still looking after ed balls who fiddled the books if he meant what he said on the charade the he needs to get rid of him. Thanks for all those who voted for my reports and to David for allowing me to express my views..
Has anyone else noticed the similarities between this election and that of 1997 ?
New Labour ,under Tony Blair, weren’t the least bit confident that they would have a majority so done a deal with the Lib-Dems,under Paddy Ashdown, to share ministerial posts.
In the event Labour won handsomely and Blair shafted Ashdown by reneging on his promise.
Cameron’s bubble has burst so will we now actually have a coalition government?
Yes the British people do have short memories, in the 70’s Denis Healey the then finance minister for the Labour Party who had got us into such a mess had to go cap in hand to the IMF to borrow money, the same will happen again if Darling and Brown carry on but this time it will be the Euro Bank.
Last night on Question Time Jack Straw stated that the knew there were 900,000
illegal immigrants here and also knew where most of them were, if that is so why dont thy deport them along with Ed Balls.
I personally think after reading afew post on this site that i am more confused then before as they all gave good reason to vote for each party and good reasons not to. To be honest i don’t think that lib dems shouldn’t be voted for cause they don’t have any experience considering the fact that non experinced ppl get taking on in the job wolrd all the time everyone makes mistake its human nature we just have to learn from them which labour seem to have done i do agree that it is not browns fault about all thats happened he only stepped in to help. i think that we should just vote those we beleive have great britians best interests at heart and that want to make our country great again.
Interesting comment that you think benefits should be much higher…I work with many people who are on benefits and are quite literally trapped by the system. By that I mean that even when they do get a job, if it’s minimum wage or part time, they are better off staying on jobseekers or an invilidity benefit where they could retrain in a different job. There is no incentive to work and be a contributer to society when you are better off being a drain. I know this sounds bleak but it’s real and it’s what I see everyday. Very frusrating. You can’t make a classless, equal society by simply giving people money – there is no sense of self worth in that and certainly no prospects, or hope of anything better for the future.
I glanced at the poll and noticed the percentage of votes that the BNP have recieved, they gained like 150 votes in half a day???
I’m not going to dribble on about how they’re racist scum-Others hgave already done that and frankly if you haven’t got that point by now then you’re one hell of a dim person, need proof the BNP is racist, juat search them on Youtube and you’ll find plenty of evidence against that.
NO, My main reason I’m worried about them gaining power id because of what they will do to our economy. We’re already struggling as it is, and now the BNP want to waste billions of our money taking all of the non-whites out of this country (Yes, I said it right All NON-WHITES!) They have no idea how to run this country, they just rant on about the immigration policy as though it’s the only thing that effects us, Clegg however suggested a solution to this problem that would not only control immigration, but also benefit our country by sending immigrants to areas where their talents (such as much needed medical service) is desperatley needed.
Why do we have to spread so much hate out into the universe, can you not see that all the BNP wants to do is divide people simply for the colour of their skin. For heavens sake, judge people on their merits, not on what they look like and where they come from. Sure, there’s a lack of jobs due to immigrants, but Cameron, Clegg and Brown all suggested ways to overcome that, sure they don’t always follow through with what they say, but trust me, this country will have a much better chance of improving with any party who are not racists. Nich Griffin is an idiot! Honestly, he must be half way through his life now, and he still wastes time acting like an immature child spreading hate out there simply based on the colour of ‘skin’. If the BNP get into power I’ll leave, honestly, they’ll only send the country backwards-if you really care for your country, don’t vote BNP!
BNP supporters are again campaigning to manipulate the general election poll. I estimate about half of the recent votes are from this campaign and not from natural visitors to the site : true BNP support is below 4%. Anything above 4% is BNP manipulation.
I removed BNP from the poll a while back because they were posting links to the poll all over right-wing websites (filled with BNP supporters and white supremacists) begging people to vote BNP to manipulate the poll!!
They also cheated to increase the BNP vote (800+ votes using proxy servers) so I removed BNP from the poll.
With less than 3 weeks until the election I thought maybe they’ll have learnt their lesson and won’t use the same tactics again and we can see what the BNP support really is, I was wrong!
Over the last 5-6 days my sites received over 1,000 visitors from right-wing websites, vast majority from the BNP’s official website (it’s a very popular site) where the BNP supporters are randomly commenting begging BNP supporters to come here and vote BNP. These begging comments are on posts about banning the TV license to the post linking to the fake BNP Marmite public election broadcast on YouTube: the BNP made a fake PEB with a Marmite image in the corner, wrote an article about it on the official BNP website saying it’s their official PEB, waited for Marmite to issue an injunction and then deleted the article!
My site received over 100 visitors from one comment begging BNP supporters to vote before the BNP deleted the entire article with over 300 user comments.
You can see proof of this right now if you check the Google cache for the page
Given time Google will eventually remove the cache (like a back up copy for if a site goes down) when Google re indexes that page a few times.
As you can see they created the spoof Marmite BNP PEB obviously as a publicity stunt that worked, why else would they create an article about it?
“BNP Party Political Broadcast – Preview.
April 21, 2010 – By Simon Bennett”
I’m sure the spoof BNP/Marmite PEB will be on YouTube if you search for it and the fact Marmite took legal action proves it was associated with the BNP officially.
They complain at the other parties not playing fair and they do nothing but manipulate things in their favour.
Really frustrating for me, I want to give an accurate poll as possible and BNP campaigners won’t play fair!
In know way did I make a threat to you on the thread the Islamification of Britain! You are a person who takes things the wrong way, you should not be on this site if you take things the wrong way. This is what is wrong with people these days and this is why we are in such a mess in this country. People need to wise up to the threat of Islam and they need to know the truth too. BNP is a party who tell the truth and the public are blinded by the media,because the media won’t let the BNP tell the true story about politics and the real threat of Islam and Immigration!!!
I am sorry you took my posts out of context!!!!
Jon when someone you are arguing with regarding the BNP starts mentioning guns and karate it does throw up the suggestion it’s a less than subtle threat. Then there was the eye for an eye comment.
I’m afraid the BNP have a history of violent behaviour, had it been an obvious threat I’d have contacted the police and passed on all details I have about you and it would take them, about 5 minutes to track you down.
I don’t see Islam or Muslims as a serious threat the British way of life.
I appreciate you are passionate about the Islamification of Britain issue, but remember I was the person who created the Islamification of Britain article and poll that allows you to discuss the issue on my website. If I didn’t think it was an issue worth discussing I wouldn’t have created the article and poll.
Like you I do not want Islamic law to become part of British law, but I don’t see it as a realistic possibility like you do. Polls estimate the Muslim population of Britain around 3 million (we’ll get the census data next year, so will have a more accurate figure).
The vast majority of British Muslims are moderate and want to integrate into Britain while maintaining their cultural heritage (just like you would if you lived in another country).
Do you have a problem with the moderate Muslim majority?
I’m not saying there’s no issue, I think it’s disgusting how some Islamic countries treat women and would never defend them, but having an Islamic country that uses the Islamic faith to control it’s people does not make the Islamic faith per se evil. Just like having a minority of Catholic priests abusing young children and having the now Pope turning a blind eye does not make the Catholic religion sick or evil, the vast majority of Catholics do not abuse children.
I’m no expert on any religion, but I do understand religions can be perverted and if you look at Christian history you can see how Christianity has been perverted just like the Islamic faith has been used by some.
The difference is with Christianity most of the big abuses are in the past, whilst we have current problems today with Islam. But that does not make the Islamic faith evil, sick etc…
Like moderate Christians (and there are extremist Christians who will kill in the name of their religion) the majority of Muslims are following a moderate version of Islam which preaches peace. Like in Christianity it’s a sin to commit suicide as a Muslim and yet extreme forms of the Islamic faith preach suicide bombings/martyrdom.
The problem I have with the BNP Islamification argument is the belief all Muslims follow an extreme version of Islam where they all want Sharia Law in Britain and if we do nothing now because Muslims ‘breed like rabbits’ (that is so insulting to any group of people) that before we know it the current 3 million Muslims will be the majority and will force Islam and Sharia Law on us.
The BNP talk about a 30 year time frame. How are we going to go from 3 million Muslims to Muslims being the majority in Britain? There’s over 60 million people in Britain today and the vast majority ore non-Muslim.
Most British Muslims are moderate, their children will most likely be even more moderate after living life in Britain, going to school with non-Muslim school children etc…, do you really see the majority of British born Muslims wanting to turn to extreme Islam and Sharia law when they’ve experienced the freedom of being British from birth?
Just like with immigrants who have settled in Britain in the past the vast majority will integrate into our society taking what they like from their historical culture and combining it with British culture and their children will integrate even more and within a couple of generations they consider themselves British first.
Islam will not take root in Britain.
Seems you just dont like the truth David, shaving off a few thousand BNP votes just because they dont normally visit, what kind of excuse is that, who do you think they would vote for? what is an open poll for?
A few thousand???
Only 150, stop exaggerating, those votes were due to BNP manipulation!
Anyway, why do you vote BNP, they’ll do nothing for this country, nothing at all, they thing that british pride is marked by the colour of your skin. I’m mixed race; my mother’s english and my father’s greek sypriot so I have a slight tan to my skin. I spent my entire life here, I left school with 12 A* GCSE’s and 3 A’s. i’m proud of my english roots just like I’m proud of my greek routes, but accoring to the BNP, I should be kicked out of this country, a country where all of my family is and all of my friends, my boyfriend etc. My entire life is here, why should I be kicked out of this country just because I’m only half of my family are ‘ethnically english’ as the BNP like to put it? They’re scared that non whites will only be a dissapointment to our society-but there was one black girl from my school who left with 17 A *’s (she’s currently at oxford university) and nearly all of the non whites in my school were in the top half of my year. I can gaurantee you that some of them will leave their fingerprints in history.
Well, I for one am proud of who I am, and i don’t care and will NEVER care about what the racist scummy BNP think of me, I know I’m more british then they will EVER be! If I were the priminister I’d gladly have all the BNP people and other racists deported-there you are Britain, job problem solved, you can take theirs!
You are nothing but a BLIND FOOL! Time to open your eyes and see the lies of the 3 main parties! UKIP or BNP will put us RIGHT!
Jon perhaps you’d like to inform us all on your background and childhood? I’m sure if you choose to vote BNP, you need deep pyschological councelling. I do hope you get the help you need for all the deep routed issues that would drive you to vote BNP
Do you honestly think that which ever party wins the election will not renege on their manifesto promises. All those grand promises will go down the Westminster drain when they get into their cosy offices. THINK AGAIN MATES…….
I do wish Bodger Brown would not tell so many lies, the Tories have never stated all the things about the National Heath Service that he keeps quoting, he is acting like a man frightened of his own shadow, it looks good in front of the activists, but not for the people who now know what he is, a compulsive liar, when you say the same lies enough times you begin to believe them as true, he had a solar panel fitted in the roof of his house in Scotland, what he did not say that we, the tax payers footed the bill, the more i see of him the more i find him repulsive, I was going to vote for the Lib Dems but after the lies the local candidate told to a national newspaper I will vote Conservative, not for the man, but for what they stand for, Cameron for all his faults is not slandering and lying about other candidates, and surely he cant do any worse. comments in a brown envelope please. Roll on the election, then we can get back to our proper jobs.
I’d always intended to vote BNP and found to my delight that Dundee West, where I live, had a BNP candidate (according to the BBC website and the local press). Now I find that the candidate has suddenly disappeared from the list. What’s going on? Everyone I know here wants to vote BNP but we are not being given the chance.
Like a fair few other BNP candidates (10 to my knowledge) they announced they would stand and then pulled out.
They have decided your area isn’t important enough and they have no chance of winning so withdrawn the candidate, their words not mine.
NO TO BNP. I dont like their views. I DonT LikE Them FULL STOP.
I caught the highlights of the last live TV debate,for some reason it was only shown live on Sky News. The three main party leaders really need to climb down from their ivory towers and get a taste of life at ground level. Their empty promises and politically correct bullsh*t no longer cut any ice with me. I HAVE been made redundant from a job in manufacturing, I HAVE had to take a job at minimum wage and I probably WILL be losing my home.For people in my position this is no longer some intellectual exercise, it feels more like a battle for survival. Having to compete against a huge migrant workforce is of little or no benefit to me, it’s just another problem I don’t need. From down here the BNP look like a pretty good option. Nick Griffin has promised that if elected he will strongly oppose immigration, for me that’s one election promise that definately WON’T be broken!
The Live TV debate on SKY only had 4 million viewers relative to 10 million for the ITV live TV debate, so you wasn’t the only person to not see it!
Bloody stupid idea putting something as important as this on a subscription channel, pretty much any old people who still only watch the free to air channels (no free-view) would have missed it unless they watched it at 11:30pm when it was repeated on BBC2!
Sorry to hear you lost your job and had to go with a minimum wage job, hopefully it’s topped up with tax credits to some degree and you don’t loose it and can carry on until you find a better job.
I don’t understand how you think the BNP will solve the problems with the country?
I’m happy to open our borders to highly skilled workers (scientists, engineers, doctors etc…) where we lack enough trained people to meet our needs, though at the same time government should be promoting training in the areas we lack skilled workers. If we shut our borders to highly skilled workers it will damage our economy as some businesses won’t be able to expand by hiring new people and foreign investors will be less likely to invest in a country where they can’t get a skilled work force quickly!
Although I agree immigration generally has been too high, specifically I’ll never understand why we’d allow so many unskilled workers to work here when we have 2.5 million unemployed. It means we have people unemployed that could be working in the jobs taken by unskilled migrant workers, it’s not rocket science.
The government is to some degree trying to address this, for example all jobs have to be advertised for a month before a migrant worker can take a job (I think that’s a good idea if it works) but they need to do much more and it is a case of two steps behind of what should have been done years ago.
We also need government to make it easier for our unemployed people to take short term jobs (summer jobs on farms for example) without it making claiming benefits difficult.
When I was studying to go to University (under a Tory government) I had to claim JSA (income support as hadn’t paid enough NI contributions) while studying: I lied basically as there was no EMA etc… I took a short term work experience type job in a microbiology department of a hospital and it worked out we (had a wife and one son) lost money because I was working full time (it was a Tory government training type scheme as well)!!! It was madness and I only took the job for my CV to help get me into University!
As I understand the system now I’d not be worse off, so that’s a significant improvement, but I don’t know how much better off a person is on minimum wage topped up by working tax credit etc… relative to claiming benefits and not working at all? It should always be worthwhile to work.
The BNP are anti-foreign investment and if you have the slightest idea about the British economy in the 21st century you’ll see it’s strength is in being very open to foreign investment. We are one of the top countries for attracting foreign investment: when I researched this a while back I was surprised to learn this because of how the media and the Conservatives portray Britain under Labour.
If the BNP gained power (they won’t, but imagine if they did) they would pretty much stop foreign investment into Britain. They plan to ‘acquire’ British businesses not owned by British people: they might even steal them ‘back’ which would be illegal and seriously damage our standing in the world!!!
You might think that’s a good idea, but that means the only people who will invest in our country is people born here: would you invest in a foreign country if the foreign government forces you to either sell the business to them or takes it illegally?
This is actually how China used to be before they opened their borders to foreign investment, they had their population starving in bad years!
This severally limits the amount of money that can flow through our economy, we are an old economy which makes significant growth difficult and we need all the help we can get to stimulate more growth (especially now while we are just barely out of recession).
Where ever you live look at the main employers, is it a Japanese car manufacturer, is it the American owned ASDA (Walmart)? Where ever you live, you are benefiting from foreign investment into Britain and it would be economic suicide to try to stop it!
I know it’s idealistic to want Britain to be owned by Britons, but in the world economy it would kill jobs to limit ownership to British people only.
Look at other countries for examples where British investment is helping to drive their economy, British people go to place like China, Africa, India etc… and start businesses and employ local people. Yes the British people that own the business make most of the profits, but don’t forget they might be hiring thousands of people and a heck of a lot of businesses have labor costs as their highest cost of doing business. In many cases the labor costs are going to be far higher than actual profits, that means if a company runs a business in India say and profits £10 million per annum, their Indian workers might be taking £100 million per annum in wages and that stimulates their economy not ours (India gets £100 million, we get £10 million). This is true when companies from India, Africa, Japan, China, Europe etc… run a business in our country and hire our people, the workers get more money than the business profits (more money goes into our economy than out to the foreign investors) which is why foreign investment is so important to all economies and the more you can attract the more prosperous your country will be.
If the BNP did ever get into government and brought in their anti foreign economic policies, it would seriously damage the British economy.
It’s unfortunate recent governments haven’t had better immigration policies as it’s opened the doors to the BNP exploiting British peoples concerns over jobs going to immigrants etc…
On the subject of foreign investment, this works well in countries such as China as they have a generally low standard of living and investors can take advantage of their cheap labour costs. As we have a much higher standard of living and higher labour costs so called investment often ends in companies closing and relocating somewhere cheaper. My own personnal experience of foreign investment resulted in no investment at all, the factory was simply bought,shut down and shipped abroad. The BNP suggest protecting British industry rather than just leaving it to the mercy of global economic forces.
Haven’t checked out this site in some time. I was going to consider voting BNP, but you know what? In light of the debates Clegg actually managed to sway me (their immigration policy, would you believe). Sure, I am not to happy with their stance on Europe but that can always be remedied through voting Tories or UKIP come Euro elections.
There’s another reason I have changed my support: I have looked through VoteNo’s blog and, although there’s some of the same old arguments, there were some new ones that swayed me and made me think “sod the BNP”. The fact that John Walker doesn’t know his arse from his elbow worries me (May 5th election day? £250,000 inheritance tax threshold? lol). As does the “minor” strife within the party is a concern too. What a shambles.
Quite the strangest of parties to defect to, but there we go. XD
I’m just glad that I discovered that before May 6th.
Well hello T.S, been a while since I posted here in any serious manner either.
But I must say I am somewhat shocked and actually happy that in some small way I have been able to impact on your change of party.
A radical change to move from the BNP to the LibDems indeed, but then again as you may have already seen I have said on here today, that as you know I was a confirmed Tory voter.
But during the last few months of really looking damn hard at all the parties, I will not be voting Tory on May 6th, I do however have a choice to make between Labour and LibDem, haven’t made that one yet.
So it just goes to show we can all change opinion.
Glad to hear you aren’t voting Conservative.
I’ve been swayed to vote Lib Dems, not because I’ve changed my view on Labour or anything, but because where I live Labour are second place and I see no realistic way how they could win.
Lib Dems are 4th where we live, but with the live TV debates who knows what’s going to happen in specific areas on May 6th, they are a serious choice now, so taking a BIG punt on the Lib Dems.
Basically my choice is wasting my vote on Labour or hoping there’s a MASSIVE swing to the Lib Dems, though most likely wasting my vote on the Lib Dems :-(
In my sites general election polls over the last 7 days almost 50% of the voters (19,000+ votes this week) voted Lib Dems!! I don’t expect this to be anywhere near the actual result on May 6th, but there’s definitely been a big shift to the Lib Dems. I noticed after the TV debates there was an early poll where the Lib Dems was in the lead before the pollsters factored in that the people they polled wasn’t a cross section of British voters (or something like that) and after they factored everything in the result changed to the Lib Dems being 3rd! It suggests the official polls might not be giving a true measure of the new Lib Dems support: wouldn’t be the first time the polls were wrong.
And I’m even torn on this decision since if the Lib Dems do pull a lot of votes from the Conservatives and not so many from Labour here, maybe Labour will win by default!!!!! There’s currently a 6,000 Tory majority here.
I’m a tactical voter to keep the Conservatives out of power and would quite like to see a Labour/Lib Dems coalition government.
I like Labour more than any other party (though I’m not impressed with their over all performance, they could and SHOULD do better), but the erosion of our civil liberties under Labour really worries me. With the Lib Dems holding a 100+ seats, Labour wouldn’t be able to pass any more civil liberty removing legislation.
Whilst in other policy areas a combination of Lib Dems and Labour policies (compromises) would work for me. Lib Dems are idealistic which is great, and Labour are more realistic (keep their feet on the ground).
Sheesh I hate the 1st past the post system. If we had the alternative vote system now it would be a very easy decision, Labour or Lib Dems 1 and 2 (not sure on the exact order, but it shouldn’t really matter).
Anyone else having this tactical voting problem?
I am seriously considering a LibDem vote as well, I haven been watching the polls and Clegg has been able to maintain the original bounce that happened after the first debate.
We live in a very marginal seat, that is so close just that one or two votes could switch it (currently tory) but only by around 100 votes.
I too was a major Labour fan until certain things happened that I feel Brown and co got wrong (and not the banking thing).
Like David I think a hung Parliament would be good for the country at the mo, but if there has to be one then I would rather it be Labour/LibDem than Tory/LibDem, I think the LidDem influence on Labour would have better effect than on the Tories, and may even make for some sensible policy that will benefit the country.
I am even tempted to be really cheeky and ask your permission to use that comment on my blog :)
Sure. XD
You’ve managed to do more than HNH, UAF, etc. have (they seem to rehash the same old arguments, many that didn’t wash with me).
Thanks I may just do that, I do try to avoid the rather standard approach of HnH, UAF etc, I have said many times I believe in the message they give out but don’t agree with the methods they employ.
I set out to try and use the blog as a different way to put things across, mainly from my own research, ideas and opinions.
I know it may have a lot of the standard stuff as well, but I do try to put my own slant on it, and try to approach it from a real world perspective, which I hope I have achieved, in some small way I have as it has managed to help change your opinion.
I have no doubt though that as soon as some of the shall we say rather more rabid BNP supporters see you change of heart on here you will be called a traitor etc etc.
No, thank you for your excellent blog. Opened my eyes. A lot :)
And indeed it did help. What also sets your blog apart is that you provide recent material and stats.
As for the more “rabid” BNP supporters, they’re welcome to think what they like of me: I’ll stick to my views as they can theirs.
Well I am just happy that it helped, it proves that the effort hasn’t been wasted :)