The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
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the libreal dems are going to form the next goverment. looking forword to clegg as priminster!
If you said the Lib Dems will form the next government a week ago I’d have laughed at you, now I haven’t a clue what’s going to happen!
I just saw a poll on the news that the Lib Dems had 32%, Conservatives 31% and Labour 28%.
I think that would decimate the number of Tory seats, but not Labours seats: I know, least %, but they still get a lot of seats due to their voters being concentrated up North.
My poll this week (18,500+ votes has the Lib Dems on 37%, Conservatives 22% and Labour 20%
My 18 year old son predicted this might happen if Clegg performed well in the live TV debates, but I told him the British people aren’t electing a president and though it could have an effect, not a major one.
A set of polls is not the same as the actual result on election night, but WOW Britain has shifted it’s voting intentions this week and that could give the sort of people who wouldn’t normally vote Lib Dems because they can’t win (AKA wasted vote) the confidence to vote Lib Dems because they could now win.
Over 2 weeks left to go until election day and a lot can happen in politics in two weeks.
I agree that this is not at all a presidential type of atmosphere, but your son is right in thinking that the debates are crucial to the lib dems, simply because they persuade people to take seriously the simple, common sense message that the lib dems have quietly been reiterating for the past twenty years or so. All it needs is enough people to recognise what the lib dems stand for, and to take the prospect of their forming a government seriously, and they have more than a fighting chance.
I’m sure if the public ever found out even half of what goes on behind the scenes in British politics the political system would be shaken to it’s foundations, perhaps it’s best we never find out? Look at the effect of the very un-shocking expenses scandal, I would have been more shocked if MP’s hadn’t been fiddling their expenses.
Never say we shouldn’t find out! It’s our government. The lib dems are the only party running on a platform of good governance supported by history! Labour claim they will do what the lib dems have always promised (“agreeing with nick”), but they haven’t for the last 13 years so why should we believe them now!?
The lib dems can open up government in a stable and calm manner and get this country working smoothly again!
As Gordon Brown has said, this election is now wide open.
With the two main parties adopting some lib dem policies while calling others ridiculous or radical, one has to wonder why they think the people can’t decide this for themselves.
Perhaps now really is the time for meaningful change in British politics, I really think the lib dems can go all the way this time.
I am a 21 year old NHS worker on a gap year and am going to begin studying medicine in september. This will be my first time voting and I completely went into making my voting decision deaf and blind as I knew nothing about any of the parties policies. After watching the live debate and reading through the manifestos I can say with confidence that my vote is for lib dems. I believe they can run the country with more confident citizens behind them. I dont want to have no faith in my government and I believe that by having an honest political party in government can only be a good thing! And I have no desire to pay more for taxes as I work very long, hard hours serving the health system and I a third of my wages every week to taxes. but yet i am on a low income! GO LIB DEMS!
has anyone tried the website deleted for spamming? I just gave it a go and got the following results:
Conservative 43%
Liberal Democrats 40%
UKIP 36%
Green Party 35%
Labour 25%
BNP 18%
Interesting-especially as I expected to vote Lib Dem!
It took me half an hour, which isn’t bad for such a comprehensive test, you don’t have to answer all of the question just ones you feel strongly about or you think apply to you more an still get accurate results.
What does anyone else think of it?
I’ve seen this who should I vote for test before and have issues with it.
What sort of question is this:
“We will increase the NHS budget in real terms, and we will meet the pledge of spending 0.7% of GDP on International Development by 2013. Many other departments will face cuts in their budgets.”
Why lump them all together?
I agree with increasing NHS spending, but why is it linked with International Development?
And what does this refer to on immigration?
“The best policy is to combine both aspects, so that Britain has control over both the quantity and quality of new immigrants.”
Combine both aspects of what?
It’s a great idea, but a flawed way to ask a question, specific policies should be separated and not linked together so you can see who you agree with.
You are expected at the end of the test to provide an email address, your name, DOB, age and your postcode before you get your results!
Lib Dem Dems all the way bruv!
I watched the debate too and whilst I believe Nick Clegg gave the best performance I would not vote for someone based on their ability to win a debate on TV. I plan to vote based on what is right for the country at this time.
Although born here I’ve lived abroad most of my life and returned 5 years ago. I’d been living in a one party state (with all that goes with that) and we’d always looked to Britain as a fine example of democracy at its best with its regularly changing government that kept things in balance.
When I arrived here 5 years ago I got a job as a temp right in the heart of government. What a shock to see the absolutely reckless squandering of money and the arrogance and almost ignorance of most of the Ministers (5 in 4 years) who ran the Department. There were a few of the old school civil servants who were careful of how they spent public funds but the place was awash with temps and consultants. As for the quangos with huge budgets that never seemed to fund any projects. The hoary old chestnut of absolute power corrupts is completely true of the Labour party now.
The only vote that will stop Labout and get a balance back in the country is Conservative. I have no affiliation to any party through family or class and am amazed at how many people feel they have to vote the way their family votes or think that one party is for the people and the other for the posh people.
If we could ever find out how much money this government has wasted I think it would be as big a scandal as the bankers one.
Even if your heart is with the Greens (which mine is), the Lib Dems or any other party, please vote to get rid of Labour this time and use your council elections or even the next election for your real afiiliation. This time round lets just say NO to Gordon Brown.
Here here, labour have had 13 years to do all they have promised to do in a week. Why has this not been done before. All they will do is break their promises. We need a fresh start so I will be voting conservative. Labour goverment are tax and spend and waste.
What is it that makes you think that under the conservative there will be less waste of money, in Whitehall?