The Labour Party won the 2005 UK general election with 35.3% of the popular British vote. The Conservative Party was just a few points behind with points behind at 32.3% of the popular vote, but because of the first past the post voting system, the Labour Party had a significant majority with 356 parliamentary seats […]
Continue Reading General Election 2010 Poll Results
How any intelligent person can consider voting Labour is beyond my comprehension. Gordon Brown has broken so many promises how can anyone consider another 5 years of him. Remember the promised referendum on the Lisbon Treaty and Europe? Remember his byword when he was Chancellor? It was “Prudence”. Where was his prudence in putting money aside for a rainy day (eg Northern Rock) when it was needed? Remember approximately 80 hidden or stealth taxes that he introduced which took pounds out of all our pockets? Remember how many laws his government passed which have resulted in a massive “Big Brother” society? Finally remember as Chancellor how he blocked much needed finance to supply Helicoptors for our troops in Afghanistan? Now tell me that Labour deserve to continue to govern our once great country! NO NO NO and again NO.
I am an intelligent person with both a MA(hons) and BA(hons) to my name and I will be voting for the Labour Party. To ask “how can an intelligent person could do such a thing”, as though only a stupid person would vote this way, is very transparent. I agree with and itentify most with the Labour party. I have a degree in politics so actually know more about things than the average “Brown blocked financial support to the armed services” Sun-inspired sound-bites. I am voting Labour BECAUSE I am intelligent and well informed thank you very much.
So even you doesn’t agree and identify with all of the Labour party right?
I am very very worried for the state of this country, how can anyone in there right mind vote for the Labour party? How about some facts for you 140 troops have died so far in Iraq and uk public sector net debt 848.5 Billion. The manufacturing in this country as gone along with the milk trade. I have spoken to Farmers who believe that if Labour wins again they will destroy Farming altogether. The fact of the matter is this country is not producing anything anymore, we were once a great country.
Labour did the same sort of thing last time they were in power and when the Tories came back to power had to fix everything and then people vote the fixers out like now.
“how can anyone in there right mind vote for the Labour party?”
That’s easy to answer, the alternative is the Tories!
And whats so wrong with the Tories? David Cameron spoke the truth when he said about cutting down on waste in the Police Force. When he said about a Police station spending 73,000 on a brand new lexis it’s true. My father is a Technician for the Police, he as seen the Police have a brand new car and only the next day or the next week have an accident and then it’s in to him to be repaired, we live in a town and there are 5 men working full time to repair the damaged Police cars, they have a brand new car and within 3 years it’s replaced for another brand new car. The Labour party waste so much money, no wonder we are in debt.
So people are really going to vote for Labour just because they don’t like the Tories, thats a very childish way of voting indeed!
What’s wrong with the Tories? The 1980’s weren’t THAT long ago, surely?
There’s a lot of waste in government under Labour, and there was a lot of waste in government under the Conservatives.
They are both useless when it comes to spending our money efficiently, so to suggest this is somehow all Labour to blame, is party political to say the least!
Does anyone really believe any of the parties can cut 10s of billions from public services without it costing jobs?
What’s wrong with the Tories, well where to start!
No minimum wage when they were last in government (people paid £1 an hour) and current Tory MPs want to water it down so employers can refuse to hire people who won’t work for less than minimum wage.
Few workers rights whee they could get away with it.
Completely selfish decision making: not what’s good for the country, but what’s good for them and their friends.
Cutting services so they can give tax breaks for the better off who won’t spend the money, so it doesn’t even improve the economy**. This was not cutting waste, but cutting core services because with good services under the Conservatives meant no tax breaks for the well off.
Public services like the NHS was terribly under funded to a degree where you’d die on the waiting list, spend 18 hours on a trolley in a waiting room, had doctors working unsafe 72 hour plus shifts putting the health/sanity of the doctors on the line and the health of their patients.
Thatcher said there is no society and went out of her way to prove she was right. Many of the problems we have today in society where seeded by Thatcher.
Apparently we had no homeless people on the street prior to the last Conservative government!
Considering they call themselves the party that understands the economy they took us through two recessions and let the country suffer offering no help to those in most need. They wanted to do the same with the current recession, they’ve been wrong on every major economic decision since the banking crisis!!!!
Thatcher, Thatcher milk snatcher.
The list goes on and on.
** Giving a tax break to the less well off is generally speaking a good idea as it stimulates the economy. If you have a family on minimum wage they pretty much live hand to mouth and have no savings. You give them say £20 extra in their pockets each week and it’s not going into a savings account NOT working it’s way through the economy, (money sat idle in a bank does not stimulate the economy very much: unless we are looking to increase bankers bonuses?) no it’s going to be spent on products and services (food, going to the pub etc…) which stimulates the economy since money has to be spent to work for the economy. Give that same £20 to a well off family and it’s going straight in the bank not buying products and services that generates jobs.
The Tories argue the gap between the poorest and richest in society has widened. It probably has because over the last decade Labour’s policies has resulted in business doing extremely well which is good for everyone, but in particular well off people.
I’m self employed and the money I earn has gone up quite a lot over the last few years. I make all my money online and Labours policies have been really good for me in business. It’s quite easy to make good money in Britain when you are highly skilled, I get web sites ranked high in search engines and I’m very good at what I do: I started this site less than a year ago and last 7 days it’s had over 100,000 visitors, most from search engines and businesses world wide pay good money for my skill set.
Why do people keep bringing back the 1980s like you have done, thats a long time ago. Nowadays the Tories have new MPs and the old ones have left, they have new policies which will benefit this country like they seem to be the only ones willing to take a pay cut and reduce the number of MPs in order to get the public debt down.
The minimum wage that the Labour bought it meant that a number of small firms out there went broke cause they could afford to keep increasing the pay of their staff. No one worked for £1 an hour, people wouldn’t apply and accept a job if it did.
The increase in the inheritance tax up to 1 million is a good thing, just cause someone lives in a house worth 500,000 doesn’t make them rich. House prices have soared, people who bought there house ages ago when they were cheap and now it’s worth lots of money especially in the south and places like London.
E.g. My mothers cousin got divorced from her husband when her daughter was little and they went back to live with her mum, her mum as just died and now she is forced to sell the house that she as lived in for the past 15 years, the place she calls home. She is not rich, just a lab technician, the house is only 3 bedroom, large garden worth about 340,000. It’s not that she can’t manage living in a smaller accomdiation it’s just that it’s her home and she is attached to it.
I don’t like the really rich either but they invest in the economy, create businesses creating jobs!
Thatcher is long gone, if you want to go back in time Winston Churchill voted the greatest Briton that ever lived was for the Conservative party!
I’m also self employed and my other half is self employed, my other half is a Farmer. The Farmers hate Labour why is that? Labour as crippled Farming in this country, there is now talk of introducing Electronic ear tagging for sheep. This will cripple the Farmers as they will have to cover the expense paying for electronic ear tags means that they will have to keep less sheep, they won’t be able to spend buying in more ewes and stocks as they will have to pay for the tags.
One Farmer we know sent some Cattle to the Abattoir, Cattle have to be tagged in both ears, on the way to the Abattoir one lost it’s tag in the one ear, still tagged in the other. He was taken to court as a result and fined 2,000 just cause one was missing 1 ear tag. This is all cause of the Labour party.
Our Beef and Lamb is some of the best in the world, the majority of Farmers have gone out of milk now cause it only covers the costs of keeping the cattle and doesn’t earn anything.
Labour don’t have a clue, but when they Conservatives were in years ago it’s was much better and easier to Farm.
Where I live the Conservatives have control, before 1995 we were Labour. We have a very good MP, he as done a lot for the community. The other 2 candidates Labour and Lib Dem in my area are useless. There was an article in the paper about the Labour Candidate saying he wanted to get rid of some of the smoking shelters in the Town, a chap that was a non smoker wrote in to complain. What are people suppose to do if they go to a pub and want to smoke, are they suppose to cross the street now as well? My other half knows the Lib Dem candidate and as nothing good to say about him!
People when deciding who to vote for really need to take a close look at the candidates in the area and see what they would do to help the local community before making their final decision.
Sorry I meant 2005, we are a marginal constituency and high on the Labour target list. X
i pray labour get in as all the torries are are a bunch of toffs that in my opionion will make a mess of the country
There we go again, don’t you realise that this country is already in a mess, it’s time for a change. You think the Tories are a bunch of toffs but you don’t realise that you cannot tax the rich too much because then they don’t invest money into the economy as they pay it out in tax instead.
The longer Labour are in power the more they remind me of a communist party and communism doesn’t work, as George Orwell wrote in his book it’s like with Labour everyone is equal except some people are more equal than others. Labours slogan of a fair future for all really means ‘a fair future for all but more fairer to some than others’. I have met people that now have given up there jobs to live off the state on benefits cause for one they don’t really want to work and secondly it’s too easy, get all you bills paid and an allowance and do nothing! The tories were ‘If you want to work then thats great!
well at least try the tories, forget torries they are as bad as labour.
tories will make a mess of our country, are you kidding, we are in as deep as we will ever be under brown, in a mess we will never get out of and you want brown back in, next you’ll want jordan as prime minister, maybe she would do far better.
A vote for Labour is effectively a mandate for them to continue lying, cheating and treating the country like a personal slush fund. Any party that would keep bringing Mandleson back, give him a knighthood and the amount of power that Brown has given him does not deserve my vote. Blair together with Brown and his so called cabinet should be on trial for war crimes, not standing for re-election.
Up until 2 weeks ago, I was for the first time in my life going to vote conservative. Having grown up in the Thatcher era (and really mocking her dislike of “society”) to vote conservative would have been a big step. I really celebrated when Labour won in 1997 but have become more and more disillusioned with the Nanny state under Labour.
What has really put me off the tories is the desire to raise the inheritance tax threshold and that they want to stop the 1% rise in NI. No-one likes increased taxes but I think the state of economy dictates that unless we want a really bad education and health service, taxes need to go up. The marriage persons allowance tax changes they proposed is also a mistake in my view.
SO in a constituency where the lib dems are a poor third, I feel my vote has to go to labour
Lib Dems a poor third ~ All the more reason to support them! :-) Word of mouth to all your friends and family to support the Lib Dems. Labour & the Tories have been in power since 1922. And look at the state of the place. Time for change, time to show we’ve had enough! I’ve been watching the bookies odds, only a week ago Lib Dems were 200/1 to win. Now just 25/1 to win. Time to give Lib Dems a chance to see if they can run this country effectively where sadly the Tories & Labour have failed miserably! Every vote counts! :-)
Clegg, because he has no chance of becoming prime minister, will promise you everything, maybe even ant and dec as cultural ministers, voting lib deb, a two man party is a wasted vote and may bring back brown and his cheating cronies think what that will do, it will really mean that great britain will not even be britain anymore.
April 17th Weekly General Election Poll Results
Who will you vote for in the 2010 general election?
* Labour Party (23.33%, 13,886 Votes) 19.56%, 3,651 Votes
* Conservative Party (28.19%, 16,781 Votes) 22.29%, 4,161 Votes
* Liberal Democrats Party (22.59%, 13,446 Votes) 37.12%, 6,928 Votes
* UK Independence Party (UKIP) (5.81%, 3,458 Votes) 4.83%, 901 Votes
* Green Party (4%, 2,379 Votes) 3.36%, 627 Votes
* Plaid Cymru Party (0.74%, 442 Votes) 0.46%, 86 Votes
* Other Political Party (8.05%, 4,793 Votes) 4.06%, 757 Votes
* NONE OF THE ABOVE (2.35%, 1,398 Votes) 2.45%, 457 Votes
* Don’t Know : Floating Voter (4.95%, 2,945 Votes) 5.88%, 1,098 Votes
This Weeks Voters: 18,666
Total Voters: 59,528 (on April 17th at ~1:50pm)
You can see previous weeks results at and on Saturday I’ll compile the weekly results again.
Liberal Democrats got the most votes for the first time in this poll!
That’s a massive shift from last weeks ~16% to this weeks 37% of the vote from over 18,500 votes in the poll!!! Manipulating the poll with so many visitors (at least 100,000 visitors this week) would take a LOT of effort, so though I don’t see this being a 100% accurate result, the trend is clear, Lib Dems are doing very well now.
The live TV debate has made a big impact for Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems.
If these sorts of poll numbers turn into real votes on election day (I don’t see them gaining 37% of the vote at the election on May 6th) we are in for an interesting parliament for once.
Two more live TV debates to go, so things could change after those as well.
I would be voting BNP but unfortunately I can’t as I don’t have a BNP candidate in my constituency. As a former Labour voter I’ll have a quick look at the alternatives. Labour’s Gordon Brown, despite being chancellor of the exchequer for many years had no difficulty in leading this country headlong into a devastating economic recession. Manufacturing and industry are in decline, they don’t seem to care as they are more preoccupied with not offending minorities etc etc. Then there is the small matter of invading foreign countries, flattening them and claiming it’s all to do with spreading democracy. As for David Cameron and the Tories claiming they will give “power to the people” please! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The LibDems are suffering from their usual problem, a leader who basically comes accross quite well, leading a party with no real policies. Nick Clegg can make any promises he likes because he knows he will never form a government. I shall ignore UKIP as they are merely a Tory backed pressure group created to draw votes away from the BNP. Who to vote for in the 2010 general election? It’s a toughie!
The old BNP conspiracy theory that UKIP are a Tory front to take BNP votes, because the BNP have such widespread support (LOL)!
If the BNP conspiracy theory that UKIP are a Tory front to take BNP votes, wouldn’t UKIP only stand where the BNP stand as otherwise the Tories will loose votes to UKIP, specifically the Eurosceptic Tory vote?
And yet in the area you’ll be voting you tell us there isn’t a BNP candidate!
Hmm, I don’t like the Tories, but I don’t think they are stupid enough to split their own vote with a party like UKIP in an area without a BNP candidate.
Please explain how UKIP fielding candidates in areas without a BNP candidate helps the Conservatives in this BNP conspiracy theory?
Nice conspiracy theory, but the facts don’t stand up to the slightest scrutiny.
I wonder if the BNP will ever publish a BNP manifesto for the 2010 election?
Like most conspiracy theories, it is of course only a theory and could never be proven. However I remain convinced there is a link no matter how tenuous. UKIP could make an effective pressure release valve for the tories. Somewhere “safe” for dissaffected right wing tory voters to go while the party tries to make itself more “cuddly”. A place from which they could be far more easily retrieved and returned to the fold than from the BNP.In my area (a safe Tory seat) they can easily afford to lose a few votes to UKIP knowing they can easily get those people back once they realise how useless UKIP are. Recently UKIP MEP’s couldn’t even be bothered to vote on a crucial matter giving more power to the EU as a result the legislation was passed by a narrow margin. In my view these are not the actions of a serious eurosceptic party. As far as a manifesto is concerned, as the BNP will not be forming a government it will not effect my support for them at all. Like most small parties the BNP campaign most effectively by concentrating on a few key issues that give them a very specific identity. Just as the SNP stand primarily for Scottish independance, the BNP stand against immigration. It sends out a clear message and one that I happen to aggree with. It also helps if those key issues happen to be ones the government of the day is largely ignoring. It makes little difference what the manifestos of small parties do or do not say, they can only keep or increase their support by sticking to the issues that define their identity.
What a load of conspiracy theory rubbish. What you are saying makes no sense at all, UKIP are splitting the Tory vote, the Eurosceptic Tories are voting UKIP and that hurts the Tories.
There is no way the Conservatives would create a party like UKIP as a “safety valve” for right wing Tory voters so they don’t go BNP!
The BNP do not have enough support to pose a serious threat to the Conservatives.
Tell you what you could do to provide some supporting evidence for this conspiracy theory (I’ve not checked this out).
Take a look at all the seats where the BNP and UKIP stood in 2005, add their votes together and see if together it could have beaten the Conservatives.
I’m sure you’ll find the odd example where together they could have beaten the Tories and if you assume all votes to UKIP would have gone to the BNP (BIG assumption as many would have voted Tory) you’d then have circumstantial evidence.
On the other hand if you can’t find many examples of seats where the BNP and UKIP vote added together would have beaten the Conservatives, you’ve then got no evidence for this silly BNP conspiracy theory.
I challenge any BNP supporter that believes this crap to do the research.
What you are saying is the equivalent of say Labour created the Lib Dems to stop far left voters voting Greens or something!
Nothing you say makes sense, if the Tories see UKIP as a temporary holding party for right wing voters and when UKIP is shown to be useless they’d go running back to the real Tories. Why would these right wingers return to the softer, less eurosceptic Conservative party when there’s the Euro-phobic BNP?
It’s embarrassing that people believe this rubbish! The Conservatives would never give votes away, it’s political suicide!
I see plenty of talk ridiculing conspiracy theories, yet what is a theory. By definition it is something that fits the known facts at that moment in time – just like the theory that the earth used to be flat, until it was proved otherwise.
Likewise, cospiracy theories exist because they fit the facts as they exist at this moment in time and will continue until such time as they can be proven wrong.
As for the BNP manifesto for the 2010 election, an article on there website tells us that it will be released tomorrow (18th April)when they will also be announcing that they will be standing 338 (not 200 as previously indicated on this site a few months ago)parliamentary and 780 local candidates.
Considering the media are going there damdest to avoid giving them any publicity whatsoever, that shows one hell of an increase in support in a very short space of time, especially since the BNP is funded entirely by public donations, unlike the other parties with give themselves free access to the high taxes we are forced to pay.
That means there must be one hell of a lot of people who buy into these conspiracy theories (because they fit the facts). People who are finally looking beyond the rhetoric of the mass media and are thinking for themselves, which lends credence to that old addage that “You may fool some people some of the time, but you will not fool them all of the time”.
While it will most likely not be enough to win the GE, I don’t need to be a mind reader to see that this election is going to yield some nice or nasty suprises, depending on which way you look at it.
This in itself gives me some hope for the future.
Sorry for the error. The BNP website says its manifesto will be released next week, not tomorrow as I previously stated
I was getting a little worried the BNP was going to be the only party that I’ve uploaded policies on the site for that didn’t produce a proper 2010 manifesto.
I bet the BNP are kicking themselves at what’s happening with the Lib Dems support after the TV debates (assuming it equates to votes on May 6th).
Nick Griffin had a similar opportunity during his Question Time invitation and blew it with his holocaust stance and him not knowing why he said what he said! Still don’t understand why if Griffin no longer believes what he said about the holocaust that he didn’t come out straight and say he was wrong and sorry. It leads to the conclusion that he hasn’t really changed his mind.
All recent by-elections has shown no serious support for the BNP.