The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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BROWN,CLEGG OR CAMERON? WHO KNOWS HOWS GO TO BE A PRIME MINISTER.THE REASON WHY BECAUSE I’M 15 YRS OLD AND TO MY I THINK CLEGG OR CAMERON TO BE THE PRIME MINISTER. SOMETIMES PEOPLE HATES BROWN AFTER WHAT HE DID AND WHAT HE DO.THE CREDIT CRUNCH ALMOST LOST MY DAD’S WORK PLACEMENT IN BIRMINGHAM(LAND ROVER BASE IN SOlihull). but thanks to lord mandelson i want to say thank you for making dad’s job feel safe. i want to talk about violence and crime because my brother use to do selling drugs like crank cocanie and he was arrested for 3 yrs in jailed. i want nick clegg to be the prime minister this year because he use his strong view last week.
would you believe it? marmite are going to take out an injucion against the B.N.P because some one spoofed ajar of marmite on their internet political broadcast.Next the indian or chinese tea exporters will want one if they see NICK GRIFFIN drinking tea on t.v.
Ok I only 17 so I not able to vote but I still have an opinion on this.
For me I would vote Labour, I live in Newcastle and for I dont see anything that needs changing in my life.
I recently moved into a newly built school which has loads of resources and technology.
I have stuff to do out of school, like going to play football at astroturfs which is free!
Also there is a sports centre with a gym in nearby which is fairly cheap.
I do suffer anxiety especially in social positions but i am recieveing free help for this.
Sorry i am in collage but its kind of part of the school* in collage i do not get EMA :L but do get vouchers for 100% attendance.
I dont have a job purely because i dont want one if i did then i couldnt study or go out as much.
So for me i would vote labour i am proud to say when i speaking to people from abroad for example on xbox live that i am from the Great Britain, Newcastle.
We are top of the league :P :)
How can you want to vote lib dems? The only reason why they’ve become more popular is because Clegg has tried to distance himself from the other two parties, making out that they are both the same. This is not true and there are stark differences and they both have much more experience than the lib dems.
Clegg is attempting to gain votes from the least educated shall I say, those who if they like what they see will vote for him. They don’t care about policies and will vote like they would for x-factor. It’s those people that are giving him the boost in the polls.
James – I think your statement ‘They don’t care about policies and will vote like they would for x-factor.’ is categorically incorrect.
I’m voting Lib Dem this election. I can’t stand the X-factor. I’m a relatively highly educated scientist and, having scrutinized all 3 main parties’ manifestos, feel that the Lib Dems’ presents the most cohesive, sensible of the lot.
There’s not one policy in there that I don’t think would improve the country tremendously for nearly all people involved. Granted, it may marginally lower the excessively high quality of life for those right at the top of the ladder, but, in my eyes, that’s a small price to pay for injecting some sheer, downright humanity into our society. What’s more, they quantitatively back up their policies which is more than can be said for Labour or the Conservatives!
Please think twice before spouting such nonsense in the future.
And people should think twice before voting lib dems, i am also highly educated and i cannot see anything in Clegg that makes me want to waste my vote on him.
Beware the Lib Dems, they are not all they seem, I think they would be a big mistake, David Cameron might be a little troll of a man, but we are not voting for him, we are voting for the party and I think they are the most balanced of them all, but if you want to read something resembling a horror story, read the Green Party manifesto, oh dear oh dear!
Sorry James, you are free to dispute the policies of the Lib Dems but please don’t use experience as a reason not to vote for them. Labour have had plenty of experience…. experience of messing things up. It’s about policies not experience, if their policies makes sense give them a go, don’t let the fact that Labour and the Conservatives have been in power for so long put you off voting for them
Good answer james, clegg wants all illegal immigrants to stay here, great idea, less jobs for us,great idea, let all the turkish come here, great idea, give more power to the EEC, great idea, at the moment 75% of all laws here are thought of in the EEC, what we need to ask ourselves is , do we really need them, the answer is no, he wants to give more power to the international police force, great idea, europe is making our laws and surely its time we started to make and obey our own. all day and all night drinking, great idea, we dont have any manufacturing base, do you think europeans wont buy from us if we leave the EEC, of course they wont, yet we pay £40 million a day so they can tell us what to do, great idea, any party that offers us the choice of being in the EEC will i think get everyones vote, then we can vote for a leader until then we must obey people who we never see, in time the way we are going it will be a European Parliament.
Vote for the LibDems = a Vote for a European Government (all Nicks over-paid mates running the UK) – can’t think of anything worse personaly!
Remember why we voted (Labour) when Conservative were in power?? I remember back then and I also remember the mess they made of the country!
All we seem to do is go round and round in circles!! Labour then conservative the labour again then conservative the labour!! Why don’t people remember why Conservative were pushed out of power years back! It about time we had someone else in!!
I watched the first debate between the leaders of the 3 main parties last week. OK, Clegg put up the best show of the three, but did any of them have the ‘balls’ to tell us the REAL truth about the situation this Country of ours is in, and what they would do about it ?? NO.
Our Country is in deep, deep doodoo, but all we got from them were the same old platitudes and promises we have heard time and time before – but each with their own party ‘slant’ on them.
And, mark my words, we will hear just the same again during the next two debates between them.
Personally speaking, I heard absolutely nothing of real substance from any of them.
None of them will get my vote this time.
I missed tonight’s “debate ” Probably much the same as last week.Clegg”won”Brown”what we will do ” and Cameron shit scared of a hung parliament of which he won’t be a part .
A month ago the media had Cameron past the post and Brown a dead duck again!THe Comeback KId ?
Brown has the experience-has dealt pretty well with a number of situations -and did not create the financial crisis.And I am not a Brown supporter.i was against the invasions,Trident, and his acceptance of Thatcher’s policy of Free Markets which is a major cause of the crisis.A regulated free market is an oxymoron and I agree with the LIb-Dems that Banks need to dispose oftheir investment bank offshoots.
Well its definitely not Labour and Gordon Brown.
I work in an industry crippled by Labour and I’m fed up listening to this middle aged blundering fool who had his title handed to him and cannot bear to think of him continuing in his role. We must have change.We need a change. I like Nick Clegg and the issues of immigration in particular, and I’d rather take a chance with him and Liberals than Labour or Conservative. Why on earth no one has asked what the Government, and the other two leaders plan to do about our flood defences, about helping those still without a home, without a livelihood, and stop building houses on flood plains two years after the first flooding effected so many?
I was talking to my postman yesterday,and he said,he was afraid of delivering any election leaflets for the B.N.P due to intimedation from his union and ethnic house tenants.Is this right in a so called democracy?