The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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I cant believe there are 3000 + votes in the polls for BNP. What year are we living in? I thought we British had evolved past Bigotry and Idiocy. They obviously wont win because happily it seems the majority are going for the Lib Dems. But still, it saddens be as a born and bred British citizen to see even a small majority of the population supporting an unjust immoral and down right ridiculous Nick Griffin.
General election campaign slogan:
Vote Lib Dems get a Lib Dem/Labour coalition government (most likely outcome).
Vote Conservative get uncaring Tories in government!
Funny thing is as it stood before the 1st TV live debate we were looking at a hung parliament. The only difference now is it looks like rather than the Tories having most seats (but not enough to form government, but possibly close to the magic number) we might have Labour with most seats with no where near enough seats (maybe 75+ seats short) to form government meaning they have to form a coalition with the Lib Dems or leave it to the Tories to form a coalition with the Lib Dems.
The Lib Dems are highly unlikely to loose all their recent gains (might loose some), which means we are not getting a Conservative majority government on May 6th.
Basically voting Lib Dems gives the Lib Dems more power in the coalition government with either Labour or the conservatives, we are pretty much guaranteed to get now.
I think that’s a good thing, time we had a new type of politics with the politicians actually working together in the best interests of the country.
I’m hoping for a Lib Dem win (highly unlikely) or a Labour/Lib Dem coalition government (most likely).
Ridiculed and vilified on a weekly, if not daily, basis-Stabbed in the back often by members of his own party-often classed as a dead man walking.Right or wrong in his decision to “save the financial syatem” he was at least decisive.
With George Osborne hadn’t a clue what to do when the financial crisis occurred and acted like rabbits caught in headlights.
Like him or loathe him BROWN is the sensible choice
“Like him or loathe him BROWN is the sensible choice” – a sensible choice?!
The economic crisis has only been exasperated by Labour through 13 years of poor policy. What makes you think that they can subsequently sort the mess they’ve been part of creating.
When Labour can into power from John Major they inherited the best fiscal position ever gained by a party coming into power (following a sound Conservative run) and proceeded to spend 13 years ruining it.
History shows that the Conservatives can create and maintain a buoyant economy all that Labour have shown is that the answer to anything in the regard to the economy is borrow, borrow, borrow and another party can deal with the consequences; by making difficult decisions and cuts which reflects badly on them to the short sighted voter.
The only sensible choice is to SAY NO to Labour and SAY YES to Conservative so that they can restore our economic strength….AGAIN!
Vince Cable – PhD, lecturer in economics, predicted the financial crisis months before it took place, but was ignored by Brown.
Clegg & Cable, all the way!
Yes give to the problem to the party with absolutely no experience dealing with the economy even in good times; let alone one of the worst situations we’ve ever had….give me a break!
You make a good point about the information Brown decided to ignore though.
Well, Labour have shown themselves to be completely incompetent with our finances. On that we seem to concur.
Mr Osbourne, nice though he looks, doesn’t seem to have much of a grasp on the economy. You deride the Lib Dems for not having any experience, but your own Shadow Chancellor appears to be totally incapable. Cable does have experience, plenty of it: he has shown himself to be more competent by far than Darling or, yes, Osbourne.
where is cables experience, maybe he has more brains than all the other lib dems put together, but is no leader, and how can clegg run a country he is not so pure as he makes out, brown cant sort his own party out as proved with ed balls, still there ruining our education, it has to be cameron with maybe ken clarke bought in, 13 years of blair and brown is enough for everyone. anyone who bought back mandleson does not deserve praise or the right to run the country.
Tell me where Vince Cable has the experience, a degree in Economics
does not make a good chancellor as proved with Darling.
I think i will vote monster raving loony party this time as i would rather have incompetence than corruption.
Ever had an insurance salesman sell you a policy by promising you’re fully covered under all eventualities, then when you try to make a claim , telling you that you should have read the small print more carefully? Well, watch the live TV debates and prepare to experience the same thing!
Everybody vote BNP. They rock my ukrainan socks. I vant to be forced out of country so i see my family back in ukraine. ( BTW my ukrainan socks are purple. :) )
I totally agree. I am a mixed race (West indian / English) female born in this country. If the BNP are gonna send non 100% british/white/english people home, I say bring it on. I’d rather live in the friendly West Indies then this racist country anyway.
Due to my earlier comment on the 22nd April i believe strongly about being basically kicked out of this country. This country is becoming even more racist as we speak. All you white people believe this country is all about you where as i am just as much a part as you. And again i want to know why BNP are not in the live debates. Dissapointed! So please vote BNP if you hate imigrants like me! :) au revoir
During last weeks debate with Cameron, Brown and Clegg, David Cameron was repeatedly rudely interrupted by Brown and Clegg. Cameron himself refrained from doing this and showed himself to be more polite than the other two. This has been, unfortunately, interpreted as weakness; not so.
Additionally, there was an apparent conspiracy between Brown and Clegg to undermine Cameron.
As for Nick Glegg’s ability to remember the names of audience participants, this was totally due to him writing these names down as they came up. In a way, he should be applauded for this but do not confuse it with a better memory.
Hopefully Cameron has learnt from this and will conduct himself a bit more aggressively tonight.
Actually, Clegg behaved the same way towards Brown as he did towards Cameron. What you perceive as a gang-up on Cameron was probably the fact that Brown was trying to align himself with Clegg, sucking up to him – rather sickening, frankly, in the man who is meant to run the country. But, this gave the illusion of a pact, despite Clegg trying to erase this effect.
The politics of the day consisted of the good the bad and the ugly.
Admittedly labour and brown seem to be the bad choice, unable to make even basic desions.
Yet cameron’s hate campaign? Simply ugly tactics that make people lose faith in the political system. Why should we vote for someone who must pick out flaws in others rather than comment on there own parties merits?
Facing facts, the lib-dem clegg is the only one who managed to answer questions fully with out using slanderous acusations. Draw your attention for a few moments to the afganistan question in the last dabate, see which member actualy managed to answer the question, and those that spent half of thier time spouting a zelous loyalty to our troops. The loyalty I do agree with, but what good is loyalty if you do nothing to help those you are loyal to?