The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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Nick Clegg seems tobe offering everything we want but will he pull it off? i shall not be voting for Lib dems. watch the country go down the pan even more when he takes over. and if they didnt do the TV debate he wouldnt of shot up in the polls
The success of Nick Clegg and the Lib/Dems following the recent live TV debate has given me an interesting idea. I would like to try putting our pet cat on TV to represent a random party. The cat is quite cute and cuddly, I’m sure the popularity of that party would soar overnight! Also why not have a pannel of “celebs” to give expert comments and guidance, Simon Cowell where are you when you’re needed?
Why are the Scottish National Party not featured on your ‘Who will you vote for’ Poll? I wonder why the Plaid Cymru party are listed but not the SNP? This comment doesn’t reflect my political affiliation, simply a bewilderment at the voting system in Scotland with our devolved government.
“I wonder why the Plaid Cymru party are listed but not the SNP?”
After the Leaders debate Nick clegg was hailed as as popular as Churchill.
When was Churchill Populular.
He was one of the worst Chancellors. He evenfailed to control his own finances .He was regarded by the Liberals,his original Party,as a traitor and by the Conservatives as a Pariah.
The Man who praised Mussolini”The Bulwark against Communism” but then warned against Hitler.
He only gained power in 1940 with the support of the Labour Party under Attlee and the cooperation of the T.U.C. delivered by Ernie Bevin.
He then led the most beauraucratic socialist government the world had ever seen outside the Soviet Union.
In 1945 he was removed from office and when he regained it in 1951 he still lost the poular vote. When was Churchill popular ?
A question I’d put to Nick Clegg: his party was always opposed to the invasion of Iraq. Does this mean that a Liberal Democrat government would withdraw UK troops from Iraq?
Personally I support Labour, and will vote for them at the election, but I don’t mind the idea of a Labour -Lib Dem coalition. I also think that this upcoming election represents the single best opportunity for the Lib Dems. They’re not going to form the next government by themselves. But as part of a coalition government, they’ll have the opportunity to gain some much needed experience in government, and prove themselves competent enough to form a credible government by themselves someday. As such I think Nick Clegg should be careful not to alienate Labour supporters or the Labour party too much. Tactical voting may end up playing an important part in the election. Ultimately, the Lib Dems have more in common with Labour, than they do with the Tories.
good morning voters.
Mr Brown has again stated that he will get rid of any party member found guilty of expenses fiddling, well if he means what he says, and i doubt it, then ed balls and his wife will no longer feature in the labour party, or course he does’nt, yet again another broken promise amongst all the others the labour party promised, like jobs for british workers, job creation scheme, yobs taken to cash points, 20 mph past schools, education, education, education, more police on the street, (not where i live), cap on immigration, etc etc, what he fails to realise is that they have fooled us for so long with empty promises and it just wont work anymore, like the government. yesterday he promised more money for car building, can anyone tell me where he is getting all this money as i would like some, of course i wont get any i am a working man as are my wife and sons, they will pay in the end as we all will.
We’ve seen life under the Conservatives. We’ve seen life under Labour. Lets see life
with the Lib Dems.