The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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No one sems to be considering two real possiblities — that Conservatives and Labour wil form a coalition to stop a second election which might lead to a Lib-Dem majority or that the Lib-Dems will get the most votes and ask for Conservative or Labour support while they form a government.
A Labourparty with the most seats may try to stay in office but would be defeated on a vote of confidence. The Queen would have to choose betwen Clegg and Cameron and would posibly chose Clegg if as now seems possible his party gets the most votes.
The media keep asking Clegg if he would serve in a Labour govrnment. They do not ask Brown and Cameron if they would share power. It is a legitimate question. The polling projections are at the moment hopelessly out of date.
i will vote for the labour party because who has got us through the worst troubles in our history that the banks put us in
camaron is a male maggie thatcher and if they get in power god help this country
the money men will be claping there hands if the tory party get in power
Why does Clegg keep blaming the banking industry for the state of the country, if Brown had run the country as he should of done and not tried to fight wars and run the world then we would not of been in such a mess, the more i see and hear Clegg the less i think he is the man. he is just on the bandwagon, but he could do no worse than the bodger, every dog has its day.
Here is a message from the voting public to the main political parties in the UK. I will not be voting this year as you all fail to address the main issues that face us here in Britain. If however you were to at least talk about the issues I list below, or even adopt some of my suggested policies you may find more would turn out to vote
An alternative set of issues for the UK
The education system is here to indoctrinate our students to follow the status quo. No room for fresh though or the opportunity to challenge old and tired ideas. Therefore:
o Education should continue beyond school and partially fill our time throughout are lives
o Schools should encourage more open thought and guide students rather than teaching them.
o The creation of a body called the ‘Class struggle movement’ to education the population on how to peer through the veneer of capitalist doctrine
o Immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan
o Payment of war reparations to both Iraq and Afghanistan for damaged through bombing, fighting and sanctions
o The military is an outdated institution and is a huge drain on resources. The military should be disbanded other than a residual force available for use in natural disaster helping the population
o Immediate unilateral nuclear disarmament
o Immediate closure of American military bases on our soil
o Pro union reform consisting of state funding of strike pay, allowance of secondary picketing, and the reversal of anti union law.
o All private concerns must have staff union representation and also must allow unions to have active say in the board room.
o The equalisation of pay and responsibilities abolishment of private industry through temporary nationalisation
o The monies saved in the military would directly go to the fight against poverty around the world, with no preference to British needs.
o Plans to move away from a state capitalist economy to a resource based economy without a monetary system.
Immediate action within 3 months of this government taking office
o Progressive tax system to be installed with earnings cap for all citizens.
o The ratio between the poorest and richest in society be reduced be additional windfall and asset taxes on the rich.
o Shutdown of American military bases and slashing of military spending
o Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq with criminal proceedings against those involved
o Immediate abolishment of nobility and the
I’m just looking at peoples reasons for voting and wonder why there as to be so much emphasis on Brown, Cameron and Clegg.
What about your local consituency and the candidates in your area, what about what they are going to do for your local community and make things better, surely thats important.
Clegg did very well in his TV debate but that doesn’t mean that he is the best Politician like my other half is a good Farmer, his neighbour is a public speaker and involved in all the agriculatural shows but my other half is the best farmer as as to help him out sometimes cause he doesn’t have a clue.
I have my own business but am not the best in what I do except can explain things to someone a lot better than someone else can who is better at the job.
People should see what the MP want to do to help the local area and read up on the various parties manifestos before making their final choice.
i personally believe that the Lib Dems would be the best party for the country at this time. as a young person with a pretty low income they are the best choice for me. i do nopt think labour will get another term, so it will be a race between the Rich voting for the Tories and the Poor, voting for the Lib Dems, unfortunately it will most likely be the people that vote for one party every election without really considering the policies which will win the election for the Conservatives. i am definately glad for the debate this year, i believe it will be a great help to get people really thinking about who they vote for, instead of blindly voting out of some misguided loyalty, or habit.
How about voting for parties other than the Big 3
If you want a party other than the ‘Big 3’ to win, vote for the Liberal Democrats in this election. If they get in, they want to change the outdated ‘First Past the Post’ voting system. This means the smaller parties will stand a better chance in following elections. Labour and the Tories will not change this system as it works in their favour.
George burrows, did you mean immigrants?