The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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I’ve been a labour voter all my life, but after the appalling way they handled Iraq, my conscience really wont let me do that any more.
So I looked a little closer at the lib dem policies and they they strike me as the policies that new labour really should have been pushing all along. I’m definitely not the only disillusioned labour voter out there, If we all vote Lib dem, they’re going to have a pretty good chance.
nick clegg here I come :D
beware, If you vote lib dem, you’ll let the tories in for sure. Its amazing but did you realise that the lib dems would need to get in the reigon of 65% of the poupular vote to win the election.
If the LibDems will need 65% for an outright win then
we better start campaignin in ernest – on the Net!
The LibDem better pull finger out in the field!
Hi Mr Jones,
The poll on here says very different.
Expect them to have one of the greatest wins since there creation.
Mick Jones, you are WRONG! It’s actually more like 40%. The Lib Dems have risen 8% in the polls already – what’s another 8%?
It’s scaremongering like that which would stop the Lib Dems getting IN, ironically.
If you vote for Lib Dem’s, then Labour get in again probably with a hung parliament, not the Tories. So beware, also think about the Lib Dem policies, anyone can say anything when they thinkthey don’t have a chance, where are they going to get the money from for all their policies? Taxation of course, and as the number of workers gets smaller, then benefit system gets bigger and the workers get screwed more. Labour were not daft when they changed the election boundaries, makes it more difficult for anyone else to get in.
Lib Dem FTW! Reppin B’town 4lyf bopbopbop
All your doing is letting bodger brown back in, we need a GREAT BRITAIN not a second rate power, clegg will never rule its a wasted vote.
As anyone read the Lib Dems policy on Immigration it states. ‘A regional points-based system to ensure migrants go where they are needed. Some
parts of Britain, like Scotland, need and want more people to help the economy. Others,
like the South East, are struggling to find enough water and homes for everyone. We’ll
change the rules so it’s easier to get a work permit if you go and live in a part of the
country that is short of workers, to encourage newcomers to live where they are needed’.
I really can’t see how that would work, someone comes to this country and then not only do they have to process their application but also check where they are living all the time. You cannot let people into the country and then say ‘oh you can only live here’, if someone comes here to live and wants to move they are just going to up and move.
That would just result in more paper work and more confusion! It’s difficult enough just dealing with the people once they have come to this country and trying to process all the applications.
I don’t know if the Liberal Democrats immigration policy would work, but there is an issue with specific areas of the country with a much higher proportion of new immigrants than the local services can reasonably cope with and it’s causing friction between the new arrivals and local people.
If the current immigrants were spread evenly around the country I expect the current immigration concerns wouldn’t be such a big issue as no one area would have a significant proportion of new people.
I can see a strong argument for severely limiting immigration in some areas until those areas have adapted to the current new arrivals and maybe the Lib Dems system is thinking along the right lines.
I kind of hope you are right but do you really think any of the main party’s will make any difference. If fact what chance have we with our parlimentary system. Why do we all insist on thinking that we must vote because they tell us we should. Yes we are fed up with labour, no the conservatives are not an even an option, so if you get the libs they’ll be somewhere wishy washy in between. To me the ultimate protest is not to vote, and look at other ways of engaging with the population. Eg. forums like this.
Well you have the labour voters like myself not voting labour and not voting conservative, so LIB DEMS all the way for me.
Good luck to them it is about time the other two parties had a run for there money.
MAY the 6th is a bank holiday so lets hope its not too sunny of a day and we all get to show our discontent at current politicians.
Its not to democratic as not many people are looking at the policies I couldnt tell you one (amongst the rubbish fired by either side about the others policies) and I’m clued up on politics.
Good Luck Libs
Liberal Democrats have for the first time taken 1st place in this 2010 general election poll!!!
This polls been running since September 2009 and before the 1st leaders live TV debate the poll results were as follows:
April 10th 2010 poll results
* Labour Party (25.05%, 10,235 Votes)
* Conservative Party (30.88%, 12,620 Votes)
* Liberal Democrats Party (15.95%, 6,518 Votes)
Total Voters: 40,862
Just 10 short days later with a further 27,000 votes from visitors most of which found their way to the poll through search engines like Google.
April 20th 2010 poll results
* Labour Party (22%, 14,954 Votes)
* Conservative Party (26.54%, 18,046 Votes)
* Liberal Democrats Party (26.72%, 18,163 Votes)
Total Voters: 67,987
You can see these and previous weeks figures at
Currently the poll has received 68,000 votes in total. Analysis of the votes since Saturday afternoon (so only new votes over the last 3 days) give the following results:
April 17th-20th 2010 poll results
* Labour Party (12.64%, 1,071 Votes)
* Conservative Party (14.94%, 1,266 Votes)
* Liberal Democrats Party (55.75%, 4,723 Votes)
Total Voters: 8,472
I know the polls on my site aren’t completely accurate, I’ve included none of the above and floating voter for starters which account for about 7% of the vote.
However, with so many visitors a week (over 100,000) it would be really difficult for one parties supporters to manipulate the results: they might increase the vote share by a few percentage points, but not increase the vote from 15% to 55% without leaving a trace that I can’t find (I build websites for a living, I know how to find people cheating in the polls, caught 800 proxy votes for the BNP for example).
These are real people visiting my site and voting in a poll. Obviously they won’t be a true cross section of British voters since not all voters go online, search for general election information and vote in an online poll. There will be barely any OAPs for example since many are still not online, yet they are a significant ‘block’ vote.
What is painfully clear from this poll is 10 days ago the Lib Dems had around 15% of the vote share in my poll and today over 50% of my visitors who vote are voting Lib Dem!
This is a clear message that the Lib Dems support has increased significantly, election changing significant.
I don’t realistically expect to be watching the election night broadcast and as they collate the popular vote for it to be over 50%, but unless something changes (negatively) for the Lib Dems we have a true three horse race for the leadership of the country with I think the popular vote leaders being between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats (Labour are never going to get the highest % of the vote).
Because of the way our electoral system works and the concentration of Labour support in it’s heartlands there is a serious possibility of either the Lib Dems or the Conservatives winning on popular vote, but Labour winning on actual parliamentary seats!!!
It’s unfortunate British politics works this way, but nothing we the voter can do about it. Before the Lib Dems surge in the polls it looked very likely we’d be getting a hung parliament on May 7th anyway.
Now I’m looking at a very likely hung parliament with a hope the Liberal Democrats win out right or at least have the high number of seats so they can form a coalition government with the Lib Dems having a fair share of the power.
British voters are going to have to vote Lib Dem in the numbers that Labour achieved in 1997 under Tony Blair to win. I know it’s a long shot, but it’s better than the Conservative message of voting Lib Dems means a coalition government since as it stands voting Conservative means a coalition government anyway.
Question is do you want a Conservative/Lib Dem coalition government or a Labour/Lib Dem coalition government.
what is happening to democracy? Inthe last few days 3 forums whitch the B.N.P candidates were involved,was attacked by uaf thugs. The leaders of the liblabcon parties should now come out and condem such attacks on a legal political party. BY THE WAY I HAVE NOTICED YOU PUT THE VOTING POLL FOR B.N.P BACK TO THE AMOUNT WE HAD IN SEPTEMBER 2009. thank you.
Well that would have been really impressive on the part of the BNP since the poll started in September and they only had 1,800 votes that weren’t by cheaters in January when I removed the BNP from the poll.
I worked on the principle the support for the BNP is below the support of the Green party (2005 general election results and 2009 EU results had Greens above BNP), but there’s been quite a bit of support for the BNP on this website, so gave them exactly the same amount of votes the Greens had on Saturday which was 4%, 2,379 Votes (which is about 500 more than they had when I removed them from the poll).
Since then the BNP vote has been around 5.5%, so wasn’t a bad estimate.
Blame previous BNP supporters for going out their way to manipulate this poll between September 2009 and January 2010. Had they not abused my site I’d have had no reason to remove BNP as a voting option.
BNP supporters are never happy!
BTW If the BNP has real support it will show up in the weekly poll results at looks like next Saturday results will have the Lib Dems on over 50% of the vote! Good luck topping that :-)
I’m still left wondering why some people out there still support the Labour party and think that Gordon Brown did well in his TV debate.
I, myself thought he came across as brutish, constantly attacking Cameron, why can’t people see him for the man he really is.
People forget this is the man accused of hitting staff, pushed his printer off the desk in rage.
Check out these articles.
He as introduced more stealth taxes than any other Chancellor in history.
He planned to hand out Laptops to families on benefits when there are many hard working families out there that cannot afford to buy there children a brand new laptop and work full time, no wonder we are in debt when he wastes money like this.
I only wish that sometime soon someone will say something to offend him and get on the wrong side of him and then his true colours will come out and we will all be able to see him for the person he really his. At the momment all we see his Browns public face, not whats behind it. He cannot keep to his promises in his manifesto, he cannot afford it, he’s only going to drive this country deeper in debt.